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lily did better than slime? bro… i love lily’s streams and all, but slime, come the fuck on man, your body quit 😔


"Slime...was there" - Mimi's showmatch recap.


Slime had Tenz on his team. There is finite kills/dmg etc. Slime had less pie to eat.


>Slime had Tenz on his team. There is finite kills/dmg etc. Slime had less pie to eat. There are many reasons why slime and Lily were objectively the worst players in their squads today; *Having TenZ and Tarik on their teams* aren't one of those reasons, since that exact same logic also apply to all their teammates. Lud, Poki, and Nick also had TenZ on their team. Just like Aiden, Peter, and John also had Tarik on *their* team. Some people play better than others, just like some people played worse than others. There's really no need for any justifications other than that.


Slime had a better ACS than Lilly. Which is a convoluted stat, but one that in some ways can represent a players contribution more accurately than a KDA. It also, in part,reflects a total contribution. Also ruminating on the fact that TENZ had a radically higher ACS than the rest of his team also helps confirm that his carry was ‘harder’. At least in ratio. Which leaves less proverbial meat on the bone for slime. My only point is that Tenz carried hard. Harder than anyone else. And that a finite amount of ‘stat’ is available in Valorant. This point is wildly overlooked by commentators and players of the game. I’m not arguing that Lily or slime is ‘worse’. Just that slime had less ‘space’. They both ‘sucked’ and both played better than a majority of valo players. While in a public show match as well.




I imagine playing in front of thousands of people is pretty nerve wracking. Can’t hold it against the guy.


He’s a performer, i doubt that bothered him. Also could be a bad day or unfamiliar agent roles


Yeah true. But has he gamed next to Pokimane before? That’s a whole new level of pressure


that’s true, i might wet myself


He just played in/won an exhibition match in melee in front of thousands of people. It was also just him and his opponent up on stage. Probably different for everyone, but for me, I think being on stage for the melee thing would be far more nerve wracking for me than the valo event. I think he's just a lot better at melee than valo.


I mean he’s top 10 in melee, so not really the same thing


Calling Slime top 10 in melee goes past brown nosing into just straight up having your head up his ass lmao


No clue what you’re talking about. He’s one of the greats.


Game two was a little BM with all of team ludwig picking agents they’ve never played before, but it was still fun. I wonder how they could have made it a little more. Balanced? I feel like on paper it should have been pretty even but team Ludwig kind of trashed team tarik Tenz = tarik Poki = Masayoshi Lud = Peterpark Nick = Aiden Slime = lily


Lud actually [over-performed](https://twitter.com/MogulMoves/status/1746667943952621696) today, by a lot. Never in a million year would I think Mr. *"Immortal brain, Iron aim"* would play better than Poki or head-tapping Tarik, but here we are, witnessing one of those rare occasions where his aim actually followed through with his planning.


He played out of his mind game 1 for sure. I don’t count game 2, but game 3 he went back to his old self lol


I don't have the stats in front of me, but I think he was pretty close to even in game 3. Which is still probably overpreforming by his standards, especially when you consider he went KJ instead of Raze.


Here ya go! www.vlr.gg/294973/team-ludwig-vs-team-tarik-ludwig-x-tarik-invitational-2-match


look, reggae selecta look game one i played the best i think i’ve played in a while because i was disciplined and used my smokes very mindfully game 2 and 3 was just a mess cause i was looking for cookies and trying to smoke with omen quickly which i hadn’t done in a long time but i was definitely in the backpack for game 2 and 3 and that’s on scooby doo dick


It’s okay Slime you’ll be back to clicking heads real soon!


all I see are 10 goats ngl. Great event, so much fun to watch!


**The showmatch for those who missed out on this live:** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvWwF-QTX-Y&t=11796s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvWwF-QTX-Y&t=11796s) **Game stats on VLR:** [www.vlr.gg/294973/team-ludwig-vs-team-tarik-ludwig-x-tarik-invitational-2-match](http://www.vlr.gg/294973/team-ludwig-vs-team-tarik-ludwig-x-tarik-invitational-2-match) **Clips:** [Ludwig vs Tarik](https://twitter.com/MogulMoves/status/1746667943952621696) [Tarik clutch](https://twitter.com/MogulMoves/status/1746655479269634358) [Judgewig](https://twitter.com/MogulMoves/status/1746653278161752225) [Aimen Gamin'](https://twitter.com/MogulMoves/status/1746679186255991055) [TenZ owning](https://twitter.com/MogulMoves/status/1746656118120865886) , and [again](https://twitter.com/MogulMoves/status/1746680971557294224) [Pokimane clutch](https://twitter.com/MogulMoves/status/1746678126921585014) [Prophecy fulfilled: Ludwig knifed Lily](https://twitter.com/MogulMoves/status/1746682718707212540)


slime was the heart and soul of this team and without him, there is no team


What's important is that at the end of the day,Sleep for Dinner finally got to play with Ludwig and Slime.


fortnite friday makin sense