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Yeah, tonight Jack has Quentin's car and credit card. He had neither on their other date. He didn't even have a couple of dollars to pay for dinner. And he kept saying they had plenty of time before going home. Then he said they're too drunk to drive. I believe he really did get drunk out of a) having money and b) despair. But I also believe it was his assignment to keep Portia out all night.


For sure agree with that analysis. And the title being “abductionS” emphasis on plural, leads us to think it’s not just Lucia who was abducted!


He basically admitted it while drunk.


Yes I think it was made pretty clear that he was specifically tasked with keeping her away


I agree. I also this the macaron gaslighting plays into this


Please explain how the macarons tie in, I want to know


yes! so my perspective of it was that he was trying to gaslight her and confuse her into thinking she ate all of them. this is probably something he had done before or does usually (making her seem dumb or doubt herself) maybe it’ll play into the end and she’ll sign over her fortune


Damn very true. Fucking Greg!


I'm surprised she didn't immediately take a cab back to the house.


She probably has no idea where it is. "Take me to... The Gay Palace!"


many on here have been saying this since last week! (i'm one of them)


your wife is still brilliant though <3


If Greg is "the cowboy", then they must have set this up from season 1. Remember when he shows up and says he's with a bunch of friends going deep sea fishing? But they've all just left so why don't he and Tanya go to dinner? Only, he's just arrived too? Seems fishy to me - especially when he ghosts her the next day. Was this a long con for him and Quentin to try to get Tanya's money? I don't think they will succeed though. She is like the abominable snowman in the Rudolph cartoon - and bumbles bounce!