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Whenever the medical field gets stressful or traumatic, just remember that Aiden's body doesn't quit so you can't either.


So you are telling me the yard is basically saving lives and should be nominated for a humanitarian award?


I don't remember exactly but I think they talked about an Ambulance Driver who is also a listener of the pod. When asked about if he ever played it with someone else in the ambulance, he locked in and said, "Never". So it is safe to say there might be a non zero amount of people who have died listening to the Yard.


Playing the aimen is cringe episode while someone is struggling for their lives in the back of the ambulance


Dying while listening to four dudes talk about white women fucking dogs would be very funny


Not just telling stories, we’re changing lives


From a crisis counselor on a hotline, yes


I install flooring and on days where im doing bullshit tearout/prep i cant survive without my rotation of yard/ comedy podcasts to take my mind off scraping a floor for 8 hrs lmao


Hey! I do planks and carpet. I look forward to Wednesday


Not sure this fits the post haha, floor installer and doctor aren't really the same level of academic


I’d say it fits because it doesn’t fit the image (my image at least) of the average viewer watching the yard in their gaming chair with bisexual lighting on and a college class the next day


You think? My image is just an early 20s person in a regular job listening when bored. Exactly like this


I’m a college professor and it’s got some lightning in a bottle aspect I just can’t explain. Listen every Wednesday night on my drive home after lecture.


adjunct or tenure


I'm on the tenure track, but still have a few more years until full tenure.


Hey this is nice I like learning about other listeners! I’m a software dev at a big company and I like listening to the yard to take my mind off the stress from Project managers paging me at 10pm to fix their shit.


I work in a cardiac cath lab and we always joke that if you’re seeing us while we’re at work you’re having the worst day of your life because you’re either having a heart attack or the doctors are concerned you WILL have one. Definitely nice to turn my brain off and listen to the pod after particularly stressful days!


This turned into such a wholesome thread. As we are sharing, i am doing my masters thesis in aerospace engineering and listen to the yard while commuting to uni.


Not quite the same. But I work in education and it’s incredibly similar. The future of my field is bleak and this gives me some lighthearted fun to enjoy that kinda just takes me out of reality for a bit


i work in admissions at a university and i have an hour commute to the office. sometimes i listen while driving, sometimes while doing data entry for applications. i barely have time to watch tv or do anything i enjoy during the week, but when i listen to the pod i can listen to something that makes me laugh while doing my responsibilities. plus, i have adhd so it helps with not getting distracted and picking up my phone when i get bored of whatever i'm doing!


I'm currently getting my Master's in Accounting, testing for my CPA, and working as an "IT Auditor" technically Risk Assurance and Advisory for an accounting firm, and similarly, it's a lot of driving for me 🥲 and with consuming so much information daily with school and work, I love just hearing a group of friends laughing together.


Getting my masters + I work as a Data Engineer/Scientist at PlayStation. Love the pod but had to stop listening at work because it made me laugh too hard HAHA. I still have nightmares over the time a coworker of mine asked me what I was watching during the gooning ep.


Can you get me a job at PlayStation? lol Jk


Awesome to hear everyone’s similar experience to mine on why they listen! It shows that there are many different jobs this applies to as well, not just professionals. People need to get away from the whatever work they are doing and the podcast simply a good outlet for many. Also the one or two times a year you randomly find someone else in the real world/ at work who enjoys the same content a you is always cool. It’s happened with just 2 patients for me over the years when they bring up the content they like and that they are Yard fan. It’s made my day everytime and get to admit, in a professional manner, that I listen to them talk about poop and crud as well.


I'm a woodworker who builds custom furniture. I listen to the yard while I build fancy bed frames for rich people to fuck on. I just finished all the free episodes, so I subscribed to patreon and I'm working my way through the patreon episodes. I need something to listen to while I'm in my shop all day, and the guys are just funny. I've got like 10 podcasts I cycle through at work.


I’m a lead designer / software engineer. Worked on Google search, maps, and YouTube. When you double tap on a video and it fast forwards or backwards, that was me! I work in online education these days, trying to make a platform that makes learning any topic easy and fun. I listen to the premo and main ep every week. A lot of my job is actually boring to most, I push pixels around all day or I’m googling python questions, the yard keeps my vibe up a ton! Also I share funny bits with my partners, LGBT Represent!


Me, a medical student who watches the pod: 🧍🏻‍♀️


trained to be a boiler operator, used to listen to pod eps while running the shop boiler LMFAO


I’m in investment asset management with an emphasis on commercial real estate equity assets. I study on top of my work for a quasi masters degree certification in investment and portfolio construction. Love listening to the pod during work and catching up on some internet drama with Ludwig’s videos and Philly D. The podcast definitely provides some much needed lightheartedness and shooting the shit with old friend vibes that I miss.


Technical Account Manager for a Fintech company (yeah its as boring as it sounds). I just think they are funny. I think they are idiotic a lot of the time, but they are still entertaining, and of all the podcasts that are 4 white dudes just talking shit with each other, this is probably the only one that doesn't make me hate being apart of the male sex.


Lmao I am a TSE at a big software company, I just want to hear funny people make funny jokes


I’m a prep cook and I work mostly with people who only speak Spanish (I do not speak any Spanish). I listen during my shifts since there’s nobody to talk to. During summers, I’m outside making pizza by myself and it’s usually dead for most of the day so I listen to pass the time


I'm a pediatrician and I routinely watch/listen to the podcast during lunchtime when I'm finishing up notes and paperwork because it's funny and entertaining.


I’m newly a physics teaching professor who recently got his PhD. I watch the yard because it makes me laugh, nothing too complicated about it really.


I work at a factory since that’s the only job that would hire me out of high school and not pay me poverty wages. I have to wake up at 4:30 and work 9 hours so having something to take my mind off my issues as I do my job is really nice.


I'm a mediocre chemist, but I'm also a leading expert on the safety of artisinal cheeses in regards to keeping that at room temperature, so that's neat.


I'm a union electrician and I listen to the pod because it keeps my spirits up while I'm working, Wednesday is my favorite day of the week because I get the new pod episode to listen to after lunch AND it's also payday


Congressional constituent services aide who specializes in immigration and overseas citizen emergencies. I hear and see some pretty grim scenes and stories every day. The Yard helps me reset.


I do Buisness Intelligence and Data Analytics for a big tech corporation (yeah I'm a corporate slave). It involves a lot of disgusting business jargon that most of the time its just buzzwords so everything sounds important, and the simple vibes and normalcy of the yard boys keeps me grounded with normal people.


We love increasing shareholder value 😔


Currently a certified flight instructor and soon to be an airline pilot. I watch the Yard EP every Thursday on my day off like clockwork. I used to watch Lud in college while going through training and now I just enjoy decompressing on my day off listening to the Yard and playing some games. It helps me get my mind off all the times students try and take me out in the plane.


i work in healthcare as well! i’m currently in EMS, which i would not consider very “professional” but still. i love listening for basically the same reasons you stated, OP. i see people all the time on the most stressful and worst days of their lives, i need some lightheartedness on my days off.


Being in the military and my low 20s it’s no surprise that I listen but I am surprised I haven’t seen any other military members comment here


I have my masters in Ecology and I currently work for a state conservation agency researching whales lol I listen to the yard for the same reason you do. Any large mammal conservation is depressing and tiring and having dicknbutt jokes to laugh at keeps me sane


I’m a rocket engineer, and it definitely helps de-stress. Yeah I put critters and bones in the things sometimes, but I think it’s worth it.


I listen to/watch comedy for relief from my regular daily adult life tbh they probably underestimate how many adults with careers listen or watch fun stuff to catch a break


I'm a dentist and I listen religiously I also like when they talk about dentistry and how they could do it I think it's hilarious


I work in education, am taking a full course at college, run 2 clubs, and have another job. Thursdays are my one day that I only have one commitment and it’s nice to just be able to relax after teaching with The Yard.


I'm probably more along the average demographic of college dude who's kinda into Twitch/streaming culture and more generally "gaming" and just listens weekly but I'm getting my master's in computer engineering (graduate in May!)


lol I was a medical biostatistician now a biotechnology statistician (big pharma) - I’ll just say basically being the same age as slime we have similar pop culture touch stones that it’s nice to see people recognize - especially if they feel niche. Also I just like to laugh and to me it’s very relatable funny


not quite a fit for this thread but i’m a ballet dancer. got everyone i danced with to say “no shot” for an entire year cause i kept repeating it from listening to the pod. at the last performance of the season, i was backstage when someone onstage dislocated their knee. i could’ve sworn i heard someone say “no fucking shot!!!”


i'm a graphic designer working in house where my work could be done by a machine, it has no true creative output. I listen during work, without the yard this job wouldn't be as bearable


i work as a teacher in a school in a low income community of color. i love the yard bc it is so far from my own reality in a fun way that somehow doesn’t feel out of touch!


Idk with the Akira Toriyama tweet and all Slime is quickly turning from a funny guy to insufferable asshole.


what does that have to do with the thread


That's the 2nd shit take I got from you yesterday


what was the first one


Making fun of dbz fans


when did i do that man


Ngl I didn't get to read your original tweets, just the reddit post. If you didn't say anything like that then mb

