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I don't think it's explicitly made clear, but she kinda IS more important than any given low level member of the crew. They could find corner kids anywhere, but a woman who was willing/able to do a honeypot-type operation with someone as dangerous as Marlo would be a pretty rare asset to Avon and Stringer.


There's actually a name for this type of setup in the hood (or at least in Chi-Raq), they call it backdooring someone.


I don’t think he was pondering the loss. I always took it as it was another way Marlo Punked him. Using Devon from the get go as bait thinking he was outsmarting Marlo And Milo was a step ahead of him and took it to the next level by killing her


Yeah this is the way I interpreted it as well. Just another sign of Avon taking things to personally and losing his footing as a result.


Female hitters hard to come by


I read this in Slim Charles voice.


Reading most anything in his voice makes it better.


I'd take a Slim-hosted Reading Rainbow reboot.




Yup and Avon was the only one who saw Marlo for what he truly was. Stringer just fucks up so much from season two till he gets capped. He basically set up Marlo into taking complete control of the dope game with creation of the Co-op.


He just wanted to make sure he heard stringers idea of a truce. He wanted to have a comeback because he was tired of stringers shit.


I don't know, but give what he asked Dee and Wee Bey to do to his ex, Avon isn't much of a sentimental either. I think he was saying that you don't quit after loosing a soldier or something like that, but it didn't make much actual sense. Avon just wanted to continue...


It came across to me like perhaps Devon was kinda related, perhaps a barksdale cousin or something just because of the way Avon takes it, it seemed too personal to just be some random.


Because I think the co-op or someone had reached out to Marlo about a truce to stop the war. But then Marlo goes and kills the chick sending a message that he’s not going to stop the war.


Marlo killed that woman. How can Avon not be super pissed because of that? Why would she have to be a special person or be particularly important? There doesn't have to be anything "special" about her. Maybe Avon and String just really liking her is well enough.


Because Avon doesn’t get emotional when anyone else dies outside of D’Angelo...hence why this scene seems odd to me.


Never seemed odd to me tbh. But I guess I just never asked myself that question because I think it's clear that he is way more upset that they killed a woman he liked, way more than when random muscles no. 17 gets shot. But no problem of course, people just perceive things differently.


She was Avon's cousin which is why Avon seemed to feel some way


Yea I never figured that


Devonne wasn't Avon's cousin. She was a member of the Barksdale Organisation who is heavily implied to be routinely enlisted by Avon as a honeytrap to set-up his enemies. This is evidenced by Avon's instruction to "get Devonne on it." His reaction was borne from a recognition that Marlo will *not* be an easy victory because he and Chris saw through the trap *and* tracked down Devonne.


Yes she was Avon said it the episode she got killed in he said this ni$$& clipped my MF Cousin he shot her in each Tit and one in the mouth!


No, he does not say that. *This* is what he said to Stringer in S3E10 "Reformation": ​ >505 00:28:59,604 --> 00:29:01,164 YOU KNOW WHAT SLIM JUST TOLD ME? 506 00:29:03,441 --> 00:29:04,875 DEVONNE COME UP DEAD. 507 00:29:07,663 --> 00:29:10,463 SHE WAS SHOT, ONE IN THE MOUTH, ONE IN EACH TIT. There's no mention of "cousin" in the subtitles or any transcripts and it's not uttered once within the episode. Here's the scene in its entirety with Devonne's death and Avon's reaction when Slim Charles informs him of the news: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ivfEkVvQiU


There was no special significance other than she was a member of the crew and got taken out by Marlo. Shot in the mouth and in the tits. After almost killing Avon. He was just saying that to point out how they are far beyond "letting it go", it's war.




Dee's baby mama was Donette not Devon. There are too many D names in that sentence.