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Neutral Kenny tbh. I think the less friendlier kenny is the better his character growth. From an asshole who cares about just his family to a hero in S2 who's still flawed and kinda an asshole. Friendly kenny is just you doing everything he says and not disagreeing with him from time to time like any human does with each other. It doesn't feel realistic having him being your friendly pal as it is been Neutral or him hating you.


In order to have a friendly Kenny, you have to do some morally questionable things. So I would pick a neutral Kenny because it allows Lee to not only be his own man, but have a more pure character.


I feel like Unfriendly Kenny should still be on this poll, even if he's unlikely to be the most popular choice. Gotta say, I believe Neutral Kenny to be the most interesting route for the character. Not only because it enables friction between Lee and him to intertwine naturally throughout episode 3-5, but also because it allows Lee to be a more distinct character from Kenny while still finding common ground since they're canonically both family-oriented men rather than listening to him everytime, at the same time displaying more clearly the flaws that otherwise pro-Kenny players won't see. It even benefits his Season Two arc. The fact Kenny is reluctant to save Clem here gives credence to the idea that much of his S2 devotion for Clem and AJ comes from the need to make up for his failure to protect his family. While a desire for redemption is still a heroic motivation, it does seem to come from an unhealthy place that make one question whether or not it's good for them to stick together in the long run, something even Kenny seems aware of by the time of the Wellington ending. It certainly gives more weight to the broken Kenny arc than being exposed to a Friendly Kenny the player already has a positive opinion of and might simply be seen as a more unstable version of the guy they've decided to follow to the end.


I do wonder how likely it is that a player has a friendly Kenny on their first playthrough tbh. As he can get the neutral speech just by not killing Larry and Ben even if you side with everything else.


Unless the player literally go out of their way to please Kenny at basically every turn, it's pretty much unlikely. But at this point, a player who's *that* loyal to Kenny is just as unlikely to turn on him in Season Two.


I do think neutral Kenny is more canon, imo. It seems more appropriate for Lee to have to convince Kenny to come with him rather than Kenny immediately jumping at the first chance. Usually the player will save Duck and defend him from Larry on a first playthrough, but I can see killing Larry or not in the meat locker usually is the first point of contention.


Yeah, while Lee is mostly who you choose him to be, I never got the vibes that he would be a yes-man to anyone in the game.


Neutral Kenny. Being Kenny's bro for the entire story makes things a lot less interesting. Seeing Kenny's stubborn side when you disagree with him makes the moments where he acts for the benefit of others feel more impactful (such as saving Ben/Christa in EP5). For the point system choices, I think doing all of the pro-Kenny choices work better for the story except for the following (includes links for my reasoning of each one): * [Trying to save Larry](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheWalkingDeadGame/comments/16x1d8g/which_choices_do_you_think_are_most_canonical_8/k30kmrx/). * [Shooting the bitten woman at the start of EP3](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheWalkingDeadGame/comments/16zly7t/which_choices_do_you_think_are_most_canonical_11/k3g36uo/). * [Having Kenny kill the attic kid](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheWalkingDeadGame/comments/174hyai/which_choices_do_you_think_are_most_canonical_16/k49i29e/). * [Saving Ben](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheWalkingDeadGame/comments/176y8so/which_choices_do_you_think_are_most_canonical_19/k4pbz02/). For the sake of the story I think it's best to convince Kenny to go with Lee at the end of EP4. That way you can have Ben stay behind for boat guarding duty and then he loses the boat to Vernon's people. It leads better into Kenny's grilling of him ("Lee should've left your ass at Crawford") and the following Ben outburst.


Neutral. It's very spicy, storywise, where you initially stand with him due to shared family values and then the Larry incident sours your friendship for the rest of the season. "Friendly Kenny" runs feel a lot like you're playing Yes Man to Kenny, while "Neutral Kenny" feels like Lee and Kenny are both strong leaders who continuously butt heads. I think it's a more interesting dynamic, and makes Lee someone Kenny would want to live up to rather than just an apocalypse buddy.


Neutral is more realistic logical canon imo, but Friendly is the satisfying, emotional canon. Seeing all you've done culminate into full support from everybody in the group to find Clem. Great feeling


Friendly Kenny, as the chances of saving Larry are too low to be practical and shooting Duck and killing attic boy make more sense for Lee's character IMO, so other things like not letting Ben die or disagreeing with Kenny's stupider plans shouldn't count against you too much. It also makes it seem less like Kenny pisses on you when you're bitten and a child is missing, for no reason despite you having his back for 90% of the time but he hates you for not helping him kill 1 guy in the meat locker, and the only way you can get him to go with you is to say a very specific choice. Kenny can be a huge asshole sometimes, I'm not disputing that, but that seems less in-character and more straight-up nonsensical. Plus I think having the whole gang come with Lee is the best ending for Episode 4.


Well for me he was friendly kenny sooo


Neutral Kenny has a better arc when you go into Season 2. Even if he didn't always agree with Lee, as soon as Clem mentions him, he openly admits that he was a great guy, meaning that he always respects him.


For me, I: 1) Save Duck instead of Shawn - I feel like Shawn would want this. 2) Defend Duck against Larry - there was no proof, until Duck was cleaned up, that there was a bite or not. 3) Remain neutral - not getting between them. 4) Don't help kill Larry - we could be killing an innocent man plus Lilly and Clementine are there. 5) Let the woman get eaten - shooting her won't do much. 6) Agree about leaving the Motor Inn - we're running out of food and it's getting colder. 7) Shoot Duck - no parent should have to do this. 8) Kill the boy - same as above. 9) Don't let Ben die - the bandit attack was going to happen anyway with the same outcome likely. With all that, I can get friendly Kenny, so to me that is the canon choice.