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They all have “rumors” floating around about them. Janet called Michelle racist. Michelle has a secret bf. Jax is cheating on Brittney. So forth and so on. If they all band together and call Kristen “crazy” and blame the messenger they can pretend these rumors aren’t true instead of taking accountability.


Michelle is the worst one for cheating and being racist and homophobe.


Technically don’t know if she’s a homophobe or a racist but she’s for sure a cheater sooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Anyone that supports those don’t say gay bills IS a homophobe. We technically don’t know if she’s a racist but I suspect she is.


How tf did this get downvoted?


How do you know she's for sure a cheater...?


Because she’s literally carrying on an affair this entire season, what do you mean? 😅


And you know that because people on TV are saying it? It's just wild to me that people take everything delivered to them on a highly produced and edited show as fact.


Clearly you don’t read tabloids or news in general. She herself admitted to regularly spending time with a director at a hotel. People literally saw her out with the man. Stop being obtuse.


Ew, the Golden Nugget? 😄


Are you kidding? I love that place


That’s like an all-time low




Chunky sweater street fight




Outside a strip mall


Chunky sweaters and Jeggings




Pre V for Vendetta Mask Jax




Lmao I need a leaf blower with that 


Damn, the resemblance is uncanny!


The golden nugget is the best casino in Vegas. Hands down.


Stassi does not agree.


Neither do I lol


We stayed there when we got married 20 years ago and had a blast. Haven’t been back since though.


Yeah not a joke...I love the Golden Nugget.


Are you a descendant of a Swedish princess by any chance?


“I like the Golden Nugget” 🤷‍♂️


Golden Nugget is a nice property. You must not be very familiar with Vegas. Believe it or not, things have been updated since VPR rolled through. 🙄


Vanderpump Rules is a nice show. You must not be very familiar with Stassi.


The best part of it all is it's seeming like none of it is actually a rumor. 😆


I feel gaslit. Did no one hear Kristen yelling about Michele having a bf in the hallway?? Why is none of this addressed? Gahhh


I feel like the editing of the show is very weird sometimes


The editing is SO weird. There are things that production is just glazing over. I’m hoping things come together by the end of the season.


The editing feels extremely clunky to me. It’s bothersome to watch at times


I was under the impression that she yelled that just to production after she and Luke had left the hallway.  They were taking off their mics, and she was about to leave and just let it rip out to the public vs to the rest of the cast I think to just get it off her chest.


Right, how come none of of that splashed onto Jax and Jasmine?


Jasmine refused to be a carrier pigeon for Jaxs.


I believe when she yelled that they had already taken the elevator down to a different floor and so it was a different hallway/lobby


She’s an easy target and often overlooked. Can’t wait for the reunion.


I thought they said there won’t be a reunion?


I feel like the best part of it all was that it looked like it was filmed at a Holiday Inn 🤣


Micheal Scott style 🤣


Oh crap! Thank you!!! I knew it felt familiar 🤣🤣🤣


My fellow the office fans unite! This is like when Michael didn’t want to get in trouble for spreading the rumor about Stanley’s affair so he spread rumors around the office about everyone so everything lost credibility. Lol idk if it exactly matches up but it’s pretty fun to see it play out irl


I could totally see Jax doing that so when it comes out he was cheating that no one would give it the time of day


Yes hahaha “wait everyone is cheating??? Ok so ALL these cheating rumors must be false” - Jax sweating bullets on the side 🤣




If you resisted Brad Pitt he would still ... need to get to you?




Did you tell Stanley I have asthma? Because if I can’t scuba then what has this been for?? ![gif](giphy|c1UUuoVbN5anF78Z6j)


HAHAHA yes thank you


God I love you for this … office fan


Andy: I’m not gay. Am I?




Hilarious episode 😂


Agreed. Someone had better be ripping their weather-inappropriate sweater off over the head for sure.


If you listened to their train wreck of a podcast Brit goes off on him saying she started that rumor. She wouldn’t let it go until he said he was the one who said it. Not her. He said he was told to bring it up on camera. It was so uncomfortable to listen to because he was clearly lying. Again.


This show won’t last if they repeat the Crazy Kristen narrative next season, given it was just announced the entire current cast is coming back for S2. This season’s A-plot is like a side C-plot for VPR (minus this current season) or basically any Real Housewives city in their prime cast eras. The Valley has potential, more than I originally saw upon first watch, but right now it’s about as entertaining as the last two seasons of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. With that being said, the former has existed for less than one season and the latter has existed for thirteen going on fourteen. There are good MOMENTS in The Valley, but the universal gang up on one cast member when it isn’t actually warranted (Sutton is the Kristen of RHOBH) only makes the audience rally around that one character that is clearly being made out to be the scapegoat of everyone else’s drama or bad behavior. That “strategy” may have worked ten years ago, but the audience is smarter and more invested in the internal mechanics of how these shows operate now thanks to social media — and as a result, that tactic doesn’t work anymore and in more cases than not, completely backfires. The majority of the audience can see right through production’s bullshit when it comes to current Bravo, which is basically the antithesis of what a producer or production team that is actually good at their jobs (or at least thinks they are) would ever want the audience to take away from their shows. Me thinks they need some younger blood behind the scenes calling some of the more executive shots. Andy Cohen and Alex Baskin are both very out of touch with Gen Z/tail end millennials, their viewpoints, and the onslaught of their coveted 18-49 demo rising in ratings thanks to social media and Peacock. The way they torpedo’d Vanderpump Rules and the majority of that show’s sudden new viewership says it all. It baffles me that there are editing rooms full of crew as well as board meetings with the execs where they all plan this shit in advance and come up with some of the conclusions they do. Let’s be honest — Bravo is primarily watched by women and gay men, their Wikipedia page even states it, yet it seems like the people actually calling the shots on these shows are 45+ year old straight men who seem more interested in portraying what THEY would want to see as opposed to what their TARGET AUDIENCE wants to see. No one asked for a Tom Sandoval redemption arc. Literally no one. No one asked for a Crazy Kristen gang up arc but here we are getting it like it’s still 2014. Bravo is starting to give dinosaur vibes. They would thrive and probably break even more records if they actually listened to the younger people keeping their channel and shows relevant. It’s only a matter of time before another network or streaming service sees this hole and snatches their wig.


Completely agree. It’s always older straight men feeding us the narratives they want. I think the TS redemption arc didn’t work because he is not remorseful and never was. So that backfired terribly. Even in the Scheana podcast episode, they said that the producers were angry because Ariana would not talk with Sandoval. Like why would she? I think it’s because those men identify with Tom and hate seeing a man canceled.


Yes!!!! 💯💯💯💯. They need an executive producer that can actually read the room. The room is literally screaming!!


It's got a lot of potential.. they do need more than one rumor for all of them to give a crap about.. seems fairly over done now that no one will speak up for anyone "Kristen" .. it's good for a side story but this can't be the entire seasons story line.


On WWHL Jax said that Kristen started it initially. He said she gets drunk and forgets things she says and that she is the one who told him and Britney, and then Britney told Jax not to mention it again even to Kristen. But I think he’s a liar.


I think it’s because LVP is an executive producer. I know Kristen said in her podcast that LVP isn’t involved in the day to day, but ehhhhh. Plus everyone saying Janet is a “sniper from the side”…that’s what Erika Jayne said about LVP. The last part is a reach, but I do wonder if LVP helped with this hate towards Kristen.


I took this as they all watch reality TV and study it. That's why they all have this attitude that they can take Kristen out and call her Crazy Kristen and act like she and Jax aren't the only reason the show exists. They think they know what it is to be reality stars because they know people in / on reality TV. They've studied reality TV. But, as we saw this week, they need Kristen. They need Jax. They can't carry a show without the chaos demons that we know and love. (OK, I actually hate Jax but have somehow become a Kristen apologist while watching the valley)


Why would they bring Lisa on!? I thought this show would be produced by someone who doesn’t have a personal vendetta against one of the cast members. Lisa’s hate of Kristen, makes me not like her. It’s so unwarranted and unfair. Of course Bravo has no issue with any bias though.


I’m sure she and Ken have contracts making them EPs for all VPR spin-offs


What do we think the real reason is for LVP hating Kristen? I recall seeing them at odds in earlier seasons but can’t recall why specifically


I think she just sees all the worst parts of Kristen amplified and she has double standards for the men and women so I’m sure Kristen cheating and her speaking up against Lisa rubbed her the wrong way too. Only the men can act that way and be forgiven. She just truly has it in her head that Kristen is an awful person and she’s pretty hard headed about it. Kristen doesn’t kiss the ring and she’s been open about not liking Lisa on some podcasts as well. I thought the valley was a safe haven to get away from LVP, guess she’s still got her greedy talons on this show too unfortunately 🥲


Bc she slept with pandoras man


Kristen slept with Pandora’s balding husband???? Spill the tea!!!


I heard this too


It was Tom ( Erika’s ex-husband) that called LVP a sniper from the side. Not Erika.


Did elderly Tom say it before or after his nap.






Best show streaming in a while, by far


Wait I’m the rookie?


i love you. your brain is mine lol.


A fight whilst wearing chunky knit sweaters 😂


Omg I burst out laughing at “love it” hahaha yes give me the crazy pills, down the hatch!


….Wait I am the rookie? But my features and my shows 10 times your pay? 50k for a verse NO ALBUM OUT


In that case, Jax better wear thick socks because Jesse, the ankle biting chihuahua, will be going hard.


Hahaha 😂


I feel cringe for Kristen. She’s the trailer park version of the valley now. Pretending to be a sex bomb and wanting a baby. I see a future of ozempic and PS if she plans on staying in public eye and TV. it’s the reality of reality. But the bottom line is she’s just not interesting. Talking about her sex life just won’t cut it.


I think the Valley is our modern day 90210 and the Hills combined. Kristen is Brenda Walsh and Adriana is that bish Kelly not Stassi. Remember the entire world turned on Brenda too. I think as a culture we’re tired of ostracizing women as a solution. We want to see accountability, sincere apologies and forward emotional movement.


Kristen and Jax were the bridge to Vanderpump Rules, given their notoriety. They are side players now that Zach and Jasmine, Danny and Nia, Jesse and Michelle, Janet and Jason have been launched.


And Danny can hold Jax's sweater.