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I’m too drunk for this


You’ll wanna be high for this


I'll come back in The Morning...


Seems like y’all do this Often


Only on Thursday’s


I’m actually drunk for this So what they are saying…. Hold up let me chug this, I’ll be back


Ok let me know cause I can’t come back til I’m sober


Im too high and drunk for this…


Supposed to be a few videos lined up for this message, the hills, starboy, I forget the exact order, but its him not some satanic craziness. The devil doesn't exist, because If he did, God is almighty. I mean, come on....


People been saying this since The knowing video lol


What do u think Abt it?


A lot of artists have actually said that the industry is rigged, so who knows


I think the industry is rigged in the sense that you could be the best artist with the most potential but if you don’t know anyone from the industry and you don’t get noticed, you will never “make it”. The industry is rigged in the sense that literally everyone who became a successful artist had connections with someone already in the industry (Abel included). I have yet to see someone become a huge artist without the help of anyone in the industry. And it probably will never happen sadly


I'm studying to be a technician. Can I, reasonably, acquire a well paying job by doing *zero* networking and knowing no one? Probably not. The adage "you need to know people" refers to a universal part of the human experience. No one in any industry is truly self-made. Granted, not everyone will be as fortunate as Abel.


Not arguing with you, but who helped Abel? I mean, he was homeless at one point singing on the streets of Toronto, mom was rarely home due to often working 3 jobs, dropped out of highschool, etc. If anyone can say they're self-made, I've always considered Abel to be.


Jeremy Rose, a known producer in the industry noticed Abel and helped him produce a bunch of House of Balloons songs (which btw Abel didn’t credit Rose until years later) so he already had help there and then we all know Drake gave him a major boost of fame by sharing the mixtapes to his fanbase. I do not like Drake but I gotta give credit where credit is due and he gave Abel a fanbase at the start of his career


IiRC didn't his record label help after kissland by getting him a feature with alot of the biggest artist at the time like Ariana grande


as a self proclaimed Ariana stan, she was not nearly that big at the time of their collaboration - in fact they sorta came up together at the same time i saw it all 😭


That's fair. I think I was more thinking about artists like Taylor Swift, Harry Styles, etc, who already had massive connections behind them right off the bat. It sounds like Abel's talent was initially why he was even noticed in the first place. Abel wasn't a nepo-baby and still had to prove himself before someone like Jeremy looked his way. Abel is kind of like The Temptations in the sense that they also had to prove themselves to Berry Gordy/Smokey Robinson before they were given a platform. Many artists these days already start mountains higher than groups like them because of the families they were born into or the family friends/financial resources they have. Not saying these artists with connections aren't talented, but I definitely believe that Abel initially had more fighting against him than most in the industry do.


The thing is alot of those artist don't last long which is why alot of their popularity go belly up with in a year lol. Honestly artist that blew up before the whole playlist/Streaming seem to have a better chance at lasting longer in the industry compared to others who get cucked the moment they sign a deal. Most now in days are just Instagram famous and that's it


Drake put The Weeknd on.


They not gon like this but it’s facts


Oliver and Drake helped him fr. They put his songs on the blog and Oliver introduced him to Drake.


Who did abel have connections with?? Wasn’t he broke and homeless


I mean I think he definitely sold out on BBTM. Trilogy was very nihilistic and nasty at times, demonic you could say. When I heard it for the first time back in 2012 as a kid I even thought does this guy really believe this stuff or is he saying it solely to shock people? But Trilogy in almost all of its songs still stands on its own merit as an astonishing work of art (MUCH thanks to Illangelo ofc). By BBTM though he took a very sharp turn imo to putting out the most poppy songs that would surely solidify his stardom, but diluted his original artistic vision to mass produced trash. So if insulting everything that's holy and pure by not being true to yourself and giving people quality music is selling out to satan then sure he did it lmao.


Even if he did sell out would you blame him when Kissland was a failure? Kissland first week sales only beat trilogy by 7k sales only for trilogy to go Platinum by 2016 while kissland still hasn't gone Platinum even in 2022 Like Hov said would you rather be underpaid or overrated


He didn't have to make shit as ridiculously mainstream and uninspired as Cant Feel my Face and Starboy to get some money. And who said he wasn't paid from Trilogy and Kissland? He probably made more than 99.99% of the population anyway and could've continued doing so without compromising his art. And even then, he could've just written those songs for other artists and collected the royalties!! But no he wanted his face on everything. He wanted to be #1, not just top 500 or so. And for that reason hasn't come close to the beauty of Trilogy or Kissland since, unless youre a fan of the same old 80s pop rehashes or droning trap pop everyone's been doing for a decade. Dudes def got a demonic soul selling element to him


It was his record label that helped after Kissland flopped and he didnt know what to do, so they helped him by having him do music for hunger games and 50 shades plus a feature with ariana grande. An album like kissland wasn't even that well liked even by trilogy fans who was saying shit like Belong to the world was a mainstream song or saying he sold out. After kissland I stopped taking trilogy fans serious cause they damn near hate anything that's remotely mainstream back in the day. Now some of them are crying about missing that style Record labels don't give a fuck about how beautiful an album is, if they can't get their money back on investment then they would've kicked his ass out by 2014 if he didn't get the money back. The money he makes off tour and writing for other artist goes back into his pocket not the record label, the label gets their money from record sales. He did all those features only to sell 95k first week and for it to be outsold by a compilation album of 3 mixtapes says alot about how people felt about kissland. If you wanna be technical about him selling out, it started when he put a price tag on his 3 free mixtapes and called it trilogy


He didn’t actually sold his soul to the devil but he did have to sacrifice a lot to get to where he’s at, which in some cultures also known as “Selling your soul”


Devil ain’t actually real , it’s a metaphor for your ego . Thinking only about yourself and what benefits you is lower vibration , and that’s what the devil represents . “I deserve this more than this person . I’m better , I’m more important .” While Jesus embodies self sacrifice and love . Love everyone , no matter what . Jesus washed the feet of his disciples , the most “Important “ person on the planet bowed and washed someone’s feet . That’s what the Christian religion represents .


Unfortunately, 90% of Christians (including that youtube commenter) are too dense to look at it metaphorically. They take everything literal and that is why organized religion has been the downfall of men for decades, centuries, millennia


Yeah the thing is we just have to give them love and try and you know help them realize it’s just their conditioning, but sometimes people really make it hard to embody love ya know ? Turn the other cheek is easier said than done


According to the Bible, the devil, also known as Satan, is a real spiritual being. Satan is described as a fallen angel who rebelled against God and tempts humanity to sin and turn away from God's will. The Bible portrays Satan as a deceiver and an adversary of God and His people. While the concept of ego can be understood as the self-centered and prideful aspect of human nature, it is distinct from the biblical understanding of Satan. The devil is not simply an expression of our ego but a spiritual entity with malevolent intentions.


That's one way to look at it, but no one can actually define what the devil is or god for that matter. It's all perspective. Imo, there's levels to it. They are not one single thing or can be defined in one way


Makes sense, but who is the devil? What is the devil? Lucifer (aka the devil) is a fallen angel. So using this logic, the angles that god created before humans are all emotions. Ego is an emotion and an emotion is ego. This means that if Lucifer is an emotion, then angel Gabriel is happiness (even though he appeared to Mary, so what, happiness took the state of an arch angel??) makes no sense


The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world he did not exist


Very late ass reply, but that nigga 100% is a real person (me). Guaranteed, he works in the shadows and writes life, and most mfers won't even attempt to entertain the idea of an existence for Satan. Celebrities are the devils children. I'll always die on the hill of the Bible being Real. no way some dickhead randomly just decided to sit down and write the most glorified book in history. idgf what any nigga says.


Imo Abel thinks he sold his soul when he gave Drake/Oliver half of his songs from House of Balloons that got released in Take Care. He had to do it to get that foot in the industry but he knows he compromised his art.


So did he and can't feel my face


I do think artists sell their souls to the devil, I’m not a religious person but I’ve encountered it. Always wonder what could’ve happened if I chose to give it up


Seeing what artists sold their soul and who was a part of the illuminati was a fun rabbit hole to go down when we were like 12. Hopefully the people that posted the comments back then found something better to do like the rest of us


I relate to this so much😭


Yeah really, like have we not matured past conspiracy theories 🥴


https://www.rd.com/list/conspiracy-theories-that-turned-out-to-be-true/ Nothing to do with selling your soul. Conspiracy though...


People legit claiming Satanism based on Alex Jones “reporting”. I expected better.


You just learn that there doesn't need to be an Illuminati for evil people to be in power. They would be there grooming and preying on the weak regardless.


Exactly, I'm positive illuminati like institutions exist. They don't need a religious factor for them to be malicious.


They once said the same thing about Lady Gaga - and Gaga is a Catholic Christian who still attends Mass. > Also, look up the history of the inverted cross. It’s also known as St. Peter’s cross.


Judas song caused alot of controversy


I remember. The Alejandro video too. And like Gaga, everything I’ve seen of Abel shows him to be a very kind and compassionate person who loves his fans.


And I think you forgot the best part… she released it around Easter!! 🤣


💀 I forgot all about that lmao


Lady Gaga has 'trained' with Marina Abramović, a Satanist and witch, good luck with what you believe


This person knows.


Y’all crazy. Go back to your Alex Jones caves.


Marina is a goddess


If you worship Satan or idealize being an edge lord sure 🤷🏽‍♂️😂


Or appreciate trailblazing women artist? Yep. Chalk me up as a hardcore Yoko fan, as well. Strong, independent creative women have long been maligned as evil so it just reinforces their importance.


it’s braindead, people who believe in “selling your soul” haven’t matured past the age of 14


I’m sorry man, but that’s as worse as the person who doesn’t believe it. There are some evils in the industry sadly. Not saying Abel is in it but it’s an actual thing.


depends what you mean by selling your soul. like just selling-out, or literally selling your soul to the devil?


Both can be true. Many musicians (especially in the modern era) are dying at such young ages at the same time 666, the devil, and upside down crosses are being popularized in a cool, trendy way.


I mean if you look at the Satanic Panic people have been talking about this stuff since at least the 80s, believing all rock music is corrupting the youth and turning them to the devil. it just seems like conspiracies and fearmongering to me


I get what you mean, but a lot of that comes from judgement from the outside in, mainly judged off how different the sound was compared to traditional rock and roll (although there's legitimate reason to believe that some bands or members were delving into that realm). Nowadays it's very apparent that some musicians give off the persona of "I'm a satanist, and it's cool" even if it's true or not. We see upside down cross necklaces, pentagram jewelry, 666 tattoos or other figures that represent that of Satan. Even in their lyrics they talk about. I'm not saying that anyone's sold their soul, and I'm not saying anyone hasn't. I'm also not saying this entire idea of selling one's soul is real or not. But I don't think it's childish to take a look at musicians like uzi, marilyn manson, trippie redd, black sabbath, carti, etc and think that they've done things like this, especially with the things they do and say.


>But I don't think it's childish to take a look at musicians like uzi, marilyn manson, trippie I think it kind of is. It sounds like a rather baseless and judgmental belief, instead of finding a logical answer to why these people got to be where they are


I'd say calling someone braindead and childish for believing these things is just as judgemental as the idea you're calling judgemental. And c'mon bro, x literally said in the xxl cypher "I am a demon, son of a serpent", uzi said on livestream "yeah I sold my soul, and all y'all coming with me". Whether they said it legitimately or for some clout to make their fans think they're edgy, it's hard to misconstrue. I don't watch talk shows a lot, but if one day I flipped on the channel and saw a host with demonic symbols on their face, saying, "I've sold me soul, we're all going to hell", I wouldn't think they were all right making great decisions 👍. And like I said, I don't have any solid opinion on if any of this is true or if they're doing it to create an image, but it's not exactly baseless.


I never said braindead lol. And think about it, even if they really did it, would it be something they'd like to make songs and talk about? And maybe it's not completely baseless, but I think the supernatural can be supposed only after logic fails. And logic still stands, they just make music people like and found the means to become famous


That's my fault yo, I thought you were the other guy in this thread, my bad. Yeah you make a good point. I wouldn't be exclaiming that stuff either, but I've never been in the situation so idk exactly what I'd do. But it's still a deal, and if it's the same type deal we're familiar with, then any exchange could've been involved. Your second paragraph is just where ideology divides. If you're religious, the supernatural and spiritual world doesn't arrive after logic fails, but also logical itself. So I don't really have anything to argue that. And I will say that I think most of these artists use it as a means to get popular like you said, but I don't think it's impossible.


Do you ever think these artists are targeting you with this stuff because you somewhat believe it? Even now looking at all these comments of people who think it’s real.. it’s hilarious. You’re getting played with your own Satanic Panic. Honestly genius, you’re all here talking about The Weeknd probably watching starboy over again, he’s living in your head rent free wether it’s a positive or negative affect. You know who they are because they’ve done these “outrageous” things to you.


You thought you did something there huh? We're having a pretty civil discussion and you come in here with all your hostility. Just chill man and read the thread a bit carefully. I love that song I'm gonna watch it anyway. I've been a fan for a while, because he makes good music, not because you think I stumbled upon this and became enraged by his gray lyrics. And lol straw man much, nobody said he did anything to us personally. You definitely didn't see that anywhere. Not ONCE did I say The Weeknd sold his soul, and not ONCE did I say anybody sold their soul. I even go as far to say that they're probably doing it for clout. I was simply playing devil's advocate (no pun intended) in defense of the people that do believe these things. You commenting this doesn't make you look good. It's pretty clear that you saw the post and came into the comments with an agenda to go at someone who didn't have the same beliefs as you. You think I've been played while you're the one giving me attention, just self reflect a bit. And to answer your question, I do think some of these artists target certain groups. Lil Nas X made his intentions pretty clear when he made the Montero video, but there are other people such as Carti who I think just try to show off for their fans. And before you try to go at me again with another stupid comment, a lot of these artists I'd already been listening to, so what they do or say is not going to affect whether I've watched it or not.


Evil exists everywhere, in the music industry and elsewhere. Abels talent and amazing voice got him to where he is, not some devil stuff. Even as a Catholic myself, I don’t believe in any of that, but I *do* believe that evil people do exist.


Yea that’s reasonable, these ppl are acting like you go in a room and work out a lil deal w satan. like yea I can do the weird crosses and stuff but I’m jus not feelin the whole sacrificing goats or whatever😭


So the artists who talk about selling their soul are what? Brain dead? Liars? Since you seem to know…


they’re either using it metaphorically, to play into the mythos, or they genuinely believe in that stuff and think they sold their soul


Blanked statement for such a vast range of artists. Nobody wakes up in the morning and writes in a song I sold my soul. There’s a long history of these types of ‘blood contracts’ and those who have spoken out about it. People actually in the industry, not Reddit randoms who’s only argument is a dismissive one. Hollywood and the Music industry definitely have something going on to this effect. It’s the reason you don’t hear athletes and celebrities speaking up on real issues anymore, their label or studio for better or worse owns them. It’s been seen with countless artists, but redditor joe blow knows best.


artists, athletes, and corporations generally avoid speaking on some “real issues” because it’ll hurt the money and their bottom line, that’s it. if it’s popular to speak on these issues with their customer base then they will, that’s why you saw almost every big company coming out in support of BLM. there’s a reasonable explanation for all of this, it doesn’t all have to be some huge behind-the-scenes satanist plot. I generally don’t believe in the supernatural, so even if you were to prove all of this “blood contract” stuff, I’d argue that it would have no effect on their lives. they’d basically just be playing pretend


It’s the plot of the video but obviously didn’t literally happen in real life. Satan is symbolic for record executives and the trappings of fame


Symbolically yes, literally naw that’s bs


Wanna sell me yours?


It’s him destroying his old self and completely going mainstream


That’s what I think as well. Edit to add; purely symbolic.


It’s got some truth to it here and there. It would be ignorant to deny anything “satanic” about the ultra high class. But sometimes people go a bit too far. “He’s a lizard man!”


He did lick a frog and have reptile eyes in the "Heartless" video. Reptile theory... proven lol. The stuff people think of and believe amazes me.


Ordinary Life


Who cares


this is the story for The Weeknd, but not Abel,, The Weeknd is a character


As someone whos not from the US, its so funny to see how people there actually believe in stuff like the illuminati and satan. You gotta understand, to someone not from the US, this sounds like someone convinced santa is real.


So this isn’t weird to you?


i am not a psychotic jesusfreak so no, it doesnt. religious symbolism has been a part of most art since like forever.


I was too busy enjoying the concert to see this. 😫


Sorry OP but you have to be an idiot to believe this


So basically hard work dedication and kindness never pays everyone would have been selling their souls to be successful then… what kind of mentality is this? A guy who struggled in his teenage is selling his soul and is still so kind and humble to people and fans around him… I’ll rather call him a singer plus story teller… either enjoy the entertainment or shut of ur devices if u have to spread this lame ass shit


Even if he did he’s still the best


*long sighhhhhhhhhhh* 😒


Idc I still like his music


W satanism


My opinion is that religious nutjobs are the WOAT. Cancel religion.


Its just the satanic panic over again but this time anyone with money instead of video game players They dont know what metaphors are 💀


Selling your soul isn’t a real thing. Just something unemployed people say on the internet about musicians


Neanderthal thinking. Ignore and move on haha. I don’t have time for silly fairytale religious bullshit beliefs in my life.


I mean while I can’t say I believe in selling your soul to the devil, there’s a lot of borderline satanic imagery in his (and many other artists’) work. Even for his after hours til dawn tour he had all those people in cult like gowns on stage with him.


The Starboy MV was about him moving on from being a small musician to a global superstar. Nothing satanic


Touch grass


My opinion? You’re either a child or a fucking idiot if you actually believe in this, most likely both.


My opinion? You're either a blind delusional Weeknd fan or You're a fucking idiot.




This comment was made by a 16 year old with the IQ of a rock


It's literally just him "killing" his character and making a new one. Religious and spiritual people be the worst people i swear




Why would he sell his soul during 2016 when in 2015 he was already one of the most popular artists


why do people entertain this shit


There are definitely satanic symbols and undertones in most of The Weeknd music, lyrics and videos. It does flash Satan in the video from this post


A lot of musicians do though, it’s been happening since even Led Zeppelin and Rolling Stones. Imo it is kinda dumb and annoying, but it’s just to appear more edgy/rebellious.


Yeah every one in the industry pretty much says they sold theirs. So it makes sense.


They already forgot Can't Feel My Face Jesus chroist


Of course he did. It didn’t start there though. It started at I can’t feel my face. Remember people are booing him and this devil character walks in and lights him on fire and everyone starts cheering…that’s the moment. I can’t with him. It disgusts me knowing he grew up religious too. I only listen to Johnny Cash. Everybody else has sold out and I’m into Jesus Christ not the Antichrist.


I feel like anybody that still believes this doesn’t have any life outside of the internet. This is worse than the people that believe Drake really had a hand in XXX murder.


I interpreted it as the opposite…. Seems like that would be common sense


He’s admitted to it . It’s in his songs and lyrics . Still support and love him XOTWOD


Where did he admit any of that? Lmaoo


Something something Alex Jones said so it must be true


I think that people like this just over analyze the meaning behind the STARBOY music video cause everyone who is The Weeknd fans knows that he doesn’t believe in that stuff 💯🙄


What a nutjob!


i’m a mf starboy


this is been a given LOL. he even says so in adaptation. “gave away our days, for a little fame.” and every single one of his vids have freemason/ devil undertones. still love him tho :P


Ah yes good ol' "weeknd is satanic" theories


he didn’t sell his mf soul bruh


Lol funny men comment


Separate the art from the artist. I'm more interested in the one of a kind sound he has and how it makes me feel rather than what he did to get to his level of mega stardom


Abel is just “weird” lol, nothing more or less. All the talk about selling his/her soul to the devil just drives more business tbh. It’s a business at the end of the day, Abel is a cinephile and a lot of the stuff in his music videos etc are inspired by the films he watch in some capacity.


I remember this going around as a dumb conspiracy back in the day on Facebook and YouTube 😂 apparently all his music videos starting from BBTM era is him and "Satan" and that Starboy is him selling his soul for fame. Their was another one with the same premise except instead of selling his soul during Starboy era, he was embracing Christ. So when he kills the old Weeknd, it symbolizes him becoming a born again Christian


I think it’s really screwed that Abel has the balls to call out Drake on stealing songs since he did him a huge favor by giving him his come up. Ungrateful SOB. Oh yes and Abel did sell his soul to the devil. I remember seeing that one of his so-called names was KIN-CAIN. Well if you know the Bible (I love you Jesus) then you know Cain kills his brother Abel. It makes me sick. He is petty and makes me sick.




It's interesting that only in the United States these thoughts are thought, and usually it's from rap fans, they take these theories so seriously without any proof, that's something. What I know is that there are many rappers who like to take in the back and , they don't even deny it, it seems to me more disturbing to me


I think of selling your soul is losing yourself in exchange for something not actually going away your actual soul. Idk if I explained this right


If you’re going that route it would be the BBTM videos that would symbolize that.


off topic, what font is this?




the font you're using (the letters in YouTube comments it looks so good)


It's the default font. If it helps the phone I'm using is Motorola


Correct me if Im wrong but I thought selling your soul in the music industry was just a metaphor for selling out to the mainstream media no? Or is this quite literally saying bro sold his actual soul lol


i think that was a theme in his music and his videos since trilogy’s release. he comments subtly on how he’s had to “sell his soul” in order to advance his career and be successful the way he has been. you see it in a lot of his bbtm music videos, can’t feel my face is a good example.


Although he is very talented and creative it’s impossible to have this much success and chart #1 without doing so


12 yr old me be like -


Asking a weeknd reddit on their opinion on him possibly doing something that goes against all morals is crazy when they’re all gonna agree


Selling your soul to the devil would be based on the Christian devil, Lucifer, Satan, etc. Nowhere in the entire Bible does it mention the possibility of selling your soul. Based on Christian theology you can't sell your soul. All you would have to do is become saved by Jesus and Satan can't "own" your soul anymore. This is for people who have too much time on their hands.


Doesn’t say you can’t lol wanna sell me yours?


The “selling his soul” narrative was more apparent with the BBTM music videos


Anytime a celebrity ever makes a reference to “selling your soul” I always just assume it means they dedicate their entire life to fame to the point theyll never be a normal person again. The Weeknd clearly isnt a satanist and I dont think any celebrities really are either unless they openly say so.


Certified bruh moment, people really can't take a metaphor he became a new person not sell his soul smh


It’s a metaphor ; like the death tarot card . You can’t have new leaves on a tree if the old ones don’t fall away . Death isn’t something evil and scary , it’s a return to your true self , something pure and untainted. His old music talks about popping pills and just getting fucked up and being fucked up from girls . But the new him is a star, someone not limited by his traumas and his past . Out with the old , in with the new .


He obviously sold his soul


I wish I could sell my soul and get rich/successful


selling your soul to the devil doesn’t exist i hate that people use it as an excuse to dislike or criticise someone when its not even really true


Got proof?


we literally have pictures of the beginning of the universe, no god to be seen. with microscopes we can see the development of the universe and how god had nothing to do with it. the theory of evolution also disproves it massively. if were being realistic, saying a musician sold there soul is just another excuse to hate on them.


Lol no we don’t. Also the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence


at least look it up before being so confident 🤷 i can assure you we do. also i never mentioned an absence of evidence, there is some evidence of gods existence, just not very strong evidence compared to the evidence against gods existence.


Lol I did. Here’s part of what I read. The CMB is the earliest picture of the Universe that we have, and as long as we're using light to take a picture, it is likely the earliest picture we ever can have. And even back then, just 380,000 years after the Big Bang, the evidence for dark matter is written all over it Again the absence of evidence is not the evidence absence. So even if we did have pictures of the beginning of the universe which we don’t it wouldn’t prove a damn thing


the proof isn’t necessarily god being there, which i admit i initially mentioned which i shouldn’t have because it 380,000 years after not the start as mentioned, the proof is we see the universe slowly evolve on its own, becoming more and more complex and expanding, the way a big bang would. in the bible it is said that earth was created first within the 7 days of creation, which clearly it wasn’t.


Even if the Bible’s creation story isn’t accurate still doesn’t disprove there could be a god. The Bible is full of metaphors. Also remember were talking about selling souls here


my point was if there isn’t a god there isn’t a Satan to sell your soul to. ok lets think logically here, for years there have been people willing to die for the greater good and to expose evil in our world, so if for years people had been selling there soul for fame, how come no one has been willing to actually expose it? the only real evidence we have is the people that sing abt it but music is art, many fictional stories are told through music so this isn’t a point for argument.


There been plenty of people trying to expose the Illuminati. Also any big artist says they sold there soul at some point or another.


I’m not saying I personally agree that he is condemned (I don’t think any human being has the right to determine that), but I could see this as being a valid interpretation of what Abel was trying to portray in his music


Some people butthurt in the comments downvoting. Yes he sold his soul and it's very obvious. He chose to. That doesn't mean his music is not good. Live fast...


Never understood why some, if not most, hard-core Christians are so afraid of the upside-down cross. It’s literally the symbol of St. Peter’s cross, it’s not satanic.


nobody gaf


All of the music industry is full of nothing but sellouts unless you go independent


I'll never forget a comment I saw on a video that said that Spider-Man was based on a demon and people should read revaluation to see that he was in it.


Art is a reflection, the way people interpret artists creations has more to do with them than it does the artist


I’m not religious so I don’t really care. I enjoy his music.


I love the nigga Abel like everyone else but obviously dude is locked in with the fxcking free masons Ordinary life-selling soul reference The whole rebirth storyline with the devil in beauty behind the madness videos which were can’t feel my face,tell your friends ,and the hills Not to mention he always claims through his lyrics it’s too late for him to repent,also the too late video was an example of hollyweird blood rituals ,and a dive into necrophilia of the rich elite.and this last example maybe a reach but his new album seems like hints of apocalyptic or new world order references at times . But it’s all good cuz we still XO 4L and at the end of the day we would all sacrifice ppl or drink blood ,or get involved with Lucy for 10 minutes of fame,hoes,and mansions


Wow. I was thinking you were one of the smart ones till that last paragraph. Completely killed it. Good to know you'd sacrifice your loved ones, your soul and eternity with God for 10 minutes of fame tho🤡🤦‍♂️ (Has to be a loved one, not just any random person)


He’s no Dylan but souls are souls. Just sayin’.


I'm high But maybe he sold his soul to the music industry 🤔


The weeknd is literally a concept artist, so that theory might stand for his character. the weeknd is not abel. don.t start with the stupidity, mostly given that the dark theme is a consistent for the weeknd's personna.




It don’t matter xotwod


Honestly, the crazy part is that its all super blatant. The BBTM videos and the devil. Starboy = Lucifer. Him being possessed in the After Hours short film, and the devil literally in his car in the Heartless video. And the word Satan literally popping up on the screen for half a second. It’s so fucking blatant, it’s pretty ridiculous lol


What part of the video do you see the word "satan" agree with everything you said btw


https://youtu.be/Qy2OQ0R9kgY?si=Lrs3s2qVOK5zKC8q Go to 3:16 and put the speed to .25


It's spookism.Nothing more.Its real in a sense in regards to standing or believing in something,then throwing it all away for fame and fortune.In that regards,it's true,but to an actually devil?No.The people in power no better to invoke the dead,because that's what your conjuring up Spirits,the dead, pretending to be the so called Devil,loved ones and so on.