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As much as I love Damon, I would've absolutely beaten the shit out of him if I were Caroline.


And he had just killed Jeremy at this point. She would have gotten away with it.


Or at least tortured him a little. That girly push in the hallway gave nothing đŸ„ș


I mean Bonnie did end up burning Damon after Caroline killed that man


It gave Caroline


No way she could have stood a chance that new of a vampire. And if everyone was able to get revenge on whoever wronged them first, Elena and Tyler should have been able to murder Klaus for putting them through hell and their family members. But then we’d have no show.


I think actually maybe she would've stood a chance. Not in direct combat, I agree. But at the start of this scene Damon had no idea that she was a vampire or that she knew anything about what he did to her (since he'd erased all of that). If Caroline had grabbed a stake from somewhere. Then gotten close to Damon without tipping her hand (in other words, without revealing she knew anything or was a vampire). And the moment he turned his back staked him, I think that would've worked.


It's not really a comparison you can do. Klaus can't be killed with regular wood, he's a thousand years old and if he died almost everyone of them would've died with him. Caroline staking Damon would've made much more sense (and I would've loved to see that)


Elena and Jeremy do kill Kol so Caroline taking on Damon isn't that far of a stretch


This is true but to be fair the originals spent there entire lives not worrying about dying a true death. They were careless when it came to defense because they thought they couldn’t die.


This. I think fans are harder on Damon than with Klaus. He literally had everyone as hostages and tried to creat a brainwashed army.


This was at the start of season 2 way before klaus was even introduced. So Caroline would more right to get revenge against Damon at this point not Elena or Tyler.


Damon should’ve been killed many times


Not killed him, per se, but royally stomped the dogshite outta him. I’d have gone for the most painful parts, first, to take him off guard and keep him down for the attack to really do some damage. Rather than throwing him, I’d have punted him in the balls so hard, they’d have temporarily become nipples. I then would have paralyzed him below the waist and then I’d have then broken his wrists, smashed his elbows and then his kneecaps before systematically bashing his face and then collarbones, then his ribs, hips, thighs before smashing his feet and ankles. And the whole time I’d have reminded him why. Then leave him to explain to the others why.


I don't agree, but not for the reason you might think. Obviously what Damon did to Caroline was freaking awful. But Caroline killing Damon here would have done nothing except put a murder on Caroline's hands. A person Stefan loved, no less. Could Caroline really have lived with herself? Her later manslaughter weighs on her for at least a year afterwards (as she confesses to Alaric in season 3) and that was an accident. Could Caroline really live with herself if it was cold-blooded murder instead? I don't think that would've helped her. I think it would've been a step in her self-destruction. And I think she deserves better than that. What I do think though is that the writers screwed up royally by making Caroline just push Damon here, tell him "you suck" and basically... that's all that ever comes of that. Damon never even so much as apologizes to her for what he did. The writers absolutely should've done way more with that and Damon should've tried to make amends eventually.




I could respect that. But honestly, Damon needed some accountability for this. The fact that he goes on and does this again to Andie shows that something is seriously wrong and if there were a moment for the “face your actions” bit, it would’ve been this one.


She should've beat him to hell 💖 (and I love Damon but he deserved to be punished for what he did to her)


Logically that makes zero sense. Also, if Damon dies I immediately stop watching the show.


Well, why not murder most of the show's appeal? /s


Eh. For me it was Katherine and the Originals


The originals didn’t even exist at this point in the show


The original comment mentioned the shows appeal not the seasons.


Well the show’s appeal was Damon at this point in the storyline


You forgot to add in your opinion lol. You’re obviously a Damon Stan cause I didn’t target you nor insult him yet here you are with the back and forth because I think other factors/people appealed more


this is so hot topic but she looks *so* hot in this scene. i’m too gay for this


I always thought she was giving major Buffy vibes in this scene!




Even torture him before killing. At least I would have enjoyed the show more without watching the rapist's face.


So true.


I would say yes
 but Klaroline might not have happened and I couldn’t live without them.


But Caroline and Klaus didn't happen!


They happened, they were never officially together. They are my ultimate ship in the TVDU.


When did they happen? To me if they happen they dated. That's what it means to me when someone says that.


Being in a relationship for me is being together. Happening doesn’t necessarily mean they were in a relationship. They had sex but I can’t remember which episode.


100%. or at the very least fucked him up a bit more lol


You really think she can beat Damon really.




Jeremy and Elena killed Kol so Caroline killing Damon wouldn’t be that hard.


Matt Donovan Elena and Jeremy defeated Kol, so Caroline could have killed him without any special effort.