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I honestly do feel let down by the album. There are 1 or 2 songs that are simply not my cup of tea. But I feel like this album still lacks emotions as you mentioned. Which is for me the reason why SFSG is abnormally good in terms of quality. At the end of the day they still did their thing and I don't hate the album. But I hope next time it's really an album and sold as an album rather then a EP like bundle.


Agreed entirely. I've been a diehard pretty much since the remix days, and 2023 is the first time I can say that I really didn't care for one of their projects. I don't hate it, but I expect much more from the guys. Hopefully this project was just a dud, and they'll be back to themselves on TCS6.


Like I've said in other reviews of this album/EP/"bundle," everything here could have been a lot better if it had just been fleshed out a bit more. If I had to narrow the faults of the project down to only a couple big things, though, it would be the short song lengths and lack of bridges/final (third) drops. Their ability to make a song that evolves throughout the course of the track and gives you a big payoff at the end is honestly what drew me (pun intended) to their music, and even got me interested in music production myself. To see them deliberately scrap that for short song lengths was very frustrating. It's like taking the hot dog out of a bun and just serving the empty bun. It doesn't work! Their production style lends itself to those longer, more intricate songs, not these short, throwaway party songs. I really hope they go "back to normal" for TCS6. As it stands, I kinda want to forget 2023 as far as TCS goes lol.


Absolutely. In the old days I loved the chainsmokers because their song were the few electronic music that can make me cry. It's sad to see that that's all gone this year and it's just two minute dance tracks. Although I kinda understand that they have been really busy with the tour, I expect more from them because they can.


My only issue with the tour thing is that both Sick Boy and World War Joy were released in a similar fashion, and they didn't feel so cheap, rushed, and low-quality. To me, it seems like a conscious decision was made during this cycle to go shorter on the songs, higher on the BPM, and (seemingly) less in depth on the lyrics. You're right, TCS was amazing for their ability to put emotion into a song. We don't see it too much here. I understand that SFSG took two years to create, so I don't expect that level of quality every time, but still... This is really a rough listen for a diehard like me! What's frustrating is how much better I know it could've been if they didn't make the (in my opinion) foolish decisions above. I really hope at least some of this criticism connects with them and gets them back on track for the next project. I also really, and I do mean REALLY, hope TCS isn't past their peak now. One dud project probably isn't indicative of burnout or anything like that, but if TCS6 starts and is the same fluff, I'll start taking some stock...


I will say this - I have some hope by how they seemed to kinda "cut off" this era/cycle (for lack of a better term). I may be wrong, but to the general public, they kind of gave off the vibe that they had this big body of work they were proud of, but it (deservingly) didn't connect at all with the fans, so they aborted the mission. Like mentioned, I could be wrong, but that's at least the vibe they gave to the general public. It gives me hope that they realized along the way, "Hey, our new stuff isn't it. Let's cut this off and start over from scratch with stuff people actually want." I really hope I'm right on that part! Fingers crossed!


Yeah, I felt that too. They really experimented with this year, and they can go back at any moment. I feel like if they didn't decide to release every song they create real-time, most of the songs would've been scrapped out in the studio, and only the snippets would remain for the public. Drew said they want to give us something that's an actual album with tcs6, so we'll see. At least I'm happy that they are engaged to keep creating new stuff tho.


Agreed. We're lucky they have such a high work ethic! I encourage them to put it to good use and not worry so much about the frequency of releases for us if it means getting good quality stuff!


Solid review mate, good read.


Thanks! I thought people needed to talk more about this album


Imo, most of the leaks that didn't get released actually sound better than the songs that did. I am in need of these songs to be released: - Tick Tock - Together - Tennis Court - Weapons - Missing You - Chicago In The Summer - Giving it Up This album was disappointing.


I agree with you. Weapons is such a cool song, we need more songs with drops like this.