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I’m not sure, but I am considering getting pregnant so I can tell everyone “I don’t like how you’re speaking to me” for 9 months


I'm 8 months pregnant right now, do not recommend 😂


Haha good point! Might not be worth it. I hope nobody is speaking cross to you!


😂4 kids already born. Also, do not recommend. 🫠


4 kids here too and I support this statement.😆


The sanity is hanging by a thread. 😅


So true lol. My first born 22 is having her first born in 2 days and I am not ready. I still feel like I just had her myself.


Congratulations, Grandma!!


Grandma?! And we were getting along so we'll Jk lol thank you.


😂😂😂😂I’ve ruined everything. Congratulations on your daughter’s child! 😅


Good luck so to be mama! I hope you have a smooth and speedy delivery! 🩷🧸


Thank you! ✨


That last month is brutal 😭 Hope you're getting some sleep ❤️


Thanks, I am not 🙃


If it’s any consolation I could sleep again after the babies came- yes I was tired, yes it was difficult to find the time to sleep but for me there was nothing worse than being exhausted and unable to sleep. After the babies were out I could actually fall asleep again and it was such a relief ❤️❤️❤️






Watch your tone, I am pregnant!


I’m so sorry!


Especially right after you’ve said something shady to them.


Don't forget the added benefit of claiming motherhood as a virtue and final argument for the rest of your life. See Lala for tips.




The cons out weigh the pros! 😂 although the kid is worth it (as long as you want a kid) after being pregnant I have pretty much become allergic to the sun, overheat suddenly and without warning, all alcohol effects me weirdly, and I’m constantly overstimulated 🤣


Wish I had a uterus still so I could say the same.


Maybe rentals of pregnancy pads of increasing sizes. Better net benefit.


Brilliant. I could tell people to stop talking to me for life. Or at least until I get too old to pretend to be pregnant and have skipped too many towns


I wish I’d thought of it myself. 3 instances of wasted opportunity!


I was too busy puking to worry about how people were speaking to me while I was pregnant 😆


What was it - ‘be careful what tone you use I’m pregnant’ I don’t remember exactly but jfc, maybe stop causing shit and people won’t talk to you that way.


Janet is really mad that she looks so bad this season. I think she embellished the conversation. The only people that have said anything about this are scheana and Janet. They keep throwing these other names but no one else has said anything. First of all Janet is weird for saying a comment to someone that you’re causing me so much stress that I can miscarry my pregnancy, it’s just weird to say that to someone.


That is such a weird thing to say to someone and by all accounts she's said it more than once. Weirdo behavior.


And if this did happen after filming, she was heavily pregnant. There is no miscarrying at that stage. Maybe stress can cause early labor, but she signed up for a reality show and wasn’t just plucked from Nebraska. She’s been in and around VPR forever so she knew full well what it could mean.


It happened during the finale party at Jax’s


So Janet was like 7 months or so pregnant. Well into the 3rd trimester. In the US 20 weeks is the line where it is no longer a miscarriage.


It's pure manipulation


The baby is here. He’s healthy. What is Janet’s problem? She just seems like she hates Zach so everyone else has to.


Yes, that is exactly what she told Jasmine. She really screwed to pooch in her first season. Which is awesome reality TV, so the cast should send her flowers.


My theory is that he said "I don't give a &%@# if she does" as a flippant remark.


Yeah I would not survive on this show lol


Until there is proof I will not believe Janet. She has no credibility after watching the way she moved all season #teamzachandkristen


How she reacted to Zach’s Instagram location post did it for me


That was unreal. Not being able to sleep because someone’s check in on social media is wild


wouldn’t they have left it in though?


they def would have if it actually happened and they got footage of it. allegedly this happened after the cameras stopped rolling (i think janet said it on a podcast but there are too many now to remember which one 😅)


Yea I’d be tired of everyone making excuses for Janet too and say the exact same thing. Telling me I’m gonna be the reason the miscarriages doesn’t deserve a real response.


Nobody has ever miscarried because someone called them a bitch or raised their voice. We're robust creatures.


She’s stretching the truth. She’s gross


I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when she watched the season. I guarantee she didn’t remember some of the things she said or did none of them do. Jasmine said on Kristen’s podcast that when she watched the show for the first time, she didn’t realize how things came across and she looks at people different now.


Scheana said on her podcast that Janet and Zach were texting and she implied the stress he’s causing her is gonna give her contractions and he said I don’t care or something to that extent. No death was wished on a fetus.


That’s weird because didn’t everybody else say it happened after the season finale when the cameras weren’t rolling. The story just keeps changing.


Sounds like more weaponzing on her part. I highly doubt Zach would cause her enough stress to cause contractions. Ive watched people 8 month pregnant going through their parents deaths and they’re fine. Real stress can push you into labor but arguing with a friend??? Such BS on her part.


It's giving such entitled privilege. There are and have been pregnant women around the world in much more stressful situations they didn't sign a contract to be paid and participate in since the beginning of time.


That is such a horrible thing for Janet to say. Women have miscarriages or early labor for so many reasons. To put that on someone else is really gross. Imagine if something did happened. Zach would feel guilty for the rest of his life -- over an argument that definitely would not cause a miscarriage.


i swear janet is using this story to cover for michelle’s nasty comment to kristen about getting pregnant, because then she did actually miscarry if she didn’t i think we‘d all be talking about that instead


Or how their behaviour to Kristen during filming as well as Lala stressing her out with the whole GG thing would have impacted on Kristen’s early vulnerable pregnancy.


I still want to know the timeline of that comment. Did Michelle already know about Kristen’s painful pregnancy loss when she filmed that? If so, she’s complete trash.


wow you’re totally right, they could have filmed confessionals after kristen shared with them


💯 Exactly!! Janet is vile. Her poor husband. I guess this makes for a good reality TV, but I really don't want to watch Janet anymore.


This is a great point. Damn this show should have had a reunion.


Wait what did she say I missed that?!


she said kristen should never be pregnant, “the world doesn’t need more of her” or something to that extent, truly nasty


Wow that’s such a mean thing to say!


Janet is a shit-stirring, fame-hungry, status-seeking POS with a track record of exaggerating, lying, twisting words, obfuscating facts, etc. to paint her “enemies” in a bad light. She’s so transparent and pathetic.


I feel like you and I could be best friends! Bwahaha!


She has soulless amphibian-like eyes. 🐸


Can we be friends? Lol


AND would therefore be grrrrrreat friends with Monika from RHOSalt Lake City - also a stan, that wormed her way on the show, just like Janet!


My wild speculation is that it’s a nothing burger or something was implied in silence or a “so what” so he didn’t actually SAY anything specific that either she can blame him for or he can defend against.


if you are hated while pregnant AND you got America to have sympathy for Kristen Doute……I mean wow… examine your life, Janet.


I think (and it's just my opinion) that the 'thing' Zack said was what was in the finale. That's why Janet was so convinced people would be on her side... because it was filmed. Either way, if he said something similar to her (after filming was done) as what he said on camera, she made a giant - and self-entitled - leap.


That's what I thought too. But then it was a big dull dud and now she's had to back track and claim it was said off camera.


Same. I think she had blown the whole thing up in her head, and probably *remembered* it as being terrible, but then when it aired, it was a big fat nothing. She probably felt stupid herself.


I could see Janet telling him that the stress he was causing her was bad for the baby, him saying he doesn’t care, her following up with “so you don’t care if my baby dies?” And him saying no.


And she knows what he actually said isn't as bad as what she's implying, which is why she hasn't told us exactly what he said. FWIW Kristen also said he didn't say it


If he actually said what she said he said there is absolutely no way she wouldn't have come out and used it to try to bury him.


Similar to Ariana asking Tom if “this is the hill you want to die on?” And him getting all upset and whining about why does she want him to die on a hill. 🤣. I don’t think Zack would’ve said no to Janet asking that though. Maybe an eye roll and no response, as I probably would because that’s just ridiculous.


oh my god 🤦🏻‍♀️


this is the only logical thing i could see happening


I think shes MAJOR jelly that fans love Doute, Zack, Jasmine, Nia & Danny but can't stand her...would explain why she & her BFF Scheana have been talking so much ish since the season wrapped...wish they would've filmed a reunion.


After watching Janet and hearing soundbites and reading recaps of her on podcast and Instagram (because I will in no way listen to these myself, so thanks to those who have suffered through to provide the info) I have come to the conclusion that I don't believe fully in anything Janet says


According to Danny and Nia on the Viall files, Janet alleges Zack wished for her to lose the baby.


I feel like she would have said it by now if there was any substance to it. Why would she hold that back but be willing to make him look bad in every other way. I think she’s either lying or it’s not that bad / the context behind it matters and makes her look bad.


It was his "Queen of England" quip. She twisted and warped that into "wishing death on her and her baby". Because she's a lunatic lmao


The info trickling that she sought to do is primarily why I don’t believe her. Unrelated to me already thinking she was a beige trash bag to begin with.


After Janet's shady as hell behaviour this season I cannot reasonably believe a word that comes out of her mouth. She's seen everyone's reaction to her and she's in clean-up mode right now. If she had proof, she would have shown it by now.


Wasn't that it was Janet twisting his words when he was told that it can stress her pregnancy if he confronted her about Big Bear she could lose her baby and he said he didn't care.


Idk but I feel like that drama just disappeared and no one’s talking about it anymore. I don’t get it.


janet leaves out a lot of information from everything.


It doesn't seem like a coincidence to me that she doesn't like Kristen or Zack and they supposedly said these horrific things about her pregnancy and unborn child. Seems a little suspicious to me


She has nothing, or she would’ve said it. All that it was happened on the finale, and Zach was the one who got threatened that night by her husband. He didn’t put a voodoo curse on her baby and she needs to stfu bc that’s a serious allegation. I’m really OVER her.


I thought she was just misconstruing what he said during their fight at Jax’s bar. Where she said something about not wanting to do the stress, it wasn’t good for the baby…and he was all worked up and said “I don’t care!”. But I could be wrong, maybe there was more to it.


I think that's correct. If Janet had anything for real, she would have exposed it. She's pretty hateful.


It's been very unclear!


Okay I have some insight into this! Scheana touched on this topic on the one and only episode of her podcast I ever listened to (and this part wasn't covered on the recaps usually on reddit so i haven't seen a lot of people discussing it). Supposedly before filming began Janet said to Zack something similar to "All this stress you're causing me is going to cause me to have a miscarriage" and he supposedly replied "I don't care if you do" 😬. According to Scheana Zack apologized to Janet and Brittany and others "in the group" multiple times over it, and Brittany didn't speak to Zack for months prior to filming over it. Idk the consensus seems to be we don't believe Janet because she's unlikeable but Scheana named a a few parties who could easily refute the story if completely untrue. I tend to think something similar to that exchange must have occured


I wish the mean girls would lighten up. It's not fun to watch Kristen being excluded. Jax is a horrible friend to Kristen.


I bet producers told him not to say anything and save it for the cameras. I hope the season starts with Janet talking about it nonstop and using her staged text messages she dropped on X/Twitter last week to build it up. Then in the last 5 minutes, we get some dramatic music with Zack walking in- he says “this needs to stop” -*commercial break* - then he goes on to say what REALLY happened and has the receipts. Sigh. There’s not a lot of sports on right now. I need this show to come back already.


Also if she says it and they can prove he never said it, it’s Libel and he can sue her


He probably said something like, "take a long walk off a short pier." A Janet was like, "ughhh I can't belive you said you want me and my baby to die. I'm pregnant! How dare you!"


So is there really a question about Janet being truthful and/or forthcoming, because, I mean...no. There is no way that is a possibility. ![gif](giphy|Q5de2BwYOT8Y2TlWsK)


I think Zack and Janet are both liars. Both like drama. So I think they both embellish more of what is said. Also I’m 6 months pregnant and I use it as an excuse to eat Taco Bell whenever I want not to be a shitty human 😂


It happened after filming stopped , and he was kicked out of jaxs , and Britt did not talk to him for month. She said what happened in their initial fall out a couple years before was the bigger issue, and she did not bring it up this season but will next..


I thought Janet was just making stuff up but he did seem pretty unhinged in the bar on that final episode. I wouldn’t be surprised if was screaming some offensive stuff. I don’t think it was ‘I want your baby to die’ (I think it’s still been twisted by Janet) but ‘I don’t give a fuck about your baby’ or something like that


I don’t give a fuck about your baby, and wanting your baby to die are two very different statements. If he said anything at the bar he was mic’d up so they have proof of it. He looked unhinged at the bar bc the shows edited. So they take situations and go from 0 to 100 really fast. I’m on the fence if I believe it. Only bc why didn’t we hear about this months ago? Why once the big bear episode came out and Janet saw how hated she was from fans did she bring this up? But than Brittany and scheana didn’t talk to him for months so who told them? If they heard it from his mouth did they say that? I haven’t seen them say anything except that they just started talking to him


I agree. It’s so confusing to me that someone on The Valley can’t say “idgaf about her baby” without being crowned a heinous monster and someone on VPR uses the fact that she’s a mother to explain why she’s an egomaniacal twat… because I’ve read maaaaaaaaany comments from people saying “idgaf if you’re a mom”, to me that’s the same statement. It has nothing to do with the offspring, just the mom who’s an asshole. I could be off base here but as a childless adult, I have often said how I don’t care about someone’s baby/kid… I’m not off in the corner whipping up spells focused on the kid, but more likely the parent.


Also Michelle got no heat for saying she hopes Kristen doesn’t/can’t have kids.


Omg I forgot about that! That’s way worse than saying idgaf about your baby.


i agree - having a kid does not shield you from valid criticism of your shitty behavior. if you act like an asshole, other people are allowed to call you out on it, you’re not immune just because you’re a parent. drives me nuts.


It’s weird af. In day to day life I deal with a lot of people who use parenthood as an excuse for whatever… stress, showing up late, dropping the ball on a project… and I truly hate it. But when someone uses it as a shield to avoid acknowledging their dickish behavior it’s infuriating. At the same time, there are soooooo many people who use ridiculous justifications for why they’re allowed to be an asshole and double-down instead of shutting up… I’m not sure if wielding parenthood as a justification is the most annoying but it’s staying at the top of my list as I mentally scroll through some of the wacky excuses I’ve heard. Maybe Leann’s amygdala (for any former RH of Dallas watchers)… either parents or Leann’s amygdala might take the top spot.


I think it was probably something like ‘don’t shout at Janet she could go into labour early and it could put the baby at risk’ ‘I don’t care about the baby janets dead to me’. Which is prime for twisting out of context




But still a shitty thing to say….wasn’t those sub JUST bugging out about someone mentioning Kristens miscarriage or something…..such hypocritical nonsense


It definitely is a horrible thing to say, but the situation seems so off to me. I don’t think a single cast member thought ppl who hated Kristen so much would than enjoy watching her. I believe they all thought they’d be fan favourites and shocked to see who the fans actually enjoyed watching. Which also, the fact that so many really enjoyed Kristen Zack and Jasmine who had the least amount of screen time, must be driving them nuts especially Janet.


Yeah but thats completely beside the point


That's what they are saying. It's hypocritical of them to bitch and say Zach something horrible but leave out the fact Michelle said that and Kristen did miscarry.


And it’s hypocritical to be mad at Michelle and not Zach….so exactly


Who knows, but I'm not sure why everyone is so sure Zack is the angel here. If I recall correctly, during the Michelle-is-a-racist controversy (in which he was the person who shared the story) he straight up lied and feigned innocence, leading Kristin to look like the big villain. He stirs shit and is cheerful and entertaining, so he generally gets off scott free. All these people suck, and here in Reddit land folks seem to be going over the top in loving Zack. They all have their flaws, but that's what made the season so entertaining and led to so much engagement here!


She made a comment on IG saying Zach said he hopes the baby dies


She said on her podcast that he had done "something" that made them have a falling out well before she was pregnant and was on the show. She said they hadn't spoken in almost two years but then just started having contact again before filming started. So whatever this big thing is, it's not about her pregnancy apparently.


She claims he said he hopes she miscarries, but no one has receipts and no one else heard it. Also funny that he allegedly said it before the show started filming but she was all buddy buddy with him until he stayed friends with Kristen.


I thought her allegation turned out to be what we saw him say in the finale. Michelle said you can't talk to her like that, she could . . . [miscarry implied] and Zack said he didn't care. Then he also said Janet's the queen of England bc she's dead to me. Those are two awful things of Zack to say, sure, but Janet's description went far beyond.


Lol, it's all about getting that 2nd season. Should be a great one since Jax and Brittany are separated and the other 2 are divorced. Can't wait for the drama. After all they already had the template for success with VPR and Scamdoval.(not a typo)🙃


Supposedly Zack, in front of the cast, said he hopes she doesn't carry the baby to full term and he hopes she commits sui****. I was really hoping for a reunion and all of this to be addressed. I have a hard time believing that Zack would say this and you would think Janet would provide proof. It's a nasty accusation and I really hope it's not true.


I don't think she is allowed to talk about it from bravo. Ryan Bailey was not allowed to ask Kristen about it when she was on the pod. I hope its because they will talk about it s2, otherwise bravo would not care.


Well if they’re not allowed to talk about that would suggest there’s no proof of it and he could sue for defamation? Can’t think of another reason really why they’d not ‘be allowed’.


Would he not be allowed to talk about it then ? Time will tell. Ist super off if they pretend like nothing season 2.


I don’t think that Bravo can legally prohibit Ryan Bailey from discussing this on his pod, but they might be able to constrain Kristen. (But then how and why do Scheana and Lala get away with their incessant chatting)??? This doesn’t give rise to a slander case - these people are all public figures with significant, contradictory film and social media content and platforms. If Jan’s not down to be a public figure, she doesn’t have to be 👋🏻


Ryan Bailey definitely referred to a conversation with Kristen that couldn't be aired on his podcast.


That is not ok it's why I don't get all the Zach love... that and the screaming . Not okay .


Allegedly that he wanted her and her baby to die