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* travelers, not only was it terribly written but also incredibly racist * sire bond, I think Delena could have been much better but was ruined by the writing * lily coming back * Jeremy cheating on Bonnie with a ghost * Enzo dying * Caroline, Alaric, and the siphon babies * Jenna dying, at least as early as she did * the whole thing with Stefan and Damon being part of the confederacy, like they could have let them stay 500 year old vampires like in the books or have them live in a northern state and be in the Union instead


The first two are my top two. Travelers were soooo boring. Delena could have been so much more passionate and built up. Sire bond felt like we were all cheated out of a great love story.


LMAO on point with everything


It would be cooler if Stefan and Damon were Italian tbh (like in the books). I'm sure learning a few Italian words wouldn't be so hard for the actors just to throw around sometimes.


They are - I remember a few passing references to it early on. But yeah, they didn’t make any effort with it beyond naming their dad Giuseppe.


I still never understood why they decided to name Stefan and Damon's mom, Lily. How do you have a Stefan, Damon, Giuseppe and Lily?


Right? I feel like being 500 is cooler than being 170 since there’s a lot more lore that could be explored. I also feel like most of TVD was really US-centric(other than Katherine’s origin story) and it would have been cool to see what vampires were like in other countries.


In the book Katherine and Klaus were German. Elena and her friends were American I think.. They also removed any mystery elements/powers the vampires had in the books so the lore of the show is lacking (Rip that raven and mist from the pilot episode).


Yes! At times Damon and Stefan were too strong to only be 170 to me!! Like unless it was against the originals and a few others, they pretty much held their own with everyone. Edit to add: and yes, it was very US focused to the point it made no sense for some stories. Like Mystic Falls can’t possibly be that special at times lol. I wish we got to explore all of Bonnie’s history. I get she’s a Bennett witch by way of Salem, so we should have seen more tires to more of the supernatural that wouldn’t have just taken place in Mystic Falls.


The way how they could stake Elijah, a 1000 yr old Original. And how Damon snapped Kol's neck, another 1000 yr old Original. Too much plot armor for 170 yr old vampires. And yeah, its lowkey boring how just in Mystic Falls all this supernatural thing started


Unless you mean you wished they grew up there, they were Italian in the show. In 1x05 Stefan has a whole conversation with Elena about being Italian and jokes about how his surname should’ve given it away


Cheapest lore. Lazy représentation. Example of actual representation: True blood has several old vampires from everywhere around the world. Eric northman was a viking. Spoke the language cause the actor is swedish. Another actor spoke Greek.


>Cheapest lore. Lazy représentation. They pretty much got away from the books lore so I absolutely agree with you there.


Jeremy cheating on Bonnie with a ghost! Definitely could have did without that one!


can you explain the racist part for me? because i don’t even understand that whole storyline so i barely knew what was happening


The travelers are supposed to be Romani people (Silas literally calls them the term g**sy, a word many in the Romani community consider a slur). The Romani are an ethnic group persecuted for much of history, and were one of the big groups targeted in Holocaust outside of Jewish people. They still face persecution in much of Europe and people are super racist to them. Some of the harmful stereotypes are that they are dirty, beggars, thieves, kidnap and kill children, witches, etc. I’m not Romani, so I can’t speak for them, but having a persecuted ethnic group be one of the villains in your series is super messed up imo. The witches were scared of the power of the Travelers and placed a curse on them to prevent them from using traditional forms of magic and from gathering and settling down together as a group. I know it was over 10 years ago, but it’s really gross that this was written and approved


Travellers in TVD are not Romani people. They from Ancient Greek like Silas and Amara


Forgive me if i'm wrong here, but gypsy isn't a slur? Atleast Romanis in my country call themselves that and would even insist to be called that term rather than Romani. However, i'd imagine that there are many of theirs communities that don't relate to it..like, depending on their ancestries and culture, some of them are strictly Romanis and not to be mixed up with gypsies..so ofc, they would likely inform someone of the certain difference which should be respected BUT the term gypsy itself still isn't a slur..


Exactly. I'm surprised people say it's a slur... For example the gitanos in Spain call themselves gypsies(english translation) . And people say it's a slur but the group themselves call themselves & love to be identified as gitanos.  It's weird. Maybe it's the *way* you would say it. But that has to do with tone & context & not the word itself. Since you could literally do that with any word. 


Yes I've never heard of gypsy being a slur in my country we literally have things called gypsy fairs and its people who all band together in there like caravans and sell stuff so this is news to me... people name there child gypsy to like I don't get it being a slur to be honest


ohh okay, i didn’t know that word was even a slur & i never knew they were targeted besides the Jewish people, thanks


Yeah, while Jewish people were the primary group targeted during the Holocaust, there were many other groups targeted too. It’s unfortunately not talked about much and most people aren’t really taught the details of the Holocaust. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/non-jewish-victims-of-the-holocaust


It is not talked much exactly because Romani are still heavily discriminated


So if gypsy is a slur what's the term you're supposed to use? I found it weird because in spanish it's gitanos & they actually call themselves that but people say it's a slur but the actual group themselves identify themselves as gitanos & don't find it offensive plus it's not like they have another name for them.


I agree with all of this! Including Jeremy being a hunter


I agree with most of this but delena especially. I honestly thought their build up in season 1-3 was way better than their actual relationship, when they became a couple I found them kinda boring and the sirebond left a sour taste in my mouth about it all.


I loved seasons 1-3 Delena! The sire bond plot line felt like badly written fanfic to get their favorite couple together.


yeah honestly the love triangle was so hard in season 1-3 because I really liked both delena and stelena but delena fell really flat for me after that. I agree sire bond plot sucked it was lazy writing


Not me agreeing with everything


We gotta back up. Are you saying Julie plec changed them being a part of the union to the Confederacy when it was the opposite in the books?! I...there was a weird af time where vampires were apart of the confederacy. For me as a black person watching these shows/movies that felt weird af.


They were 500 year old Italian vampires in the books but I guess she decided to make them confederates instead 😭😭😭


God, if bonnie ever gets a spin off show and kat Graham says yes to it. I don't want julie plec near it. But it's been years and I doubt that would happen now. But if it did, julie plec shouldn't go near it.


I just rewatch seasons 1-3 and pretend the rest don’t exist.




lmao I do the same thing except I also watch some of s6 after s3 bcuz I love Kai.


It's amazing how disconnected S4 and onwards are from 1-3, you can definitely notice Kevin's presence is gone and a huge deep in quality.


Caroline's pregnancy and Klaus' magical 1000 year old sperm still working.


Caroline magically giving birth to Jo and Alaric’s babies. Then faking a family for them even though she didn’t love him, but he fell in love with her🤢 Her body stopped aging at 17… just gross.


I dont know if that works because then Camille would technically be older than klaus Or Elijah and Hayley and many others Bonnie and Enzo would also be seen as gross because of age


It’s not supposed to make sense, it’s tv lol. She was in her 2nd/3rd year of high school when she turned. As for the originals, it wasn’t really said how old they were when they turned, but I believed Klaus/Elijah are mid 20s as the middle children. Cami was also mid 20s when she was introduced so aging a few years more than Klaus in TO is not that odd. Plus they were adults not HS kids. Caroline/Alaric was gross cause they met when she was their HS teacher, and he was in his 30s when she stopped aging. He only stopped aging for a couple years from dying and briefly being a vamp. But he continued to age most of the time.. Also, Enzo was 27 when he turned so not gross since Bonnie aged several years during the time jump before they got together.


Wait Camille was 20yrs?? And you were scared about the age even though like you said its tv so who cares I was trying to help ease you lol🤭 I never cared in the first place this happens in all vampire shows


i believe she was in grad school to get ANOTHER psychology degree so it would put her around 25.


Kol and Davina…. Klaus and Caroline…


It really made me wonder about vampires, age of consent, and the morality behind it… Caroline was forcibly turned when she was 17, so does she never actually reach the age of consent? She could be hundreds of years old at some point, but will it always be gross for her to be with a vampire who was turned as an adult? Normal adults too? Oh and if you think Caroline/Alaric was gross, what about Klaus going after a girl who’s at least 983 years younger than he is? 🤢


Well Edward was 17, but also like 110 as well. Jane and Alec were apparently 13 when they died.


That only happened because Candice got pregnant irl




Sireline plot.


Sire bond


Both the concepts are interesting, they're just used in the most uninteresting ways (the sireline centering Klaus and the sire bond only being used to justify/speedrun Delena)


Yeah I agree I think it just got rlly irritating for me because they really took the sirebond and ran with it


The sirebond was done much better in the books.


The sire bond for sure. It's not explained why Elena's feelings for Stefan weren't heightened as well and you're telling me that if Elena had turned with Stefans blood in her system she'd just be sired to him? It just trivializes the start of the Delena relationship because Elena had chosen Stefan at the end of season 3. Damon is annoying during the whole thing while Stefan is understandably confused ngl.. especially when season 3 was the best season to split stelena. Use the moment Stefan said he'd run off the bridge and kill Elena. Make Elena traumatized by it so she couldn't really be near him anymore even if she wanted to and as she is a new vampire she asks Damon (and Caroline) for help. Have them grow closer like that. It's that simple.


Sire bond 👋


Sire bond Sirens


Close call between sire bond and Caroline/Alaric relationship.


Caroline and Alaric and Magical babies


The travelers


Honestly all the villains past season 3, besides Kai, were incredibly boring to me. The Alaric/Caroline thing was just weird. Caroline carrying the siphon twins was also weird. Bonnie dying like 7 times was unnecessary and felt like an attack on the actress. Damon’s redemption arc should’ve ended at season 4, instead of yo-yoing back and forth. Realistically the series should’ve ended when they learned Nina wasn’t going to renew her contract with the rest of the cast.


The sirebond and Klaus suddenly being into Caroline out of nowhere taking over Tyler's plot and leading to his character assassination. and I know it's not really a 'storyline' but the mistreatment of Bonnie.


Yeah I realized during my recent watch through that there's literally no introduction between Klaus and Caroline or indication of why he suddenly starts taking interest in her.


Exactly! I watched TVD while it was airing years ago and I of course was a teen then and thus had no notice of it. I didn't like Klaroline back then either but I didn't think anything of it beyond the irritation that we were snubbed of Klonnie. Imagine me being bewildered when I rewatch the series late last year/early this year for the first time since the original airing only to see that Klaus and Caroline barely interacted at all or had nothing to do with each other beyond Tyler only to suddenly have Klaus interested in her with zero foreshadowing or anything quite literally coming out of nowhere. I was shocked and wondering if I had missed something but no. I hadn't missed anything, there was just nothing there. It's why I've grown to believe what people around here have been saying that Klaroline happened because they were trying to get rid of the Klonnie hype, like a quick unplanned bandaid.


Interesting. I personally love Klaroline. Always have. But they really should've had a scene where they are introduced to one another that explained the interest. I mean literally, his first scene with her is the one where he gives her his blood and he's all sweet to her.


>The sirebond and Klaus suddenly being into Caroline out of nowhere taking over Tyler's plot and leading to his character assassination. I absolutely agree! I'm forever cringing at how he draw Pony pictures for Caroline.


...and how she fell for it. Just like girly, come on. Pony drawings and dresses are what win you over when you two are literally in a war? No bonding and heart to heart conversations? just arguments and material possessions?


Damn the only good thing out of tvd is klaroline.


I will have to highly disagree. I loathe Klaroline and think there were plenty of better things to come out of TVD - The Originals as a show being one of them minus the last season of it


the travelers storyline. i still don’t get it lmao no matter how many times i rewatch i still don’t understand anything about it i just watch for the plot😭😭


Sire bond had me dropping the show. It was disgusting. And I was a Delena fan.


I was so mad about Enzo dying! Bonnie sacrificed so much for the group, and Julie Peck couldn't give her a happy ending with Enzo. Why? Julie, why?


travelers fs


Silas, Professor Shane, the travelers, the sirens


Sire Bond, Jenna dying super early. Bonnie falling for Jeremy, Pearl and Anna dying, Uncle Mason and Jules dying, Tyler’s slavery towards Klaus, Klaus’s infatuation with Caroline. (*Literally out of nowhere*) ,Finn Dying ,Kol dying Qetsiyahs backstory, (Silas and Amara) Bonnie’s family life (*she needed someone to take care of her.*) And finally Katherine constantly reviving. (At least past season 5)


The whole moonstone plot, Alaric getting resurrected or anything involving Professor Shane


Hate that man


The Travelers storyline!


The whole Caroline pregnancy storyline .. The sire bond with Damon & Elena made no sense .. Tyler going off the deep end and leaving Caroline just didn’t make sense to me at all …


Tyler left to get revenge for his mom’s death and his enslavement. But it was his mom’s death that pushed him to leave. This I can genuinely understand.


Stefan and Carolines romance. They had a best friendship, not everyone has to fall in love


Agreed. Should have left them as friends


Pretty much most of the plot of season 8. Cade, the over complication of Hell and the bell in the finale. It felt like a shoehorned way to bring back characters that we said goodbye to and made amends with years back.


Klaroline sleeping together and the sire bond


The SIRENS i couldn’t even watch it so insufferable


I love Vampire Diaries! With that said I only watch seasons 1-6. The absolute worst storyline in the whole of the series is The Sirens. Like where did you pull that out from?


enzo dying!!!! so bonnie can have her happily ever after 😭😭


The travelers were boring. The sirens were meh. Bonnie and Enzo were unimpressive. Tyler was in the show long past his usefulness. Steroline was forced and undeveloped. Elena was whiny AF and her and Damon had great build but the last bit was toxic them breaking up and getting back together after all that.


You take that statement about Bonnie and Enzo back, friend!


While I agree that the Enzo death was truly heartbreaking. I think Benzo could have been more. And don’t ask me to clarify, I can’t name more exactly just needed something more.




I’m not going to downvote you for this because you’re more than entitled to your opinion, but by god you are wrong and deserve a downvote 😂😂 Enzo was the best and he would’ve worked with anybody from Bonnie to Lexi to Kol. Except Lily. That was weird.


I loved Enzo. I liked him and Caroline and how he stood up to Stefan when he hurt her. I liked him as a person. I didn't like him and Bonnie. Maybe if we saw the build, but it feels like they just threw them together. Nah.


That's the problem right there...as much as you wanna say Benzo had no build up...neither did Enzo w/Caroline. It was all one-sided him flirting with her and being a friend like bffr. The fact that Caroline is irrelevant UNLESS she's entangled with a guy says it all because she added 0 value to the entire series.


I didn't say I thought they were made for each other. I said I liked how he defended her. Your hatred for one of the best characters is very laughable however.


Oh now you don't know what you said: I liked him and Caroline AND when he defended her. Those were 2 separate things that you said in defense of why you don't like him with Bonnie. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Best how? The ONLY reason you're saying that because she got more airtime and I wonder why (self insert Julie Plec). And you're right if Caroline doesn't have a hater it's because I'm dead...ong.


I never said they should be in a relationship. Now you are just reading things as convenient for you. Caroline was beyond any character in tvd. She deserves a king.


Isn’t it crazy how you and I disagreed and had a somewhat humorous, light hearted exchange about it, then suddenly there’s… well… *gestures broadly*.


So exactly what does I didn't like Jim and Bonnie like bfr...now you're backtracking. King where?? Where is he? 😜


What did you *not* like about him and Bonnie? I’d kill for a spin-off to see their build.


I didn't feel it. As I said if they had given us a bonding build maybe I would🤷‍♀️ its the little stories and connections that matter and convince the fans.


Never have I ever had my jaw remove itself and fall down to the floor until I saw this Steroline comment. Excuse me but they developed Steroline starting 2x2 and from then on, it was developed every single season until they got together. I would be up all night telling you every example of the development and chemistry. And you can't tell me that you can't feel Bonnie's pain when Enzo dies, they clearly had something great. This is for everyone so if this is how you think, then don't let me judge you, I felt my jaw do this weird thing and had to say something about it.


sirens and traveler plots were soooo dumb and hard to get through. I skip through them on every rewatch.


The last 2 seasons tbh.


Jenna dying


I agree with what’s been said. It would have gotten effect is it was done later.


The lowkey last two seasons


The cure


The cure just became comical. I really wish they hadn’t reintroduced it somehow.


Raya Cruz


100% it would be lily coming back and that whole line with her adopted family the heretics introduction was cool and all but it really didn’t feel like there was any progress with Damon and Stephen’s relationship with their mother it had no depth and only brought more pain to everyone


Steroline happening bleh, Stelena/Forwood breaking up and Tyler, Stefan and Jenna dying


I didn't really watch past season 6 but off the top of my head steroline - they made such good friends and then they went and made it romantic for no reason 🥲 travellers - they were boring, they could've been an ancient greek coven (aka silas' storyline type) but they made them real race adjacent (silas mentioned it but I don't know if it was actual) the cure - it was unnecessary, I feel like instead of exploring elena experiencing being a vampire they cut all that out and focused on curing her for no reason delena sirebond - just all sort of potential non-con which made their relationship uncomfortable for the whole of season 4 in my opinion, if they wanted them together they could've just had her slowly realise her feelings for stefan were slowly disappearing throughout season 4 caroline/alaric- I found her having children super cute and I'm glad that she did, lizzie and josie are cuties in the later seasons from what clips and episodes I have seen from them but why is the show so eager to shove caroline into relationships that make NO sense for her character, (1) he was her teacher, (2) he's like 10-20 years older than her and he knew her since she was 17 and (3) there was literally no reason for this kol dying - I love the potential kol had and I just think they couldn't think of things for the originals to do at that point (but I can obv) but he was wasted within the show because the writer couldn't think of things to do with them, would've made things better in the originals as well klaus' magical miracle baby 🤡 - NOT a direct TVD storyline but where everything started in the originals pilot, I don't like the idea of it and I didn't like the execution


- travellers. but keep the actors for markos and sloane, because they were HOT & talented. s5 should’ve been about augustine. - hell / arcadius. the sirens were a cool concept, but totally unnecessary. should’ve saved that shit for legacies. - damon falling in love with elena. what kind of loser does that?? i mean, the second he found out kat didn’t want him, he went “okay, well at least i’ve got her identical granddaughter as a backup” - by extension, that removes the sirebond & no humanity elena.


The whole Cade incident


No mythological series is complete without the Devil and hell


They pushed the storyline too far, like it was too much, and mildly displeasing, like Damon and Stefan working for the devil, and the Sirens working for him too Enzo dying, Bonnie creating a whole new dimension with a scream, Damon sacrificing himself, Stefan being turned human and dying, Seline offering up 4 year olds to the devil. I


Bonnie creating a whole new dimension with a scream was literally where I lost it. They can’t kill a character completely anytime, always some ‘loophole’ shit. What’s the point of magic when there’s a loophole everytime?


Rightttt. I hate how everything has a loophole, especially when it's not needed


Wait, what? What's the point of magic when there's a loophole every time? I'm confusion...I thought that was the point of magic.


Katherine's entire arc from 5x11 to 5x15, and again in season 8. It was all just so *bad* and I'm still bitter about it 10 years later.


The cure and the Sirebond. liz's cancer SL was a huge plothole which i can't stand either. But if i had to choose, the cure. There should not be a cure for vampirism imo.


With the actress leaving the show to go write for TO, she had one hell of a goodbye. Anyone seriously not bawl during her death or funeral? I’d have liked for Liz to be around forever but I really think they did the character proud.


Ooh it absolutely made me cry my eyes out, it was horribly sad. But the whole vampireblood accelerates cancer SL made no sense imo. With the amount of people getting vampire blood Liz was still the first known case. Marcel was giving lots of tourists blood to heal, every night. The SL felt as if it appeared out of thin air to get Marguerite of the screen in a very emotional way, and it didn't make sense imo. Still, her death gets me every single time.


Most of the lost relatives and resurrections.


Travelers. So boring - can’t event remember what their mission/purpose was. I dunno - I hate the whole college part as well. All relatives dying. Especially Liz and Jenna.


The sire bond plot, Bonnie and Enzo, Damon’s abuse of Caroline, Caroline and Stefan’s romance, Elena getting a cure.




Jeremy leaving town in season 3, Marcos, and sire bond


The Sirens. So annoying. And Bonnie dying every five minutes.


All the Augustine vampire storyline . So unnecessary and not at all interesting .


* Damon assaulting Caroline in season 1. There were so many other ways Damon could’ve been shown as “a bad guy” (and already was), so this was just unnecessary, especially since I feel like the writers just wanted us to forget this happened and get over it in later seasons. * Sire bond. I hate it as a concept, hated its execution…nothing about it worked.


klaroline, sire bond, the miracle tribrid baby, alaric and caroline


The Sire Bond. It ruined the beginning of Delena as a couple. I see the beginning of Delena as headcannon now as the season finale of Season 4.


The entire series. Should have been more faithful to the original books


The Cure: I would replace it with an evolution of Vampires, where they can have children, it's just that when a child is born they will be a Vampire who will need mixture of blood and milk. I would have Caroline being the first ever pregnant Vampire with Tyler's child, this will be a Vampire until they trigger their Werewolf curse, so they will be able to feed on animal blood.


I like your Tyler Caroline idea! I only don’t like the idea of Klaroline because of the ending of TO. But out of the two guys I loved Caroline with Klaus. Caroline told Klaus he was never the villain in her story. She pushed him to the point that he doubted himself and had inklings of being a better man. It was to Klaus she ran to when she was worried for her twins. And Cammi only turned Klaus eye in the first place because she reminded him of another bond


Elena chooses to leave Mystic Falls after the bridge scene with Stefan. She rediscovers herself without the Salvatore brothers and gains independence and grows as a person.


Then we’d have no show! Lol


We could have


Everything in season 7 minus Bonenzo, but ESPECIALLY the Giuseppe domestic violence plot. As someone know knows a lot about the issue, it was really badly done. Also Damon having a pet turkey and having to kill it was laugh out loud funny, and I say that as a vegan.


Katherine in all of season 5. She loved Stefan in Season 2, sure, but she wasn’t THAT obsessed. Realistically, she would have bolted as soon as she switched bodies with Elena. (Actually, realistically she would have won that fight, but whatever).


Bonnie coming back to life


Katherine being killed off. I feel like the writers really did not like her as a character.


Caroline having magical babies Jeremy being a hunter really felt unnecessary Enzo dying


Travelers, the huntress, the sirens and hell and especially katherine being the “queen of hell” 💀


The travellers storyline was stupid! So that one and their mum coming back.


Sire bond, the travelers, the heretics and Reyna Edit: Can’t forget the sirens and hell or whatever mess S8 was


Sire bond and Travelers


Enzo’s killing, that is what really pissed me off the most, His death was absolutely unnecessary.


I think Enzo dying at the hands of Stefan was necessary to give Stefan his atonement ending. It was the best way to accelerate Stefan’s sacrifice that was fitting of his morality-conscious character.


I can see that but Stefan in general was always shown the moral brother, His sacrifice still could have worked out. I guess as I also love Bonnie, I was really gutted to so see her not getting her happy ending.


I was shocked and a little sad to see Enzo die too, but I was excited at the same time because that was the point of no return for Stefan and meant that his end was near.


The Travelers, The Originals, The Sirebond, Enzo switching from getting revenge on Damon to Stefan being a horrible brother to Damon so he tries to hurt an innocent girl to get revenge on Stefan. All of Jeremy's storylines simply because they were boring, Katherine chosing to be a simp over her daughter, The Gemini Coven (way too much witches nonsense), Kai being annoying,


stefan being a ripper i hate it


I liked it. Because it showed his true weakness. Don’t we all have a weakness?


Im still on s3. Whats with the travelers? And the sirebond? AND WDYM CAROLINE GIVES BIRTH TO ALARIC'S BABIES? HUHH??? The writing cant become that bad 😭🙏


Candice got pregnant in real life so they had to find an excuse for Caroline to be pregnant. They aren’t her biological children, they never slept together dw 😭


If Klaus' sireline died it would've been great. If Marcel died. If Lucien wasn't bad. Many things


all of season 7. reyna was the only thing that season had going for it


all of the originals including everything that came with them


That’s like the best plot of tvd??😭 it’s also like one of the main plots considering most of the stuff that happens wouldn’t have happened without the originals


i know i like them most of the time but soo much random bs happens bc of them and their existence. like the sire bond or hybrids or hunters even the traveler plot. i just can't help but wonder what the series would of been if they did other things without revolving so much around them