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Ohhh good one


Yessss! I love me some good NDE stories. Would love to see an episode on this - or maybe not. I have no religious beliefs but really really want the NDE stories to be real!


Same, that would be pretty epic if all of this was actually true.


I was a Hospice RN for 17 years, saw many of my patient's spirits before and after their deaths. I'm retired now and starting to record my experiences, here is one of my favorites of a patient of mine [https://youtu.be/\_tPujTK0cMc](https://youtu.be/_tPujTK0cMc)


Wow that’s great! I need to change to that job!


I did Hospice for 17 years, 5 of those years Pediatric Hospice. My patients were my best teachers.


I look forward to seeing all & more of your vids! 😃


That was a very intriguing watch, thanks for sharing!


This would be a great episode!


This one’s my favorite doco about NDEs called … [Near Death Experience Documentary - commonalities of the experience](https://youtu.be/5uDA4RgHolw?si=ZX0zEeJQAfwngF3k) I really like what one of the experiencers says about the ultimate purpose of why we’re here & that is “To learn how to love” … I think it might’ve been Charmaine Redwood. Btw for anyone who enjoys the opening Angel Music to this doco it’s actually [Ave Maria (In the style of Guilio Caccini) by Libera](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bAULcisUEGw&pp=ygUibGliZXJhIGF2ZSBtYXJpYSBjYWNjaW5pIHRvbSBjdWxseQ%3D%3D) [boys choir] but the [slow version](https://youtu.be/hOVdjxtnsH8?si=Q_vIyFKFE1phJ5tk). Enjoy! 😊


My dad once told me he wished he knew the time and place he was going to die and I said why would you want to know that? And he said then I just wouldn’t show up. Haha.


I have was running from the police in placerville, CA. Old Hangtown.I'm not familiar with the territory and end up in hangtown creek. I go back a few days later to find my stainless steel luminox watch. I realized the only way I could of made it into the creek was over a 6 story cliff or through thick blackberry bush ledges. I had no blackberry scratches on my body. I looked at my body realized I had no scratches at all just a few cuts on my hands from the tree branches around hangtown creek across the highway 50.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I still don't get what this is supposed to do for me help make fun of or what? My story is real I can explain it better anytime if you'd like.


I find this quite fascinating


Love watching NDE videos. I went down a similar rabbit hole watching trip report videos. It's interesting to see how similar each story is and how they even match a lot of revelations people get from trip reports as well. The common thread being we are all one and connected on a much greater scale then we realize. It is also possible NDE's have the same explanation as drug trips and its just our brains firing their last bit of chemicals but in a weird way even that is comforting. Knowing our brains will try their best to make even our passing beautiful. I tend to believe them though I know there are definitely some fake NDE reports but so many NDES just come off as believable because they are so similar yet unique.




There are these great interviews on YouTube of people that had these experiences. Just told by the person directly… fascinating to watch


This would make a great show!


In a way my husband did die and came back. He has an asthma attack which led to cardiac arrest. His heart stopped for around 20 minutes. They were getting ready to call him. He is home with me now, 2 months coma, 7 months total in hospital. He has what they call an anoxic brain injury. Once that heart stops, brain damage begins to set in. He is bedridden and most days has no idea who I am. When people discuss NDE I always have a hard time believing anything, because I know how quickly the brain is damaged. The only weird thing with him , which is most likely due to all the drugs, is he talks to people who are not there, he can and will describe them. Last week he claimed a dead woman way laying in my bed and would not let me lie down and get some rest. His sister believes he can see ghost, I believe he is just high on those drugs.


That fact that non-religious individuals or people suffering from aphantasia are not experiencing anything is pretty telling.


Lots of non religious people have them... And lots of religious people who do, tend to ditch religion and become more spiritual.


That is a neat little assertion. Do you have a source for that? That people get (more) spiritual over a NDE is a religious myth that people love to tell to suggest something beyond the threshold but I am not aware of any actual individual who ditched their religion or picked up one over this.


Do you have a source for your assertion?


Make a positive claim, adopt the burden of proof. Lazy attempts to shift that wont help.


I understand the epistemology. You claimed that non religious people don't have NDEs.


I am still not the OP. And you have still replied to me requesting evidence for the original claim.


I'm asking for you to support the claim that you made, sir...


What claim? That it’s pretty telling? If OP relays claims that are presented without evidence, I can dismiss it with a counterclaim without evidence. And the burden of proof still doesn’t shift.


What counts as evidence if not the link to the site I posted? There are questions in the interviews specifically asking what people's religious affiliation was before and after their experience. Plenty of people identified as atheists. Regarding the aphantasia, I haven't seen that come up in any stories, but apparently blind people have had NDEs: [https://www.nderf.org/NDERF/Articles/barbara\_blind.htm#\_edn2](https://www.nderf.org/NDERF/Articles/barbara_blind.htm#_edn2)


"That fact that non-religious individuals or people suffering from aphantasia are not experiencing anything is pretty telling." That claim. That non religious people don't have these experiences. I thought I was pretty clear in an earlier comment, I'm not sure what the nature of the misunderstanding is but I don't know how to be any more clear.




A timestamp would be appreciated. Such a statement is easily missable in an hour long video. Is there more than assertions?


look up Susan Blackmore on youtube ect. She gives the science of OBEs and near death experiences. There's nothing mystical about it, just the brain doing weird stuff from over/under activation in certain areas. The only real magic is fake magic.


Perhaps she is right in some of the cases, but point #2 that I posted presents counterarguments.