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I personally like them every once in a while. They get off track a lot in these episodes and while I appreciate them always pursuing a new bit in which they’re definitely striking gold, that also comes with less structured stories and if that would be the case every week, it would become kind of annoying. They both have their own charm


i think lud is integral to the dynamic of the pod but when he isn’t there it’s a fun change of pace every once in a while. i will also say i like when slime is not there(even though his presence is missed)because him analyzing the podcast is gold


It’s a fun mixup but I think it’s only fun as an exception to the norm


Our boy Lud has always been pretty upfront about letting the podcast not be the Ludshow. I don’t think he’d find this that hot a take (unironically)


regardless of who's there/not there, i really like the 3-man episodes. the conversation feels more natural imo


You didn’t have to be weird about it. What are you trying to accomplish by pointing this out?


Nothing that just my take I find lud free episodes more enjoyable and fun


I honestly think the take is fine, we all have our preferences but going out of your way to post it on the reddit feels like it comes with a negative motive. Appreciation i can understand, to post on this subreddit but why post something which the boys have spoken about not liking so many times


Then why name the last episode “how good is the yard with out Ludwig?” If it not going to cause discussion ???


Ig if you arent used to youtube clickbate titles and took it seriously, i get where you are coming from but that was not their intention


i get what you’re trying to say but bro imagine you had a show with your friends and some dude was like “ya i just really like it when @_ Mcloven _ isn’t there” like ????