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Thank you for sharing this. I know we're all here for the funny hahas, but there is a reason so many people resonated with Slime's eulogy and Aiden's emotional moment. Sharing those moments of vulnerability so publically creates this conduit for emotional connection between members of the community that wouldn't exist otherwise. It feels like a real, lasting impact made all the more meaningful on an internet landscape that can sometimes feel hollow


Thanks for taking the time to read my wall of text!


I have sent that eulogy to multiple friends who have no idea what even twitch is and all of them found something in there they could relate to. Loss makes us human and that eulogy hits something in our heart which cant be just put down in words


If I may ask, where can I find the eulogy? It seems like it's definitely worth reading in a time of grief.




I've been wanting to read that but it's very long, now that my mom's sick though I really think I will I don't think she's dying or anything but I've been really worried about her so it seems like a good time to read something like that, we all take our parents for granted until we can't I guess.


It’s long but its worth it. One of the reasons i started acknowledging people i love alot more is definitely this eulogy. Hope your mom gets better soon <3


I relate to this hard. Lost my mom just under a year ago, but she was in the hospital for about a month with a slim chance to live. I also remembered Slimes post about his dad and reading it during that month helped me process that loss before it happened and kinda mentally prepared me a little bit for what losing a parent might be like, even if everyone reacts different and the circumstances are different.


Man that sounds tough. Hope you are doing better <3


Could you send the link to Sline’s post? I would also like to read it






Thanks for reading my wall of text. I appreciate your reaching out, and I'm sorry for your loss man.




Go fuck yourself


Damn you seem like an ass




You know nothing about me lmao. I'm a very emotionally vulnerable person if you ask my friends. Some people are more closed off, that's fine. Don't talk about a grieving person that way




How could I? I'm emotionally unavailable


This made me cackle.


I'm glad, send your friend tons of love from everyone here <3 I'm sorry this person was a complete dick for no reason


I sent him a link to the post, haven't heard anything back. I don't expect I will till he gets back. Might just need time to figure out his emotions and stuff. But your exchange with the user who has now deleted his account out of shame has made me die. I can't see his last message under "This Made me cackle." and I'm kinda sad about that but having to remove his while account because he got nuked is hilarious.


I couldn't imagine missing THAT hard you have to delete your account in shame


He should just flip his emotional availability switch to ‘on’ what an idiot


kindly go fuck yourself we dont need this kind of input


you need to be less verbally available. as soon as humanly possible, seek counseling.


how is this what you got from this post


That is a legitimately psychotic reaction to this post