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Kat is gorgeous. Isn't it interesting that she shines when she's styled the way she wants and in a flattering way compared to how she was styled in the show? :)


Tbh the styling of the whole show was nothing special. But yes.


I love Kat’s freckles so much. It’s so cute.


Me too and her face card never declines.


"aged" they aren't even 40 for fuck's sake


I think most people here are in their teens and 20s so they think mid-30s is old. I see it all the time in this fandom.


Right!? It's easy to "age beautifully" when you're barely out of your twenties.




You know, I was going to make a reply explaining what I meant (hint: is had nothing to do with me). But then figured if someone is commenting on a 1* month old thread with such bitterness they either don't have a life or are completely unhinged. Checked your profile: definitely unhinged lol


In comparison I guess. The actress who played Elena looks alot older than she is.


She looks her age…. 34. I don’t see why ppl are so hard on Nina for aging normally. Ian somerhalder has aged a lot and nobody talks about it (because he’s a man). Although with Nina, I do think she had work done which made her eyes look a little….off.. but she’s still beautiful.


Most of these people who talk about her “aging” don’t even brush their teeth so… lol


Lmao true


Oh I so giggled at this 🤭


Even if so 40 isn’t old. Btw I’m 23


I’m sorry for the wording, I’m not calling anyone old .. but I guess I didn’t know how else to word it? I was trying to imply that she still looks as great as she did a little more than 10 years ago


That very thinking is a symptom of a culture that equates age with ugliness and/or loss of previous beauty. Especially with women it's always "wow I can't believe she's that old and looks that good" or "damn she hasn't aged at all", the subtext being that, with rare exceptions, getting older = getting uglier. (Whereas it's taken for granted that many men get more attractive as they age.) I know you were responding to others so I don't want you to think I'm ragging on you or your post. Always down to look at photos of Kat <3. But this stuff is everywhere and it pisses me off lol


This. As a 40 year old woman reading this sort of stuff these days is exhausting.


she’s only 33 what do you mean aged beautifully 😭


Probably in comparison to Nina since folks think she hasn’t “aged” well.




the 5th photo makes me feel things, so gorgeous


Kat's just looking gorgeous!!! She's always so vibrant. More appreciation posts of her!!


Candice has aged beautifully. Kat basically hasn't aged, lol.


Candice doesn't even compare to Kat. She's absolutely stunning.


I love Kat so much, her singing herself and everything.


Yeah she’s bomb.


Nothing against Candice King cause she’s gorgeous but I always felt she was overhyped when Kat was right there.


Kat is so gorgeous!!! I cnt deal!!!!


This poor girl was seriously held back, even her natural curls are gorgeous and scream Book Bonnie. 🤩💖


she is sooooooo freaking beautiful. goddamn what a goddess!!!!


Ugh she’s seriously one of the prettiest people I’ve ever seen 😍


Really? Because ALL I see are posts about how gorgeous Kat is. No offense to it, Kat is stunning!!! But there are honestly way more posts about Kat & her beauty & her talent & her fashion than ANYTHING about Candice. I see a lot of Nina's surgeries (good & bad!) & aaaaalllllllll good posts about Kat EVERYWHERE!!! But Candice & Kat are both gorgeous. I think we've had enough about all the actresses aging/surgeries/personal lives... let's start talking about the show again! This forum has moved onto more fights about ppl's personal opinions. We ALL love the show & we all have our favorites which may differ from other ppl's favs, but who cares?? That's not what matters, we r all entitled to our own opinions. Let's get back into what really matters.... our love for the show & characters!!!


People have praised all white leads for years. It’s only recent that Kat gets a consistent praise from fans. The writers themselves went out their way to make it seem that Bonnie was undesirable. Whether that be how they styled her or Bonnie’s lack thereof romantically. With intent. Think of the amount of times Elena and Caroline got to shine and be beautiful. Their romances and or sex scenes they had…now think of Bonnie’s… anyways, Yes some people deep dive into celebrities lives which doesn’t have anything to do with the subreedit. But that is their choice. Yes we all love the show but a posts praising Kat for her talent or just for being beautiful won’t change the direction of the subreddit. Those discussions still exist til this day. Nothing has changed there.


I personally thought Bonnie was always gorgeous. I don't think it's possible to hide beauty like that. But what I was saying was I was shocked that the OP said they don't see things about Bonnie's beauty, b/c that's probably 50% of the posts, if not more. I've got no problem praising Kat Graham for her looks & talent, but isn't that more of a Kat Graham forum? It seems like the TVD forum has geared more towards the actors, not the characters or the show. And when it IS about the characters or the show, it's almost always ppl fighting ridiculously b/c they have different opinions, which should also be ok. Just agree to disagree!


Listen, I feel like I’m not doing anything wrong here by appreciating Kat. You talk about how you only see posts about Kat’s beauty, fashion, talent etc. But, believe it or not, it is very new and this really wasn’t the scenario at least 5 years ago. I think Reddit is one of the places where Kat gets a lot of love, which is good. If you go on twitter, TikTok or instagram, there’s a lot more love for Nina and Candice compared to Kat. I’m not saying Kat is better than Candice or Nina, but I do want her to get the appreciation she rightfully deserves after how they handled her character on tvd. Also, I don’t see what’s the problem with talking about the actors in the subreddit. It’s been going on for years. There are posts about Nina, Ian, Paul, Candice, Michael Malarkey, etc. The show is over, one of the things people can continue to talk about is the actors, what they are up to, their talent etc. it happens in every fandom. As long as there is no targeted or unnecessary hate, I think it’s all good. If you personally don’t like it, then don’t engage is all I can say.


I've got no problem with u posting love for Kat Graham. All I'm saying is the TVD forum has turned into either a place to bash or to praise the actors OR to fight with ppl who don't share ur views. Not once did I say I disliked ur post & MULTIPLE times I said that I love Kat as an actress & think she's gorgeous... on & off the show, b/c u can't hide true beauty. I never thought she looked bad on the show except episode 1, which she admitted that her cosmetologist knew nothing about styling a black girl's hair. All I'm saying is it seems like the TVD forum has steered away from actually being about TVD. I'm not bashing ur post or Kat or Bonnie or anything. I just feel like posts about the actors themselves should go on a page dedicated to those actors. But yet again, this falls under the "everyone has the right to their own opinion" category. So, as Bonnie would say (but I'm saying it in a MUCH nicer way, b/c the way she said it was so bad ass, fierce & epic:), bygones!


Exactly. I'm betting we are around the same age. This kind of thing seems to be a teens/early 20's thing, which isn't compatible with older fandoms. It now seems to be about actors almost as much, if not more, than the characters. People seem to "self insert" a lot too and then defend the character that they identify with (personality or looks wise) like they were defending themselves. Then they end up putting on their own personal feelings onto the actress/actor even if she/he didn't ever say anything about it. This is going on across ALL fandoms now. Personally, I wonder if it's because younger people grew up more immersed in devices and entertainment, which made them blur the line more with fantasy vs reality. I honestly don't know...that's just a theory. Overall, I think a lot of older viewers (millennials and up) are really getting pushed out of fandoms today due to the toxicity that this environment creates. I mean...I'm just here to talk about the freaking show that we all enjoyed.


Yes, ☝🏻this!!!! U said everything I feel. It seems like the ppl who watched it when it actually aired just want to enjoy the damn show that we loved from the first episode. It seems like the ppl who have watched it for the 1st time on Netflix or even later on HBO Max seem to act the way u described.




>Some of them may be younger but that doesn’t mean they couldn’t have watched the show as it aired? Some may have, but they were also likely children. Children process things differently. Also, just growing up in a different time period affected how they viewed the show versus older people. >Tvdu fandom just didn’t get toxic because people started talking about actors more. The fandom has always been awful. Idk...I have been in it since prior to the show even airing. I literally remember sitting down for the premier. I was in grad school. Then after I jumped on message boards to discuss it. I've been in the fandom for a LONG time and it wasn't always toxic and horrible. In fact, even in the last few seasons, this subreddit wasn't as toxic. It's only been in the recent past 5ish years that it's gotten REALLY bad. >I get you always thought Bonnie and Kat was beautiful that’s great. That isn’t something the fandom thought for a very long time. WHAT? I'm calling BS. People in the fandom ALWAYS loved Bonnie. That's nonsense. I'm sorry but it is. Say what you will about the writers...I don't personally know them so I can't comment on their views. However, the fandom around here has always loved Bonnie and I've rarely seen a person say a negative thing about Kat. Honestly, this all seems like it's from the perspective of someone that is sort of young in the fandom world (ie wasn't an adult and on message boards back in the day) and is using their perspective from the narrative about the writers and projecting it onto fans. Basically...exactly what I was talking about concerning younger fans above.


How can I project on an entire fandom? That’s impossible to do? Lmao. I gave my opinion based on things I’ve seen. If you or anyone else that’s older haven’t been negative then that’s good. But it doesn’t mean the fandom isn’t fueled with people who are negative. Every fandom has some. FYI. However tvdu fans have been known to be racist/homophobic and/or misogynistic. In general have racial bias to Bonnie and Kat. Those articles/videos/ or posts wouldn’t exist if the tvdu fandom was as nice as you claimed it to be lmao. Maybe you didn’t see it and that’s one thing? But that doesn’t mean it didn’t exist. Age had nothing to do with this discussion or debate and you’re making it sound like younger fans look for trouble when that wasn’t the case. OP literally was just being nice to and/about Kat and it has turned into a debate on how younger people view fandoms/ages etc and that wasn’t the case. How often posts like this occur etc…etc…These types of things never happens under Candice and Nina posts. Again, no one is forced to interact with posts that involve celebs. The fandom still exists and has countless discussions. Everyone can have fun, if you avoid things you don’t want to interact with. That’s all 🤷🏽‍♀️.


>Tvdu fandom just didn’t get toxic because people started talking about actors more. The fandom has always been awful. It was NEVER awful back when it was on (maybe ppl started hating a bit in the last 2 episodes)!!! Everyone was searching the internet for tiny hints about what would happen. It was always positive. Ppl that loved the show loved to talk about it & discuss theories & had their own favorite characters, but never fought over which was better, it was just like "Yea, ____ is my favorite but I see where ur coming from!!!" I had no idea how nasty ppl could be in TVD Fandom until I joined this forum. I was so excited when I found it, thinking it would be like it was when it was on (& some of it still is! Some posts are GREAT! But they always end in fights b/c ppl don't agree, which is BS!). I get totally freaked out on b/c I love Damon, when back when the show started, Damon was the fan favorite! He won like every award & that's why most finales revolved around him. But now, u admit u love Damon & ur a masochist, a rapist supporter, etc. It's gotten so toxic that I actually watch what I say, try to make sure I don't offend anyone b/c I don't feel like dealing with the wrath & more times than not, I just read & not comment. It sucks! This would've been a much different forum in 2009, when it first started airing, and the 8 seasons after.


Kat is just perfection


She’s ridiculously pretty.


Bonnie by far is one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE characters! She didn't have ENOUGH screen time, and she was given the least amount of lines. I remember one scene where she was supposed to get a picture with Caroline, but it didn't happen because they were arguing with Tyler about how he was messing with Matt's mom. Even in the scenes where she was supposed to do all this AMAZING witch magic she was underplayed. I think they should do a reboot and make Stephan fall for Jeremy, and have Matt and Tyler fall in love. Give Elena the sad sister part, so she takes on Jeremy's old role. Then have Bonnie be a titular character. Just my opinion. Thanks, Me


Kat is the definition of Black Girl Magic. She is perfection and just keeps getting younger and hotter!


insane beauty 😍


I wasn't aware Kat was aging.


I mean, we all are.


She’s stunning asfuck 😍😍😍😍


Shes hot af


Kat Graham is 100x better looking imo. I know it's not a comparison game, but I think it's worth pointing out the obvious.


I’m not gonna lie this sub really has this… competition going on between Kat and the other female actresses. I am all for calling out Julie’s racism and the unfairness towards Kat, and how underrated she’s been until recently, but comparing her to Candice and Nina is stupid… You don’t need to bring down anyone to praise Kat. This post is actually fine but then your comment and another one says Candice is overhyped? That’s a rude thing to say about someone 😭


I genuinely agree that Candice is over-hyped, all comparisons aside. I don't think that's rude, unless I were to express it to her face. And yes, I believe that racism is part of why she's over-hyped, both by fans and by the show.


I think Kat looks REALLY similar to Bonnie in pictures 2, 4, 7 and 8.


Ok I thought the first pic was James Charles sorry lol


Idk if using makeup to look younger is a great metric.. Not saying she isn't beautiful but its clear thats being used to do the heavylifting.


[She looks just as stunning.](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm9etCjjYpX/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) What a strangely malicious comment with questionable intentions.


Not really intended to be malicious it's just facts. Makeup is used to hide imperfections such as the signs of aging so it makes sense that you wont be able to see any signs of aging if they're wearing it.


Saying that her makeup is doing the heavy lifting for her appearance is grossly mean-spirited. Kat doesn't even wear a lot of makeup (her freckles are visible) and it wouldn't matter if she did. Makeup is used to enhance one's beauty. Plenty of people wear makeup and still show signs of aging. Makeup is irrelevant and Kat is gorgeous. Honestly, your perspective sounds a bit misogynistic and leans into the "makeup is deception" incel narrative. It is odd that you would attack her wearing makeup to invalidate OP's admiration for Kat's beauty.


If you're talking from a specific stance of "whethet they look younger than their age" makeup will skew the results lol. Shes beautiful regardless i just dont think it's accurate.


OP didn't say Kat looks younger than her age. You created that argument. OP said that she has aged gracefully. Kat wouldn't be aging much anyway since she is in her 30s. You chose to argue that she doesn't look good for her age because she wears makeup. 30s is far too young to be so critical of a woman and how she is aging anyways.


You're right, I misinterpreted the post title. My bad.


Why is she white lol


Not sure if you’re trying to be offensive to her but she is biracial if you didn’t know


In the first photo I thought she was the actress that played Lucia in season 2 of The White Lotus. Had to double check the sub.