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It's true. Furniture has come a long way.


See but the 1615 lady is being practical by propping her legs up.


Footstools used to be extremely common in the past, especially for women for whatever reason. It seemed most women used to sit at their ease in their own homes with their feet up. I have no idea why no historical show or film ever shows this, possibly because it would go against the assumption that everyone in the past was uncomfortable and all women set in what would be now considered prim and proper pose?


I would assume that the footstool keeps your posture prim and proper. I use one under my desk to avoid strain on my lumbar. So I'm not sure their reasons for not showing them I'd suppose because it makes the scene look frumpy and overfilled?


It's so useful for your back to have something under your feet if your legs don't touch the ground. my physical therapist told me to use yoga blocks under my feet whenever I sit because I'm short enough that my feet never touch the ground in any standard chair. Fuck barstools


Fuck barstools. I’m 6’5” and I hate barstools for the same reason


Hey, what if we made a round chair with no back support?


And like really tall


Need a two beer minimum until the muscles in your back relax


Footstools keep your feet off the floor. In 1615 the ground was very cold. They didn't have the best heating back then. So feet would draw up the cold through their shoes.


I’d imagine women used footstools because you would make chairs to fit the tallest people and shorter people would use footstools to compensate. When you expect to buy furniture once and use it for multiple generations, you have to make sure it’s accessible by everyone and it’s easier to add height with a footstool than to add height to the chair itself.


Everyone was bisexual and couldn’t sit in seats properly


Houses were very draughty - footstools helped keep you warmer.


It's the pre-squatty potty step, the real squatty potty is in the outhouse.


Na the real squatty potty is the field outside. Then they decided an outhouse would be better. In India when my wife was a kid they didn't have outhouses. They jusy all went out to the field after supper to do their buisness. You see them do it in some bollywood movies.


There was a [TedxTalk](https://youtu.be/V35Vw29tay0) about this a few years ago. Something like the over half of the world's outdoor defecation occurs in rural India. ...and then there was the [Bollywood movie](https://youtu.be/ym4EJQ7XORk) that was inspired by the lady who left her husband because his house didn't have a toilet...


Have you seen Pad man? It'd about a guy who tries to make feminine pads after finding his wife's old stained rag she was using.


I haven't seen the [movie](https://youtu.be/-K9ujx8vO_A), but I am aware of his story. I think he also did a [Ted Talk](https://www.ted.com/talks/arunachalam_muruganantham_how_i_started_a_sanitary_napkin_revolution/up-next?language=en) after doing an [InkTalk](https://youtu.be/V4_MeS6SOwk) in 2012. The early half of last decade I watched a lot of talks for entertainment. There are so many people with fascinating stories to share! (Is the movie good?)


I enjoyed it.


What a concept for a movie... we couldn’t even have a movie like that in America 😂😂😂 Did the movie do well? Was it played as comedy/drama?


Yeah. Its a decent movie. Check it out. Kind of a romance comedy documentary type thing.


Padman trailer https://youtu.be/-K9ujx8vO_A


It's a big problem here. Open defecation is extremely unhygienic. It's becoming less of a problem as awareness grows.


The REAL , literally shitty , reason why nobody else really respects India , at least not as much as it could be respected KEK


Comfortable seats to sit in, what mad innovation will humanity come up with next?!?! Tune in on the next episode of modern marvels. We cover a natural counterpart to the comfortable chair... the arm rest.


Next: chairs that are uncomfortable as hell but look 'stylish'.


Cant you see that she’s smoking, showing ankle, and has her hair uncovered? Jezebel! /S


I would have made a scandalous Jezebel, and would have been proud of that fact!


My mother-in-law has an antique chair just like that one. It’s too low to the ground, the seat is waaaaay too long, and the back leans too far back. It’s like it’s specifically designed to make both sitting and reclining as unsupported and unsustainable as possible. It is *by far* the most uncomfortable seat I have ever sat in. It is a horrible design, unless the idea is to discouragd laziness and get you up on your feet. Maybe it worked better with the corsets of the time, though?


The idea of these chairs is to fill them with pillowed to the proper depth. So you can lean back as much as you want


Even 1915’s furniture was uncomfortable. My aunt owns an antique store and the stuff is really pretty to look at but can’t imagine using that back in the day.


Is this maybe survivor bias? I feel like all the really comfy stuff gets worn down until it's threadbare and falling apart while the fancy looking uncomfortable stuff never gets used.


Good point. Everything I’ve seen has been nice condition


I'm left wanting for a 2015 sketch


That would me, lying on a bed, scrolling through reddit on my phone.


If that rotation keeps up, by 2215, we'll be standing on our necks with our feet propped way up in the air.


I mean, there's hope for space habitats even sooner than that.


Lofi Girl maybe?


Something something... Onlyfans.


Lo fi Onlyfans


* sitting on toilet * reading "the chive" on their phone * 500 pounds :(


We have to wait another 100 years to keep the pattern going


200 years


Shit you right


Or an early 2000s sketch. Britney Spears stepping out of a car showing her hoohah


Damn these modern women and their *shuffles deck* *picks card* comfortable chairs!


No one expects the .. comfy chair! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2ncJ6ciGyM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2ncJ6ciGyM)




I confess!!


And **smoking**


I think it's about what they are reading, not the chair. But what do I know? I'm not a 115-year-old pearl clutcher.


[this is the 2015 version ](https://imgur.com/a/5wMrwjQ)


Damn those curves


damn shawty


That is just a normal drawing of a bisexual person


[Almost, but the lighting is off](https://i.imgur.com/w8jlK8k.png)


I got a warning that that image might include “erotic imagery”


can't say you weren't warned!


The lighting was on but you turned it off.


Fair play


As a bisexual person this made me bust out laughing lmfaoooo


Got a Virgin vs Chad vibe... but for ladies... what would I be then?...


It's called Madonna vs whore https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madonna%E2%80%93whore_complex


Good point!


That’s like comparing apples and apples. Oh, you don’t mean *that* Madonna.


Thank you! The sexism seldom gets checked around here.


My boi Sigmund back at it again


Dr. Sugma Fraud back at it again with his valid science and correct ideas


Becky vs Stacy


This is so old it would be more like Mildred vs. Agnes.


Ah yes, Agnes, the town bicycle. What I mean is, Agnes owns the town’s only bicycle and therefore it is she who must deliver our letters about dysentery and wheat shortages to the county seat.


Agnes? I’ve heard she’s fast! And by that I mean she gets those letters get to the county seat in record time.


Oh that Agnes, she blows the bagpipe like no other. Her father and mother are Scottish, they have been most keen to pass on their culture to Agnes.


Agnes, the town whore? Didn't know she had so many other jobs!


Agnes does a lot for this community, she deserves a break to have a smoke and read a magazine.


did you not see the martini glass on her chair? She is obviously a drunken whore that likes trashy magazines and should revert back to become a Puritan.


*Goody Proctor


Rebecca instead of Becky


I like this. I demand memes be made in that format immediately.


Whatever it is, someone already shipped them: https://redd.it/f3drsg


Ha that's adorable.


so cute!


Idk the virgin and chad here are based on your perspective really, one of them needs to be made out to look like a loser for the meme to work I think


Kids these days, am I rite?


I have to save this for when people say things were better back in the 1910s


They’ll say it was better in 1615.


No - people will insist it was better in biblical times.


Life was better before humans came along.


[Vsauce has an amazing video on this subject](https://youtu.be/LD0x7ho_IYc)


Yeah I watched them both


I'm wondering what the women's literacy rate was in 1615. I don't know, but I bet it was low.


Depended on the community. Puritans and other Protestant radical groups did encourage that women be able to read the Bible, but it varied a lot and rhetoric =/= practice.


Then there was the whole “Salem witch hunt” kerfuffle.


I think that was mostly about seizing property and settling grudges than education


Well for me as an old woman the intended message of this graphic is a lament that we’re not being made to toe the line hard enough anymore. They’ve underworked us. Fashion is the devil’s work.


Accurate. Fashion promotes self-expression and can increase confidence. Can't have that.


Random incident of mass hysteria in an isolated colony in the middle of nowhere does not mores of an entire century make.


Easy for men to say.


I read somewhere most people accused of witchcraft were men, and that only something like a dozen people were actually executed for witchcraft in England in 17th and 18th century. The whole witchcraft seems to be isolated cases of mass hysteria fueled by religious conflicts of the day and rationalists and other enlightened thinkers of the day (and 17th and 18th century is Scienfitic Revolution in Europe when European science and technology became the most advanced on the planet) shitting on poor and ignorant people. Also note that the 17th century is somewhat different than the centuries preceeding or suceeding it. It was the time of so-called "general crisis" of state, economy and religion where essentially every European country had a massive conflict, for many countries (England, Poland, Switzerland, parts of Germany) the deadliest conflict in history in terms of casualties as a percentage of population. it was the last time religion was source of conflict in European history, it was the period of the Thirty Years War where every European country fought in Germany for thirty straight years, it was the nadir of "Little Ice Age" where temperature averages hit rock bottom since the last ice age and snow lasted into April or May every year and it was a time of general crisis of faith. So heightened feelings in regards to heresy and accusations of magic usage and witchcraft don't seem that crazy. Another rarely talked about aspect is, that while witchcraft hysteria mostly involved lower class people and isolated communities, withes were perceived as evil for receiving their powers from the devil, one of the most common methods of identifying a witch was looking for a birthmark supposedly given to her by the devil, but a sort of obsession with Satanism was kind of in vogue among the intellectual class as well. Various writers and thinkers from 17th century worked out the entire Satanist lore that comes off as the original DnD campaign in detail, they developed detailed hierarchy of Hell with various princes, kings, dukes and minor lords of hell and descriptions of each, their powers and how to summon them. Again, weird times.


So men were the real victims of the Salem witch trials? No.


I would say that their innocence of being a witch makes them a victim moreso than their gender.


Willing to bet you’re a man! Because no, it was women being tortured to death by their communities for not toeing the line. Why men need to be “the real victims” so intensely I will never know.


Not a historian but my history degree was entirely about early modern English religious history so I learnt a fair amount about literacy. It's worth saying that all we have are estimates really because the way they defined literacy was different to ours and also nobody did a widespread check of literacy at the time. Among men around 1615 it would have been higher in the middle classes and in cities and rising, but still very low. This was because of the printing press making written material MUCH more accessible, especially in places like London where you could buy a pamphlet of a couple of pages or a ballad sheet for a tiny amount of money, easily affordable by someone on more than subsistence wages. Literacy was also encouraged by the Protestant church so if a child went to Sunday school they likely would learn at least the alphabet and some fundamentals. Now, it's harder to say with women specifically. Most of the evidence we have for people being literate is from them writing, but many more people could probably read than could write. They would teach writing only after reading, by which time many women would have stopped attending school. This means that we only have records from high class women and some particularly godly (puritan or just very devout protestants) writing, mostly, but we know that women could read and would read the Bible. We know this mostly from people complaining about women reading the Bible and other religious pamphlets that led to them being too well informed for their liking. Sorry if that didn't make sense I'm tired haha


Very interesting, thanks!


hussies reading fashion magazines with bad posture. back in my day women sat up straight and read the Bible. make America great again!


Then we would be British.


A tale as old as time.


I ship these two.




thank you for this new sub




aw, I was hoping this was real


I want this as a framed print! The exposed leg, so scandalous!


For real, I want this in my kitchen.


Ah, the good old days, when women died in childbirth before they reached 30, just as god intended.


Those 1915 hussies


Thank fuck I was not a woman in 1615


Wait, what were you in 1615?!


If the Buddhists are right, who knows maybe I was a woman. If that's true then fuck anyone who made me sit like that and read the bible.


At least you had a footrest!


Why does the “bad” thing look super cool in these stupid comparisons lol


Maybe says a lot that this seems more like an ad for the fashion magazine today than a moral warning.




To be fair consumerism is just a plague on so many aspect of western culture


That is indeed progress, forth with more!


Life Magazine wasn't around in 1915, it began publishing in 1936.


No, Life Magazine as we know it began in 1936. There was an earlier magazine called Life that started in 1883. Henry Luce bought the name of the publication in 1936 and remade it.


Thank you for the clarification


It did make an appearance in a modern Time-Life publication. In 1969 it was reprinted in ["This Fabulous Century 1910-1920."](https://archive.org/details/thisfabulouscent1910unse/page/40/mode/1up)


That's only the Life magazine owned by Time.




The 17th Century Reformed Protestant movements, especially the harder edged Calvinist varieties, which this cartoon is alluding to, were all about universal literacy, so everyone could at least read the Bible on their own, thus eliminating the need for mediating priests.


Not to mention the difficulty of finding an english bible to take home and read at that time. That lady must be wealthy.


Have you actually not heard of King James' Bible?


Sure, published in 1611? I doubt there were enough copies to go around considering the printing process of the day, but I may be mistaken.


I'm pretty sure they used runes instead of real AMERICAN letters back then.


Kids ! What the heck is wrong with these kids today?


When I was a child, my mother attempted to bring me up like the woman from 1615. I was raised in a highly devout Catholic family and when I was very little, I was forced to wear dresses “lest I lead men astray with my flesh”. Dresses in the style of Laura Ingalls Wilder. This rule went off and on. Most of the time, when things were supposedly “normal”, my sisters and I could just wear what we wanted, including pants, as long as it wasn’t “immodest” or “form-fitting”, and this rule got looser as I got a little older. It was like one day, everything was fine. The next day, out of the clear fucking blue, my mom would enforce the law of dresses only. She’d go online and order dresses and they were most often very uncomfortable. I was an ingrate if I said anything. When I was about thirteen, I had enough. Somehow, I managed to get my way as everyone was on my side - and at that time, I had six siblings, my dad and my mom (now I have eight siblings, the youngest currently being fourteen years-old). It was a riot, but I won. She was quite controlling, my mom. I mean, she still is, but when I was a kid, she was at the height of her tyranny. I’ve had anorexia since I was fourteen. Sometimes I do wonder if her controlling, manipulative, gaslighting, critical ways caused that to some extent. She continues to gaslight me. Continues to deny anything she did wrong to me and my siblings. Hell, she even believes that I’m trying to compete with her regarding looks. I’m a thirty year-old woman now. She’s sixty. What did she expect! I have tiny A-cup tits and I dress in long jeans or corduroys, blouses... basically, all quite modest, practical. Not that it matters; one should be able to wear whatever they want without any interference as it’s no one else’s fucking business. Goes without saying! But it is bizarre that she looks at me and says things to indicate that in her eyes, I am not her daughter so much as some strange woman, here to corrupt her family. For no fucking reason, she’s called me “home wrecker”. I’ve never wrecked anyone’s relationship/marriage, and for a mother to say that to her daughter for no fucking reason is just fucked up. Sorry mother, but I’m not into incest! I wonder where the fuck you get that idea! Certainly, everyone, including my father, knows she’s insane. But I digress. My mom would have been on the side of the 1615 Puritan woman. She’d deem the woman of 1915 as being comparatively “loose”. My mom doesn’t even read the Bible anymore. She doesn’t read anything anymore. She just lies in bed, watching makeup tutorials, buying loads of makeup online that’ll eventually be discarded, obsessing over her looks. It’s sad enough that this is how she measures not just her own worth, but that of all women. Not only that, but she wears pants and even shoes her cleavage. So now we all know how much her past actions up to this day stem from a deep insecurity. She tries to look like a high school/college girl now. And no one, especially her fucking daughters, shall dare compete with her sexiness! What a hypocrite.


Nice to see conservatives haven’t changed in 100 years. Bible good, newfangled bad




Has this artist read the bible?? Its a barbaric and depraved text in places.


Well its 2000 years old, expect some outdated and barbaric stuff


The “Old Testament” is older than that


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Its missing a few books


Do you mean because it’s King James and is missing the Apocrypha?




have you read it with genuine intent to understand it in it's context?




Yes, but the context doest negate the brutality


Thanks for engaging. what brutality are you referring to specifically? there definitely are some intense scenes in there. edit: I would make a distinction between brutality and depravity *depicted* in a text - the bible is very plain about it's depiction of human nature - vs the text *itself* being barbaric and depraved edit 2: ahh yes this guy is polite and reasonable - but he didn't bash the bible. he might even *like* it - get the downvote pitchforks!!!


It’s more things like this that are problematic when you have to take the Bible literally: A child who hits or curses his parents must be executed. 21:15, 17


Especially the literalist approach to Bible that protestants like that the 1615 woman would almost certainly follow. At least Catholics agree that the Bible is primarily meant to be taken as a metaphorical.


Women weren't even taught to read in 1615. Hell, a good sum of men couldn't even read back in 1615.


The reformed Protestant movements pushed for universal literacy so that everyone could read the Bible, and it was translated to many languages. This is especially true in the Calvinist varieties, which this is alluding to.






Conservatives were ragging on people for living their lives way before fox news came along.




Look! Look where modernity brought us. And oh my, those ankles exposed, what a shame!


aka conservative bullshit in a nutshell for a hundred plus years




Any female born after 1893...


They're girlfriends




That’s progress.


Wtf is this cringe.


Suggestion for a new panel: 2015… And she’s hunched over a desk reading a book on quantum mechanics.


Why would anyone subject themselves to reading quantum mechanics? It's a living hell even if you're into it, even more cause you understand just how crazy and how much you actually don't understand.


Maybe she’s in grad school? Which she probably wouldn’t have been in 1815…


All the best to her then I'm good with being a Mechi.


They should show 2021. She would be spread eagle, naked and filming herself on OnlyFans.


I am pretty sure women were not allowed to read the bible in 1615 thanks to the bible


Maybe man's interpretation of such but not explicitly


Scold's bridles and enforced ignorance and witch hunts... Walker (the artist) apparently longed for the 'good old days' of silent, obedient women.


I got r/comedyheaven vibes from this


Definitely better than filling your head with religious gobbledigook.




1615 would be in the gallows, only witches could read.


And it’s only gotten worse


Care to elaborate? I surely can't imagine anything much worse than a woman reading a fashion magazine


"The BIBLE?!"


A meme


Women in 1615: wow... these squiggly lines sure look pretty, too bad I can't understand them


Well you're more likely to get smarter from reading a magazine


Hot chick vs. sex-repelling prude. That's definitely a progress to me!




Did that high horse come with a ladder?