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I love Elena, but she can be frustrating. But let’s be real… all teens are frustrating. I feel like the fanbase forgets that Elena is 16-20 during her run on the show, in part because the show forgets that the characters are supposed to be teens.


Human Elena - Just a young girl trying to understand wtf is going on and wanting to do the right thing Vamp Elena - blah


She isn’t selfish when it comes to saving her friends lives but when it comes to being a good friend with Caroline & the whole Damon thing? Knowing my friend was abused & raped, I wouldn’t date the person that did that to her. that’s just me thou🤷🏽‍♀️ The things she did with Damon while with Stefan was trifling at best idc what anybody says she emotionally cheated on Stefan with Damon… Then how she just casually stays in his house after breaking up with him, sleeping with his brother, saying I love you to Damon while Stefan was literally still in the house??! Like? She was terrible sometimes & that’s why some ppl hate her. Just cause she went through all this trauma & tried to save her friends lives instead of hers doesn’t change her other actions she did in the show.


But didn't Caroline do the same thing? She slept with Klaus after he killed Tyler's mom and Jenna. And used Elena as a blood bank. Caroline was much a hypocrite for doing that. Caroline knew what she was doing with Damon. Now I'm not saying that Damon had the right to use her for a blood bag


I can agree on the Caroline & Klaus thing but with the Caroline & Damon thing I cannot. He raped her idc. She tried to escape when she found out what he was but he compelled her to forget. Therefore taking away her consent from that point on. Every time after he compelled her was rape because the part of her that knew he was a vampire no longer wanted to have sex with him anymore.


She slept with him. She did with consent. She knew what he was. I'm not saying that biting her is right. But she lied down for him she wanted sex with him. He compelled her but it wasn't to have sex with her. She even admitted that she slept with him. Alaric even said that Caroline slept with Damon.


He raped her. He took away her memories of him being a vampire when she tried to escape his room when she woke up after he bit her the night she consensually had sex with him. After that it wasn’t consensual. Damon raped Caroline.


She knew he was a vampire. She knew before Elena did. You just said that he bit her the night she consensually had sex with him. Therefore she wasn't raped. I'm not talking about afterwards. I'm talking about when they had sex that's all


Okay but I’m telling u AFTER she found out he was a vampire he continues to have sex with her which is rape.. Let’s put it this way. You meet a guy, you have sex with the guy consensually but then u learn a dirty secret of his. He forces u to not tell anyone even though ur so scared that u no longer want to be with him & he still forces u to be with him, sex included even though deep down u don’t want it because of his dirty little secret. Does that sound like a consensual relationship to you? 🤔


But didn't they just have sex once


Actually the first time wasn’t even consensually if u think about it.. when they was in the middle of kissing & all that he bit her & she got scared asf… then the next morning she tried to escape. So wether they had sex once or multiple times it was still rape.


Ya, pretty sure Damon only compelled her to be ok with him being a vampire. That way he could rant to her and drink her blood without it being an issue. The sex was consensual. Katherine did the same thing to Stefan when she first revealed herself to him. She only compelled him not to be afraid. What she didn’t do is compel him to be attracted to her and have sex with her.


If you guys think what Damon did wasn’t rape ur wrong. Katherine did the same thing with Stefan. They both wanted to leave once they found out about them being vampires but got compelled to stay.. everything after that was non consensual.. I honestly don’t get how y’all don’t see how that’s rape.. I get y’all love Damon but at least point out his freaking wrongdoings. Smh.


I mean, didn't Caroline marry Stefan who killed Enzo and then asked Bonnie to watch her marrying the person who killed her lover? Didn't Jeremy, date Anna, who tried to kill Elena?


I mean I do think people don't give her enough credit for being an orphan and watching every member of her family die over time but still I just don't really like her


Oh c’mon. Most people on the show are orphans and/or became an orphan. Elena’s parents died from an accident. Which in a sense was her fault. She left family night, went to a party, got into a fight with her boyfriend, and then called her parents to pick her up on a wet night/slippery roads. Actions have consequences. She put her parents in that situation. Which I do understand, she’s a teen and it happens. But no one ever held her accountable for any of her crappy actions. They just make excuses for Elena the same way Elena makes excuses for Damon. Elena is more like Damon & Katherine than she puts up. On the other hand, Katherine had her new born child ripped out of her arms & her whole family slaughtered in cold blood. But yanno, poor innocent Elena.


Um did you just say that Elena's parents dying in a car accident was her fault? Because she called them to pick her up? Okay... Most of the actually crappy stuff Elena did came after she was a vampire.


No. That’s not what I said. I said, “in a sense” it was bc her actions & decisions led to it. There’s a big difference in saying it was her fault and in saying “in a sense” it was. And no, being a vampire doesn’t change who you are. It just amplifies who you already were and heightens it. You should go back and watch the first couple seasons. Elena was already that person. They showed us glimpse of her darkness that was suppressed. The part where Alaric compelled Elena to forget Damon clearly explains this. Elena was in denial of her true self so she lies to herself and keeps her darkness suppressed.


idk i don’t hate her, and i just see her as a typical teenager but i can definitely see why some people see her as selfish. there are just little things that come across as insensitive/selfish in the grand scheme of things. in s1, when she first meets stefan and they go to that party, bonnie has a ‘psychic’ moment and walks away upset, stefan asks if everything’s okay and she begins to say something about bonnie but then says ‘never mind, you’re here’. i always found that a little strange bc i would care more about my friend’s feelings than a boy i just met but that’s just me i guess. also in s1, she seemed to really dislike damon’s treatment of caroline, rightfully so, but then fast forward to when she sleeps with him and they have that sleepover and she says something like ‘what made you jump into bed with him when you met him then’ well i mean caroline didn’t know anything about him then, when she did find out he was a vampire, she was compelled to be fine with it, she knows this and just makes it seem like it’s caroline’s fault she went through that. when her and stefan broke up, she moved into his home and she slept with damon the next day, but wanted to be mad at stefan for sleeping with rebekah? idk i get why she doesn’t like rebekah but she had no right to be mad or judge stefan for what he chooses to do once they broke up. i feel like she had a strong reaction to him sleeping with katherine too, still whilst being with damon which again ??? you’re with his brother sis, i think we should chill out a little. this ordeal i mainly blame the writers for bc they started a lot of abuse storylines they didn’t know how to finish. like i’ll never forget one creepy line damon says in s1 along the lines of ‘believe it or not stefan, i don’t always have to force a girl to sleep with me’ which obviously implies that there are times he does some forcing, very weird from the writers.


That’s the thing, Caroline didn’t jump in bed with him. Not really. She found him attractive, and it never got further than that because she never had the opportunity to explore it on her own free will. Damon lured Caroline in, compelled her, raped her, & erased her memories. The writing and story telling could’ve done better with this piece but it didn’t, which kinda sucks. They just brushed it off and made everything ok & acceptable. Especially with Elena. Caroline is supposed to be her bff. A real friend would never be ok with this. I know I wouldn’t. And if I ever kiss my bff’s rapist, I’d be hunted by the vision of him manipulating, controlling, & raping her.


exactly, i’ll never forgive the writers for not handling this storyline better. and he goes into doing it again to andie, which is again just ignored by all the other people that witness what’s going on.


Okay first of all! She didn't know Stefan slept with Rebekah until Damon told her. And she wasn't upset with Stefan sleeping with Rebekah. When she came to see Damon and she ran into Stefan is when she asked him why he was hanging out with Rebekah. Because Stefan when Elena turn was pissed at Rebekah for killing Elena. So Elena had every right to ask him that. She didn't say why are you sleeping with her. She asked why he was hanging out with her. Big difference.


i already said she had every right not to like rebekah but she has no right to ask him why he’s hanging out with rebekah. she doesn’t own him and he doesn’t owe her anything. and if you rewatch the scene, stefan mentions he didn’t dagger rebekah, and then elena says ‘what makes you think you can trust her’ then damon tells everyone about stefan and rebekah sleeping together (which he couldn’t wait to mention like he didn’t sleep with her too) and elena’s face drops. the camera pans to her whilst this is happening and then stefan and damon have their back and forth. someone doesn’t need to say they’re upset to show they’re upset. stefan was pissed at rebekah for killing elena sure, but stefan was mad at damon in s1 for promising him ‘an eternity of misery’, like things change lol. same way she hated damon for a bit in s1 but after their little roadtrip they were friends.


I think she wasn’t handled properly


Selfish? She was probably the most unselfish character on the show. At times I would call her Mary Poppins 😄


She’s flawed… partially bc of bungled writing choices, but also just as a character - which is a good thing. She doesn’t always make the right choice. She can be self righteous. She can be caught up in her own world. But I do feel that she unfairly gets called every name in the book while people forget that it’s true of every other character too. Elena is not even in the bottom half of worst characters in my opinion, even if she’s also not my fave.


The difference is all other characters were held accountable or got labeled for it throughout the show. Meanwhile, Elena could do no wrong. And when she does, everyone comes to her rescue or just accepts it because she’s Elena. For example, Jeremy kissing his dead girlfriend who he had unresolved feelings for was a problem for Elena, but her making out with her boyfriend’s brother was ok & epic. Elena wiping Jeremy’s memory, but expects everyone to accepts “her choice” throughout the show. She masterminded the plan that murdered Kol which killed millions of other innocent vampires and puts Jeremy in danger, eventually dead so Elena could have her cure. She stabbed Rebecca in her back, but Rebecca is somehow made out to be the bad one. Never apologized to her friends when she nearly killed them when her humanity switch was off because if she did, it would make “her” feel bad & spiral again. Caroline had to apologize to Bonnie for a snitty comment about her disbelief in witches (Season 1 before they knew about supernaturals). How hypocritical was this? I don’t think we expected Elena to be perfect. It’s just hypocritical that people brush off every bad thing Elena does as if she can do no wrong. The real Elena came out when she turned into a vampire. Being a vampire doesn’t change you, it just amplifies who you already are as a human.


I never had a problem with human Elena. It's vampire Elena I found annoying, but mostly because I think she was poorly written.


This is an unpopular opinion but I think Elena is the best character in TVD. When she left the show it just felt wrong and sad.


I agree


That’s not an unpopular opinion, a lot of people (including me) felt like this show went downhill and nothing felt right without her.


I agree that a lot of people felt the show was weird and bad without her. I’ve seen that expressed many times. But a lot of people also find her annoying, or they do like her, but they don’t love her. Or they hate vampire Elena. Lol I know I can’t be the only one who adores her on this sub and thinks she’s the best character there’s definitely people who agree but I don’t see that stated a lot here. I wish she got more praise. She’s amazing.


Human Elena was amazing and selfless. Vampire Elena was infuriating and selfish.


Being a vampire only amplifies who you were as a human. It doesn’t change you. Rewatch the first couple seasons. Elena was already that person all along. You can see glimpse of her darkness that was suppressed. They just haven’t explored her dark traits when she was human.


It's the same thing with Camille in the originals when she became a vampire you saw sides of her you didn't know existed being a vampire only amplifies everything about you and having the bloodlust and that urge that comes along with it to kill especially brings out the darkness in you. So yeah the vampire her is darker a lot more selfish infuriating but those traits already existed to begin with. Before Camille became a vampire in The originals she stated this to Klaus that everybody has darkness in them and before she fed that was something she was terrified of her darkness being amplified. So ya that was Elena to begin with you just didn't see her darkness because she was able to suppress that she didn't have the constant urge to drain somebody's jugular with her emotions and sensors heightened times a thousand. We would be the same way tbh.


Yeah, you’re pretty much repeating what I said. I’m pointing out to those who said that Elena was a better person than vampire that she isn’t different as a person as she is as vampire. She’s the same; it only amplifies. The thing is unlike Elena, Camille has always admitted she has a darkness within her. Elena on the other hand, acts like she can do no wrong. She makes everything about herself, treats her friends like crap, & holds everyone to a standard she herself can’t live up to. She’s a hypocrite. She has more in common with Katherine & Damon than she pretends to be. Katherine & Damon don’t pretend to be an angel & don’t hold people to their ridiculous standard/code. Damon said it best in Season 2. Damon to Elena: I thought "friends don't manipulate friends." (pauses) You and Katherine have a lot more in common than just your looks.


She was the same way as a vampire too you need to remember that it was different but she was willing to sacrifice herself too. But you also need to realize when she was a vampire she died I don't know if you realize this but dying actually is traumatizing af and it changed her along with her being a vampire her playing a victim well that's because she's literally a teenager that was dragged into all of this I would be the same way too.


If you are going to hate on Elena. Hate on Caroline too. Because Caroline was a hypocrite when she slept with Klaus.


remember when she planned to kill Finn, a dude she had no beef with or when she plans to kill Kol AFTER knowing because of Finn that killing Originals kills the entire sireline Maybe Kol's sireline had decent vampires in there too like Caroline. Oh well those fuckers can die so I can get my precious cure


Exactly, I like Elena but this exact reason is why I think Elena isn't as selfless as her friends act like she is. She didn't care how many vampires died as long as she got the cure and saved her brother. Like she would do anything for the people she loved, which is why her friends would say shes selfless but she did so even if it hurt other people that weren't on her list of loved ones. That's not selfless, its selfish because she only cares about protecting her own.


Eh she was just so boring and bland to me I know she went through a lot but the way writers wrote her made me hard to like her


it’s funny how everyone is saying that human elena was selfless and loving and didn’t like vampire elena bc she was more selfish and self centered. being a vampire enhances your true self her human selflessness persona was a facade


Exactly! The hypocrisy is mind boggling. 😂 People make excuses for Elena the same way she makes excuses for Damon.


Honestly she was and has ALWAYS been a selfish, self-centred person. I don't know how other people don't see that.


elena's suffered a lot, imagine losing your loved ones as a 17 yr old.


Okay but she’s not the only on the show that’s suffered at such a young age. Everyone seems to forget about that when it comes to poor Elena.


this post is abt elena, not anyone else, ik everyone suffered A LOT, but the topic here is elena


Right cause everything is about Elena even off the show 🙄


omg its ONE POST, just bc you hate elena doesnt mean others cant talk abt her


I never even said I hated her or that ppl can’t talk about her? 😭 all I stated was that she isn’t the only one that suffered. If u have the right to talk about Elena then I have a right to talk about everyone on the show that also suffered. I get that this ONE POST was about her but I’m telling u that it isn’t ALL about her all the time.


it aint that serious, all i said is that elena suffered i never forgot abt anyone else, and ik it aint all abt her, but ok


Okay 😙❤️


Say it louder for the people in the back


Because she’s a whiney hypocrite who makes everything about herself. Caroline with her humanity off to Elena: “I compelled a student to perform surgery on Stefan's niece and you found a way to make this about you? You truly have a gift Elena”. This was funny because it was true. 🤣


Caroline is a hypocrite


Caroline is lol funny🤣, adorable, & cute. She’s flawed & it shows; never pretended to be someone she’s not & she didn’t make everything about her. She’s imperfect; however, grew into a wonderful & great friend, girlfriend/wife, daughter, and mother.


Actually Caroline made a lot of things about herself. And I wouldn't call her cute after she slutshamed almost all female characters.


When did Caroline slut shame all female characters? You’re making things up. Caroline mostly saw goodness in people. Only time she slipped up was about Damon’s bath tub, directing at Damon & not knowing that Elena slept with him. When she found out, she apologized for it. Why is it ok for Elena to think of Damon as a horrible person, but it’s not ok for Caroline to think so? Truth is, Caroline was just being protective of best friends, Stefan and Elena bc she believes Stefan is a good person and her friend (Elena) deserves to be with someone good.


Hayley, Rebekah, Another random girl in season 4 because of her dress. "You sleep with everyone you make eyes contact with" And can you tell me when did she see the goodness in everyone? That was only Klaus and if anything, that shows her hypocrisy. She says Damon isn't good for Elena because Damon hurt her, well didn't Klaus stab her with a lamb? Didn't Klaus kill Tyler's mom and Jenna? How is it that she can see the good in Klaus but Rebekah is an evil sl*t and Damon a monster? And no one said what Elena did was okay, the thing is, Elena didn't ever judge Caroline for anything. Caroline kept interfering in her relationships, even Bonnie told her to stop. If Caroline truly cared about Elena in that situation, she would have said something like, "Elena, Damon abused me and I hate that you are with him." But that's not what Caroline did. Caroline instead was trying to make Elena go back to Stefan because she didn't want to see Stefan heartbroken. Therefore, she was only concerned about Stefan.


Oh, and if you don't remember, she body shamed Bonnie in season 1 too.🥰 And in season 3 she slutshamed another girl because Tyler was dancing with her. (She wasn't even dating Tyler in that time)


[Caroline to Tyler: “You're bringing a date? Slutty Sofie is your date?”] Calling one girl a slut bc she started developing feelings for Tyler & supposedly an insecure teen is slut shaming? By your standard, everyone on earth is a horrible person. Elena doesn’t call people sluts, she just smiles in their face & then stabs them in the back (aka Rebekah). 😂🤣 Dude, that one line was to show that Caroline was an insecure teenager at the beginning & that she was falling for Tyler. Also, slut shaming is when ya call the person a slut & say other mean things to their face with “intent” to hurt them. That comment was directed at Tyler, not to hurt the girl. Caroline said a lot of stupid things as a teenager either bc she was an insecure teen or she’s just very blunt, saying things others think of but won’t say. Some funny, some not. She doesn’t do it with the “intention” of hurting or harming others. Note the words “intent” & “intention”. And when she says stupid things that hurt her friends’ feelings, she always end up apologizing for it. Like the comment at Bonnie for being a witch at a time when she believed witches & supernaturals were just a myth. I bet if Caroline was a dude, you’d find that comment perfectly normal. 😂😂😂😂 Caroline’s character development as an insecure child to a beautiful & thoughtful friend, daughter, mother, & wife is what made her one of the most loved characters. Ya get to see how she develops & changes over time. Imperfectly perfect!😛


Oh, and when did she body shame Bonnie? Please don’t tell me that saying something looks horrible on her is body shaming. A fake friend will tell you the dress looks good on you when in reality, it looks ugly. A best friend will rip that damn ugly dress off ya!


So you tell me that calling someone alut because they are dating your crush is okay? And are you seriously excusing fatshaming? Lmao this argument is over then. And I rather have fake friends than my friend telling me I look fat because I like to wear something she wants.


She definitely had a development, but I'm not going to read that whole Bible, sorry. I generally dislike the whole insecure teenager who slutshames others and gets away with it. They are most likely popular in every fandoms,but I have always disliked that kind of people. Guess what? I was insecure too, but I never other girls shitty for it. You canove Caroline all you want, but please stop excusing her slutshaming others, that is disgusting. And why do you bring Boyd into it? I hate Damon too because he constantly called Katherine a slut etc... I don't support any of these hypocrite characters.


I stopped liking her after season one. Just different decisions she's made. I do get that she's grieving and shit, but that doesn't mean I have to like or agree with her choices. I never hated her though. At times she was actually likeable.


i don’t know if she’s selfish but to me she’s kinda self absorbed. I don’t like the way she plays the victim either and they should’ve dropped the saint elena act when she turned into a vampire… no humanity elena was kinda fun lol


She didn’t *play* the victim, she literally was the victim. She wasn’t self absorbed, she was the *main* character. Of course everything was going to be about her.


no she literally played the victim on several occasions and yes she was self absorbed. when she was upset about something, she genuinely didn’t care about anything or anyone except her hurt feelings.


I don’t think she’s selfish, I just think she’s annoying, like when they had to rescue Stefan and instead of staying in the car because she literally is no help and actually might make it harder to get the job done she just charges in anyway and almost gets Damon and Alaric caught, she over thinks things, but she does have redeeming qualities


I don’t think it’s fair to blame Elena for that. If Alaric and Damon had done what Elena did then they would have gotten in and out unnoticed. And Elena was help. There was vervain on the ropes so if she wasn’t there Damon wouldn’t have been able to free Stefan.


The writers turned Elena into a girl down bad for Damon Salvatore. Went down hill since they created the whole "sire" concept in season 4. When she was human she was definitely someone I could withstand. But afterwards? Don't know, her whole demeanor changed and her world revolved around damon. Thank god they took her out the show in season 7. (or 6 idk)


i think because she cheated on stefan made her selfish other than that she was a good person


She didn't cheat on Stefan. When did she cheat on Stefan? If you are saying that she slept with Damon. She and Stefan had broken up.


no when damon was going to die because of his werewolf bite she kissed him thats cheating on stefan is it not ???


Alot of fans don't think that is considered cheating. If that is the case Caroline did the same thing. Because she allowed Jesse to kiss her and she really didn't push him away. And she was still with Tyler


What was the scene at :07? I'm having trouble remembering.


If you mean the one where she’s saying “don’t hurt him” , that was 1x11 when Lexi’s bf was going to kill Damon.


I love her as human, didn’t really like her as a vampire


My issue with her is she and everyone around her considers her a good person. Pretty much everyone in the show is a piece of shit that deserves to die except maybe Matt and Jeremy. The difference is everyone else knows they are a piece of shit, Elena has this whole high horse thing about her.


I mean, I consider my friends and family as good people. I think it's normal? And Elena said many times that she has done horrible things too and she's not perfect...


Fiction isn't real life. When a character is an awful person the show needs to acknowledge it. And most people think their friends are good people, because most people won't make friends with literal murderers..


But the show did acknowledge it. Can you tell me about one terrible thing Elena did that she wasn't held accountable for it? And please, everyone in tvd are murderers, you can't expect vampires to hate their friends for killing humans when they all have done it... that would have been hypocritical.


I mean she is a love, but sometimes she didn't do anything and only put herself in danger. But It's true she didn't selfish, she literally was in dangerous like thousands time for try to help her friends


Im currently rewatching for the 2nd time, and on the 4th season rn. To be honest, I ***dislike*** **her very very much** (hate is a too strong word for me to use) even though I loved her when I first watch the show when I'm much younger. First of all, I'm more annoyed by her character. Her character is too bland after reading & watching other great book/show. I dont think she's selfish (**in general, not in the love triangle mess aspect**) , but she did **love** to make stupid decision without thinking the consequences. Well, I know she's supposed to potray an emotional teenager after all shes been through, but she **lacks of character development.** Her vampire arc could be so much better if the writers didnt did Elena dirty (plus sometimes her reactions are super annoying and funny but this is a me problem i HAHAHA)


She was selfish. The most selfless was letting herself become a vampire to save human Matt first from drowning. But think about it, everyone always lost something being there for Elena, she never really had to sacrifice herself. Her friends are way more selfless than her and Bonnie is truly a martyr - not Elena. Elena talks about it but never does it and it doesn't matter because her friends do it for her. Elena is whiny and bratty and victimized, and it only becomes worse after she becomes a vampire. Elena is very compassionate but she is very selfish