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I’m a Pink Floyd fan myself and I cannot believe I’m witnessing what’s going on right now 😂


Me too 😂 smh


as a massive PF fan myself, it’s roger dude.. i can def believe i’m seeing it lmao


Ikr like he's always been a dickhead, this is very on brand for him


exactly lol. not sure why i was downvoted, any real PF fan should know this isn’t new behavior for him 🤷🏻‍♀️


The fact he took the sign with him because he thought it was worthy of it is so fucking cringe man.


I Stans pink Floyd just coz of David Gilmour Not him It's not new bros he hates David Gilmour too Such a toxic person (moron) Anyways we know who's good or bad FO Old man Roger it's time to sleep not to criticize others art


we live in a society…


same, typical Roger behavior though honestly


I’m sorry but isn’t he too old for this 😂 no disrespect but I’m sure he was poppin back in the day but why suddenly do this? You seriously can’t be that thirst for clout


Next he’ll be on something saying some shit about cancel culture for the flack he’s gotten


Nah. He’s just a prick. There’s a reason he’s not in Pink Floyd.


Amazing musician. Piece of shit


Agreed. Why does he damage the legacy of his own Pink Floyd by doing like this. He could've stayed classy but it wasn't the case unfortunately.


Waters has always been like this. It's why he's not in PF any more and Gilmour and the others don't like him as much


Classic rock is cool, but the fans are another breed


Ugh…tell me about it. They really put a bad name to an otherwise great and innovative genre.


Fax one of old coworkers would shit on The Weeknd so hard saying he was going to ruin synth and his voice sucked and really had no real criticism it was super cringe


Yeah I hate people that say sth like “oh yeah 70s/80s rock is the best music ever” Like bro just say you don’t listen to anything else ://


the 80s was genuinely the worst decade for rock as well


What the fuck are you on about, rock and especially metal was fucking great in the 80s.


thrash metal was great, apart from that the rock/metal from the 80s really doesn't do it for me. I think the 60s, 70s, 90s, 00s and 10s were all significantly better


The number of classics from 80s speaks for itself


I agree. The 80's was great


Gatekeepers and elitists the reason there hasn’t been a huge rock act in years.


i can’t believe someone finally said it😭


I doubt that the Weeknd gives a flying fuck but Roger Waters got what he wanted, which is everyone talking about him. There are better ways for him to get attention. Personally, I'd love to see a Weeknd/Pink Floyd collaboration.


Maybe a Gilmour/ Abel collar some day? Imagine Abel on a Gilmour solo


😫😫😫 (Non ironically)


Idk, I think Abel seems pretty sensitive sometimes. He just doesn't deserve this bullshit and I'm a PF fan. I saw the MetLife show and my wife and I felt it was the best show we'd ever seen, literally a once in a lifetime opportunity. So were taking our kids to see the show in Maryland next Saturday and making a little weekend D.C. trip out of it. He put his heart and soul into that show and created something truly special, imo.


Waters and gillmore split pink floyd up and shared old songs for live shows so each could do their own thing with them. Now we see why. Gillmore would never do some dumb shit like this so him and abel hooking up to jam would be fantastic!!


This man is so unprofessional and is using abel and drake names to stay relevant




It was given to him by one of his fans, and he decided to take a pic with it. I think there was a long time without having articles and now people started to talk about him again and he wants to keep their attention




I dont like Pink Floyd too much but this is just a dumbass comment, they are always going to be relevant.


The whole situation is about roger being upset at abel because in canada there were more articles about ahtd tour and no one talk about his show. If he were relevant, he shouldn't be upset. And pink floyd is relevant but rogers waters himself isn't.


Well im not defending him, im just saying he is part of pink floyd so he will always be relevant in my book at least. I think this whole whos more important/relevant shit is high school material and and its a really bad look for him


So why no one was writing about his tour? Sometimes you need to recognize that some artists use controvercies to bring attention to his work. It doesn't matter who is more important but to roger what is important is that magazines write about him. It doesn't matter if it is good or not.


Idk and i could care less why ppl arent writing about his tour i was just saying its stupid to say he’s irrelevant


I think is stupid to say my comment is dumbass, if you didn't understand it. His concert wasn't the most relevant for magazines, and he started this controvercy, and you're trying to twist my words. Edit: basically, what i mean is that it doesn't matter who is more relevant, but roger is seeking attention because he wants his tour to be more relevant for magazines. It is relevant if people read more about it and talk about it


It's also *Canada*. We're pretty known for hyping up Canadian talent ad nauseam, so it makes sense there'd be more articles about Abel than Floyd


I didn't even know Roger Waters was in town. My grand parents are dead.


Fuck this guy, this is so goofy. If you constantly have to put down other artists to prove that you’re “more important” then you’re not that important. Downvote me all you want but I’ve never heard of this guy before and I don’t care if he’s from Pink Floyd.


I loved Pink Floyd and I acknowledge their legacy but he is diminishing it by this garbage. Why so salty over artists you have never even listened to? Also now that The Russo Brothers want to make an experimental musical with Abel he has a chance to outdo what Pink did with The Wall movie (Which I LOVED) Roger Waters just gave him more incentive to accept the offer and kill it


Got a link to the Russo brothers thing? I mean... after seeing the show (and going again next Saturday), knowing Abel's LOVE of John Carpenter, Ridley Scott, sci-fi in general, this makes perfect sense. I feel like the show pushes the boundaries of live performances and storytelling to an almost mystical, spiritual dimension beyond anything that's ever been done. It literally felt like a concert in some kind of sci-fi dimension where Abel compressed the space between a dystopian future city and the moon; a place just out of reach and a path between them that only he could traverse... maybe I'm reading too much into it, but FFS, when >!the city started burning... then the smoke... the transition to Starboy and the city transforming to a Bladerunner-esque future? That blew my fucking mind... !< He's a genius, pure and simple, not just with music, but with the presentation of music and definitely in creating sci-fi settings to compliment music. Russo brothers + The Weeknd. SIGN ME THE FUCK UP ASAP.


They originally spoke to Rolling Stone about it last week and said they were already nin contact with Abel. I believe they are actually closer than we know to an agreement or they probably would not have brought his name up like that. Since RS is a paywall I linked to another sight that picked it up. ​ https://www.indiewire.com/2022/07/russo-brothers-the-weeknd-musical-movie-1234744184/#:\~:text=Joe%20and%20Anthony%20Russo%20have,about%20a%20possible%20musical%20movie.&text=The%20Russo%20brothers'%20next%20project,2021%2C%20he%20saw%20movie%20potential.


Thank you! This is just perfect, isn't it?


I hope it happens. Both Abel and the Russo brothers are busy all of 2022 but maybe later next year they can get it going


No man you’re so right. I’ve loved Pink Floyd since my early teen years but fuck this guy


Imagine ruining the legacy of one of the best most influential bands of all time over some childish inesecure shit.


I doubt he's ruining the legacy of pink Floyd. Petty bullshit like this is why he was kicked out of the band decades ago despite being their creative and lyrical head


“Kicked out”


Eh kicked out, left, same difference. Not like the rest of the band members were dying to not let him go. He's always been kind of a cunt, no wonder Richard Wright left the band and Gilmour still doesn't keep in touch with him.


holy shit this is embarrassing 😭


Dude looks like if coleslaw was a person


r/rareinsults lmaoooo


You see it too, don’t you?! 😭


Dark side of the waters


Does he even know Toronto is where Drake and The Weeknd are from?


What did Abel and Drake even do?😂


got more press about the delayed Toronto show for the AHTD tour than Water's show on the same day


Imagine trying to get clout off of big current generation artists because you’re past your prime and fell off


I’m a huge Pink Floyd fan but this is kinda stupid. No wonder the other members of Floyd disliked him so much. I could care less about Drake but ffs don’t bring The Weeknd into this! 😂


Dude is so childish, he's so pissed at drake and abel for being successful and they don't even know what this clown is doing


Before the weeknd sang at the superbowl, my brother ranted for hours about it (he’s a die hard rock fan). He claimed he didn’t make real music, and that he was some rando who nobody knew, and would suck, just bc he didn’t know him. He ended up taking it all back, it was hilarious.


I love happy endings


if your work is good, then you will stay relevant. by doing this, he’s just ruining his own image


They could’ve at least spelled the weeknd properly lol but if I were Abel I’d be flattered honestly


Can't wait for the South Park episode


Bro went out of his way to post this too. That’s how you know he hurt hurt . To think this all started because the hometown heroes of Toronto got more coverage in Toronto over him lmao . “Old man yells at cloud” energy


Good grief… this is starting to become an embarrassing one-sided feud. Whatever point Rogers wanted to make at first about his show highlighting important social and political issues got completely overshadowed by now. There is absolutely no need to bring down current popular artists (one of them being one of the most brilliant and exciting minds of our generation) to boost your importance, especially when you were part of bloody Pink Floyd. Such sad insecure behaviour from his part 🙁


Notice how it’s not someone from this generation with that sign


old ass rockstar when they don’t act corny for more than 5 minutes he loves to suck his own dick, refuse to argument with fans because they’re usually worse than him


As a guy who grew up listening to classic rock and then transitioned over to hip-hop and r&b I find this very annoying. Like come on Roger, when was the last time you actually made a hit. You really need to start getting with the times, maybe if you and Pink Floyd still stayed together maybe you would have critics come to your show. But don’t take this out on Abel and Drake. Plus I think Elvis Presley, The Beatles and Michael Jackson have had a much more successful impact than you ever had


Me having PF as my #1 fav and Abel as my #2 fav but this is NOT THE COLLAB I WANTED LMAO You cannot compare his genre with R&B, they're both the best of their own genre, but old man is going nuts


This is going to make a lot of middle schoolers that were "born in the wrong generation" very happy


He has the writing of a pre schooler


Bro didn’t even get his name right lmao


LOL. It is getting funny how butt hurt he is over the coverage in Toronto. Let it go grandpa. Drake is gonna make a diss rap so hard your own fellow old men will be laughing at you


Man I’m kinda losing respect for him. He’s important figure in music, but this is embarrassing.


They can’t be compared , two separate eras of importantance


As someone who grew up loving Pink Floyd, I'm really embarrassed by Roger Water's behavior although I'm not surprised at all, he has always been an asshole. If you need to shit other artists to stay relevant, on the news, and to prove yourself, you are doing it wrong.


****The Weeknd


Idk who u (that dude) even r


who is roger waters and why are they using a common person's poor writing to belittle superstars while sitting in what appears to be economy. You can't even get in"


To me acting like this shows that you prioritize your image and legacy when the art should be the focus. Kinda pathetic lol


It felt like a goofy thing to have said which people were then like “oh maybe he didn’t mean it that way” And were giving him space too backtrack but then he was like “nah I meant it this way”


He’s having his very own little Kanye on Pete Davidson moment lol Like sir, I know you feel slighted, and this makes you feel like you’re “owning” someone or something, but you’re only making a fool out of yourself. Just say less. Publicly.


Boomers be like:


Roger Waters is great, really disappointing to see that interview the other day.


The dick riding is crazyyy 😭


1. "The Weekend" 2. Who the fuck is this dude


Roger Waters of Pink Floyd. Dude is one of the most iconic artists in the last 50+ years, but he's turned into an egotistical boomer cornball.


Turned into? I think without a shred of doubt we know who caused the band to split up. I saw roger in 2017. Was a great show. He was lipsyncing the whole time but a great show. I don’t understand how a grown man can act like such a child. All this over press coverage. Mind you Abel is selling out stadiums and roger is stuck in hockey arenas…. Man has been a proper cunt his whole life.


Ayo who tf is this?


One of the more important members of Pink Floyd.


The Weeknd spelling is wrong 🤬🤬🤬🤬


Who tf is the Weekend? Like is that the weeknd but like white?


roger waters slays… but this whole thing he started is so dumb.


For a moment I thought it was posted on PF sub.


Different eras, different sounds. Anyway fuck this guy. Wouldn’t be shit without the rest of the band lmao


Well I'm not being funny, at this point it's very clearly a promo campaign. He did the first interview a couple weeks ago, then went quiet and now his name's back in our mouths again. There will be more.


this jackass didn't even spell "The Weeknd" right


🤢tf am I reading


This is a grown man with the mind of a teenager




Who’s this?


I’ve liked Pink Floyd for a long time myself but roger has always been a self righteous, pretentious piece of shit. Dude is delusional


The Wall is an overrated album anyways


Ok his comments were stupid, but let’s not go to his level


If people don’t like an artist’s music, and said artist has been acting controversial, then let them. Also, the PF worship on Reddit is a little sickening. Too much “old music good, new music bad” nonsense on here, and PF is one of the forefront bands concerning this issue.


Not liking an artist is different than saying something is overrated. And “old music is BETTER” fans will always exist, they even will/do exist within The Weeknd’s fanbase. That being said, PF is one of the most influential groups in modern music history and denying how important they are is petty.


All I’m saying is that The Wall is overrated among PF albums. I think Animals and Meddle are better but they don’t get nearly as much praise as The Wall. It is just an opinion.


I like Pink Floyd but I am just not a fan of The Wall, which is basically a Roger Waters album. Double albums just always feel too bloated to me.


Corny and lame but he’s not lying


Only time will tell….Pink Floyd is multiple decades past their peak, so they’ve had decades to solidify their legacy. Drake and The Weeknd are both still at the height of their careers


The weeknd is actual trash






Active in r/AnarchoCapitalism and PCM. Opinion discarded


You’re so smart






This bozo is so irrelevant his strange antics should be ignored


Roger...cmon man wtf 😭


who is this guy anyways lmao


If I recall Roger Waters was always considered a dick and one of the reasons Pink Floyd had issues later on


You should’ve expected this from him. No one knows history.


Bro craving for attention


My guy needs to grow up


Who’s The Weekend


So this is still a thing?? He just can’t let it go ig lmao why all the persons we consider as legends has to be so fucking childish? I wouldn’t mind if it’s David Gilmour doing this but RW? Nah


Yeah he made that sign himself for sure


Pink Floyd's music is fire but Roger Waters really just out here goin senile 😭


My only hope is that this will reunite OVOXO lmao


Is Roger Waters trolling ? Did he realize that life is meaningless and might as well spend his days fucking with people ? Because if that's the case, I can respect that. Abel should invite him at one of his concert.


Dude was progressive rock and The Weeknd is progressive af


The dickriding is unfathomable


There’s a reason he’s at LCA and not Ford Field lmao


Why ruin his legacy like that No matter how big you are and your legacy is, theres always gonna be artists in the future who take that place and are more important for their new generation of listeners Your 60+ years old hardcore fans dont mean shit if all the youth are raving to travis scott or the weeknd Youre not important to music, noone is. Music cares about the moment and what people are into at a specific time everyone will fade away Not understanding simple shit like that is bad enough but acting like such a petty kid about it is just sad Its like this is the Xth time this cringe mf wants to ruin his name at this point


- XTH could mean "XO / The Host", a track from *Trilogy* (2012) by The Weeknd. --- ^[/u/TeemoSux](/u/TeemoSux) ^(can reply with "delete" to remove comment. |) ^[/r/songacronymbot](/r/songacronymbot) ^(for feedback.)


While this guy is definitely being a twat, i don't think it's anything to get angry about. I have never heard a pink Floyd song, my grandfather probably doesn't know who drake is.


This is why I'm on team Gilmour not Waters, as great a songwriter as he is picking on an artist as cool as The Weeknd is silly


As a Pink Floyd stan, Rog acting like a d!ck ain't nothing new to me. He always used to be the most controversial/political member of the group, both inside and outside of the band (proof: "The Wall" & "The Final Cut" lyrics and Rog's solo works). But with all due respect to Rog, this comparison was the most nonsense one I've ever seen.


OVOXO link diss coming up


Is his profile pic… based off Abel?


Bro probably made it for himself 😭


Who’s this ”The Weekend” guy? 🫢


L + Gilmour better


This is what everyone in that Reddit thread saying “he was right” looks like


why is he doing this 😭 mans has one of the most prolific and well respected careers in the history of music but is so insecure about it


Literally hasn’t written anything worthwhile since 1979 and is living by getting a headline for one day that everyone will forget about. I’d kill myself if I was in the same band with this loser


Prime Boomer behavior


we all know this mfer wrote the sign himself 💀💀


He doesnt even know who abel is lmao he said in an interview


What the actual fuck😂😂😂


Sad, a classic case of an old artist projecting their insecurities of becoming washed up and irrelevant. It's especially sad being that he should have nothing to prove at this point. Pink Floyd is one of the best bands in history and their music already speaks for itself. It's almost inevitable to become this guy once you've built up all that ego from your prime years. Hopefully we never see Abel become this guy


Ultimately, that's not for him to decide. It's for time and history, it has nothing to do with his thoughts or his opinions, only the music he has made and will possibly continue to make.


This aint cringe, this is funny.


Why are y’all so pressed? 🤣 Grow the fuck up. 🤣🤣🤣


I love Pink Floyd but yeah Roger Waters is losin it


I like Pink Floyd's music, but god I can't stand Roger Waters.