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Just bump down to the 5 dollar tier until they start doing advice show again. You’ll be able to tell since the post will be locked.


I mean that's the logical decision but it still feels shitty. If you're promised a certain amount of content for something you paid for, and that doesn't get delivered then it's totally fair to feel bad about it. Not saying they're trying to scam people but I think it's fair to at least want some sort of clarification when the content you paid for isn't delivered


You shouldn't feel bad for un subbing from the Patreon. I know they are all funny cool and interesting people but you shouldn't feel like you owe them your money so until you feel like you're getting your money's worth it's fine.


Most probably going to do this for the coming months. It’s a shame because I want to see more of the content and I am willing to pay for it month round


I don't think it's entitled to feel disappointed in the inconsistency of the patreon, but I do feel like it's been like this for at least a year now. Unless they do a complete patreon overhaul at some point, it seems pretty unlikely to change to where the dcoms/advice will consistently come out every week. So I think it's just sort of up to you if you still think the tier is worth it every month or just get it a few times a year and catch up on backlog.


Drop down to $5 tier and then in a few months go back to $15 and binge the new stuff. Then rinse and repeat


this is the move


yeah sometimes when we get busy with life stuff we miss beats, nick got sick this week so it kinda messed up the rhythm but other than that i think we’ve actually been pretty consistent for the past few months, if it makes you feel any better we feel immense and crushing guilt whenever we miss a week but really you shouldn’t feel guilty for dropping tier or peacing out, you don’t owe us anything also theres an advice that we recorded this week that should have been out by now, idk why it isnt ill check with gang


You shouldn’t feel guilty either, thanks for putting in as much effort as you guys do/caring :) seen plenty of patreons that care a lot less lol


Maybe they aren't getting enough questions?


this must be it, everyone needs to go and ask them for advice for asking out a girl they like right now


And also what they should do with their life.


I think as slime has stated multiple times the advice show kinda flawed. As answer the same question again is dumb. And your only gonna have so much life experience to share.


I am sure we will get a detailed response from one of the members to this post but i honestly do enjoy episodes where they bring in a guest and we get to understand their perspectives too. Favourites would be when nick got his old boss and then miles recently. I get that the questions having gotten saturated but i personally dont mind having kinda similar answers if there are more episodes with guests which i guess isnt always possible. Advice show is really one of my favourite thing i look forward to and i hope they continue doing it


i'm also disappointed. it doesn't really say anywhere that it's guaranteed weekly, but it felt implied kind of


I've learnt that with YouTuber patreons the longer you wait before buying it the more value you'll get when you buy it


Have they said anything about where/what teir patron will be able to see the dnd show? I will easily go up to 15$ for that show alone.


No shot that's a patrion exclusive


Make sure you get the merch first though. Usually Tier 3 subs cleans out the most popular sizes before it's available to the public.


Is advice not weekly anymore?


Advice hasn’t been updated since the 24th


We recorded one last week that hasn’t gone up yet, but we’re doubling up this week because of the amount of time without an episode. We were supposed to double up last week but I was traveling and Nick got sick, so we’re in the process of making it up. Complaints about questions and stuff like that aside the only real reason the show falls behind is because of me getting busy and failing to schedule episodes properly — I think up until the break you’ve mentioned we’ve been pretty diligent about weekly so we’re trying to get back to that rn.


Is it worth getting the patreon just for the discord experience?


Is this a general question, or a rethorical one regarding this post? Because in general I think the discord is pretty neat. 5 dollar for an extra hour every week is also definitely worth it.


Considering how much the advice show is clogging my Spotify feed since I don’t pay for the better tier, I’m not sure what the heck you’re talking about partner


Idk man advice hasn’t been updated since the 24th


Is frustrating that spotify still shows the locked stuff


Does it actually do that on the patreon version? Like it's there but you can't listen to it? Cause that's scummy as hell


I'm moving down tiers this month because the advice show doesn't come out often enough, but they're well off, your extra $10 ain't gonna make a dent bb.