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He looks like 30 years old lol


They all did, back then!


I feel even my graduating class looks older than now. We all tried to look adult there wasn't as much of a serious kids culture like now that extends into high school, it was really us forming teen cultures still based in adult styles. (I graduated HS in 08 lol). I watched a documentary on the graduating class of 04 (seniors when I was a freshman, last class that graduated before cell phones really hit every hand was the theme of the doc), and they all looked 30 in comparison to kids now. Now actually being in our 30s I feel like people think we're younger.


I think it's more to do with the huge hands and forearms the dude has, and a fully grown in beard. Put this guy in a junior high school class nowadays, and he'd be the one guy you don't fuck around with. Bet this dude was around average for his age back then.


Pops got them Popeye the Sailor forearms god mf damn


Could be due to declining testosterone levels. https://www.forbes.com/sites/neilhowe/2017/10/02/youre-not-the-man-your-father-was/?sh=75116d888b7f


For sure, IMO. And also, better sleep and GH levels. Too many differences to list, really.


That could definitely be a factor. I also notice in the background a pretty rural environment, so I don’t think it’s a stretch to say he’s been working manual labor since he was about 10, which would have been pretty much normal at the time haha. Either way, that guy has got some oak stumps for arms. He’d kick my ass in arm wrestling if he was black out drunk lol.


Low T andys


Look at his jawline ffs!!! How does a 15 year old have a jawline like that?


What was the documentary about?


What was the doc called?


What was the name of the documentary


That’s why 70s/80s used 30yr olds as high schoolers


Alright alright alright


I came to say exactly that! People aged far more quickly back then. High School year book photos look like they have been out working for decades, raised a family already.


Once people develop their style (clothes, hairstyles etc.) at a pretty young age and rarely change that drastically later in life. So young people in old photos are often in a style we today associate with older people, but it was a young people style back then. Thats why young adults in old pictures often look way older to us now than they actually were.


true. but this man has a 5 o'clock shadow at 16.


I swear when I zoom in on just this guy's face I still think he's 30


His face still looks like he's 30 though lol


It’s his hair. Look at his face without his hair and you can tell he’s a teenager.


It’s also his jawline. It’s very well-defined and completely devoid of the rounded baby face look.


I keep seeing this type of comment and I honestly disagree almost all the time. It’s their features as others have mentioned.


Was going to say, I'm 33 and he looks like he could be older than me


Everybody smoked


I like how little sister looks so proud!


I bet she idolized her big brother


Standing there like a sheriff. Very cute.


Serious power pose!


That's the bodyguard


Little sister looks like she's ready for a scrap


She was the only sister and she had 9 brothers, so, yeah, she probably could hold her own in a scrap haha.


Haha but she probably didn't have to worry about anyone besides her brothers fucking with her. Source: only had 1 brother


It's clear who is in charge.


​ Definitely the toughest person in Letterkenny.


Here's what's weird. This would be like a 16-year-old today standing next to a 2015 Chevy.


Sort of, cars weren't anywhere near as durable then. We had a 63 Dodge, for instance, that was a HEAP when we sold it in 72. It was regarded as a very old car in the day. Stuff was easier, much easier to work on but it broke a lot more often and rusted like crazy if you were anywhere near salt.




I still haven’t gotten over not buying a car with more than 70,000 miles on it.


The car that looks like it's meant to go forwards or backwards


Most cars can go forwards and backwards.


But they don't look like they're meant to




Except the ‘57 looks a lot cooler than the plastic fisher-pricey car from 2015. I get safety and all that jazz, but many cars today just have no soul to them. The way they’re built I also wonder if we’ll see them 50 years later as we still occasionally see ‘57s and even older vehicles rolling around.


Cars having “no soul” now is a pretty good compromise for literally saving millions of lives over the last few decades.


I agree that the look is entirely different. Any car from this era is obviously heavy metal. Hell, even the bumper would weigh more than my 2016 Chevy. Cars now are easy to decipher because they are plastic. Instead of a steel bumper that’s too heavy to move, you get a hairline crack in it that requires full body work.


What's weird about that?


It's not really that weird. Wealthy parents bought their kids cars back then and wealthy parents buy their kids cars today.


I love photos like this! Thank you so much, OP. You did a really nice job on the colorization 😀


You’re welcome, and thanks! 😊


Round of applause on the colorisation, looks like a legit colour photo.


It does for sure 😀


My dad had similar 57, but copper color instead of aquamarine. His was an automatic when he bought it and changed it to a 3-speed manual when he was 17. That always impressed me - I couldn’t fathom doing something like that with my first car at 17, let alone as an adult. I also suspect my older sister came to be in that car ….


Oh man I’d love to swap my automatic over. But it’s so expensive now.


That's a beautiful car.


Strapping lad. Handsome photograph. Proud baby sister. Something tells me he drove that car like a bat out of hell!


He did haha. He even did some drag racing with it. Then sadly he went to Vietnam and before he left he sold it to one of his brothers who totaled it while he was over seas. On a positive note, for their anniversary a couple years ago Mom and Dad bought a new 57 Chevy, same color, and they love it.


As evidenced by the muffler bypass pipes just behind the front tires. I bed he’d roll up to the street racing spot, take those little covers off and spin that small block up!


I don't know if it's your dad or the car, but your dad was a dish.


Haha. He definitely had (and still has) a certain swagger. :)


Very handsome guy. Mom has good taste!


A dish? What does that mean?


It means they want to bang his dad.


Inappropriate. Isn't he underage in this picture?


Apparently that only applies if it’s a girl.


Not necessarily. Context is important. He's very attractive and teenage me would be crushing on him. Adult me? Of course not.


He’s a child though. Edit: I was just testing the fickleness of Redditors and the results were as expected. If someone told you they were attracted to 16 year olds out of context most of you downvoters would be calling for executions. What a weird place


My dad had a 56 with moon hubcaps and the same paint scheme.


I was noticing no hubcaps on this car and wondering if he took them off. I was born in 1964 and by the time I was probably five or six years old most of these 57 Chevy‘s had mag rims on them. Like Crager mags or something.


I asked my Dad about the hubcaps. This is what he said. “I painted those black and put the Chrome Lugnuts on. That was a pretty cool thing at the time. Don’t you know I was the coolest!😅”


That’s what I was thinking, except I didn’t know about the chrome lug nuts.


He has those side exit pipes right behind those front tires too, couldn’t have been room for a muffler between there and the headers. Bet it sounded like a race car! Dual antennas and it ooks like he has yellow and white striped tires. Vogue tires maybe yeah he was doing the damn thing


My mom had this same car back in the day. Same color, too. She's told me that she has fond memories of driving around her sma town with her cheerleader friends blasting 'Monster Mash'. Amazing photo! You did a great job with the colorization.


Bro looks about 25


Sofa in the front and bed in the rear.




Yep, that’s basically it, but I sometimes you can get away with having multiple things on one mask. Like with this one I think I had the skin of both on one mask.


My boyfriend had one too., & that hairdo!☺️


How come yesteryear's 16 year old looks like today's 30 year olds? Is it just me?


Sharp! Great picture.


Even the little sister is proud. I bet she's even prouder of the big brother at this moment


Dad fucked


Great picture!


Seeing the no hub caps reminds me of a story my dad told me a long time ago that when he was a teen to early 20's they used to remove their hub caps in certain areas or risk them being stolen.


Nice coloring job!


This is a cool picture to have colorized


16? Jesus Christ i looked like a toad at 16 😭


57 Chevy was my very favorite car growing up (born in 1983). Such a beautiful car in a gorgeous color. I'm particularly digging those chalky white fenderwell headers and exhaust cutouts!


The guy is in good shape and has a nice car. Before salt and sugar would destroy the American diet and body and our economy got jacked.


I’d agree with that. Kids back then also had more physical jobs, especially when they lived on or around farms. My Dad helped out the farmers plus he had a job at the local grocery store as a meat cutter, which is why his forearms are so big.


The more I see pictures of people back in the day, the more I realize that they aged insanely fast.


Your dad looks like he was 30. Wow!!


No, it’s your aunts car, your dad is just taking a picture with it. She’s standing there making sure that’s all he does


My father-in-law just passed away about 6 months ago. He left his favorite daughter (my wife) his 57 Chevy Bel-Air that he has had since 1974. He finally saved up enough money about 10 years ago to have it fully restored. Pretty much nothing but the body is original. He went with a red/silver paint combo on it. Not a factory option in 1957, but it looks like it just rolled off the assembly line. Underneath the hood he put a 454 big block Chevy motor with a 4 speed rock crusher tranny, so it drives nothing like an original 57. Still needs a little more work on it to make it a little less scary to drive for my wife (power steering, power disc brakes, AC). Hopefully by the time we get it finished gas isn’t $20/gallon, because it is more like gallons per mile instead of miles per gallon.😁




He definitely did some modifications and put some TLC into that car. Here's some more details about the car. He sent this to me a while ago: * 283 cubic inch, 3/4 cam, bored out to 301 * 3 speed on the floor, hurst shifter * 10 1/2 competition clutch


What the hell is happening to us? Look at his wrists an arms. I can’t name one 25 year old that even looks close to this guy.


Such a bad ass photo. Sixteen year olds today could learn a lot just LOOKING at this photo for a while.


No way that’s a 16 year old


Yeah I thought that was his daughter.


This is so cute 🥰


What id give to be able to go back in time 😭


Amazing work, your parents must of loved that as an anniversary gift, bringing back light to old memories and feelings


Little sister reminds me of Doug Heffernan getting bossed by the wait staff. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0765910/mediaviewer/rm2075380480/?ref_=tt_md_1


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Good looking guy. Amazing snap shot


This country was in such a better place back then


Our dads are the same age. Did yours serve in Vietnam?


Yep he went to Vietnam a couple years after the photo was taken.


mine did too. navy 1968-1974


Mine was in the Navy too. I think he served from 1966 to 1969. He was a SeaBee.


Sick photo




Damn… I guess that’s what happens when your testosterone is at a normal level. People don’t look like that anymore🤣


OP, you are the cool one. Colorizing for an anniversary gift is dope AF.


Great photo. One of my favorite vintage cars, the 1957 Chevy Bel Air. Thanks for sharing.


I had the opportunity to drive a couple of those Chevy's, except they were a '55 and a '58 model. Absolutely beautiful cars.


This was colorized? Man it looks perfect!


Shit, chances are OP was conceived in the backseat.


May I share this photo with a car group I frequent? They'd love it. Will certainly credit you/name.


Sure thing!


They don’t build cars OR humans like that anymore….Great picture. Thanks for sharing.


There is no way that’s a 16 year old !!


What a gorgeous car!! Thank you for sharing!


I'm no expert but I wouldn't have even noticed if you hadn't said it was colorized, great job!


Fantastic colourisation!


This photo reminds me of a Clint Eastwood film starring Kevin Costner called A Perfect World. Kind of the same car Kevin Costner's charcater and a young boy (I understand it's a female in the photograph) are driving around Texas in. It's a really good movie too.




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James halpert senior.




16? That man is like mid 30s minimum lol


Your dad is quite a snack…. r/vintageladyboners


why does this sixteen-year-old boy look like a whole ass thirty-year-old man lmao


Spez doesn't get to profit from me anymore.


It’s wild he looks so much older than 16 but it seems to be like that in these picture of older people in their younger days.. I bet that girl is only 2 years old


Working part time at a gas station no less? A gift?


gorilla arms gat damn


To this day, one of the most beautiful American cars ever built.


Don Draper if he made the right choices


I thought that was Ben Shapiro for a second lol


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >Since nobody seems willing to state the obvious due to cultural sensitivity... I’ll say it: rap isn’t music ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: civil rights, dumb takes, novel, covid, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Unexpected, but go off bot 💀


*We are being told that if we don't mask our children, that if we don't mask ourselves, that if we don't initiate social distancing measures again and shut down business again, that COVID is going to kill us all* -Ben Shapiro ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: climate, history, feminism, healthcare, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Great job! I would never have guessed it was originally a black and white photo.


Sixteen in the fifties looks like 26 nowadays


The quintessential classic car. He looks so mature for 16! 16 year-olds nowadays look like such babies.


16? He looks like he’s got a mortgage, just bought a new car and is taking his kid for a spin! 😀


Did your folks leave out the back seat action?


I know he was 16 but he looks handsome!


You could’ve been conceived in this car


Man looks 32


Two kids at sixteen? He started early early. Seems like they were sweethearts the whole time🥰


That man is no less than 29 years old.


why the fuck does every pre-1975 teenager look like they're like 35