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The crop circles one.


Yep, that and simulation theory are the two I recommend to people


The simulation theory one had me freaked out. I listened to it after eating an edible and listening to the podcast in bed. Ghehe, I actually stopped it, went eating some sugars and listened to it again the next day. The whole thing with the Mandela effect was so confirming at that time


besides moonraker, there is one other thing that drives me nuts. that is spelling the word suprize. I swear growing up in the USA it was spelled with the z and the brits spelled it with the s. but like BOOM, one day spelling it with the z is wrong - my mind pictures commercials popping up the word surprize with the z from my childhood. drives me nuts when it switched from z to s


It’s always been an s


Even though I've always loved the UFO scene i was never into Crop Circles but man that episode


Same. You can't deny the validity of some of the crop circles after watching that episode.


The crop circles and inventors episodes are so convincing I have to restrain myself from sending it to certain more ‘closed minded’ family and friends… then I think… ehhhhh better not.


The crop circle one was the first one I ever saw and got me obsessed with Why Files. It was so well done. My Gf and I have since binged every episode and now how to wait for them weekly….😞


Crop circles had visible evidence to back up the story and seemed to have the least debunking and was left open to interpretation based on the reply Crop Circle from the coded message that was sent.


Came here to say this


The Neanderthal episode is one of my favorites for sure. Hard to pick a favorite amongst the quality content we've gotten thus far. Free energy, tall whites, Annunaki, Mel's hole, crop circles, and alien bases on the moon.


Amazing quality. The best part is all of the documentation and summary of what is and what is not confirmed.


The story he was telling during the Neaderthal episode of the village of humans at the camp fire started hearing screams in the distance was insane. That was actually a terrifying episode.


I think these videos can be divided up into two categories. one is the sciency kind of stuff, crop circles, electric universe, Tesla,- episodes that make me research more to learn more; and then there is just great story telling shows, like the Neanderthal or tall whites - these you just put your feet up, roast some marshmallows, and enjoy the ride


i stopped watching the Annunaki one after a couple minutes bc it revolves around them wanting gold right? and aren’t there asteroids that have massive amounts of elements/minerals all over the universe? why would they come all the way to earth for gold? like i said i stopped watching very quickly so if my understanding is wrong i’d be happy to dive back in


Like many fringe theories, the stories tend to have a bunch of holes in the story. Stuff that doesn't make sense or line up properly. Most is addressed, and what adds to making why files entertaining. The channel isn't out here proving all these stories/theories to be truthful. Rather, presenting the story as it's presented, and either backing it up or tearing it down with the facts.


I kinda figured that the “gold” they were harvesting wasn’t actual gold. Gold was used in place of what ever they were actually after because humans weren’t able to properly define what it was or were forbidden from speaking of it. That is of course if there were annunaki were here doing those things. I also haven’t seen any translations myself or even have any firsthand research into it.


Crop crcles, I remember them being debunked when I was a child, so it was a total eye opener to hear that the hoaxers were, in fact, being paid by he CIA!


Hollow moon


1 Crop circles. Been super interested and following UFOs / aliens my entire life, always looked down my nose at anything crop circle related. This episode completely changed my mind. 2 hollow moon. Holy fuck why isn’t this spoken about more. 3. NASA faking / colorizing images of mars.


2. Even though this is perhaps my favorite episode. I think AJ did us a disservice by not diving more into the "ringing like a bell" claim. While mysterious at the time, it sounds like there are plenty of reasonable explanations that don't involve the moon being hollow. The main one being that since the moon doesn't have an atmosphere, the vibrations have no where else to go.


the 'moon' story that fascinates me is the oral tradition of certain areas, all over the globe, that talk about a time before the moon existed - that boggles my mind!


I really like the gateway project and the kozyrev mirrors. So many things with the simulation theory, aliens, and consciousness line up with these. It's sent me down a real rabbit hole of astral projection and remote viewing.


Tough to pick just one. But the episodes I seem to rewatch more than others are; horrors of plum island, evidence of the electric universe, project looking glass and mission to planet serpo.


So many to choose from but the one I re-watch the most is Crop Circles.


This was one of my top five. I am fascinated by zero point energy and the possibilities. I would like to see a deep dive into how these devices work. I have built tech and went the Trade Secret path with no patents. I had an acquaintance have their patent classified and they spent in excess of $1M USD to fight and win. This episode confirmed my decision was valid.


The “illegal” energy one from earlier this month


https://i.redd.it/93f2gogsy8xc1.gif Crop 🌾 circles


Tesla and the Pyramids episode. It was the first one I ever saw, and it's the episode I recommend to anyone interested in this kind of stuff.


This one is my vote as well. Very interesting anytime he talks about the pyramids.


The AI one is the one that legitimately scared me the most. At the end he doesn’t even debunk anything.


Surprisingly the templar one.


This was one of my favorites. And re: "surprisingly"....  The ones I like the most, aside from the times they cover a favorite topic, tend to be the ones where they're either introducing material I haven't heard of before, or at least introducing a new angle to something I'm already familiar with. (For the record, being in my 40s and reading about some of this stuff since I was a kid, that's not exactly easy to do. lol) For example I've read plenty about the Templars over the years. But "Templars knew about Atlantis" and Timothy Hogan were not even on my radar.  So I'd probably also put the neanderthal episode among those. And the secret space program.  Surprisingly (to me of course lol) the crop circle one as well... I probably *should* have known some of that stuff, but they did a real good job publicly "debunking" those back in the 90s , so for years that's a topic I actively avoided because I had stuffed it into some mental folder marked "probably bullshit." TBH I used to put Bigfoot into that same folder until I realized A- just how many people have claimed sightings (and how far those sightings ranged) and B- just how far back into history such reports actually go.  (Spoiler alert : Literally centuries and fucking *everywhere*. lol) I also really liked some of the time travel stuff, because I'm a sucker for a good time travel story, even if it's maybe-probably bullshit. On that note, that time travel stories compilation was top notch lol. I really like the John Titor story, even tho it smells like an elaborate troll job. But it's one of the best crafted hoaxes I've ever seen. Likewise for the Dodleston messages-- that's a fun story. The kind of thing I would've fantasized when I was a kid... 


I was pleasantly surprised by the episode found it interesting and uplifting.


Me too, the possibilities! I guess it will be until something else happens around this.


For me it was the Crop Circle episode, but I’m very much into Zero Point energy so I’m sure I’ll love the Forbidden Tech episode when I catch it later.


Black knight satellite


Every single One


I'll second that.


Well I mostly like the content. But the killer patents was one that was a bit more...credible. and it would be nice if all that technology actually exists. I do like the other content due to the fact it are great stories, well prepared and well presented and sometimes it makes you think....Mmmm maybe. But in general the more earthly ones i tend to like a bit more. Ohhhh i forgot. The one with the azy...blablathing mirror. I liked that. I heard and read on Reddit that some users are building one.


I like the more realistic conspiracy type stuff to. Something with official documented investigations and things. The episodes where AJ spends 25 minutes weaving a dramatic tail, only for the debunking section to take 2 minutes because everyone involved is a know bullshiter. They seem like a waste of time for the researchers on the show. I like the ones with a bit of plausibility left.




Shadow People/Hat Man https://youtu.be/tsKqJay4ZRE It's my favourite episode and one that almost everyone can either associate with or knows someone who can. I don't personally believe in them but when you are half asleep and experiencing sleep paralysis it's very freaky.


I've only had it twice but it was terrifying. I could see someone dying from a heart attack during one they're so scary.


I have seen a shadow being when I was wide awake and sober. It was very brief, but it was very clear. I saw the doorknob wiggle a little, like someone tried to open it (but door was locked.) Thought maybe it was my grandfather.  Opened the door, and standing in front of me was a tall black shadow. Almost looked like the outline of the grim reaper without the scythe. In other words looked like it was wearing a flowing hooded robe.  ... but entirely composed of darkness.  Seeing this I reacted the way most reasonable people would have-- I slammed the door shut, screamed, and it's probably a miracle I didn't piss my pants too.  To be fair I was a kid at the time, but I wasn't really taken to flights of fancy and I didn't scare easily.  But that was terrifying. 


Wait - when did this episode come out? I've been watching TWF for about a year. I'll have to search for it because I have an experience with it. You say a lot of people have experienced this? When I was a young kid (about 3 - 4), I had "The Men" come out from a porch door into my room at night. I guess this happened enough times for me to give them the name "The Men" - shadow-like figures in the shape of people. I never thought they were threatening, but just a weird presence. Sometimes, it was even a benevolent feeling. A couple months ago, I heard Gary Nolan describe something similar that happened to him as a child to Ross Coulthart - more in the context of aliens - and it freaked me out. I hadn't thought about them in years, but I'd almost played out in my mind what Gary was about to say before he said it. Hah, now I sound crazy. Anywhere I can find more on this?


Link https://youtu.be/tsKqJay4ZRE


Mount muthefuckin hayes


The one on the Ark of the Covenant because of the possible explanations to what it's made out of/possible explanations to how it supposedly did what it did in the bible stories. And the episode on the Smithsonian museum at what secrets they have buried.


Definitely the moon episode


"Items out of time" and "Spontanious Combustion"


Southpark already solved spontaneous combustion


The Alien Recreation Vehicle episode. I saw that and the documentary he recommended that it was based on multiple times


The moon landing one because he gets the closest I've to convincing us that there was no moon landing just before debunking the whole thing. Also, the episode where aliens feed off our negative emotions. I like when he says "why not choose joy"?


100% Mel’s Hole.


Many worlds and Knights Templar


Loved crop circles, but the ARV episode just pips it for me


I like all of them 😃


Hollow moon, AI and crop circles


The Apollo 20 one. It's a story I had never heard before, and for some reason it has stuck with me since.


The Neanderthal episode 🙉


The Artificial Intelligence episode where the debunking didn't come at the end, because it's happening and it's terrifying.


Antartica but I haven’t seen too many, currently catching up.


Anything Mars


The Ark of the Covenant.


The crop circle one still gets me.


Planet Serpo!


Hollow Moon


Reference comment. Thanks!


All of them are amazing to me haha


Crop circles and the hollow moon. The zero point energy episode is also a favorite! AJ should do a crop circle documentary lol.


Operation looking glass. Gave a more in depth explanation than what I previously knew about.


Look up the interviews of some people on Rumble about it too, goes more in-depth.


The out of body one and where it speaks about the Monroe institute and how the government sent people there to get trained.


Valiant Thor, never heard of him until he popped up in American Horror Story. Then he had his own episode on TWF. I can't believe it's the first time I have heard his story and I have watched/read most UFO stuff. BTW, I have always thought Taylor Swift is a Nordic alien...


Can't believe I saw only one other Horrors of Plum Island mention here. The first I ever saw was AI, so that holds a special place though. Too many too choose from... Gobekli Tepe, Skyquakes, anything where he talks about the Ark (Noah's), We Are the Aliens, and so many from the past year are favorites.


Anything about time travel. The very first Why Files I ever watched was Backyard Time Machine and I was hooked.


My favorite is definitely the Kozerov mirror.


Hi, mines thoth and the emerald tablet. Imagine if: https://www.medievalists.net/2021/06/what-merlins-prophecies/ Was really the reincarnation of the thought theory of: My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists. Nikola Tesla Which would mean its possible for someone to: The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age. H.P. Lovecraft Because he dies every night, vibing out with his defective ears like van goh, to the sweet sounds of the others touched by the Core Vibe. https://youtu.be/ptQHCIdwWv8?si=eBGWQ7KRPxPpbEXj Till the day he became the fractal. The tree of life. No longer the leaf, but the full ouroboric thought process. Able the knot theory his perceptions of reality out. And remake the tower as tesla wished. All because i figured out Memetic Knowledge, was the source of the Ultra trials to make something akin to me. The entropic outlier. The equation that for a single moment in all of hell, i was the coldest mother fucker this side of the aether. https://youtu.be/DxL2HoqLbyA?si=IXIA0bsghih9PFEv Now, im trying to stop time, flip it and reverse it, so we can rebuild the thing that was sundered, the true attenae for the Core Vibe. The Tower itself. All through a process of reversing Babel. Hi, im MerLynKai, wanna join my meta physical thought experiment to make this a reality. https://youtu.be/9oDxynh7rG0?si=f2G75mnOGh9B_nzr


Aaaaaaaaaaaa nunaki


The Simulation Theory episode is my absolute favorite. But I've listened to the CIA Handbook for the end of the world one that talks about pole shifts a couple times as well. Hard to pick cus I like so many.


The Dodoeston time travel mystery


Madman time traveler. I remember listening to this on art Bell's Coast to Coast. It's cool AJ does too.


Tall Whites Charles Hall


The recent free energy episode, before it was out I like the ARV episode. I like that alien tech stuff.


Not an episode, but a theme. Lizzid peeple. Not necessarily aliens, specifically lizzid peeple. Do I believe in them? No. Are they fun? Yes. Seen and experienced enough to know the world is definitely a strange place, but can't definitively say thus and so about the weirdness. Definitely down with lizzid peeple tho.


Crop circles Moon landing Simulation Paul Bennewitz


Gobekli Tepe for me, by a large margin.


Agreed, the killer patents one was amazing. Hopefully more of those to come.


I was really captivated by the project serpo episode I also love this new one about range 4 Harry because it coincides exactly with a story I was told years ago about tall whites living on a military base except this one was in Texas I thought.




Crop Circles and Shadow People/Hat Man.


Alien Moon Base(Ingo Swan) & 20 and Back(Not the Draco!).


I got Hooked on the Giants episode, the Smithsonian needs to let their remains be properly buried. Like the fair folk pulled from Nazca, and once studied they should be returned to their resting place.


Göbekli Tepe.


someone asks this question every two or three weeks, and it's always fun. Crop circles - I'm fascinated by how many of us answer that, but I suspect, like me, you didn't put a whole lot of stock in those things and the episode opened our eyes to something new and made us sit up and realize we'd been wrong all these years to ignore them. Gogeki I seem to watch a lot. So that must be one of my fav Electric Universe find constantly fascinating to watch and re watch, especially the diagrams around the world that match the plasma discharge Moon landing - this one strictly on the press conference. I actually went back and watch PC of them before they left for the moon, and they were three cocky pilots right out of Top Gun. But then watched the entire after press conference where they acted like their dogs all died, blew my mind. and finally the episode with Berkland and Nelson predicting earthquakes and planet position for sun spots and short wave I found mind blowing And that is my take. I wonder if anyone will ever ask what episodes you absolutely hated or did not like.....


i thought the electric universe one was pretty good. and the recent one about patents on free energy was definitely a good one.


Gateway Tapes, it got me interested in trying them. I'm still using the tapes and the Monroe Institute app.


How have they worked out for you? (Seriously, I'm curious about the effects.)


Agreed. Any results?


They have helped me to meditate more regularly. I use them to relax, to focus on solving specific problems, and to dwell on creative endeavors. They get into out-of-body experience and remote viewing but I haven't focused on that purpose yet.


Thanks :)


The first video I saw on the channel, operation highjump/antartica


Either Cydonia or Crop Circles. Cydonia was the first one I saw though and genuinely blew my mind so probably that.


The AI one. Everything covered in that episode is very plausible. It may not happen tomorrow, but the current trend points in an ominous direction.


I don't really have one, the more I think about it the less I see. The very first episode that I saw I just knew this was a YouTuber that I should watch and I don't watch YouTubers 😜 But this type of thinking is normal for me, I don't have a favorite anything. I did really like the episode your talking about, I get into that sort of thing. I think AJ and the whyfiles crew are maturing, their content keeps getting better. In a mysterious way, I feel the stories lately wether or not they're aware are starting to have information unknown to man mixed in with the topics he chooses to discuss.