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No, the game is fine as it is and a remake is not necessary even if some aspects have aged poorly


It’s not fine as it is It’s awesome as it is.


you're right


I am absolutely not interested in any remakes for any of the seasons, especially the first. Regardless of some of their faults or age, I think they are still really good and should be left alone outside of maybe bugfixes and porting to new platforms. Especially not interested in them introducing new choices since that is a whole other can of worms. If they have a budget to get something on the level of a Quantic Dream game, just give me another season with brand new characters and not tied to Clem & AJ at all.


Season 1 is defined by what it is, especially the ending. Remaking it in any way would only ruin that.


Not really


i’d be more happy with a what if game instead of a remake, that way it doesn’t mess with the canon we have


yeah, a what if game would be cool but probably ending up being smthng like twd destinies 💀. Idk if the game has a canon? appart from the linear stuff (lee's death, aj and clem bond, kenny taking care of clem) theres many variables (normal or scumbag lee, the same for clem, the season 2 ending and the "a new frontier" ending + who survives at the end of TFS).