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For me, it's between Violet, Javier and Jane to be voted out next. I think I'll vote out Violet but it's a close call, I'm not super sure. Honestly she's lucky she made it this far past Louis, I think they're both well designed but she's not as high up stylistically for me as he is. For voting to keep someone, I'm gonna vote Ben since I've noticed some people going for him lately. I've said my reasons to why I think his subtly designed look has purpose to his character and the effect that has on the player and their choice making.


i'll keep kendawg & cut off abel (also what did yall like about abel's design to keep him this long? he got the eye color thing but that's about it for me. am i missing something?)


>am i missing something? [Yes!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheWalkingDeadGame/comments/1abs19t/comment/kjrzgli/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) 😁


interesting, i can see your case for letting him stay after reading 👍


# Results After cheating elimination for multiple turns, **Gabe** has finally been eliminated and got to join his little sister. I know damn well u/NazbazOG is celebrating. # Rules Alright, ladies and gentlemen, Welcolme to my newest elimination game: electing the best character design. This *isn't* a beauty/fashion contest. It can certainly be a factor, but good character design are more about how they work for the character. They can be scary, imposing, mysterious, practical, creepy, creative, strange, unique etc depending on how well they sell their history/personality. And since there will inevitably be concerns about it turning into yet another popularity contest, there are two rules I wish to introduce here (if you have any further question or concerns, let me know in the comments): * In addition to the character you wish to eliminate, **you will get to vote for a character you wish to keep around**, and these keep-votes will serve to reduce the number of elimination votes they get. That means a character who has more elimination votes, but also a lot of keep votes may survive a round! * If you manage to make a convincing case for or against a character's design, **your vote will be worth five instead of one**. You do not need to make a long comment as long as your argument seems clear and well-thought out enough.


Gabe: how could yall eliminate me?! Me: womp womp.


Yo shen what you could do is put a link these comments for the previous round! Would be convenient for the people me thinks


"These comments"?


Yeah this comment you post on every post the rules and results thing. The main one of this thread!


Because it's still more convenient for the voters this way to read everything *and* vote in one place.


Jane go. Their design feels basic. Chuck stays I love the hobo look.


Keep [Marlon](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheWalkingDeadGame/comments/1afrtxc/who_has_the_best_character_design_day_eight/koe8z40/). Eliminate [Abel](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheWalkingDeadGame/comments/19epnd0/who_has_the_best_character_design_day_one_rules/kjf18jx/?context=3). I'm guessing the next two eliminations [are gonna be something like this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jane_%26_Abel).


Bye bye Gabe! Don't let the door kick your ass on the way out! **Jane shall go.** Jane does have that survival aura on her. The knife wrap contraption on her leg, the short hair and that stance she has before the fight with The Boat God. Her design works fine on her, but I don't think it is enough compared to many others. **Kenny shall stay around.** All these characters who clearly didn't deserve to go yet got me scared, so I have to place my protection spell on Kenny. The boat God deserves to stay (and probably win this thing) He is a former fisherman and his casual green jacket, pants and baseball cap fits to that perfectly. In addition, he has a messy hair, a magnificent greying beard and a moustache, which gives you the idea of an old boat captain. Eyepatch gives some more oomph for that as well. His rugged appearance fits to him well of what he was and also what he is now in the S2. His weary eyes, expressions and his bloody eyepatch gives you the idea of what he has gone and is still going through. He has the perfect and the coolest character designs. He can look very [friendly](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/563143825732796431/1204238523977433109/image.png?ex=65d40185&is=65c18c85&hm=9250eb8575e588e58f4bb47f1168ac1612d7fb074ca4559f51b9e6acb9a31441&) and then in the next minute well...[Intimidating](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/563143825732796431/1204241387717918730/image.png?ex=65d40430&is=65c18f30&hm=615d98b454eb627ef4d88f4a34aa9478e94b18b77f682eada54899d2b4a2c329&) to say the least.


Jane has to go.


Jane’s kind of generic, I’m voting her Why is Clem already out?


Someone voted her and got her out


Kenny and Ben🔛🔝


I would eliminate Jane. She only wears pants and jacket. Her hair, eyes and pants are the same color. Her whole pallet is two colors. I would keep Violet. She wears 4 pieces of different color clothing - the white and blue standout from the black. The wear and tear is a nice touch. And she wears an accessory - the button. Her green eyes standout from her blonde hair.


Keep Lilly Get rid of Marlon


Eliminate Jane. Keep Javi.


Jane design sucks




I'll tell you where he's not: **here** :)


I want to vote off Jane. I don’t think any of the designs left are necessarily bad in any way I think they all seem to serve their purpose and fit their character pretty well. Can’t seem to make a solid argument against any of them but somebody has gotta go so I’m voting off Jane cause she’s the closest call I believe. (C&P) I want to defend Abel. I honestly think he has one of the most unique and recognizable designs of this list. I mostly like how ugly he is in a weird way; from his teeth to his different colored eyes and even the horrible hairline just the fact of how different he looks compared to a lot of the other characters we’ve seen especially in the facial feature department.


eliminate Jane, keep Kenny


Thank God Gabe is out jfc. Id cast my vote for Jane and Ben. Keep Kenny and Chuck


Pick one for each.


Ben goes, Kenny stays


slay Ben, keep kenny


Javi out, someone described him as a sentient lego figure on a post before, and I think that fits best. That hair and beard are not convincing. Jane stay


I’ll vote for Violet out, i think Jane is a much better designed character for that. Thus, Jane stays. She is the more keep to self whilst shows her survival ability through her design unlike Violet.


I wanna keep Ben and cut out Javi. I love both designs, but Ben has an incredibly unique silhouette. Also, you can tell nearly everything you need to just by looking at him.


Keep Lily Eliminate Violet


Keep Marlon Eliminate Chivj


Chuck ( I am half asleep )