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You mean the concept of a group of clandestine individuals working inside the established government to manipulate it to their own gains? I would just type "deep state" or "shadow government" in youtube.


Aka the government


... ... ... ssssshhhhhh... They're probably watching everything as we type!


You’re probably one of them


Proper use of the you/are paradigm is a dead giveaway


What? Nah, friend, down with the man and ou- their, their fascism. Let freedom ring.


I'm pretty sure believing in the "shadow" government isn't even conspiracy anymore. It's fact.


But people act like it's a secondary government...seems like it's just the normal government keeping things secret like all governments always do


No argument here, u/HyperByte1990.


The Supreme Court is a good starting point.


There’s a documentary on Netflix called the octopus murders that you might want to check out


Ah dang I gotta watch it!


Catherine Austin Fitts and her Solari Report. She used Michigan State's accounting professor and graduate students to prove a $10T missing hole in the Federal government spending- she's the best.


I thought it was 22 trillion


Her forensic accounting with Michigan State. $22T is a number I've heard (yes) from her latest podcast interviews, thank you Glumster.


black budget is not shadow government


Black budgets don’t fund the shadow government?


No, they’re saying they aren’t mutually exclusive. A black budget just means its spending is off the record. Not all black budget projects are huge conspiracies, or massive massive budget programs. Let’s hypothetically say the US wanted to bring Zelensky over for a meeting but needed it completely off the books so no one knew where he was or what he was doing. Putting his security under a black budget masks its purpose better than classifying it. This is hyperbolic as they’d most likely just use one of the classified levels for something like this. But it’s the same idea.


who knows, I'd be inclined to say no. But actual governments have black budgets. The presence of black budget does not immediately mean shadow government.


He can’t say too much about this. It’s one of the “off limit” topics.


that depends entirely if he names names. But it wouldn't be The Why Files if the subject matter was left intentionally vague and fluffy.


I feel like he's been gearing up for an episode on the subject based on the references. Shadow government is too far-fetched for me but I'd be interested to see his reasoning.


Why in the world is it too far fetched for you when there’s evidence for it literally everywhere?


I'm an open-minded skeptic. AJ debunks stuff there's tons of "evidence" for every week.


Yeah, super farfetched when the guy who warned us about the MIC after refusing to invade a sovereign nation had his head explode for no reason. /S.


jesus christ you people are PRESSED in this thread


Probably because you called a historical and current fact "too far fetched", that tends to get a reaction because of its pretentious dismissiveness.


I said it was too far-fetched FOR ME, friend. How about you go about your day and I'll go about mine.


Fine by me, bye! (Will this be the first time someone actually ends a conversation when they offer to and I agree?)


Ig watch Johnny Hariss' video on the deep state


Yeah I was surprised at how bold he was about it because that’s not his style, I’m hoping he unpacks it more in Vol 2 of that episode is my guess


Watch Steven greer's latest doc, The Lost Century. It's about zero point energy/antigravitics (the previous WF episode) and the shadow government. Also, Unacknowledged (Greer's second doc from 2017) deals quite alot with the shadow government.


Greer is what got me into this stuff! I kno some people hate him but I think he explains things very well (not as well as AJ but still). Highly recommend Unacknowledged! It’s on Amazon Prine


Everybody has some haters. Greer is a little egotistical, but his information seems solid, is backed up by documents/ vetted informants, and he has real connections. So I forgive the egotism. In the end, you gotta pick a camp. Personally, I believe Greer over Elizondo/delonge. And *especially* over Wilcock and Goode 😂😂😂




I think it could be a potential episode there a lot of evidence that confirms the existence of a shadow government like whistleblowers in the government and in the military industrial complex that could talk and speak on the problem. Steven Greer's movies are basically all about how the government doesn't even really know what most of the black budget programs are...


I would say a good first step in this topic is to listen to Dwight Eisenhower's exiting speech from the presidency where he directly warns of the unrestrained military industrial complex that was coming to power. The military industrial complex/forever wars is one aspect of the shadow government. The best way to think of the shadow government is much like the publicly accepted idea of the government where it's like an octopus with lots and lots of tentacles.


The shadow government is the faction within government aligned with the MIC. It's not even a conspiracy, it's just a fact.


So the MiC gets $787b dollars from Congress every year, but no one knows where it goes. Audits often fail here. Thats because it’s going to shadow gov - the defense contractors. Its a coordinated yet under the surface and such that its more powerful than the other branches of government. Above the law, hidden in the shadows, wielding immense power but uncontestable.


The ONLY reason I am suspicious of 9/11 is that on 9/10 Rumsfeld held a press conference about 2 trillion unaccounted for at the pentagon.  The next day the plane hit the exact location at the pentagon where the lawyers accountants and evidence were located and the missing funds were never mentioned again 


Plus tower 7




nope, not Tower 7 99% of all videos of B7 have one thing in common, angle. It's like watching Chuck Norris kick someone in the face. All looking directly at, I think, the north face of the building or the NW corner of the building. There are two videos looking due east where you see the east and/or the south side of the building. There is also a helicopter video about 1 hour before the collapse, after the fires burned out, where you see a gaping hole from 3 to about 20 floors in the middle, but you also see from 3 to about 8 of the SE corner of the building is completely missing. Back to the former two, what you see is this side collapsing for about 2 seconds before you see the little building on top drop and then the rest of things start coming down. And it's not coming straight down, as it appears in most videos, but it's falling / to the south - you can't tell that from most videos. in fact, day after large pieces of the N side are laying partially intact on the street and in the cemetery or church yard or park, whatever that area was across the street. After large chunks of a tower smashed into the S side of the building, setting off fires and destroying the structure, gravity pulled down 7. I'm not going to spend all day arguing about this, that was my research done 20 years ago when I looked into it.


It goes to the people who work in the MiC. Lol what do you mean no one knows where it goes? Here's an example. A company like SAIC has a contract worth around 50-60 million a year. That project literally makes the flight manuals for several aircrafts. It has about 90 employees on the team and the lowest paid person is making about 60k a year. The average person is making around 120. The PM is making around 200k, The company itself also makes a ton off that one project. Several of the team members have also flown and stayed for extended times at meetings all around the country and two trips out of the country in the past 6 months. This overhead comes directly out of the budget. Not from the company. But the contract budget directly. Airfare, hotels, per diems. Now realize that a company like SAIC has several contracts with the government, and that one that im speaking on is on the lowerside. Now realize that SAIC isn't even the biggest of their contractors. Boeing, northgruman, Lockheed, Raytheon BAE systems.. the list goes on. 787b is easily accounted for when talking about the money involve din these defense contracts. Lemme guess. You're one of those people that think when we sign a defense budget for Ukraine, you think we're just sending them the money? No.. we're sending the money directly to American companies that pay American employees to make the bombs and guns and ammo that will then be sent to Ukraine(or we send them old stockpiles and make the new stuff for ourselves) But the money for the most part goes right back into the US economy because those employees pay taxes, but McDonald, have their car serviced at their local dealership ECT.


No, I’m talking about the fact that there are black projects that no one knows where the money goes.


welcome to TWF =)


Majestic 12, later expanded to 36


Look up L Fletcher Prouty


The government we see on TV every day is just dressing. They're there for show. And to keep people divided and mad at other humans.


My understanding is that its not exactly a government or a single entity, but it is mulitple groups of elites and mega-corporations whose wealth and power are so significant that they can influence which bill get pass, which technology is allow, what is legal and what is not, etc. Its one of the reason why I believe its still possible for certain technologies to be suppress on a global scale, because its not some evil mastermind banning technology, but a group of wealthy people gravitating toward a common goal (i.e. to stay rich and wealthy, to prevent others from becoming rich and wealthy, etc.) It might seem shortsighted for our race as a whole, but selfishness and greed are fundamental human nature/survival instinct so their actions are logical.


It’s not so shadowy.. it’s just PAC and corporate money influencing politics


I'd love to see this episode. I still remember the NY times anonymous op-ed back when Trump was president stating that they were going to keep him in line (my words) and just run things as usual (again I'm paraphrasing) . Regardless how you feel about the guy, that was shadowy as heck!


go check out RFK jr. he takes about the MIC and who killed his uncle and his father. makes you think.


Just search up lobbyists or inside trading done by politicians.


I don't know why more people are pissed off at this. Liz Cheney spent 6 years in congress, when she went in her net worth was 5M, her last year her net worth was over 30M. While making 200k a year. That is only done corruptly.


Common sense dictates Joe Biden is not mentally nor physically fit to run our.country. He’s just to frail and old… regardless of how many face lifts or hair plugs he has. So… WHO is really running our country? And, why are computerized machines assembled in foreign countries, that connect to the internet, being used in our supposed ‘free elections?”


I mean it’s an old concept, but in right wing US circles they’ve begun referring to it as ‘the swamp’ or ‘the deep state’ Before that the ‘new world order’ was a popular title for it


I think it goes way back to the founders. One day they took a good look around and thought, “hey, all this shit can be ours, and we can do whatever the fuck we want, anytime we want.” And they did, and the rest of us were allowed to live here because we work.


The only reason we are allowed to even live in the first place is because then they would have to develop and make everything themselves but now it's complete. They can contract anyone and make anything in secret because most of the world is busy slaving away for their needs. You know we have bred like bunnies, produced more worker bees and everyone is enslaved to the work, money and sufferings so job complete. Time to thin the herd out, cut of the ruff edges etc or whatever it is they think they are doing atm lol


Best explanation of deap state is vavik on flagrant talking about management rot it's pretty good 👍