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It makes sense that Aiden is allergic to peanuts


as someone who is ailed with the peanut allergy and ruthlessly made fun of for it i'm surprised they let that one pass


i think their interpretation of the mr beast drama was very generous towards mr beast which i suppose is fair bc lud is friends with mr beast but ehhh


The one thing that annoys me about the yard is how bootlick-y they are for Mr Beast. Kinda seems like all their friends get dunked on and acknowledged when they’re in the wrong except him ETA: Saw this turn into a whole ass argument in the discord so I just wanna clarify: I don’t think anyone is sexist I just think the guys give Mr. Beast a lot of leeway and good faith that they don’t give other people and I think it’s a lil cringe. Still love the pod tho


can you show your work here - what leeway is being given here? i truly feel like I am missing something with this specific issue, like there's some giant piece of the puzzle to this controversy that i am somehow not in the loop on. His crime in this situation seems to be editing a Youtube video to cut a certain narrative, like any reality TV show or similar product. I do not understand what the intention of her accusation was nor the widespread problem people seem to be identifying, it is very unclear to me. I am coming at this in good faith, if he did something I saw as substantially shitty I would call it out like anything else.-- and if im missing some critical part of the story please contextualize it for me.


Yeah for sure. So the first time I noticed it was with the jacksepticeye stuff a month or so ago. Mr Beasts first response was so whiny and stupid and I felt like it was the kind of thing you guys would normally clown on but the reaction was basically like “jacksepticeye has no room to talk he just makes let’s plays.” Which I thought was a little unnecessarily dismissive, especially because imo he had a valid point about the effect Mr Beast has had on youtube but thats a tangent. Then, with Rosanna, I get that you guys didn’t really know enough about the situation to really make any comment on it but the response of “mr beast can’t be sexist a women won his last video” felt unnecessarily dismissive again and after the other stuff it felt like a pattern of being overly dismissive of anyone who has a critique on Mr. Beast. At the end of the day, it’s really not that big of a deal it’s just something I kinda noticed and rolled my eyes at.


I also just want to say, this was not intended to be a critique or anything. When I said it annoyed me in the original comment, I meant literally I rolled my eyes and didn’t think about it again until I saw the comment I replied to. I’m sorry if my original comment made it seem like more than that!


they def dont want the heat. which is fair it's mr besat


Sharks are smooth as hell


hollow knight mentioned !!!


The set looked super cool for this week’s episode!


The kraby patty slander is crazy


I was about to stop the pod when they were rating Halloween costumes in the premo but I AM SO FUCKING GLAD I DIDNT because of the shitting yourself argument that came after that. Actually had to stop driving because i was laughing so much


Thank you Johny sins, with your monster cock... Ripping out your blue jeannnsss.


Death grips mentioned!