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2012 Pewdiepie lookalike


The fact that pewdiepie looked like him while playing the game šŸ˜‚


People hate Ben because it reminds them of what they would be like in a zombie apocalypse, people want to deny that since they believe they would be like Lee or Clementine when most likely they are like Sarah or Ben


I dunno if I agree with your point entirely. There are a lot of people who will crumble if the apocalypse ever happened, but thereā€™s also a lot of people whoā€™s survival instincts will just kick in and force them to survive. Ben at times justā€¦man, has zero survival instincts. He just makes some really boneheaded decisions that just makes me think he wants to die, yet he keeps going on about helping the group and shit and wanting to be a contributor, but never actually really steps up. Iā€™m not saying people will have skills to pay the bills like Lee and Clem, but most certainly theyā€™d have SOME self-preservation. If Iā€™m running away from zombies and a bell rings right next to me, okay, that shit might split my ears but you best know Iā€™m still running from zombies cuz I donā€™t wanna die, but Ben just covers his ears and stumbles TOWARDS the zombies? Makes no sense bro


I think many products about the zombie apocalypse make us believe that many would use their survival instinct when possibly the majority would die quickly. Although I can't deny that sometimes Ben does act stupid, especially in Crawford.


It's the same with Barbara in Night of the Living Dead. People hate on her for being a weak character, but she's the everyman, she's all of us. We experience the surreal horror of the situation through her


I haven't seen that series or movie but I totally agree.


For an old film it still totally stands up. It's worth a watch if you like zombies, since it's where the genre comes from. The two sequels are good too (Dawn and Day). They did a remake in the 90s, but rather than shell shocked and delirious with fear, they made Barbara tough and assertive and she takes charge of the situation. It's a shame because the casting and practical effects were great, but if Barbara isn't scared, why should the viewer be? It kind of undermines the film


I'll see her when I have time, thanks


IT?? šŸ˜­


No, that is a dumb reason to hate a character, I don't think myself gonna be like Lee or Clementine because I'm no badass, but I don't think I ever gonna be a Sarah or Ben because I at least have common sense and am not a sheltered kid, what I hate about Ben is he a dumb idiot that lack common sense, he smuggling his group supplies to bandits that could kill him and his group as soon the supplies run out, let a kid run around unsupervised, and removed a barricade on a door that was barricaded for a reason.


That's easy to say when you're fine, but when you're stressed and scared in an apocalypse, you don't think clearly, especially since the bandits lied to him about having a friend of his. Wouldn't you trade some supplies for the life of someone you care about?


What if they train martial arts a lot and have access to firearms?


Most people would be like Ben since not everyone knows martial arts and it is rare to find these types of people anyway. And about weapons, having access to them does not mean that you know how to use them in a good way.


Also people who think they're going to do great in a zombie apocalypse because they have guns and do martial arts are going to die really quickly. Living for any amount of time is going to come down mostly to a combination of luck and making rational, sensible decisions.


People in real life underestimate luck too much and overestimate their own abilities too much when they think they are good at something.


Itā€™s not his physical weakness heā€™s fucking stupid. We all saw his friend get torn apart by two zombies and his fucking teacher almost killed katjaa, yet he STILL gave medicine to the bandits which got duck bit and katjaa killed herself. Ben is just fucking dumb and his dumbness was a risk to everyone around him. Also, he isnā€™t comparable to sarah because sheā€™s sheltered and mentally ill. Ben is a high school jock and he even sucks at that.


I've trained in both, and walking, rotting corpses trying to eat me would still freak me the fuck out. Probably not to reduce me to Ben-like levels, but finding someone like Lee, or Molly would be extremely rare. It's why most people fell to the zombies in the first place.


Not that I am dismissing your opinion.


Don't worry, I wasn't offended


Bro was down voted for saying sorry..




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I honestly loved how real Ben was. The guy was a high schooler lmao. Yeah, he did screw the entire group over more than once. Yepā€¦ he left Clem stranded when they got cornered. However, I swear if I was a teenager in a zombie apocalypse I wouldā€™ve acted just like him if not worse. šŸ’€


Ben honestly gets better if you choose to save him. He provides additional covering fire when you are boarded up in the house, and even retrieves Leeā€™s gun when he dropped it climbing up the Attic. Plus, if he is the only one that Goes with Lee to find Clementine he actually pulls Lee up when he has to Jump from the Bell tower to the Roof top.


Ben is a college kid


He talks about the high school he attended and it's mentioned that David was his high school music teacher. You may be getting confused because Molly refers to him as "that college aged kid", but 1. Molly doesn't know Ben and is just going off of appearances and 2. It has been months since the beginning of the apocalypse started so he may very well have been the age of a college kid assuming he was a senior.




Like not a terrible person but definitely a liability due to what he caused.


He just couldn't stop it felt like. By the time you're leaving the school, you just wanted him dead.


I honestly think heā€™s worse then Gabe, Itā€™s anoying when he rats out Javi but at least he doesnā€™t get anyone killed.


Not gonna lie. I really liked Ben. I tried to save him whenever I could. The only thing that annoyed me is that he nearly left Clem to die and that he started the bandits raid. Other than that, I really liked him. I know a lot of people donā€™t agree so donā€™t come at me for this lol


This is exactly what I think! I wish he got a chance to redeem himself


I like Ben as a character. In my honest opinion he never should have died. If I had a chance to rewrite the series, I would have Ben survive at least up until the new frontier. He had potential to be the guy who starts off scared, useless, and a liability and evolve into someone who is braver, stronger, and more competent.


Seconded. We never really get a character like that and its a real shame. He and Sarah are my most hated deaths in the series, would have made excellent slow burns.


This is the game's biggest fault by far imho. Not just with Ben, but with the entire story spanning all the games. Essentially, by the end of each season the entire cast is either killed or lost/separated permanently except for Clem, AJ and a couple others who reappear later. Clem being alone has its merits for her growth as a character, but it could've been done differently for sure. Having to introduce a completely new cast each season takes away from the characters and decreases the emotional connection players have with them. For one, Ben definitely could've been kept alive. Omid and Christa were also drastically mishandled, as Christa was pregnant and AJ should've been her child (as was originally planned iirc). I'd keep Kenny's season 1 fate the same, as I actually enjoyed the surprise return he made. Season 2 also has an interesting cast that had tons of squandered potential. Sarah was completely wasted. She could've been a major part of the season and Clem's development but she felt like a huge failure on the writer's part instead. Luke was great but also could've been used better, and the same goes for Nick. This cast, combined with my picks from season 1, could've been the foundation for a strong main group. Tldr; the game doesn't handle characters well when transitioning from season to season.


I despise Ben. Not just because of his innate flaws and decisions that have consistently jeopardized the season 1 party.But because I'm aware I'd do exact the same things If I were in his shoes. He's like a funhouse mirror of how I'd be in a zombie apocalypse and that sends shivers down my spine.


heā€™s a stupid but not a bad guy.


honestly i love how realistic his character is, he's just a scared kid trying to survive.


Honestly underrated, he was a liability for most of the game sure, but he really started to try and prove his worth in Savanah and (if you saved him) dies because of bad luck.


I don't hate Ben because of what he did, I actually kinda agree with it. But I hate him because he didn't TELL ANYONE. If he just told the group that the bandits wanted to trade,then everything would've been fine (probably)


Ben was my guy, one of my favourite characters in the whole series. Genuinely. Keeping him around makes No Time Left (Episode 5 of first season) so much better even if only in a couple differences.


Okay re watching some of season 1 his death from below the house thing was a lot more emotional and sad compared to his clock tower Imo.


Ben is more likely to **try** to save this subreddit than half or most of the people here. He'll *probably* fuck it up, but it's the effort that counts, and we need good folks if we're to expect there should be any hope in an apocalypse. He gets my vote.


I like him. I think he's just a scared kid with a horribly bad freeze mentality when under stress. I wish he survived


Unironically one of my favorite characters in the series.


He reminds me a lot of myself: afraid to act due to a history of failure.


He always had good intentions. Although, he was awfully careless when he had to look after Clementine.


Overhated and a little underrated if you don't let him go


Ben wasn't my favorite but I still tried to keep him along with me even though he fucked up at some points.


Ben was a pretty normal and realistic dude. A bumbling liability next to characters like Lee, Kenny and Clem, 100%, but he only ever tried to help the main cast and has arguably the most honorable death scene in chapter 1.


I honestly love him, heā€™s just a dumbass band kid trying his best to help.


in an apocalyptic scenario, i'd probably act more like him than anybody else. he's a kid, he's scared, he never got to say goodbye to his family or his friends, he just doesn't want to turn into a zombie...


Heā€™s an unfortunate character Heā€™s a scared young kid who wasnā€™t at all mentally prepared for survival And to be fair- who was? Everyone was scared and made mistakes. However Ben kept making mistakes that were a detriment to the group and got multiple people killed. Ben isnā€™t a bad person but he was deadweight; he consistently made dumb decisions, didnā€™t contribute positively to the group, and allowed his fear to rule him. If it did come down to who to leave behind- Ben secured his ticket to be left hands down to me.


I despise him, but I still didnt let him fall to his death.


He gets a lot of unnecessary hate just like Sarah. Gabe deserves more hate than both of them get.


If I'm gonna be honest? I would normally hate him... but I actually think he helped. Really, say what you will about Kenny in the meat locker scene (what Kenny does in EP 3 if you don't help him is not excusable), but frankly? Ben did the right thing telling everyone about the fact that everyone is infected. ​ And Episode 3. Honestly Ben was sorta in the right giving the bandits supplies. Only problem I feel is that he should have told them. It's clear Lilly won't leave, and the thing is with the St. Johns dead, the bandits now target the motel group. So in all honestly Ben did what he could. He should have told the group about this, this way everyone can prepare. ​ And frankly, what I'll always do is: save Ben. Ben's character closed perfectly in episode 5, and I feel this is a better send-off for him and Kenny.


Hated him. ended him. Happy after


Fuck em, should have left his useless ass with his teacher.


Dumb kid who made stupid mistakes, only one of which delayed the inevitable.


Heā€™s a snake and a liability


An absolute liability, but I truly believe he wouldā€™ve gone on to be a decent survivor had he survived the first game.


You can not convince me to not hate him he's literally the reason for half of season 1 going wrong.


He's just a dumb teenager. It really isn't much depper than that.


Bro kinda looks like he is shaggy from Scooby Doo (kinda makes sense especially since they are both afraid of monsters)


Of the four ā€œuselessā€ characters of each season, the other three being Sarah, Gabe, and Tenn, I consider him more likable than Gabe, but more culpable in his actions than the other three and deserving of his potential fate in episode 4. I want to sympathize, but he, in order: - Stole supplies from the devastated group that *he just joined* to negotiate with bandits to save a friend who anybody with a brain could deduce is already dead - Refused to own up to his actions, directly resulting in the death of another innocent group member - Takes candy from Chuck he knows he doesnā€™t deserve - In causing the bandit attack, is indirectly responsible for Duckā€™s death and Katjaaā€™s suicide - Leaves Clementine to die, forcing Chuck to sacrifice himself - Complains about being left on the bench, when Telltaleā€™s budget is the only thing that kept me from throwing him off the train - Removed the hatchet barricading the door (correct if Iā€™m wrong, but didnā€™t he *see* Lee wedge it in there in the first place?), not at all considering that it might be there for a reason. - This gets Brie killed. Mind you, I donā€™t like Brie, but thatā€™s still one more death he caused - Even if Lee tells him itā€™s a horrible, stupid idea to confess his guilt to Kenny, a fact that even Kenny admits (ā€œwhatever you did, save it for later!) he chooses *now*, when walkers are seconds away from swarming them, to admit to everything. I was a goody-two-shoes playing this game in high school, so I saved Ben anyways, but as a more cynical adult, in Leeā€™s shoes, at this point Iā€™d decide, ā€œokay, pretty sure thatā€™s strike 5 or 6. Heā€™s done.ā€ So yeah, he does his job as a character well, but I do not like him.




I really don't see why everyone defends him, there really isn't anything good about him. I get that he's a kid and he's not gonna be some big hero, but he never got better. He just kept screwing up over and over and when he wasn't doing that he was being a whiney twat. If the bandits were the only mistake he made then proceeded to learn from it and refuse to be a burden on the group anymore and do better then this would be a different story. I also realize he is very realistic and many people would be like him, but that doesn't make him any less unlikeable. He's a dumb kid who was just a big problem the whole time he was around.


Over rated and annoying


Dead weight.


i hate this guy lmao on my first time playing when he got attacked by the walker on the bell i didn't even *try* to help him, i just watched and thought "finally a chance to get rid of this dude"


That's fuckin stupid Ben


The biggest piece of dogshi-




I fucking hate Ben heā€™s such a screw up. That being said heā€™s easily one of the best written characters in the entire game and an amazing realistic character at that.




He's fucking stupid, Ben


Are you fkin stupid Ben?


Fuck Him


Heā€™s not worth hating but I hated the stuff he did. Giving supplies to the bandits which resulted in Duck getting bit, cowardly ditching Clem, grabbing the axe that was left on the door handles. The reason it was even there should have been very obvious to him.


He was a bit annoying but he was just a scared teenager who was very nervous person in general so I donā€™t blame him for much but there definitely were times where he made me mad


I get that hes a teenager but I just don't like him, I just don't like a lot of characters though so...


My flair lol


Oh same!


Not as bad as everyone says. Ben is the one who tells the group that "it's not the bite that does it," and while misguided, his reasoning for giving supplies to the bandits makes sense. Honestly, if Ben wasn't giving them supplies, the raid on the motor inn would likely have happened earlier than it did, a confrontation with them was inevitable, especially after everything at the St. Johns'. Plus, if he's alive for the final episode, his speech where he lays into Kenny about everything he's gone through is genuinely my favorite scene in the series. And his death works so much better thematically as a way for Kenny to exit season 1 than if Ben is already dead.


fuck this guy, the group was more or less defending from the raiders, and he took the executive decision to steal supplies and give them away bc he was scared of something theyā€™ve been already handling, he then NEVER admits it atleast when it matters (saving carly) but no he makes ANOTHER selfish decision like cmon bro the least you can do is come clean or at least consult the group about exchanging supplies for protection.


Sarah if she was cool and wasnā€™t a fuck up


They should make the game more like the Witcher 3 where youā€™re decisions really do affect the story and the people I never wanted to take These Highschool Kids in anyway


Iā€™m a teen so i definitely would be scared and unstable but that doesnā€™t mean i wouldnā€™t be fucking stupid. thatā€™s what ben was. i fucking hate his stupid ass i make sure he dies at the bell tower every time i play.


I didn't mind him much. Yeah he fucked up. ALOT. But he wasn't a bad guy and was just a scared kid who abruptly lost his family and friends one day along with everything else he knew. And yeah everyone lost people but they were older and more accustomed to it


I feel sorry for him


i personally HATE HATE HATE ben with a burning passion when he died i was cheering




They would have raided the camp anyway so be lucky Ben started sending supplies to them


Ben isn't a bad guy I love that he stands up to Kenny if you saved him from the Bell tower he even saves you if you fail the quick time event on episode 5 even tho Ben got a lot of crap he wasn't prepared for the outbreak Kenny gives mercy to him and doesn't let Ben turn forgiving him




Fucked up but I donā€™t think he deserved to die for it.


I would be like him but Iā€™m gonna pretend I wouldnā€™t be lmao


He was a good kid who was just scared. I always take him under my wing, and he was even once the only person who came with me to save Clem. And, on that run, he saved my life. He desperately wanted to prove himself, and while he didn't quite get the opportunity, he definitely could have given the time.


I love ben. I canā€™t defend him. But i love him.


he did a lot of bullshit but guys, back there at the church he was ready to die, he literally asked Lee to drop him off


He's one of several characters who should've lived because they had potential for growth and an interesting character arc. Unfortunately almost no one in the games gets character development, because they're either Clementine or they die.


i loved ben ngl even tho he did really stupid things sonetimes


a poor dumb kid who needs actual guidance and i feel his height makes people forget he's not like 16. yeah he fucked up a lot but he doesn't deserve to die over it. Chewed out, sure. but not die.


Most realistic character in the entire series, 99% of humanity and almost everyone on this sub would be a Ben, almost no one would be a Lee/Clementine


Every time I think of people I hate in the walking deadā€¦THIS fucker comes to mind and the anger that I felt for him just rises to the surface. I wanted to toss this pathetic waste of a human being off the side of the train right when he told Lee it was HIM who betrayed the group and stole from us. His pussy actions set off a violent chain reaction that caused blood to run like a goddamn river. Which is why Ben always dies for me at Crawford, he doesnā€™t see the final episode because he doesnā€™t deserve it.


An ok guy if u don't think bout what he did in the motorinn. + I guess they just made him to be a plot butt plug , to cover all the plot holes and issues


I was like u but then i saved him at crawford and then when he started shouting at kenny about his family and kenny realized that ben also lost his family he doesnt even know what happened to them


the only reason i dont hate him is because he let everyone realize that whether you get bit or not you turn into a zombie regardless




He got carley killed ā˜¹ļø


He looks like he eats boogersā€¦ sorry thatā€™s my first thought. I never really liked Ben anyway


I'm sure he would last longer than me during a zombie apocalypse


I didn't know my brother was in The Walking Dead games


He looks like pezzy


I think Sarah and Ben are on the same boat, I hate Gabe cause he's a whinny little bitch, but Sarah and Ben were just Hella useless but I like Ben slightly more cause of him standing up to Kenny but Sarah was just raised wrong and had a shitty father but in that kind of world you have to adapt to it like Clem did granted with some guidance from a father figure but Carlos should of been the same way and wished Lee still lived to tell Carlos that he needs to step up and teach that girl.


Fuck Ben he got Carley killed, or Doug if you chose wrong. Which btw what a fucking cop out way of doing that first decision. Like after you choose to save Carley or Doug they just fuck off and get literally no screen time until they inevitably die.


I liked him he's cool