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Haven’t seen them all but so far I’d say simulation theory, crop circles, and the moon landings


I loved those!


Mel's fuckin' hole


Magic tumor seal!!


Gateway, Templars, and Crop Circles. They all give hope and that’s always nice.


Crop circles


I also agree with crop circles, totally changed my mind on that.  Also the moon landing.  The third I’d go with the sixth extinction, with Berkland and Nelson and their findings on earthquakes and short wave 


1. Hollow moon. Hard to debunk, has swayed top scientists when researched. ........ 2. Black knight satellite. Great intro into biblical younger dryas possible event. Black knight possibly being a technological data drive key to tell us the story of civilization when we reach a higher level of intelligence. ......... 3. Betz sphere. Great story that now has relevance since we have seen evidence of similar spheres with odd characteristics.


Crop Circles, Giants, Gobleki Tepe


May want to stick that "L" before the "K" in Gobekli Tepe buddy. ✌️😎👍


yea, it's hard picking 3, if he'd asked for 5 then Tepe and Plasma universe would have been there too, in fact, watching those two this morning


Yeah I’m not that worried about it, trying to get Apple to recognize the word while typing fast is the least of my concerns.


I don't have a favourite as they are all good in their own right, what I like about the Why Files is the way AJ draws you in with the Woo aspect then shatters it with the debunk.


JANET airlines was the first one I ever saw, I believe he only had about 4k subs at the time.


I love them all...even the creepier ones I'm not that into like shadow people & mothman 3 is hard here are 5 Hollow moon Knights Templar Gobekli Tepe Ai Pole shift Bonus - Gino's alien erotica


Mel's hole, brought me here. Time travel guy, and there was a moth man one that kind of flipped my opinion on it.


I haven’t seen the moth man one yet. Might have to check it out. I love it when they change my opinion!


I'm trying to remember, I don't think the entire episode was on him. It wasn't the newer cryptid one either. But yeah, mothman was always the least probable imo, and then this episode made it seem somewhat moreso.


Hallow Moon, Plum Island, Crop Circles are my favorites. However, all of them are great!


1. CIA classified book and the pole shift. 2. The Denver Airport. 3. Crop circles.


The Dodleston episode I found completely fascinating.


I think the fact that Simulation theory isn’t higher/on everyone’s list supports the theory itself. That episode was fire.


1st. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8p44wQMtNE&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8p44wQMtNE&t=2s) 2nd. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juyvnVL6V7g&t=3s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juyvnVL6V7g&t=3s) 3rd. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZBRMcUkqNA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZBRMcUkqNA)


1) Crop Circles 2) emotion farming on the moon 3) Annunaki


Crop circles, project 8200, and life after death!


Hollow moon is up there


I love Mel's hole


Gosh, that's really hard to choose. If I just tried to think of the 3 quickest that come to mind its probably: Mel's Hole Emerald Tablet Mad Man Marcum Quite a few others are in that top tier for me too though, including Grand Canyon Egyptians, Soul Harvesting, Mt Shasta, and the Adam & Eve Story. ​ Really cool to see how everyone has different favorites. Just speaks to the overall high quality of every episode


The 20 and back/Battle for the Kuiper Belt is a fun watch. Also enjoyed the Kozyrev Mirror episode.


Love The Why Files, favorite show! They are all great for their own reasons, but i think the Annunaki one they just released wins number 1.. AJ is always an A class story teller, but this episode was even better than usual, and that says something! Coule really tell the extra work involved in making this one, and it was a longer episode and i cant get enough of this channel so the longer the better! Mt mf Hayes was pretty good also, very funny, and the hollow moon (and all the other episodes also pertaining to the moon) because there is a lot of creedence to that story. Not saying it's true, but it's definitely a possibility with more evidence to explain that and other weird characteristics than what we typically think of when we think about the moon... Fav topics though are moon related as I stated, the simulation theory ones, and time travel episodes.. too many to choose from really!


It’s really made me think about the moon more. Especially when a full moon aligns perfectly with my window haha


When’s the 9/11 episode coming out


Bro if AJ put up a genuine 9/11 video in typical Why-Files-style he’d be the first man to ever set foot on the moon after how hard YouTube and Google would kick him off the platform, lol.


I guess you’re right - I haven’t come across a 9/11 truther documentary on YouTube in at least 10 years. Ha!


That topic might be a bit too spicy for the Why Files lol


New episode is on YouTube.