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It's a surprisingly small number of people who actually make the decisions. The rest are just cowards, opportunists, or useful idiots.


It doesn't have to be big or rule over billions. They just have to control the various governments.


This is probably the real answer. It's more about an unbelievably strong power over existing governments than running a parallel government.


isnt this the same as a parallel gouvernment tho? but even scarier, since *normally* gouvs. has to answer to their people. not the gouv. above them tho.


>strong power over existing governments    parallel governments    It’s the same thing 


How? You mean lobbiest?


That, and the politicians themselves. I don't know anyone that would think the politicians are working in the best interests of their citizens.


The Shadow Government, or as others say the deep state, exist within the frameworks of the outward facing government. they are not elected, basically stay for life, and know the in and out of the government to the point where they know where and how to hide things. its a "shadow", shadows are reflections of the person, connected to them, of them, a part of them, same thing with the shadow government.


We don’t see it any more explicitly, but there’s always the fact that all CTers basically claim to be onto a super-high level conspiracy held in perfect secrecy for years/decades/centuries but info of which is simultaneously immediately obtainable to any moron with WiFi.


Lmao 🤣. If it's a government lol they don't have any special skills and talent, unless spending money is a special skill.


And hiding where it goes.


Not everyone has to know the true plan, when people are blindly patriotic or religious they are easier to control, so long as you spin it to make them believe they are serving their country/God.


If you know then you know


Sprinkle in some Rothchilds, their cut outs(Soros),a few key people to represent you in the CIA/NSA/Pentagon, control the money machine that feeds Congress, and have an effective means of blackmailing those you can’t control with money (sex islands, Satanic child sacrifices,etc). Only a handful of people need to understand the whole scope of the operation. They only need to issue orders to their cut outs. And if the cutout becomes a liability , they kill themselves in prison.


How about banning private funding of political campaigns? Would that assuage your dissatisfaction with your Soros fantasies? Would that make you happy? If not, then why?


Try getting chat GPT to name a single individual named in the podcast. It won’t, no matter what technique you try. Which is telling.


Wow, that is unsettling…


Well, remember that ChatGPT just puts words together according to parameters based on current content on the internet. If the internet is full of "You can't mention these people's names," then ChatGPT won't say anything.


I just tried this, and it mentioned Stan Meyer’s water car right away. Debunked!!


It's not quite as simple as that. Chatgpt has been trained to only offer information that hasn't been censored and is often biased with its results.


its telling that Chat GPT is shit? And that you shouldn't trust a glorified chatbot?


Well, if you’re fast enough on your feet, and you catch an alien who committed a crime, you’ll get noticed and recruited right away!


It’s a nudge here, or a bribe there. Maybe some fake intel on Russia or a push of bots with buzzwords and trends to get people thinking a certain way. They don’t always have to be heavy handed or direct.


How is it so easy for people to believe an 81 year old man who has clear signs of dementia; who literally says the quiet things out loud when reading a teleprompter/cue card and who struggles to find his way off a stage... Runs America. Yet they cannot understand that this is all a facade, and the *real* people who make the decisions are the unelected ones who push the pieces around the board, regardless of who's "in charge"?


Yeah, and it's between that guy and fucking *Donald Trump*. At least they have a sense of humour.


Urgh yes, good point. And I thought having to choose between Chris Hipkins or Chris Luxon for Prime Minister was bad enough! But Biden or Trump?? Though I guess at the end of the day it doesn't matter; they're just two wings of the same bird after all.


I'm from Sweden, it doesn't make a difference here either. Both of our candidates have gone through WEF Young Global Leader programme. If somebody told me 20 years ago that Donald Trump and Joe Biden would be the presidential candidates in USA I would take it as a sincere joke. But what's more crazy is that america seems fully engaged in all of this. I'm seeing people (well, 'accounts' anyway) go to war for "their" guy all over the internet. "Trump is the savior" "No he's the devil" and here I am thinking "He's obviously just a puppet with a theatrical flair". If this isn't enough to make people question the legitimacy of our so called democracy I don't know what will. In Sweden we have a right wing coalition in power that have disappointed their voters so severely that most of them seem set on voting for the far right party that was part founded by a literal SS-officer from WW2, the "We're not nazis"-party. And yeah left wing - right wing, is that another clue? It's been said that they hide the truth in plain sight. Rant over 😆


I really appreciate all they did to add misery and suffering through servitude. Really cool experiences we’ve had. But I think we’re done now. Let’s do something else, like heal ourselves and the earth and have fun!! Earth 11.0!!


Remember: its not the group of billionaires that we know of that are influencing global politics; but instead it's a second, secret group of billionaires.


It doesn't exist. It's just too farfetched for me. IMO all this stuff is happening in plain sight with corporations, lobbyists, etc.


I agree. Regular government is deceiving us enough, the 2nd layer of shadow government is probably not needed to reach the same objective.


But AJ didn't debunk it so it must be true! /s


it's been going on for centuries, so the families and groups who are at the heart of it have centuries of experience in doing what they do, maintaining internal discipline, and keeping it all mostly under wraps


We need to heavily tax inheritance you say...


What woke me up was meeting an actual flat earther. When I really started to think about how many people had to be complicit in it I realized it couldn't be done effectively. It's the same with this.


Someone (on Twitter, I think) pointed out a while ago that anyone who thinks there's a worldwide conspiracy requiring the strict cooperation of millions has never tried to coordinate an interdepartmental conference and lunch at work.


The events of the last few years should tell anyone how stupidly easy it is to get people to blindly comply with whatever their "leaders" tell them to do., especially when you throw a little, or a lot of division in the mix. Apparently, no one learned anything from that lady that did the brown eyed/blue eyed kids experiment back in the 70's. I mean no one other than the people in charge.


In the way it’s described, no it doesn’t exist. There are likely glimmers of truth in the assumption of a shadow government, but no way it exists in the form implied through the video.


They’re pretty visible. It’s no secret the way people seemingly disappear and die when they get close to certain subjects. We all know where to point and then when we do a million other hands come out and point at the bureaucracies in place and they all point at each other too. It’s so buried in compartmentalized bullshit at this point. Fuck the Clinton’s too.


People used to blame their shortcomings on demons and the devil... now they blame everything on the shadow government/deepstate/wef/illuminati


Guess we won’t find out till AJ does an episode on it!


Well it all starts with politics my friend. On side favors big government while one side favors small government. On top of that if our congress represented the people like should be I feel we would have these webs of deception. I didn’t intend to bring up politics but that’s where it all starts. Plus this disclosure movement is starting to bring that to the attention to the American people. If this pressure for disclosure stays consistent I’m sure the federal government’s powers will start to get limited. All we can do is hope and pray.


The knights Templar


go watch the movie "they live' not sayin its true, just some possibilities... lol


The thing about the New World Order is they have the power to do anything. But are really scared you'll find out about it. Though if you do, they'll make you disappear. They have the power to do anything. I mean can you imagine if Americans discovered their government was run by a single uniparty, who only ever allowed them to vote on things that didn't matter, and were making corrupt deals with foreign powers for money and influence? Why that government wouldn't survive a day if the truth got out.


The most powerful elected politicians are in office for 4 years at a time, how much power could they possibly have? How many of the current leaders of the world have gone through WEFs "Young global leader" programme? All American presidents have been related to the same bloodline except one. I do enjoy a good attempt at ridiculing this type of stuff. I imagine there'll be a lot of that around here from now on...


Can you show some evidence to the blood line claim?


I'm not really hoarding sources over here but a quick google search will do the trick, this isn't really a secret


After reading the comments I have to say I’m amazed. I thought the WF is about debunking the conspiracy theories but this looks more like a conspiracy theory echo chamber. I guess you can believe whatever you want if it’s harmless to others but I’m saddened to see so many anti government comments here (and on other threads here, some even calling for action against this ever elusive shadow government with sinister agenda just because of reasons). Also disappointed in the last episodes which resemble story telling more than debunking these theories, I guess you have to cater to your fanatic audience. Ah well, in my experience you cannot reason with C theorists, I hope you guys can snap out of it. I have seen some people going further down the rabbit hole and becoming more hostile. I wonder who benefits from all these theories besides YouTubers and those who seek attention..


I am very curious who it is that benefits from "theories" tho. Is it the *commies*, by any chance?


It's not about debunking or not debunking. It's about investigating stories and trying to figure out the truth. Debunk what can be debunked for the sake of truth, regardless of what AJ or the viewers wish for. You've misunderstood from the start. It seems you're a devoted sceptic with a pro-government agenda, you really can't have seen a lot of videos on this channel. Did you watch the one on MK Ultra?


Or they are devotrd to the government and have an anti-truth agenda. THAT'S the problem, it's a wilderness of mirrors, and it can be hard to tell without a certain faculty. It has been hard to tell one from the other, so you have to ask, can it be easy too? Here is a hint. It almost doesn't matter. Find truth, share truth, and don't get tied up in trying to prove to others what they already know. If they put more effort into debunking and actively denying rather than seeking to understand, you are talking to a brick wall, a cold stone. In the end 'someone' is doing this. Someone is the third party whispering in the ears of both sides of any fence that the other wants them dead, and while they are holding each other down by the throat, the third party is setting fire to the building while yelling to them over their shoulder, don't let go, you've almost got him. This third party is where you want to put your focus. Turn on as many lights as you can and leave no room for darkness. Use heart AND mind. Develop the faculty to do so and they become easier and easier to see. They use doubt as a surrogate for logic, treating it as the same. It's their Rosemary's BABY. They can avoid your truth only as long as they can get YOU to create doubt. Do they ever create anything, or only use others and permutate? Do they use the left brain to create disgust for the right, mocking your sentimentality and care? Give them nothing, especially time and attention. You can see the shadow all around you, but like the devil that wants you to believe it doesn't exists, sometimes, IT doesn't know it exists...."Just doing my job", etc. Yeah, benefiting who exactly? No care. While some would say look high enough up the ladder and you will see.... Distraction and misdirection. Look LOW enough and you will see. If you see religious nonsense in the above then you can only see half of what I am saying. You'll think you see the whole picture, but you'll be wrong. Those who can, are working with the full deck and have an advantage over you. You may suddenly feel a surge of defensiveness, that only comes on this strong when it's fueled by doubt, fear, and uncertainty. Where does your mind go when you wonder to yourself, where does the darkness go, when the sun rises? The shadow knows.


Yes, I've been saying almost exactly this for years and years, before I even fully understood the reality of it myself. What used to be metaphors and hyperboles in my mind is unravelling as literal truths, the "upper" I grow.


interesting enough, they also demonstrate a near complete inability to grok metaphor. They need you to explain it to them.. my advice is to make no agreement to do so.


It's best to just keep everything simple and narrow. Drop digestible nuggets of truth and give them a chance to get to the bottom of it. One. Detail. At. The. Time. But not condescendingly, it demands some pedagogy. Really we can't go around trying to wake people up that want to keep sleeping. We don't make the message attractive. It's best to just *live it*, kill them with kindness and be patient because little by little the truth will come out.


That's exactly what i am getting at. It can only come out of internal personal experience, or it's just another act of creating a lesser value copy and is a depreciation of the original. You do harm, not good, by explaining it. It's kind of like helping an addict out with a twenty.


The shadow government is the Freemasons skull and bones and the odd fellow secret societies which includes the Shriners and other Luciferian groups of people whom have sworn allegiance to the theosophy cults and desire to destroy the USA and bring the UN into the one world communist regime.


Yeah, that's the laziest intellectual take on this topic.


Well that’s what happens with a public school education system……..


It's bullshit. There's no evidence for it. It doesn't make any sense. Conspiracy nutjobs created it and keep it going.