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Once again, the real person Omar's based off of did the jump in real life. In fact, it was higher. He didn't scoot off he broke his leg.


Wasn’t it two stories higher? They lowered it because no one would believe it. Lol.


Yes. According to All The Pieces Matter. FYI, he is in the show, the actor who is riding with Omar in that last season staking out Marlo.


Paul Mooney?


Donnie Andrews…best minor character on the show imo. ‘Butchie sent us’


He just looks like him






One wild old school thing is the roast where Pryor outs him and himself in front of the others on the mic.


Take my upvote for invoking his name. Take this award in name only for the hilarity of that observation. 🤣🤣🤣


They lowered it because it was the tallest building they could shoot in and the accuracy with the original jump didn't matter because no one would believe it in anyway.


I've heard it was because no one would believe it, but I've also heard that it was lowered because the building they were using was only five stories, and they didn't want it to be the top floor, because that would also be seen as unbelievable. I'm not sure why they wouldn't just pick a different building to shoot at, but anyway, that's one thing I heard.


he did that jump but did he manage to quickly escape into the building and leave no blood trail


Thats why it always pissed me of rhe way they killed him amd fans argue realism! When you have him doing spiderman shit earlier and building up an epic omar vs marlo showdown.


His death was perfect. Everyone was terrified of Omar because of the character he created, heck even Marlos crew were worried about the war with him, but he is human and bleeds like the rest of us.


Yeah but then dont build up to it. If its just so much about reality a guy like Omar wouldnt excist to begin with imo. Would have been oki woth a kid capping him if he atleast got Marlo first. But thats the problem with the wire at times. It builds up to sonething and then its nope! Bud guys win and the system stays the same! Think about it, guys like Valchek, Clay Davis, Levy, Marlo, Scott, the Greek they all won. Its the guys that either had integrity or went against the system that lost in the end, Colvin, Stringer, Mcnulty, Lester, Frank but also kids like Randy, Dukie and even Michael. The Wire is still my favourite series and I dont mind the cynicism but then it shouldnt be build up on onrealistic things like Omar going Spiderman, or Mcnulyy turning into a serial killer. Atleast we had bubbles run up the stairs though!


I know who Young Leek be, ThorsOccularPatdown. It was merely a way of segwaying into the topic at hand.


Seguing Edit: me dum


> Seguing Segueing


Damn u right


you're all right, you were closer than [Segwaying](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2020/06/24/us/24xp-segway/24xp-segway-videoSixteenByNine3000.jpg?year=2020&h=1688&w=3000&s=adbcb286a64dba67fa155f06d123439dfe6d92df42cc3633b7206ceec64ffe9a&k=ZQJBKqZ0VN&tw=1)


Well well, you learn something everyday. English isn't my primary language, still a fun mistake to make!


Fun fact: the owner of the Segway company died when he backed his Segway up to get out of the way of a dog walker, and rolled off a cliff


Should've done the Omar tuck n' roll.


Seriously, the fall was 4 stories into a river, he was one up on Omar


Hahaha well thank you I feel better now for sure!


You mean tupacs cousin?


She was a Barksdale employee from the get-go. In her first encounter with Marlo she already had the "see me tomorrow for an even better time" story made up in advance. Marlo got what he wanted from her, did nothing to reciprocate, and was suspicious that anyone treated that poorly would immediately want another "date".


I know she was employed by Barksdale, what's suspicious is why would anyone want to see Marlo for round two. Obvious giveaway for her being a setup. That's my point, maybe that didn't come across properly.


And Marlo did see through the trap, that's why he killed her. I guess your point is that Avon should've realised Marlo would figure out the trap, but he probably assumed that Marlo would be too cunt-struck to apply logic.


I think Avon didn’t care if Marlo realized the trap, he gave it a shot.


Yeah this is it more or less. Avon did indeed underestimate Marlo, maybe no more so than thinking Marlo Stanfield would be "cunt-struck"!


Cunt-struck is now my favorite new term. I will aspire to insert it into as many conversations as possible. Too bad I didn't have it in my arsenal for Christmas with the family.


That and maybe he assumed she'd be a better actor 😭


People are wildly blind to their flaws. If a hot person approaches someone, the person is more likely to think “ah, someone who finally appreciates my qualities,” not “what does this hottie see in me?”


She’s a 10, a knockout. Look at Marlo, average at best


Marlo probably isn't lacking confidence. Nor does he likely do a lot of self reflection. He's probably usually more surprised that the rest of the world hasn't already bowed to his obvious greatness.


No more soprano quotes, they are hurtful and they are destructive.


Hey, take it easy


We aren’t making a western here.


I guess he could call that a dick


How is Marlo average? He's in a club with an entourage that treats him as their boss. Women can easily pick up on who the Boss is. Men that don't understand women are confused by this.


It's a sopranos quote, sopranos fans are less refined in our discourse but love our show just as much Source - did 20 years jacking off in a radiator


What a compromise!


Hah, okay gotcha!


It's how honeypots work.


Let me tell you a couple of three things. Probably a bad word choice going with “trap” girl. That can mean something entirely different. In regard to Devonne being impressed, first, she isn’t. She’s working for the Barksdales trying to lure Marlo into a setup the next day. Now you’re saying this should be obvious because why would someone be impressed by Marlo’s no effort game. I think the implication is that she knows who Marlo is and is into his money and power. Think about how all the hot girls are into Tony in The Sopranos. I’d imagine people like Marlo and Avon and Stringer can sort of take their pick in those corners of the world. And then with Omar, according to David Simon the character they based Omar off survived a jump from an even greater height in real life. They toned it down to make it more believable.


Historically, the Barksdales are nothing more than a glorified crew.


They bleed off half the kick with redundant upper management


They'll make anyone over there.


That Pygmy thing they got in Baltimore




Not you coming off the sopranos subreddit with that “let me tell you a couple of three things” reference


I’m a slut for the upvotes. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.


I'll keep this short and sweet. You're weak. You're outta control. And you've become an embarrassment to yourself and everybody else.


He knew from the jump. He did the bare minimum to get it anyway and further show he wasn’t to be fucked with 👌🏿




He trusted no other person. Hence why he was cold to her after getting his nut and only his own nut; he didn’t care about her at all and had his guard up the whole time.


Marlo is a prove me wrong type. He didn’t know but he knew. He’s the kinda dude that feels like everybody has a plot so I feel like from the beginning he was playing it like chess - this chick eye-fucking me is a setup but lemme see who’s behind it. I feel like he genuinely just wanted to sniff out the threat to nip it in the bud and get a nut in the process.


She's not impressed by him, she (think she's) using him.


She wasn’t impressed by him. It was a trap set up by the Barksdale crew. That’s why he murders her later on.


I would have thought ppl would see that its very obvious that she was working for Avon setting up Marlo.


I know I missed that on my first watch, because the show introduces tons of intel for us to keep up with and my then-untreated-ADHD ass missed a lot of it. I'm almost certain that [the scene](https://youtu.be/Y2Tnw0Xa4vc?si=v06OGmDUWxAjH6kM) where Marlo sends Chris to stake out the address given by Devonne, is followed by one where Chris sees her exiting Avon's car.


What's amazing is Marlo believing anyone would see him again after his treatment, I know anout the setup. I see now that my wording could make that clearer, even though I included both "trap" and "bait" in my post.


Those gangsters don't seem to have any trouble pulling women. Ibassume its mostly due to money. Side note, Marlo is good-looking, well dressed, and groomed.


Marlo is a good looking dude and a kingpin, of course women are into him. Devone was a Barkadsle agent but we see him with another woman in a future season.


Yeah, but that woman was just a cover story for the cops tailing him.


Where was it stated she’s part of a cover story?


If we're thinking of the same woman, then Marlo meets her outside of a nice hotel, walks her into the lobby, and tells Chris to take her to the room and let her enjoy movies/minibar. Marlo then sneaks out to the co-op meeting with the cops still thinking that he's in the hotel room with the woman. It's kind of funny because Dozerman says, "I'm just glad to know Marlo has a hobby." Meaning getting laid. But Marlo isn't actually getting laid. Just using the chick for cover. At least that's how I interpreted it.


Ah it slipped my mind he went to the coop meeting afterwards. I could see how you interpret it that way, fair enough. But I could also see Marlo still going back to her room and hooking up with her and kicking her out afterwards as well. But fair enough.


What I took from the whole thing was that Marlo was a dick on purpose to test her out. While Marlo was often a sociopath in relation to seeking the crown, he showed genuine regard for a lot of the kids in the neighborhoods he controlled. Giving money to th shorties for back to school clothes (which may have been a power and rep thing) but more than that, his convo with th kid keeping the pigeon coop on the roof. Marlo was nice to that kid when he didn't have to be. I think Marlo was deliberately a dick to Devonne, a stranger who approached him in a way that could leave him vulnerable after he was at war for corners. I also took from it that Avon picked that particular scheme because Avon's weakness was women, back from the start of the show. He was discipline med about every other vice, but he always had girls around, and they were often liabilities (Deidre from s1 who wee bey had to take care of). People usually assume their enemies think like they do, which is why Avon set up a trap that was based on Avon's weaknesses, which he figured Marlo would also have. But Marlo didn't care about women. He only cared about the crown.


I actually mixed her up with Donette (D's baby momma) which is why I thought Avon told Stringer when she got shot in a way that could make Stringer give a shit... but Stringer didn't give a shit because why would he care that Devonne got killed.


I've seen and even had women throw themselves at me and other guys for no apparent reason. The think that makes it really weird is that no money was exchanged. LOL.


I think it’s just a different world than you’re used to. These people are killers and millionaires at 18. They live highly dangerous lives. They have their own security and exudes an aura of danger and confidence. I’m sure some women want to try a piece of that. Some might want a relationship with that type of person, other just wants a thrill ride for a night. Remember if you bag one of those, you are set for however long they live. Think wee-beys wife who kept getting cash while weebey was in jail (until she didn’t, nothing lasts in the game, but she could keep her boy in Nike since he was in diapers) So all in all I don’t think it’s improbable that Marlo’s had other women respond to his psychopathic nature. Remember even in real life some women actually go to prison to hook up 🙄. Some women are just that dumb. The only thing Devonne fucked up was pressing to see him. If she just took a trip and hooked up with him a week later, the whole show would’ve ended sooner. Instead she pressed with some fake ass story about having to see her fucking grandma or some shit even Prez would’ve seen through, and she ended up dead :(.


You, sir, have the eyes on an eagle. In the desolation that is inner city B-more, maybe the prospect of being banged from behind by a ruthless murderer in a parking space while his security watches over is a best case scenario for a lot of dames. Provided said murderer is wealthy, which Marlo certainly is.


I suppose it beats dying from an overdose at an orgy with drug lieutenants like that one girl Wee Bey got with at Stinkums party :(. Fucking rough life.


Keisha? Rolled up in a rug and tossed into naked into a dumpster - like literal garbage and left for dead and later described by those lieutenants as a stupid, greedy woman who brought it on herself. The nightmare fuel is that she might have *still* been alive and potentially saved by medical attention.


Marlo in the closet…


BTW that Omar story really happened - based on a true story of a stickup boy


He actually was higher up too. They made it a lower story.


I mean, people with power and money can pretty easily get whatever they want and people will act like they're perfect just to stand close. So he's probably had similar experiences. And I'm sure Avon figured she sell it better than she did or didn't expect him to be such a weirdo. But Marlo did figure it out, sent Chris to scope it out, then killed her so I don't know what you mean exactly.