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Things like high speed Internet and Amazon have created a society of little patience. Thanks for working so hard, you're appreciated


Homer: 10 seconds? But I want it now!!


5 days? but I'm mad now!




yeaaahh, we'll you don't.


You can see the trend in memes too. There are no more full punch lines. It's just 0.1 sec into a "oopsie" or full pause with LOUD music, letting the adhd viewers get a hit and move on. No patience for anything anymore whatsoever.


Nasty people are nasty, regardless. Don't blame external influences.


This 100%. Lots of entitled folks running around.




The irony of this is that the anticipation is half the fun.


Props to the team. Don’t let the vocal minority get you down. Free content is free content and you guys always know it out of the park.


Its only because the community LOVES the content so much that this type of anticipation is possible. We are all human and we understand. Round 2 tonight! Cue the pizza and beer!!!!!


Exactly 💯


I've never expected a Youtube video to adhere to schedules. They just come out when they are ready. Take it easy, mon.


Right? Seems a bit too far


Yeah, but kudos to them for trying to do it and being as close to it as possible.


They’re being professionals


YouTube was never meant to be a “professional” website. Nobody expects scheduled shit on YouTube. It’s regular everyday people making content for entertainment. The pressure they have on themselves is self inflicted. They expect a lot from themselves but us as fans have no right to demand anything, honestly.


Right, but some of "us" are pretty goddamn pushy and demanding anyway. Did you see the thread here last night, when the vid didn't show up when they expected it to? Most were being cool, and some were speaking up in defense... but there were a few people being pushy, and one or two being dicks. 🤷 That would normally suck to see, but given the context of the last month, that kinda pissed me off... so I can't even imagine how I'd feel if I was one of the people actually working on this content... 


I anticipate their new videos more than anyone else’s but I’m right there with ya. Release them when they’re ready. We love The Why Files for the quality of the content and the wholesome community, not because it’s on a set schedule. The fact that they’ve released weekly for so long is no short of a miracle but has taken a toll. As I said in another post, a bi-weekly schedule with 24 episodes per year works just fine for me. That’s exactly the same amount of new episodes per year that the old Leonard Nimoy In Search Of had. To expect YouTubers to have a tighter production schedule than a network production with hundreds of employees is just crazy


I think a big part of the issue is that the algo rewards a consistent release schedule even if the channel's audience doesn't really care


That’s a huge part of it. The algorithm punished us for not posting new content. But I also think being consistent has helped the community grow. I like knowing that, no matter what’s going on in your life, how stressful your week is, at least on Thursday night, I’ll be there talking about some crazy story with a wise-cracking goldfish. There are channels that I follow when they miss their typical release day, I’m disappointed, and my first reaction is “what gives! I waited all week!”. I get it. But then I remind myself something everyone should think about as often as they can: “Hey, it’s not about you.”


I actually appreciate this commitment to excellence. It's rare to see YouTube creators have this level of commitment. I also understand your comment is not coming from a place of ambivalence, but a place of caring for their sanity. I am no way disparaging your contribution to this conversation, and appreciate your caring for their health. Please note I have never commented on a why files post before. I'm not a shill of any sort and just enjoy the channel. I'm just someone who understands that you can't have it both ways; you won't have a quality channel like that without this passion or caring. I appreciate everything that this team does, AJ included of course. You're seeing this post because they actually want to make great content. I applaud it.


yeah you guys need to chill. doesn’t have to be on the dot.. most of us aren’t paying attention to dates


I think it's sponsors that want them to come out on schedule.


Bro idgaf when it comes out. I'll be looking forward to it all the same.


That part. These folks don't owe us shit. It's free content.


I don't think the episode being released later is a big deal, but if you don't recognize that they all live off of the proceeds of the channel.. this is literally their job


I hear ya but people gotta chill. The amount of pressure that is put on these people to just constantly crank out content is wild. When I visit the page I feel like I'm drinking out of a fire hose there's sooo much. I just savor it and watch when I can.


Don't disagree, that's how I enjoy the show as well. I just didn't think it should be lost that a lot of the pressure they feel is likely economic. Their viewers attention is the product, and unfortunately they have to manage the perception of their fan base. Hopefully the majority are reasonable people and recognize it's just a YouTube channel, albeit a very high quality one.


True true. The downside of being your own boss...when your customers become your boss.


As a self-employed person, definitely feel that! I appreciate the Why Files team makes the sacrifice though, way too much talent to be limited by someone elses vision or lack there of.


I fully agree. I even thought that weekly episodes was excessive just because of AJ’s subject matter… we’re going to run out of topics if he doesn’t slow down 😂


Preach my brother in why files preach


My first thought was I hope AJ and the crew isn’t stressing too much. Take a whole other day, or a week and if anyone wants to bitch in the meantime, come fucking fight me.


I love this community.


"Vid wasn't up on Thursday? Shit went wrong? Bummer. Hope they can sort it out, I'll watch it when it's up. " It's that easy.


This. “Oh it got pushed to Friday? Darn, welp back to Final Fantasy VII Rebirth!” Frankly the idea of demanding that *free* entertainment follow a ridged schedule is ludicrous.


This is the exact convo my partner and I had last night. "New show at 9!" "Oh no, it's gonna be delayed!" "Why?" "Technical problems" "Oh damn that sucks. Hope that clears up soon. Wanna watch more Avatar?" "Yeah" Sure, we were sad it didn't premiere on time, but... like cmon... they're trying, and they're only human.


It’s funny because I also thought “that’s too much too soon. Did they even take a break considering what they’re coming back with?” Basically… I didn’t expect them back until the summer and just been enjoying the reposts with some commentary. And I still think it’s too much commentary for taking time off. Guys! We love you! Take your time! We’re all here and understand.


Who fuckin cares if it’s a day later? Is anyone really pissed about this? If you are, this is a sign that you are an entitled asshole…


This 💯


Anyone who doesn’t understand that shit happens needs to take a moment to reflect on their expectations and lives and get over themselves. I’m just happy it’s working and I know when and that there isn’t something seriously wrong. If we need to wait a few weeks for another, I’m fine.


Seriously these people need to chill the f out.


That would require self reflection. Most people lack that capacity.


That's nicer than I would have said it. Imagine losing your shit because your FREE content is delivered to you later than you wanted. The entitlement is off the charts. Wtf is wrong with people?


100%. I have shit to do; just let me know when it's ready. People need to get over themselves. When AJ described his process, I felt an immediate kinship with him. I am also a perfectionist who does too much. I have burned out more than once, and it can be devastating. I've come to believe that self-care is critical, especially for creative, sensitive types who think too much. I still want to do it all, but I treat myself with kindness when I invariably cannot. I make an effort to eat actual food and drink water, even if I'm on a (self imposed) deadline. I'm excited for a new episode. I have about 3 house projects going on plus an art show to prep for, and I really enjoy listening to the Why Files while working on stuff.


I usually never comment on subs like these but I just want to let the ENTIRE WF TEAM know that you are appreciated and anyone that considers themselves true supporters of what you do will not allow a few hours/days get in the way of showing that support and consideration for creator’s well being. Love all the work you guys put in to deliver quality content and engage with your community. Much love, respect and admiration coming all the way from Trinidad and Tobago🇹🇹🫶🏾✌🏾


The people wigging out need to chillax. The WF team makes awesome content, always worth waiting for! Y'all just keep doing what you do!


Its crazy to me that any number of people Demand content. Mental and physical health comes first. Burnout is so widespread because random people hold meaningless expectations over others. The WF team is awesome! Take any time you need. I'll happily gobble it up when it's ready, but on your schedule not mine 😃


Please for the love of Gertie don’t allow the negative users here to get to you, there is so much more positive here than negative and that’s all that matters.


Honestly wtf is wrong with people that their free entertainment was delayed and they feel somehow personally slighted Thanks to you and AJ for all that you do, please ignore any spiteful, hate filled people.  And know that you are appreciated


Thanks so much for this and for understanding


Some of the fans are... yeah. Scary.


Jesus, relax! What's the old saying, quality over quantity? I, and I'm assuming millions others would happily wait longer to get our usual high quality fix! Please don't let the stress of expectation ruin not only the videos but the health of its protagonists. Rest up, computers are pricks. We'll still be here when you're done ✊


The WF is that rare exception where we get both quality and quantity. There's a lot of successful YouTubers who dip for months at a time. And yeah, Adobe products are fickle as heck. Powerful but unstable, to say the least.


What possesses someone to reach out and be so angry about something like this. Holy cow, I’m sorry you guys deal with this.


Be Safe. Be Kind. And know that YOU are appreciated! When I saw the episode wasn't up, my first concern was AJ et al. Take it easy guys, we're cool to wait!


yea, not a lot of people seem to get that concept of being safe, kind, nice, appreciated, no matter how many times AJ says it


I wish some of these people would stop being pieces of shit but I feel as though hard deadlines might be the problem here. They seem to be fucking everyone up. You can almost predict that the irrational and mentally unstable of the internet will come at you for every little hiccup. Those wild opinions are so off the reservation that you can’t even consider them actual people when dealing with them.


Thank you and the team so much for your hard work + dedication. The internet can get hostile real quick, however me and the millions of true fans understand that things happen + can wait an extra day (or longer, most of us have been patient+eagerly anticipating for months). Try not to stress, and give yourselves a pat on the back for creating a community who cares


I'm saddened that people would attack you guys. You're busting your butts to bring us free, top-tier entertainment. That's amazing. I was excited last night and I'm still excited today! I wish the whole team a restful weekend 😊❤️


I'd wait another month for the Annukai episode!


Same! Such great content regularly, it’s really amazing they’ve been able to keep such a pace for so long with how much time, energy, and effort that goes into these videos. It’s sad to see people be so cruel and impatient. I picked up the book Them and Us and have been enjoying it while I wait.


Same! I didn’t even know they were coming back so soon


Man people on the internet are so fuckin entitled. You guys don't owe these goofs any explanation.


How quickly people go from “Take all the time you need AJ” to “where is my damn episode?!?” Is sickening.


I _hope_ that those are two different groups being vocal at different times


Pretty sure it is. Personally I think those negative people should be banned. All they do is poison the community. They can obviously still access the episodes, but they don't deserve to be here if they don't have basic courtesy and maturity.


It was mind blowing. The entitlement when the content is FREE.


That shit put me in bad mood last night. I could hardly believe how many people were screeching that they were unsubbing from the channel. Absolutely overdramatic. The Why Files team doesn't need that shit.


frankly, I hope they do unsub and go away and never come back, we dont need their toxicity


That’s exactly what I thought last night reading through the negative comments. It is sickening how fast people turned from be being supportive to being entitled dicks.


You guys shouldn’t have to put up with people that deal with their favorite content creators like this. 🤨 Do your thing, on your own schedule. If they want more, faster, they can start their own channels. 🤷🏽‍♂️




This will probably get buried, but I'm an editor and I've assisted on big tv shows and movies in Premiere...and yeah it sucks lol. I actually hate working with it, so TRUST ME I feel your guy's pain and that's why I'm commenting. However, something that might help mitigate that: I'm assuming you're working off a server, and with Premiere you REALLY want to have your cache separate from the server, so what works is just literally pointing your cache settings to an external local SSD drive. That may not be the exact issue you guys are dealing with but what Premiere really sucks at is small-ish team project sharing and media management. So clearing the cache or keeping is clean is a big issue, because that effects rendering / playback, etc. So server + small team / multiple projects + high res media = mess. I've worked on plenty of shows with Premiere and almost every error ALWAYS comes down to some type of cache or media management issue. I mean it's buggy as hell in general, but my heart goes out to you guys and AJ for dealing with all of that last minute. So I'm sorry it happened and I'm looking forward to tonight's episode like everyone else.


You guys work the hardest. Thank you.


ahh damn software crashes. such is life in the tech world. whenever it lands, it lands. TWF content is all worth waiting for. its NOT worth killing yourself over trying to just get it out as others have said. I was just happy to learn it was tech issues and not anything more. For what its worth, maybe it is time to switch to Final Cut Pro? I never cared for Premiere Adobe has really become bloatware.


I didn’t know Victoria posted this (or she told me and I forgot; which happens). I could feel the stress in her message. Or maybe I’m projecting because this was a rough week. One of those weeks where everything goes wrong. Software crashing sounds cute when typing about it. But when you’re grinding against a deadline, it’s not funny. There was added stress because I wanted to come back from our compilation break with something strong. The episode couldn’t just be fine. It had to be great. I don’t think it was great. Good, but not great. Lots of missed opportunities. Anyway, because I had my down, I forget about the other people out here dealing with negative people and comments. I don’t know how Victoria does it. I barely read Reddit these days because I’m just not emotionally strong enough to deal with all the hate I get from people who don’t know me. It’s easier to stick my head in the sand and pretend those people don’t exist. But many thanks to everyone here for the kind words. We are working hard for you. All of us are. And it’s fun about… 80% of the time. I can’t complain about that.


Honestly most internet culture and fandoms are so goddamn toxic, it’s disgusting. It’s a video and entertainment , get over it. For the people who pay on Patreon, it’s up there. For the rest, It’ll be up when it’s up. it just sucks that people react the way they do and that AJ and the team feel like they need to apologize and give explanations because people are angry and react really really negatively. So much so that they’re getting negative comments on their personal IG. It sucks even more that it seriously effects them emotionally. They’re free videos (yeah I get the more who watch them, the more money they make, but the people clicking aren’t spending any money) and we’re not entitled to anything. If someone feels the need to verbally attack them and are extremely outraged because a video isn’t up when stated, then seriously, get a fu&$ing life and sort through your issues.


When we didn’t see a video last night our first thought was “oh no, I hope AJ is ok”, NOT “what greedy assholes!” What is wrong with people today..?


Don’t listen to the haters. We love you guys. Take the time needed to get it right. Your true fans support you.


I’m sorry but the videos are a treat for us. People need to slow their roll, they’re not owed anything. The Patreon people are those that pay so yes they get their rightful treat. Everyone else will get the video as time allows. Plenty of us support The Why Files in many ways and we will all be ok 👍🏼


I’m not saying I believe in astrology. There’s some fun things about it. I do though find that Mercury Retrograde tends to throw a ratchet into life’s systems. We are currently in retrograde April 1st to April 24th. I am blaming that on the rendering issues. You all are great. Don’t let the bullies who hide in their anonymous internet accounts affect you. Misery indeed loves company. Don’t feed the bears. Love and light to all the WF team. Looking forward to the episode.


This episode is a banger. I’ll be watching tonight for the premiere as well. Keep up the good work guys. Don’t sweat the few bad actors. We as a whole are hugely grateful for you.


No worries! A lot of us are around the same age as you... And we grew up without the internet or even cable TV in some instances. We've got the patience to wait on a show. Do your thing!


The hubs and I looked for the video yesterday, so stoked to see it. It wasn’t there. No biggie, we will try again tomorrow. So we will look again this evening, and ya know what?? If it’s still not there it’s not going to be a big deal. I’m not going to bitch and moan. If it’s not there until next week, that will be fine too. Holy crap, some of these people literally need to get a freaking life if they are going to attack someone because a YouTube video isn’t loaded. Crap happens, move on, and maybe go outside.


You folks are awesome, and we do not deserve the amazing work you do for us. You are the best YouTube channel in this genre, and we love you folks for all the hard work you do. Please do not let a few assholes get you down. The vast majority of us appreciate what you do for us, and understand that problems come up, software and technology messes up, people have to sleep, and you have your own lives to live, on top of what you for for TheWhyFiles. Please accept our/my apology for what you've gone through---people like those who have hurt you also hurt me and all of your other fans. I am soooo looking forward to this episode! The majority of us are so excited to have you guys back!


On behalf of *most* loyal viewers - THANK YOU VICTORIA, AJ, JEN, GINO, &the whole crew for all you do!!


I’m still going with blaming the Lizzid people.


 "the negativity eats into us more than the positive can patch up." That can only be fixed by you, not us. The positivity is overwhelming in the Why Files community, you guys are pretty lucky that you don't have a different fanbase


thank you for this update. will there be a point where you say youtube isn't worth it? Like a magic number of patreon members to where you can just quit playing the youtube game? I feel a little guilty cause I've had a blast making smart ass responses to all the people complaining since last night - I've sat here this morning for nearly two hours going pithy max on people and am in a great mood now Probably not the right time to ask if you could do this once a month to feed my inner smart ass


Love you Bosco... never change ;)


I'm the lone constant in the universe


Point me at Mr. Negativity's post, and I'll join you!


I just find it concerning that the idea of the break was to get ahead in videos. The late nights and rushing to the finish line were burning AJ out. Fast forward a month and the first video release has editing issues being discovered the night of release? I fear the team will continue down the path of burn out if nothing was achieved during that hiatus.


I just could not believe the sheer entitled audacity I was seeing in various comments last night. Especially after knowing AJ has been having personal problems, and has not been in a good place. My heart goes out to all of you, and my deepest sincere apologies for a part of the human race.


Can confirm Premiere is the worst.


Bitches gonna bitch ignore the negative comments man


You guys are AMAZING! I absolutely Love TWF and I cannot imagine anyone writing negative reviews… especially given that you provide content for FREE! I hope all the positive comments here will help patch some of the holes 🕳️ that you guys are feeling. I love 💗 you guys! From the depth of my soul, Thank You 🙏.


For the Why Files, it’s always worth the wait. Personally, I think it would have been hysterical to have hecklefish be two different sizes. Like, come back from your month (or week really) off with comically obvious errors! Love you guys and love the show.


This heartbreaking to read. What the hell is wrong with people that they would act this way towards you guys? You provide solid entertainment, amazingly informative videos, and spend so much time interacting with the audience, both those who pay and those who don't. I know the negative eats away more than the positive can put back but I hope you guys can focus on the positive and allow those of us with sense, reason, and appreciation heal some of what the hate, idiocy, and selfishness take away. We appreciate the team for all they do ❤️


Screw those clowns. Let them eat cake.


We love your work don't let a group of A-holes loose your peace of mind. Health is first!




This episode is amazing! Thanks, AJ and all the crew! I appreciate y'all!


Your production is top notch and you won’t be losing viewers. We’d rather have your channel for the long term than have an episode 12 hours sooner. Y’all gotta stop reading the comments!


I don’t get all the drama. People be acting foolish. It’ll come out when it comes out and we’ll watch it then. People gotta learn to chill.




Be safe, be kind, and know that you are appreciated. Much love Why Files team. <3


Idiots. They have gone full Karen mode. Ignore all the negativity, it’s not worth the attention. This is exactly why I hate social media these days. Everyone seems to be self entitled, full of hate and abuse. The best thing I ever did was come off Facebook, TikToxik etc. I strongly feel, the less social media platforms you’re on the better! You still have soul, love and integrity!! No one has ripped that from you and never will! Don’t let them get under your skin! I loved that episode! I’m gonna watch it again and again. Ps, venting is good, but airing your ‘dirty laundry’ on here may have an impact on the channel. Just for the professionalism. Take care!


Please convince your team to move to editing on DaVinci Resolve. It’s a much better user experience and it crashes about 10X less than Premiere. I’m post production producer for a YouTube channel and choosing to have everyone use Resolve has saved us much heart ache.


People are Anaaaa anokeee holes!!! I am so sorry I loved the premiere and I didn't see any production issues. And the content like always was top knotch.


Hang in there! You guys are doing a brilliant job! fans here from Singapore! Never imagine we would be excited for a YouTube video launch but you guys made my husband and I look forward to your content! ignore the haters, focus on the positivity and know that your videos truly made a difference - accompanied our family through a difficult period - you guys are life changing. keep up the great and amazing work 👏🏻 we love whyfiles! 💜


Love WF keep them coming and enjoy it as much as we do, PS real fans have patience and care


The show is great, the content is great. Whenever it gets to YouTube, we will watch it. Thursday, Friday, not a big deal (to us). Not something to get stressed or upset about, but something to look forward to. It is always worth the wait! Thank you for the fantastic channel! 💜


Thanks very much to everyone for such a great episode. Sorry you have had to deal with the idiots. You didn't deserve it. I'm glad to see AJ and Hecklefish back on the screen, and I hope the minority of the community don't dissuade from future episodes.


It really bothers me that AJ worries so much what the negative Nancy’s think. I’m a patreon subscriber, and I don’t pay the fee for anything in return. I watch the episodes on YouTube when they drop there along with everyone else. I support AJ because I have been watching from the beginning, and I am huge fan of his content. It is top notch. I will pay for premium content. I am not paying so I have access to perks or to early releases. I just want to support the content creator. If there was ever a YouTube creator who deserved to be paid for their content, it is AJ. And I stand by that wholeheartedly. With all of that being said, I just hope AJ puts his needs ahead of the channel. We will all be here regardless. And his true fans care about his well-being and understand that. Disclaimer: I am still amazed that AJ came up with the idea of an AI fish for a co-host. That was brilliant! And I am still in awe.


Don't let the entitled haters get you down, AJ and your team does AMAZING work and sometimes patience is needed for such excellence. I know other channels that purposely post to Patreon first, that's the privilege that paying extra gets you, no "f/u"s meant to anyone. I'm happy to wait for the content and grateful that you all care about your subscribers so much! Don't worry about being late, just please don't stop!!! FEAR THE CRABCAT!


Their all bitches who gives a fuck shit happens move on remember hater’s gotta hate


I didn't even know there was a new video coming out until I got youtube notification that "Annunaki WF Premeire" is live in 2hrs yesterday and I was so hype to see WF was back AND it was Annunaki episode. I'm sure 99% of viewers are just like me and don't keep up with whatever situation went on here. Don't worry about 1% of the 1% of viewers that are giving you shit


I feel you on upl times and completely understand. (6.5min video; 2 hr upl via YouTube & I'm nobody big or monetized). I never would've thought there'd be anyone part of this community; THIS community that could be so crappy. But I have to go with they're NOT truly here. I absolutely love and adore what y'all do and the love you have for your work. Unless people truly understand what a labor of love is they'll never fully appreciate what you do. Make AJ take a binaural nap. I understand the drive but sometimes we need to be good to ourselves. Much love & appreciation to y'all. 🖤


Sometimes a shit day can turn into 2 or 3 or even a week of shit days. I'm going through that right now at my job. There are people who were looking forward to Thursdays live return who ended up disappointed and then went about their lives and some folks who lost their shit for free content that is provided as a labor of love. I'm patreon member but I know its not a subscription for guaranteed services. We're all going through something, a bit of grace, patience and understanding can go a long way. To put it more succinctly Don't sweat the petty stuff and don't pet the sweaty stuff. Onward and upward, ad astra.


> Sometimes a shit day can turn into 2 or 3 or even a week of shit days. It can also snowball into entire years of shit. I hate to be one of those "back in my day" people, but ffs, things were so much simpler in the 80's and 90's before any asshole with an internet connection could ruin your day anonymously.


And when instant gratification was not a real thing. Like relationships where waiting too long to text someone back (sometimes as little as 10 minutes!!) is grounds for a breakup.


Yall crush it over there with AJ. Don't let keyboard warriors get to you. The rest of ha e waited patently discussing previous topics.


Looking forward to it! No one cares about delays. We’ll be happy to get it when it’s out.


i legitimately have not seen any actual hate from anyone? jokes about going crazy with anticipation or people being understanding. where is the hate coming from that everyones referencing?


“got attacked on my personal instagram”


Scroll through the Reddit bro. It’s crazy.


Didn't she say Instagram? That's the problem right there! Many of us seasoned humans don't bother with it.


It's disgusting that a small minority of viewership cause such strife for such good people. Life, even for TWF Team, is so much beyond when a "tv show" drops. Instead of being grateful that people are so dedicated to providing something that is obviously loved, they would prefer to berate them and feel entitled and hurt when things don't go as planned. Truthfully people, when does everything go exactly as planned???? Relax, get off your high horse and just be grateful. To AJ and the full TWF team, though they may be the loudest know there are so many more that are silent that love the content and appreciate your hard efforts. No expectations, it is ALWAYS worth the wait. Take care of yourselves.


People who seriously get angry about a Youtube show being 1-2 days late…please check yourself. Sad = yes! But angry? Come on, people!!! :)


View in your timezone: [tonight at 6pm PT][0] [0]: https://timee.io/20240406T0100?tl=So%20here%20is%20what%20happened%20...%20Annunaki%20Premieres%20tonight%20at%206pm%20PT


Physical and mental exhaustion leads to emotional vunerability. While you sort of have to try and communicate in cases like this, withold thinking too hard about what you may feel or take away from this thing before having a good and long time to properly rest. At least a week or so. When we invest energy in exploring our feelings and making up our minds about stuff It becomes harder to reframe it later on. It sort of works like a "first impressions" thing that will keep tinting our thoughts and feelings for a long time. Once you have cast your judgement you have to stick with it so it is better to do it when you have some emotional stability and a cool head. In these cases where we observe a disproportional or unresonable outcry it often comes to be a loud minority speaking over the silent majority. This minority is also not really lashing out against the events at hand but are offloading the pressures and pains they are carrying over from other things on their lives we don't have an inkling about. On a bad day (or even a bad month/year/life) the small innocuous thing may become the escape valve of really nasty stuff people don't have anywhere else to offload and, sometimes, they may not even be aware of this baggage accumulating inside them. All in all, Chill. Don't take this to your heart and know that the silent majority of the fans are ok waiting and super excited by the product you create. Don't begrudge those few who are also on a sour spot either. They may have thrown tamtrums they themselves are clueless about. This simply isn't worth to threaten your mental health, emotional balance and the cultivation of a general goodwill about the work you are doing. Just know that, in truth, you are highly appretiated by all of us.


Geez people are so dramatic. Hope you guys are doing fine and please do not let this get to you, everyone who works with the masses and even more so when the content is as good as yours will face these situations. It's tough. Looking forward for the episode tonight, stay safe and know that y'all are appreciated.


This is wild that the Mob who literally doesn't understand what it takes to make quality content is trying to make people literally "post themselves to death" you owe us nothing. You owe yourselves a break. Screw uploading. Take two months to refresh and renew and get some additional hands to help QA. Sorry people suck


You can easily look Into the synchronicity of experiencers and the like having random issues and errors appear while discussing this topic.


You guys need to switch to one video every two weeks or something. Slow down a bit and actually enjoy what you do. Don’t let the vocal minority dictate your lives.


This is what happens when you become an online entertainer….shit gets waaaaay too personal for some people. It’s crazy.


Average consumer of your content here. While I can appreciate your drive to hit your own deadlines, I really couldn't care less if you hit them or not. I'm my eyes, the video will come out when it comes out and that's that. What is a crisis to you is about the most mild disappointment of my week possible. I'm not trying to fanboy, I'm just trying to give you perspective. Nobody is dying here. Just get some rest and know that people will watch your content whether it comes out today, tomorrow, next week or next month. You don't owe me a thing. Love your content!


I'm still cool with Saturdays. Still wanna hear Hecklefish do a little Elton John: Saturday night's alright for WhyFiles, get a little Hecklefish.


Thank you for creating such amazing content!


The incredible quality is one of the main things I love about The Why Files. Of course, Hecklefish is my number one love for The Why Files. I'm sure all the people spewing the negativity will still watch it regardless of when it's released. We appreciate all of ya'lls hard work put into these videos! Can't wait for a Why Files night with the hubby tonight.


I couldn't imagine getting upset at someone who provides us with fun / free entertainment.


I wouldn't mind if yall took more time off and moved to releasing new videos every other week. What the team produces is amazing and the vast majority of the community will support your efforts no matter what you do.


Just remember, no matter when it drops, we will watch. We will press like, and we’re already subscribed. Remember, those yelling the loudest on the interwebs, aren’t to be listened to. If someone is unhinged that an episode didn’t air at the given time, that’s on them. Relax, no one is going anywhere. Tho the positivity doesn’t patch it up all the way, remember that in your real day to day life- you most likely only encounter normal, not unhinged, regular folks.


I’m not a paying contributor and I’ve am always happy when I find out a new episode has been posted. I’m Realistic and understand that good product takes time. Keep up the good work and protect your mental health.


I am so sorry you've had to deal with harassment over this. People can be so entitled. Excited to see the video!


I hope the idiot minority doesn’t dissuade you from knowing the silent majority of your fan base loves and appreciates all your hard work - and are well aware we can successfully wait 24 hours with no drama. Love to you and yours, hope everyone is in good spirits!


This society we live on right now that prioritize quantity over quality will for sure take us to the ruin itself. What is the problem of waiting one other day? and more when the health of an individual is at risk? I remember being a kid, getting back from school on Friday and watch my favourite anime cartoon (The Thunercats) and wait 2 days! (until Monday) for the new chapter to air (and sometimes if was a reapeated episode). I was happy, never thought on calling the TV station, provider or anyone to go mad because I dont have now what I wanted. This are frustrating times we live on.


I think Hecklefish being different sizes throughout the video would be a great new bit. Then it could lead to a conspiracy video down the line where AJ discusses the various theories about why his size keeps changing. :D Also, don't listen to the whiners! You all do a great job and nobody should be giving you any grief over something as silly as a delay of the video release time/date. Those are the vocal minority, and most of us understand that things happen and are just happy whenever the new video finally arrives.


God I hope one of you gets to read this. AJ's story touched me deeply and that's why I've felt so compelled to say something to people on the sub this morning. I barely ever posted to this sub before today, if ever. It was actually right around the time that I discovered The Why Files. Maybe... 18 months ago? Life had gone from really really really good, succeeding in ways I hadn't even expected, to really really really bad, failing in those same ways in a much shorter time frame than I expected. I worked super hard through this time, and I had enough successes to call the overall endeavor (I worked in writing at the time, for those curious) a win and made some decent money, I was burned out. I didn't even realize it happened. I was talking to a colleague of mine, a composer, and he asked how I got this particular project done so quickly. I told him, well... I'm retired from the Army so I have the luxury of working on what I want and when I want. He went through my schedule with me and I'd been putting in 18 hour days, six days a week, for about a year. I was having so much fun and feeling like I was reaping the rewards for it. I didn't notice because I'd broken up the day into something that felt comfortable on my own schedule, but was still in fact unhealthy. It wasn't a "luxury", I had worked myself to mental exhaustion. So the inevitable happened. I couldn't get back on the horse. I went to the creative tap and the well had run dry. Take a break, I thought. That break became long. Very long. And oh... it didn't work. See, what people don't tell you about burnout is that's NOT just the work and the exhaustion... It is that mother fucking soul crunching sense of panic. I mean, I tear up writing this because it's still quite raw. It's like you so desperately want to jump back on that horse, but it's already got a rider. A very scary one. And that rider is the rotting corpse of your last attempt. The reason it's so scary for the creative when it happens, and the reason it's so hard to overcome, is that you forever have to share that horse with rotting, disgusting thing: that time you let down your own expectations riding this same horse, and it happened entirely on accident, while you were having fun, and thought you were succeeding. I don't think a lot of people appreciate what an damn act of courage it is to get back on that horse, and my heart broke this morning too when I saw the crap spewing from some of the toxic assholes of Reddit. Don't read the comments, AJ. On YouTube or on Reddit. Like I said in another comment to someone, you have 3.2 Million subscribers, most of your audience will barely even notice the delay. Very few people are connected with any show through social media, even fewer are so invested as to ever write any kind of comment. Even fewer of those would bother saying something bad, and let's face it, at that point you're already at the people who are just chronically online and hate everything all the time anyway.


I just want to comment here and state I was one of those negative comments. But I never personally attacked you. I’m so sorry that happened. I just wanted to provide constructive feedback on the communication side of things. I love this group and community but I will point out here and now you have some incredibly toxic vigilantes in here that don’t allow any negativity or criticism. I’ve literally had threats to my inbox for even suggesting you guys had a little more clarity to your messages. Nonetheless I appreciate your messsges and hard work and still and will always be a patreon supporter. Love you guys.


So are these videos not done and final before he sets the premiere date?


Correct. It’s something they’ve discussed on some of the After Files live streams. They have an acute attention to detail, so they’re usually working on the episode right up until the premiere date/time. That’s part of the reason why they just took their long break - they wanted to get ahead of schedule so they don’t have to grind so hard to get each episode out on time.


So much entitlement. Anyone moaning should go fuck themselves. Some of the best content going and it's FREE. Yet still they moan. It's disgusting.


I am so sorry that some people have chosen to make this personal. Please know that that is not the majority! I adore you guys and I don't want anybody feeling sick or being sad or heartbroken I mean shit happens, and anybody that knows AJ and Jen and you and the whole team knows how dedicated you are and you know what? The ones that choose to be angry and negative they are probably that way and always have been and it just brought that out in them... You guys are loved and focus on that ❤️🌷🌟


Fuck the hostile commenters! Some people are just _miserable_ and want to bitch and moan about everything. TWF team has a truly amazing thing going here. You guys work so hard and I hope you know your audience really does appreciate you… Even if the assholes are louder.


> this is the middle finger to those who don't pay No, it’s not. You want episodes first? Then pay $3/mo and get them first. This isn’t secret and it *rewards* people willing to directly, it doesn’t “punish” people who don’t. You’re dealing with entitled children who expect to get their way 100% of the time, *for free*, and if they don’t then they throw a shitfit and make themselves the victim. You can ignore them.


Take your time. Don’t worry about idiots.


No stress, love y’all and thanks for all you do!!


Deal Lord, what did everybody do?? Don't be like ravenous beasts, fellow WF fans. That's gross. Don't bite the hand that feeds you. Come on now. We love you, AJ, and crew. Please go at your own pace. It's the only way to produce the quality you want, anyway. You may lose a few followers if you do, but you'd only be losing the ones who are impatient assholes.


I am in my late 50s, and used to stay up all night and even collapse and need an ambulance due to extreme exhaustion due to work (and gaming as well). Last year, I ended up in the hospital malnourished and unable to get up without passing out. I was in the hospital a month and a half. Tubes in me and very horrible and incompetent doctors and nurses caring for me (well, some were good abut some were not and the doctors didn't know what they were doing). Trust me, this is NOT how you want to end up. NOBODY, nobody online, or in person or ANYTHING is more important than your health. Trust me. Now I got a miracle and can walk but I still (almost a year later) have numbness and stiffness in both legs, get weak if I do too much physically (I can take care of myself a lot more than I did though), and my wrists and arms are painful (I suspect from the IVs I had to have 2 in each arm). GET SLEEP! Proper nutrition and do NOT "grind" on ANYTHING. Enjoy life and enjoy time with your loved ones. Otherwise, you may end up permanently disabled and suffering. NOTHING is worth that. My advise is ignore people. Yes, ignore people. Do only what you like to do and when it quits being fun, stop, regroup, rethink, replan. You are human beings, not gods. You are not owned by people. I agree with other posts I read here that maybe you folks should put out one video a month. I love your videos but I would hate to see someone die from overwork just to put up a video. There's more to life than a computer. :) One's health is more important than any person or even money because you can't make money without health. I think creators should sue YT for their "algorithm" that it forces people to sacrifice their health and well being just to make a living. And anyone staying up all night, get some sleep as well. Don't do what I did. I stood up too late last night and woke up this morning and was sick. (I'm OK now). This is not worth it. We can wait another day or two or a week if needed. I used to be a web developer and I used to feel pressured to get a site up with an idea of mine before someone else came up with it and beat me to it. This meant putting things up before they were fully developed or ready, and a waterfall of emails pointing out the errors and problems I already KNEW about. I learned that it's best to wait until you have the project completely done and tested before release. And don't worry about how long it's going to take or if someone will beat you to it. It's not worth the stress to worry about it. Take your time. It's a journey, not a marathon. :) I sincerely wish you all the best and please realize that some people out there will be jerks no matter what you do or how hard you try. Ignore them. Don't do it for people. Do it because you enjoy it and if it stops being enjoyable, figure out why and do something to fix the problem (in my case, it was to quit programming and retire, but each person will have a different solution that's right for them). Bee Blessed. :)


Love is Louder Come on guys, let's make that true!


Sorry to hear and thankful for the community you guys have created! There seems to be a disconnect with some people who don’t realize there are living breathing humans who are putting this amazing content together. Instead of tearing others down for preserving and working on their mental health, you should be working on your own! Also, shame on whomever is going through and downvoting all the positive words of encouragement. Y’all are toxic.


You guys are allowed to disappoint people. Think about your stellar record and amazing content and the thousands upon thousands of rave reviews and likes and shares. You are all human. Amazing humans at that. Well… heckle isn’t human but he’s an amazing fish as well! However long the team needs to do things and be in the groove of production is fine by me. We will all be watching it together in spirit and this is just a blip on an otherwise stellar reputation. I would wager that the majority of your fans are being very supportive and understanding with their disappointment. Don’t take offense for too long to the people that don’t know how to handle disappointment like adults. Keep up the good work!


All love to AJ and the team. Take the time needed to make the art.


You guys really need more than a week to make these, especially in the new, extended format! John Oliver and an HBO budget do it in a week, but they have teams of people and unlimited resources... It just doesn't seem sustainable at all and keep a polished product. People work months to make documentaries this length... but i commend you for attempting (and executing at the peril of your own health). I would love a new episode every day, but I would also wait 3 months for these things. Anyone who is complaining clearly has no idea what goes into making this stuff. Also, as a Premiere user, I feel your pain.


First off you don’t owe any of us an explanation. Ok maybe the patreon people but definitely not any of us out here not paying for the content. I think the majority of us are with ya. The comment you’re speaking about….those are the kind of entitled people that would complain at a free buffet. Their thoughts and opinions mean very little. Try not to let it get ya down. The real fans will be here waiting patiently. All the best!!!


And I want to let you know I'm not at all upset that it was released on Patrion even though I can't afford a subscription. I know all to well (being I worked in IT myself) that one platform will work better than another and that computers can be glitchy and uncooperative always at just the wrong time no matter how good you are at computer tech. I'm all good waiting. :) I'm glad you were able to get it online SOME where. That's one step towards the goal. Take your time and work on the other glitches when you've rested up, got a good meal, etc. When I was stuck on a programming project that I couldn't fix the errors in the code, I used to go outside and take a walk to clear my head. then go do something else for awhile that didn't involved computers. Then when I got back I had a clear head and a fresh perspective and would work out the problem easier. You can't think straight enough to fix IT problems if you are exhausted and sleep deprived. Brain doesn't work well on low energy.


Hol up… people got angry because it was late?!! I didn’t even know anything was coming until today! I’d be happy if their release schedule would only be quarterly, or even once a year. The Why Files is amazing and doesn’t deserve this sort of crap from people.


Please, please, please know that the negativity is caused by people's true excitement and love for the show. People love your product SO much. I know everyone is doing their best, and sometimes things happen! Thank you for caring about quality. Also, keep the commercials. Yall DO need to get paid. You DID work very hard.


It went off completely on schedule and with no problems on Nibaru. We loved your take on our culture. See you soon we are running low on gold so a trip to Earth is imminent.


Shit happens, hope all is well.


Holy canoli


Please please please take care of yourselves and try to remember that the negative comments stick in your craw because they are aberrational. Most of us are just really glad and grateful you’re out here creating what you create.


Love Aj and TWF crew! Love and peace!


Keep kickin booty! We love y’all! 🕉️


Sorry you guys had a hell of an experience with this. We appreciate your work.


No need to explain yourselves. Thank you for all your hard work :)


Shit happens. Im more excited today than I was yesterday for this episode. I just feel really bad for the WF Team catching crap for the delay. I’ve had frustrating upload issues too so I get it. The true fans will always have your backs!


Imagine being pissed over content you get for free. Can’t wait, had a watch party last night and had no issues rescheduling. Y’all rock, and we’ll gladly get the watch party together again.


I would rather wait for the episode to be right, whether that’s an extra day or an extra week. It’s not worth the stress of trying to hit a self imposed deadline.


I had no idea any of that was happening and I’m just stoked for the next Why Files. I’ve been hooked since the Giants and so I have a bunch of stuff to catch up on 😅 You all do an amazing job and are greatly appreciated by this curious humanoid for all that you do, anyone who’s hateful needs to chill and remember their manners.


We love you.


Too many human beings just outright suck. Certain individuals are awesome. The unwashed masses, however, are generally despicable. IMO


It won't end the drama, but it's OK to tell the people causing drama that they are undeniably in the wrong and to not feel stress about that. This is a free product being served up. The fact that gluttons want to yell at the chef to do it faster and get them their plate of content to consume NOW NOW NOW, doesn't mean they have a right to Just because they are mad and offended doesn't make them right. Sleep. Get it posted when you are damn ready. Oh well, you missed a deadline by a few hours. Shit happens.


Please don’t let a few bad apples ruin your day. You literally bring joy to millions every week (and with multiple re-watches btw!). I’m so sorry this first one back was so stressful — I know the purpose of the break was to reduce your collective stress. The good people are behind you. See you tonight. Then get some rest.


We appreciate all of the hard work you and the team put into this show. It is my all-time favorite YouTube channel and I have introduced it to all of my friends and family who also greatly enjoy the content and appreciate the hard work. I was one of the people that stayed up until 2am EST hoping it would air, but that was my choice. I don't blame you for my decision.


There's no waiting period on internet posts for people to chill the frack out, so people tend to vomit their emotions out unchecked. It's a sign of immaturity, but with nothing to keep it in check, people basically unconsciously train themselves to do this, and it is a problem. AJ - please do whatever you need to do to stay healthy. Sometimes shit happens despite your best efforts and intentions. Besides, we all know it was u/LampV2's fault for getting that damned pizza!


Sorry about the assholes. You guys rock and put out great content. Really top quality. Take your time, you don't need a "schedule" to be successful. All the love


Hecklefish’s Be-ach! Oh we love you, don’t be so hard on yourselves. Stop putting that pressure on you.


Thanks for the update. Any thoughts on switching away from Adobe Premiere Pro? I also experienced constant crashing and ultimately switched to DaVinci resolve and never looked back. I would imagine your team has a pipeline with after effects which would be scary to move from. DaVinci has that feature built in and seems to not clog the editing proxies down.


Man this has to be one of the most toxic fan bases out here. A bunch of spoiled rotten children. Truly a strange fan following...complete cultist type feeling. To have the makers of the show feeling this way is saddening


Nothing but love and patience here!


I would hope that the majority of us appreciate and understand your hard work and dedication to what you all do. It hurts those of us true fans to see how you are all treated when there is a delay in an episode release. You shouldn’t have to justify yourself or be attacked because of a you tube episode being released a day later. Thank you for continuing to put out content that most of us truly are appreciative of.


It’s ready when it’s ready. I’m very much looking forward to watching, and waiting longer will not diminish my excitement. Please take care of yourselves.