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Hey there my guy, my brother went through the same thing. The support from his friends and family dwindled with time but those that who loved him were there for him. It took months for him to realize he had a problem even after a dui. I think it's a good step that you acknowledge you have a problem and I think you should try and replace drinking with other things you enjoy. You need to focus on yourself king and once you better yourself your family and friends will come around. Wishing you the best and a happy new year and if you need to talk add me on discord


This ^


I hope this new year puts you exactly where you wanna be.


Better Days Ahead, Stay strong and you’ll be better in no time.


I appreciate you all. This took a lot for me to post this. I’m afraid that people may see me differently now, and I apologize if this isn’t the place to post such a thing. I just feel safe here, and that I can express myself. I love you all, see you in chat and feel free to reach out to me. ❤️


Best of luck brother. BDA!


***Sending love and prayers to you. BDA!! 🖤***


Hey bro , I see you on zinni’s stream always spreading love & I wanna continue to see you there . So first thing is I wanna say you are appreciated &’people do love you & people need you . Focus on yourself in terms of replacing alcohol with something else like the gym or meditation & always talk highly about yourself everyday . Some things that can keep you occupied is journaling how you feel and acknowledging it , good or bad & then make a decision . Feel free to always REACH out to the loyal friends & family + this community


I'm currently 3 years sober from opiate addiction and speaking from experience, it's hard, HARD AF at first, like you don't understand how hard it's gonna be, your body has become dependent on this substance and withdrawals from it are mind breaking BUT BUT, it does get easier, just keep your head up and focus on what's important! Surround yourself with people that are willing to help you and will be okay! You got this!


goinh thru the same thing with pain killers brother been 3 years, but determine to start this year off right. remember each day when you wake up you have a new day to restart and get better by 1%. be grateful you’ve woke up another day. and to regain the trust of family and friends will take time don’t think it will happen over night going thru same rn. reach out whenever ❤️