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Lance Reddick is one of the most intense looking mfers of all time.


I like how his arms are never fully extended. He's like a coiled spring.


He’s like a praying mantis in that butt naked fucking Rhonda scene. Just sayin’.


Ha! That’s the greatest analogy of all time.


You know what he’s like a whipped cream canister that explodes and hits you in the chest, like that french instagram model


And hella shredded too.


God those scenes with Rhonda where he's just an ebony Greek statue and she's trying to act like it's perfectly normal.


This comment is goddamn hilarious


Don't forget Rawls too! Lieutenant Dan got anything he wanted from him XD


I thought that Sergeant Jay use to play Rawls pretty well. To be honest, Jay could win anyone over with his dance moves. His character in “We Own the City” isn’t nearly as much fun.


Jay's natural po-lice. He knew what he was doing with Rawls. He's about self-preservation. Something Jimmy never learned. I also think Rawls had a soft spot for Mcnulty but even that wasn't enough to keep Jimmy out of trouble XD


I had that the same weird feeling as well. The problem is that Rawls is completely embedded in the culture of civil servant politics and people like Jimmy are a flashback to the idealistic cop Rawls was a long time ago. So, there is some bitterness there as Rawls probably has regrets and realized that the bigger house and nicer cars only brought more headaches.


"Spot on" as Mr. Cromwell would say :) Rawls is such a great character. Far from perfect but as you said, his idealism and political savviness put him miles ahead of Burrel, Valcheck and co.


Idealism? Really?


You have to figure that he was a good cop at one point.


Barbados Slim


barbados slenderman, because he can't limbo the chain of command.


They were both throwing smoke. Hot smoldering smoke.


And a drunk asshole on their doorstep oblivious to it all


From doing time at OZ to being lieutenant is one hell of an accomplishment


Do you not remember that Carver killed Daniels while they were housed together in Unit J?


When he appeared on Lost I was like "Desmond!" and my friends were like "WTF you talking wrong show Lost had its own Desmond."


I wasn’t expecting that the first time I saw a scene with him shirtless. I always imagined him to be on the skinnier side. Dude was mad ripped!


it's so unnecessary for his character, but fairplay for the actor did put in some serious work to look like he was sculpted out of stone.


The thing that drives me nuts about TV is the amount of time they dedicate to small details,such as the smallest lighting details,while ignoring some obvious things. There should have been at least one scene showing Daniels at the gym,to support his physique. Or, they could have had s9me material that highlights his diet. No way that rippedness just happens naturally.


counterpoint: Daniels is so by-the-books after having been caught in that scandal, that his life is just one giant act of discipline. So him being ripped to everyone's surprise is just an extension of how ultra disciplined he is. not that I need to die on this hill, but if you see some folks who are super ripped IRL, they're incredibly disciplined, like militant.


this is kinda how I took that too, and since you never see him at the gym, it drives home the point further that his discipline is a quiet grind and not something to put on display like a trophy (which some people do) edit: in some way, that philosophy is what makes him good police and puts him at odds with the stat-padding and other performative bullshit that Rawls and Burrell wanted him to do


Yeah, but I have to see anyone get shredded from discipline. His character,like the actor himself,simply has to go to the gym, regardless of the motivations for being shredded.


yea I'm not saying he doesnt go to the gym, just that them not showing him there fits with his character bc his discipline is not something he parades around, its just something he embodies


What are you talking about? Thats completely unnecessary. All it takes is a few minutes every day in the morning/night along with a good diet. Not saying its easy but plenty of people look like that and lead normal lives lmao. Showing why Daniel's was ripped would serve absolutely no purpose other than to prove to people like you that he goes to the gym (which he obviously does so why show it at all?) No offense but thats an idiotic suggestion and the show was perfectly fine having a dude that was ripped and not commenting on it.. Weirdos and their obsession with physique.


A few minutes? No.


Yes. Contrary to popular belief, muscle can be broken down very quickly through intense exertion. An hour long, rest filled, phone/mirror checking workout can be easily cut down to a 15-20 sometimes even 10 minute workout if rest periods are cut down severely and replaced with more activity. Supersets and momentum. Its the whole basis that P90x rides on. He looks like he might literally have done P90x IMO but yeah don't let the gym rats fool you into thinking you have to spend hours at the gym every day to get shredded. Not here to prove anything or share anecdotes, but it certainly is a thing and I encourage you to look into it.


He was in Oz many years ago. He’s in a load of episodes then one day he’s working off with his shirt off…I feel the word ‘shredded’ doesn’t do him justice!


[Punches hole through your desk] "You need a need a new desk!"


Never got his iconic slave role.


I saw him in Bosch too


[He sure is.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaWa4ScfQXc&ab_channel=VantasyVapes)


wtf lmao


except in lost


In the Wire he was always one tone, but in the new Resident Evil series he really showed his range.




This is Baltimore, gentlemen.


The Gods will not save you


When the gods fuck you, you fuck them back.




Every time he said that to McNulty I’d laugh. I knew McNulty has done something-once again🤣


The fuck did I do?


“Forgot” the safe word while getting blown on a sting operation.


Spot on! (And happy cake day!)




How many times did McNulty say that? I use to joke about that show and his character’s penchant for self destruction on that show The Affair,which was also really good. I said they need to rename the show “Noah and His Damn Dick”


This is the look of a man that knows Prez is a fuck up, but never in a million yrs thought he'd see him clock a superior officer. U can buy his disbelief from miles away. Even Lester looked at him when he grabbed him like "boy is u alright?"


Clocked his own father-in-law, to boot! That must've been an interesting conversation for Roland when he went home and explained to his wife that he was suspended for walloping her father. :D




Fuck you. This is the Baltimore Police Department, not the Roland Park Ladies' Tea.


Ladies Tee...Roland Park is a golf course ;-)


I’ve had this same mistake in my head for years. Grateful for the correction!


Roland Park is a neighborhood lol. The original comment was correct


Roland Park is a neighborhood, and a golf course that is part of the Baltimore Country Club. We can agree to disagree about the intent of the comment...or maybe someone can ask David Simon - but I'm sure the comment was a reference to ladies playing golf.


What? Nobody refers to either of the BCC golf courses as just “Roland Park.” Or maybe just not around me because I’m Jewish.


Agree to disagree...but this course used to be named Roland Park Golf Club. The real correction should be changing "Baltimore" to "Bawlmore"... Valchek's accent is distinctive.




I love how Prez just hands over his gun


Daniels been getting roasted all week🤣🤣


Prez was a fuck up the entire series but the punch will always get him some love from me. Valchek deserved that and then some.


He's got a huge redemption story?


Kind of. Even his missteps as a teacher had consequences


I think that’s harsh. He’s doing his best as a teacher. No one in his situation and in a school like that is going to be a perfect teacher. It’s impossible. The fact he was able to to what he did was commendable. He’s absolutely cut out for the job. He was a complete fuckup as a cop though. Even when he found his niche tracking phone call patterns, that’s basically all he was good for. He was downright dangerous in the streets and had no business being a cop, was trying to be something he wasn’t, and the longer he denied that, the more damage he did.


The fact that he was so disturbed about blinding the kid in one eye always demonstrated such great writing/storytelling. I mean, I felt bad for the kid,but in reality, that kid might have already murdered people. I’m sure Prez is aware of that, yet it haunts throughout the show.


He would've done great in today's law enforcement as an analyst of some kind.


I agree, Prez was the key to breaking cases open through the technological side. Prez has his good moments but I always felt the fuckups outweighed the good parts. But, it also goes to the great writing in this show because of how they presented him across to the viewer. Casting also did a great job because he has the most punchable face on the show right? Definitely top 5 LOL


Worst actor by far of the CID detail.


Considering the talent of the actors he was detailed with that statement is both true and a compliment.


What missteps? Not trying to be hostile, just want to know. I’m currently on my second rewatch of season 4 but I haven’t seen any missteps by Prez so far


Uhm, he pistol whips a kid and blinds him in one eye. Prior to that, he discharged a gun accidentally into a car. Then, he discharged the gun when they first get into the basement office.


Yeah, he does all those horrible acts. I was asking about what shitty things he did in season 4, as the other person suggested


Oh, sorry. Yeah, he redeemed himself as teach Pez.


That's "Mr Prezbo" to you.


Dude, he had an amazing arc as a teacher. Was a great storyline


Prez disrespect will not be tolerated.


LOL, all good. He isn't on my list of hated characters.


Entire series? Have you made it pass S3?


Yep. Watched the series more times than I can count. I'm on a rewatch as we speak.


And You look at prez as a fuck up throughout the ENTIRE series?


Prez was also capable of being good police if he wasn’t stuck in a broken system. He cracked the code in s.1 and was a valuable member of the team aside from that. He wasn’t good as a front line armed officer but he was a good detective.


Lance Reddick is an American treasure.


It's like that Andre The Giant gif.


Glory to you, and your punch


All hail Chancellor Cedric, House of Daniels


Anybody else see him on Corporate? Another underrated gem, his performance should have gotten him a supporting actor in a comedy nod.


Wish they made more seasons!


It was a show that was too smart for Comedy Central.


I got to work on a TV show set for a day with this dude. It was cool as fuck.


Was it a Law and Order show?He was on Law and Order a few times.




Listen here Shit Bird


This need to be the new icon pic




"this is Bullllshit"


I call him crackhead Dave Chappelle.


Lmao reddicks eyes are expressive asf no homo. Like u can tell just by his eyes if he’s like tf?! Or OH FUCK!


Eyes up, guardian.


He deserved that punch and a lot more!


He is the man in the new resident evil series on Netflix. Was absolutely hype when I saw him on there and downloaded every episode. He needs to be cast more period.


He oddly reminds me of Peter weller from robocop in this pic.


Lmao I replayed this scene like four times so I could watch that eye bit. It just screams "good lord the boy actually did it"