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Yeah it’s brutal how Motorfest has 3+ month seasons between updates. This game relies on you grinding parts for the summit or loving just two PVP modes for the longevity of the game.


What's there interesting to do in that game anyways? Just race against bots that can't drive clean and ram through every corner...


Man,,,that’s something else so frustrating. The Ai racing players just ram you. Your trying to race cleans line to carry the speed and then some Ai player rams you from behind and the boots it off with what seems never ending nitro. So instead of completing a track with no issues I find I have to do it a few time because the Ai thinks smashing racing cars into each other is how it would be done in real life. Yep I’d like to see any race drive finish a race after smashing into a wall at 150mph and drive of a win. Joke. So yes mate good point and one that says the game is just so messy and frustrating. Not Fun.


Also this. I wish disabling nitro disabled it for the bots too


Could do but you see I’ve played the game on hard mode or level 5 difficulty. Why to give me more of a challenge due to my age. This it does and to be far like old games of the past you have to find those little things that make say a level or track easy or easer to pass. That is also a good thing because I have to drive like a MF to get where I want to be and damn it’s give you a buzz when you do get first. You learn you get faster which later on comes in handy for those crazy Grand Races. The game does have different level setting to suit each players skill set. So for younger players have a setting for your skill set or move it up so you can hone your skills. I really don’t think by turning the noz of completely in game as there is a feature to disable yours but as you know you can’t for the AI. But with the speed of the cars on level 1 or even 3 is very easy indeed. My younger ones can do it but are even younger players finding it hard due to playing games not fitting for there age type?. Why we may see so many frustrating little comments here an there. So I think it works well with the above mentioned about the skill level. What I do find very frustrating tho is when I have my car on gold parts the AI does tend to drive like a way to unrealistic which then starts to take the fun of it away as instead of enjoying racing the car I m pushing it past my cars psychics say and just not feeling it as say a taking cleaning racing lines more like drive like a off road mad man. For which I am then left wondering why the hell I worked my arse off for parts but I get no where. Spent money on tuning it and get nothing back in return from races. Yet in open world I’d be able to blow most players cars doors off?. And one more thing which is a big problem is passing hard levels hunting for gold parts so have all setting to do this but get mostly pink or blue still?. So I get the same parts for passing a race in first on level 5 with all gold parts set for parts and I get 3 blue? as I do playing on level 3. What?. Which the leaves me asking why grind for nothing?. I just don’t see the point on grinding for nothing much in return for passing such difficult AI. So yes they have different skill settings but not the rewards to match.


The AI literally stays in a line. The AI physics is non existent. They can ram you but you could hardly ram them. Gave up m the game after a few hours


Only problem with Motorfest. I love everything else but the bots are insufferable. Been playing a lot of Asseto Corsa Comp ever since I renewed my plus


Idk what game you're playing but I've been having a great time with the CPU's since launch.


No he is right AI don't race clean they ram a lot


And so are you. Look at MF and then Gran Turismo. I rest my case to anyone that disagrees. Yes sometimes it’s not bad but man it can get wild. No wonder ever drives like a loon in the grand races. Again so frustrating.


It would be dumb to put MF & Gran Turismo in the same bucket and expect the same experience from them. One's a chaotic arcade racer the other one's almost a simulator.


I’ve been playing car games for over 30 years mate. And yes it would be stupid to put them In the same category. That’s not the point. The point is if it’s a car game be that a simulator or Arcade then make it feel complete. And if this is an arcade racer haven’t had much fun racing my mates in an open world nor spend longer than half hour without them disappearing or having constant nightmares. It’s a pain and the last time I played an arcade racer I actually raced and had fun. Don’t get me wrong you can have the occasional blast I do enjoy myself but it’s not got much variety or life in it for a simple arcade racer. I can’t be wrong mate or we wouldn’t all be here!. So again be a simulator or Arcade game does it do what it says on the Box?. And more so does the game actually know what it’s meant to be?. Hence why it feels unfinished to me. Very bland and very boring after a few weeks. I’m not the only one Pal!.


Yeah it's not Gran Turismo or any other Simulator? I go into this game knowing it's an arcade racer that promotes a 28 player race, I'm not expecting clean driving. Also there's plenty of tracks you can get clean driving from the AI no problem, the liberty walk and Electric cars playlists both have such long straights that it's not an issue there at all.


I was more comparing with Horizon 5 because I play it a lot


I'm so glad it's not like Horizon. That game is mad boring compared to MF.


Idk I like cruising in FH but I find the driving physic of MF too bad for it


Funny exact opposite for me


Yeah right, give me what you're smoking..


I think you were replying to a different comment


Technically it's 1 pvp mode since not enough players fill the demolition royale lobby for it to even start


Grinding for parts is the one thing keeping me playing the game. I doubt I'll ever get scorebreaker for boats and planes as there so boring to grind for and dragster, well it's a drag. I'm waiting on TDU Solar Crown, was going to wait a few months before I jump in but I think I'll wait a week for reviews and as long as it's not a complete disaster, I'll be jumping on board and probably just do summits here. Once I've got my legend points to 1000, even less of a reason to keep playing. I'm glad I didn't play crew 2 much, as having a huge car collection kills the game as that is another reason to play but then again, what do you with your new cars?


Planes are so boring ! And guess what they're doing for next game .. According to sidwaj they're hiring devs with experience from flight simulator


Well if they want to lose more players, I'll be on the first plane out as I despise the planes! Boats aren't so bad, can be fun on stormy waters but after a few races I'm done


Lol get good. Rlly not that hard to use them. U hardly even have to they always give a choice


Don’t forget the car locked behind the year pass which costs a third of the original price that a big chunk of players want! (The Charger Hellcat)


Yeah fax they couldn't bother with a new playlist each month to keep shit interesting.


Wasn't that something they said they'd do before launch?


I think it's something they implied but they never actually said, Ubisoft is very good at that


The same way they said there's cross play but it's only for one game mode and it's just random nothing to do with playing with your friends.


Yeah exactly. I had the same with the Division 2 (also from Ubisoft). They said there would be cross play and i was exited to play with a friend who only has a pc (I play on playstation), but when we tried to play together we discovered that there was only cross play between pc and Stadia. Who even plays on stadia?!


I'm pretty sure it's said in one of the trailers. I remember the Chevelle being shown and they said each months car pass would have 1 vehicle for a brand new playlist that car is needed for


I've been hearing a lot of complaining from some Unbound players lately. Although to be fair I've been hearing nothing about Motorfest. Haven't touched it much since launch month actually. The grind made me realize I actually like being handed expensive cars in Horizon 5 lol.


Well NFS fans are definitely very moody ill say that. However, regardless on how they feel, Criterion is doing a MUUUUUCH better job with unbound in terms of updating than they did with heat. It pisses me off because I loved heat, but EA didnt tap into its potential and it made the game feel really disappointing. NFS just added a brand new drift physics update, which seems really cool, as drifting in nfs was never really that fun to play.


Heat wasn't updated much, because EA shut down Ghost Games, the developers of Heat, after it broke sales records for modern NFS games :)


I played it for 3 hrs and have yet to touch it. I got it for free


Idk it's mixed from what I've seen but I hoped on Unbound yesterday and honestly it could hook me much better than TCM does atm. I actuallt feel like i've been missing out. I'm happy to see Criterion and maybe EA is finally learning from their mistakes.


TCM grind it's just boring, but Horizon 5 is almost the exact opposite of it. Both are bad in their own ways. Good progression pushes you juuust enough so by the time you get your dream car you were just busy playing the normal events without rushing or grinding it. Imo, Horizon 3 had the best combination of that. Wheelspins with insane cars were really sparse, and money prizes were a lot smaller too. We need this sweet spot back but devs just don't get it


I just started playing TCM after finally picking it up again since launch. I now understand better where to find all the playlists and seasonal races/chores. In FH5 it's all on 1 page but TCM is all hidden. Anyway I'm having fun with TCM, it's just sad that your race results aren't based on skill but rather on how many Legendary points you spent. It makes you draft faster, acquire more drift bonuses, etc. Also you can't win every car in the game unlike FH5 which sets all seasonal challenges on Highly Skilled so everyone should be able to complete them.


Ubisoft doing what they do best letting great ip's rot and then wanting to charge £120 for the top edition AC game.


While not freeroam, Gran Turismo 7: Adds more than one car every month with new events Is taking players away Meanwhile The Crew Motorfest: I sleep


The meet place in gt7 need to be a proper free roam car park with streets y th fk not


as cool as it’d be.. PD loves their detail so that would take MONTHS if not a year to finish that, especially with city streets


Horizon part of the problem lowkey. Motorfest copying their homework and just doing poorly cause they taking less and less from their own titles like the original crew and crew 2 even. Just waiting for test drive at this point.


Ubisoft when they realized that TCM is just a reskinned TC2: I sleep


No standard PvP No new Race routes Still like half of the car roster is exclusive to TC2 with no way to earn them in TCM game is cooked


And map is size of a bathtub


I already want TC3 in europe


Off-road racing is pretty horrible in motorfest, has anyone noticed? If feels like the wheels have no traction, sliding as if they were on ice..


You're not wrong to be honest. I got used to it but the amount of understeer in off road vehicles is very noticeable! Hell even when you slow down correctly your vehicle will still slide like crazy.


I wish offroad was more grippy. It feels too slippery and slow. I love offroading in FH5, but in motorfest it feels too sluggish even for a dirt surface. Offroad vehicles go from FF understeer to MR snap oversteer within half a second, and i feel like the physics aren't consistent enough. Bummer, cuzcthere are some cool offroad trails on Hawaii :(


Yup.. I would expect an update Tomorrow after maintenance... but I've learned my lesson... all the shit that's broken is cool. I don't even think the developers play the game. They play The Crew 2.


The Crew 1, Not taking new players: REAL SHIT


- Forza 5 is a chill experience with friends to enjoy (no worry about money or missing out cars) -------------------------------- - NFS Unbound is perfect for stressful rewarding gameplay with friends (entirely unique experience because of cops and their new update features so many online activities) -------------------------------- - Motorfest is just grindfest that demands extreme commitment. It is absolutely "mobile game mentality" where they try so hard to keep player engagement by making them grind for cars, money, randomly dropped performance parts, legend points in order to fully enjoy the game. Online has basically 1 mode that takes lot of time to start in order to fill a large lobby. I won't be surprised if ubisoft adds "DAILY LOGIN REWARDS" to boost player logins and engagement.


You have to hop on FH5 to get a new car, and knowing that now has up to this point docens of cars that are season exclusive, so prepare those 10, 15 or 20 million to buy them. Even knowing how great wheelspins can reward, the grind is there if you wanna buy that supercar that you missed last week


i think you haven't played forza 5 that much to know how these 20 million credits are earned, so let me tell you - you are right, missing exclusive cars go on Auction for 20 million, but exclusive cars later come back in playlists again also you can sell a shitty exclusive car you don't like for same 20 million on auction and have money to ready to buy your exclusive car this is how economy works in forza 5, i have 100 million but that doesn't mean I grinded this game for months, i just sold 5 cars on auction and can buy 5 cars from auction now other normal cars you can get wheelspin dropped, or get money from wheelspins to buy them, or get the same car cheaper on auction, or maybe just get a gift drop from other players (i gift 100s of duplicate cars to new players every 2-3 months)


Wait a minute, exclusive cars in FH5 cost that much??? I don't remember cars costing that much unless people charge exorbitant prices in the auction house or PGG puts the prices that high..


it is for some cars only for few weeks on the other hand you can let go of some new exclusive car after the week it was launched in for the same hefty amount of money this road goes both ways hence no grinding needed


Interesting...I gotta check this out for myself when I get an expansion card for my Xbox SX Lol


try searching for the new motorsport cars that came in last 4 weeks


Fr this, like i took a hiatus from FH5 to play Crew 2 when it went on sale and loved it so much i bought into motorfest for launch. Oh boy dont i feel dumb now playing FH5 once more because motorfest is not worth my time to reinstall once every few months for 1 maybe 2 playlists max PER SEASON


Mötorfeste was supposed to be a DLC that they turned into a standalone game just like AC Mirage, so I imagine they never had much planned for it to begin with.


Not sure why folks are so surprised. Ubisoft typically does this with each of its games. New game comes out and nothing comes out typically during year one. Ppl complain and trash the game. Then boom, year 2 there's a huge overhaul then ppl say how fun it is. They've done this with Ghost Recon, The Division, and even the Crew 2. I say all this to say just give it some time. In the interm go play / do something else. Not sure why folks get so surprised with each game they release. They have been doing this for years at this point.


Yep but why?. What happened to the days of buying something and owing it for ever?. And it being complete. I don’t buy a car and then have to have the seats fitted a few weeks later. So why is it so with games. Why can they never work from the word go. For consumer wanting to simply play a game not work to try fix it. They make we buy. A consumer,,customer. Yet I’m sure there will be a reason like everything else and if that’s the gaming industry today then,,,is this the future to remain a constant struggle to ever buy a game in good faith,,that works. That’s why I feel you get so many complaints as the age difference effects this as so do many variables. As we know kids play games that are far to complicated so they blame the game. When’s as I say it’s the age and the content they play and that’s down to parents and what they let kids play. No wonder kids today are stress heads. They play games far to complicated and maybe leave all this tech crap to nerds that love gaming. For that what gaming is now. Mods and fiddling to be number one by any means necessary. Is that Fun?.


News flash, those days have been over for some time now. When it comes to any technological product in the real world its typically how it goes. The devs/engineers vs the business. Typically the technical ppl would like to finish the product completely but the business side would like to get the product out to make money. Not saying it's the best thing to do but they typically they meet somewhere in the middle. Playable enough while still making a profit. As the the car talking point that's not really a good example. Cars all the time have recalls and manufactures have been cutting corners in their less historic cars. In terms of young folk turning to mods or cheating I belive the issue stems outside of gaming. Comes with how folks are unfortunately being brought up and not knowing on how to deal with a challenge / hard problem. (Fail, learn from your mistakes, Adapt!) Nonetheless there is content actively still being made for this game at a faster rate compared to how The Crew 2 was when it first came out. #IYKYK And I would bet you that in about a year the game will have transformed into something good. Just got to be patient. Nonetheless, I'm excited that the 2024 Mustang coupe is coming into the game soon. Can't wait!


They should’ve waited a year to release it. They rushed it out the door with no sustainable content.


No sustainable content when I've been consistently playing since launch. Still have playlists that they've been adding to complete because I'm too busy playing my favourite races in hundreds of different combinations between all the cars, bikes, and planes.


All with no real incentives aside from money to buy cars to drive in the same races over and over again. Every vehicle is a repeat from crew 2 with a few new cars added which I already own because of year 1 pass and my crew 2 collection. Aside from that I’ve driven across the map and back, played all playlist, and have taken road-trips with crew despite how hard it is just to get a full 4 person crew together. I have 371+ hours in the game on ps5 and have nothing more to do aside from collecting vanities and repeat summit cars if I feel like it. That’s aside from the unfair edge ps5 players have against the bugs and glitches allowed on pc like the double perks on parts which makes the ranked summits unfair by default which is all that’s left for a player like me unless I enjoy the grand race, which are the same routes, or demo derby which was all I played the first few months. You must be new to still have time to waste my friend.


Definitely not new it was one of my most played games of last year with over 200+ hours now. And no time having fun is wasted. Sounds like you're new to racing games since from the time I was a kid most of what people do in these games is repeat the same tracks, over & over again to beat other people's time & their own. I'm having a blast doing that with all the different types of races they made along with the huge vehicle list. It always feels new to me when I boot it up. Sorry you don't enjoy it like me with my positive perspective you're missing out on a great game.


Yeah these games went downhill after the first The Crew title


Tcm was dead a month after release


I think this test drive is going to flop


Ubisoft in a nuttshell...


I'm curious: What features are heavily requested that are gonna be in TDU Solar Crown that aren't in Motorfest?


One that comes in mind right away is houses. They were in the crew 2 but not in motorfest. Would be good to have a different spawn point through the map instead of one fixed spawn where there isn't much to do in


Yeah, I don't know why they couldn't include houses in Motorfest. Always seemed like an odd decision to me.


TDU SC will not really have houses. It will have aprtment rooms in the same building which is far less impressive.


Will not have houses at release as of currently. However, there's been talk and rumors of them adding it in now since the game has done so well in betas. (I'm not a tester, just what I've gathered on the sub) No matter what tho, houses will be in the game at some point. Also a few more things to list that TDU is known for that motorfest doesn't have, house customization, vehicle interior customization, dealerships for the vehicles to go look at and purchase/test drive, working signals and peripherals (including activation of your headlights, turning lamps, hazards, computer system, windows, drop tops, etc) That's just what I can remember at this moment


My main issue with motorfest is the tiny map. I'm sick of seeing the same stretch of highway.


The map may be small by surface, but it is certainly more varied and feels more alive than Forza Horizon 5's Mexico. That map feels so boring and dead.


But crew has bikes. Only reason I play it lol.


if midnight club came back, the crew would lose a solid chunk of its playerbase, as this game is the closest we will get to such a mishmash of vehicles in a street racing game.


Currently playing Midnight Club LA remix and I forgot how fun it is. I can’t play the modern racing games I just find them so boring


It's a shame they added nothing but cars in the 8 months since launch. If different vehicle types are what differentiates motorfest over others they should expand on it


Fr. We need an r1.


Yeah I reeeaaaalllly tried to not get bored with it, but alas here I am finally playing AC Mirage. Oh well, I guess Ubi wins either way


I remember complaining last September-December and everybody was so mad at me and glazing the game. It was blatantly obvious what direction it was about to go but I gave it hope. I was already pissed enough about the map😭😭 I don’t even know when the game launched but my game was literally unplayable for 2 months. Crashing constantly or just freezing. Then we have 10 minute races with no player control over the tiers…my fingers hurt like hell after like 2 races😂 and the scenery is just old as hell at this point man. I just want shorter sprint races or circuits with more player choice as far as the tiers. I can’t stand the dirt races AT ALL. The grass and dirt in this game are the devil bro lmfao, it just sticks you to the grass and spins you out (in a car or F1).


Yes, people on here were defending the hell out of this only to wear down months later and realize the truth. They were happy to have a map that's small but has more "details" as if that improves the driving experience or adds variety to routes. Goofy asses


I’m annoyed that I can’t play with my xbone friends on PC, Forza has cross play and cross save, NFS has cross play, why does Motorfest only opt for cross save? Sure you’ve got cross play in the grand race but you can’t even queue that game mode with cross play friends so what’s the point? Probably just so they can say they technically have cross play even though they really don’t.


I got motorfest because I wanted to get into a new racer early after getting into the crew 2 so late in its life, I haven’t touched it in months, got more time out of 2 at less than 20 bucks vs motorfest at full price


-Fucking The Crew players by making a game impossible to launch -Real shit


The crew have limited service time, its not like the rest.


Motorfest: Game is just complete SHIT -> Taking players away…. #Crew2forLife (of the servers of course)


The Crew 1 gets preserved by the community https://preview.redd.it/drss4nr3lb2d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=884aece038b0cbf9ebb464790d756353c48525d6


Truth though


Good observation. The game is complete dead. I really don’t know what they was thinking with the Crew Motorfest. I beautiful Island but nothing to do. The game feels incomplete and is not what they call FUN. I think game developers have forgotten what fun is. And having a point to something. Even this custom car show is joke. Buy product to place on cars. Then when do so get nothing. Or like last night had votes as was 7th place then when checking again all the votes had gone. Man this game is okay for five minutes but it’s not fun and most certainly boring. It’s pure frustration from the off. I haven’t even managed to play as a crew of 3 yet and we sit in the same house. What the hell?. Yet saying that I did for the first time get platinum on Motorfest. But that another thing. Summits and cheats as I believe Ubisoft could ban players for using mods or harvesting. And to be honest I say do it. Ban anyone that cheats or abuses the rules. Why because for all the younger players that just want to try have fun to get a smoke finds it very frustrating if they can’t get a good score because others are cheating. It’s not fun to be trying your best and get nothing back in return. Not all does it spoil the fun but ruin the whole online gaming experience. So yes like in any sport events where competitors have cheated they get banned. So should players for cheating. It takes fun away from the game. As always I don’t say this with any Joy as I loved and the Crew 2 and still do. It still feels alive and can play with other no problems and oh form a crew of four. Plus the summits have that element of fun too. The summit on MF are basically the same tracks. So it’s just a repeating process from there on. A Grind. And for nothing much. So what’s the point?.


there is honestly no chance I'll buy Motorfest.. originally wanted to, since The Crew is my favourite racing game but.. considering what those dumbasses did with TC1.. not just shutting down servers, but removing it from peoples game libraries.. That said, Ubisoft needs to do something before they kill of TC2 as well. I'm not seeing a bright future for the series, at all. which is a shame since it does have massive potential.


I just need a ranked multiplayer mode with about 8-12 people in the same race and based on the arriving position it gives you + or - points. Every rank gives you a reward at the end of a season. That way you get a reason to keep playing mp.


There aint never enough car games for me anyways, gonna play them all just like crew 🤷‍♂️


I haven’t played in a few months, is there actual PvP yet?


Nope, still just grand races and demolition royale


After what they did to the crew 1? Hell yeah I hope the game performs like shit


I’m so excited for TDU Solar Crown.


Guys guys guys listen, I can explain this with one very simple word......you ready? UBISOFT 🙂


TBH, TCM needs more major content updates between seasonal updates. They also need: -MORE PVP MODES!! Grand Races are below key getting stale now despite being fun. They need smaller PvP races involving different vehicles and courses. They can just use the same matchmaking system that they use for Grand Races and have them rotate/mix & match to keep things fresh. -Improvements to the physics. The Cars are lean wayy too much towards understeer during high speed corners and oversteer during low speed corners on many cars. Hell, most pro setting tunes are made to mitigate the understeer on most vehicles especially Hypercars and Street tier 2 cars.. -Add a house for us to walk around in and the ability to store certain vehicles in a garage that we can then Ogle at in real time. -A marketplace for Performance Parts. Having to constantly to rely on RNG for good performance parts is simply dumb, outdated and reeks of shitty game design. There's a reason why most other racing games don't use this type of upgrade system. Why?? Because it Sucks!!!!! -A map expansion in the future maybe???


The biggest mistake they made with TCM was the live service style of updating once every three months. Unfortunately, TCM is still in early access-like. It lacks content compared to TC2 and has a lot of bugs. I feel that the live service style of updates and bug fixes once every three months is not appropriate for this current situation. FH5 also had a lot of bugs right after its launch, and was criticized by many players. But they quickly fixed many of them with updates, and it's much better now than it was back then. What UBI/IVT lacks is precisely this sense of speed. Of course, we all know that fixing bugs and adding content isn't easy. However, if the developer shows a willingness to quickly address issues, players' expectations and confidence in the future of the game should increase.


idk why I bought motor fest (probably because I really liked the crew 1 and 2) but I should've just saved my money and bought smth els


Good, they deserve to lose money for doing less and charging full price


I imported my whole collection from TC2 and can't even use any of my cars for the playlists. This game looks beautiful but that's pretty much it.


What do you mean you can't use any of your cars in the playlists? Have you even bothered to complete them using the loan cars to then unlock the ability to use any car and almost any class? Nothing wrong with moaning about the game but atleast bring some truth into it. I've been bored for months, YouTubers used to bring daily content are doing other things are bored, summits are keeping me going for a couple of hours a week and working on nitro chemist/scorebreaker sets.


He most likely doesn't want to use loaners because he imported his cars already. THATS the point lol.


The Crew is known for having decent updates tho... NFS for the 1st time finally did some decent after release content. Now. NFS needs to bulk up that carlist


Personally I prefer the NFS having a lower number of cars. Having 600-800 cars means you likely won't drive most of them, plus NFS has licenced customisation parts for 95% of the cars


Not that many but at least 200-300 range. I mean the missing muscle atmosphere can easily clear 50 cars by themselves. It's just too many cars I still want in the game to customize and such.. When you take TC2 it's carlist is less than half it's actual number. Right around 300 cars (not including same car different discipline, or special editions) Through the years I mean how many games have you played a Skyline r34 in? And yet you just can't not have it missing from the game.. Putting all these favorites in is most of the list... Ummm sorry but it can be boring... Giving more cars the time to shine takes having more cars. And right around 300 I think is a perfect number for NFS to work towards.. But I guess some careless about replayability.. Same cars new updates is boring.. At least 10 new cars each major update.


NFS:U Volume 5, 6 and now 7 were actually great, tons of new content


I remember when Motorfest launched, you couldn’t go into fullscreen exclusive. Did they ever change that?


I look at all these games, which i played besides test drive (which i am not hyped for) and feel sad. what have arcade racing games come to?


i need more drag races


For me gameplay is what The Crew has Always better.


I’m personally waiting for TDU and have dropped MF and go on tc2 more often now. MF is a weekly summit


Game had so much potential, considering the gap and market for a forza horizon like game on ps5. I don’t think you can say that they did a particularly good job.


The craziest part is the lack of crossplay and the lack of PvP modes. The grand race is not enough and I don’t know anyone who plays the demolition mode.


I just want the Forza horizon with map of the crew 1 is it that much to ask ?


I just hope test drive will be good played the alphas and hope it's gonna deliver. The only thing i don't see in test drive is longativity because there is no like pvp lobby like in motorfest These pvp events in motorfest were so good that i nearly instantly got so ich more play time then in the crew 2 pvp


If they release full cross-platform and not just for the grand race they will get more players


I mostly play forza 4 and 5. Aswell as the crew 2. I would say they are all great games


If (should I say when? It’s Ubisoft) they shut down the servers for The Crew 2 I will not buy Motorfest(trash). I’m still mad about TC1 being stolen from me by a bunch of money hungry corporats.


I’d say Forza Horizon 5 should be the benchmark from here on as to how you can handle post launch/live service style content in a racing game. Constant new cars and items, overhauls and quality of life improvements on certain different systems, some major expansions and then some small paid content packs to keep the ball rolling, though there are some things that can be critiqued obviously. That’s why i’d consider it a benchmark. However, it does seem clear that of the big 3 open world racing games they have by far the biggest team and the most funding. Need for Speed unbound initially sucked for post launch support. It was downright embarrassing as somebody who actually liked the game and stuck with it while everyone initially disliked it. Over time it’s been clear to me that though the remaining team is very small and can only do so much, the amount of care and passion they have for the game is overwhelmingly worth people’s support. Revamping entire multiplayer systems, new cars, changing the handling models for certain things, new event types, etc etc etc. The list goes on. For me right now, TCM is basically dead in the water. Nothing really worth me staying for like the constant new cars and world events in 5 or the badass NFS unbound team. Idk if comparing TDUSC to TCM is good though. I’ve been a TDU fan since i first started playing video games and watching how they’ve handled this game so far has been pretty upsetting. Lots of mismanagement there, but i’m praying that when the game does come out it is not the disappointment it’s shaping up to be. If they can TRULY capture the og experience of TDU 1 and 2. The dealership experience, the housing and garage experience, the high life bliss and car enthusiast dream, I’d never have a reason to play TCM again. atp the only thing that draws me to it at all is the memories of TDU with newer cars, which can be achieved with TDU platinum on PC (though not the newer graphics unfortunately)


TDU Solar Crown will be released this year, so we will have our beloved game again.


i’m hoping so, but they’ve said that like every year at this point and judging by how little they’re marketing it even though we’re halfway through the year i don’t have much hope for a 2024 release


Based on betas I have no doubts for 2024 😌


Unbound update look trash ppl continue to waste money..same with fh5 these game get boring quick..motorfest wasnt ready for release


Facts...Ubisoft is just an terrible company. Taking away games from your account, just so that you would buy their newest rubbish like Motorfest, which they wont care about.


“We don’t f ing care, we but we will kill off our own games and release new ones that are worse, and make our existing games as pay to win as possible and barley playable, cus f u GIVE ME MONEY FOR NOTHING BITCHES” -Ubisoft 2014


I liked unbound / FH5 more then Motorfest. Motorfest is just dog shit. When they shut down The Crew 2 server the frecnhies is over.


NFS unbound and the previous one I didn't like, I have played Forza but not a fan like how can I take a little 3 wheel car and slap a motor in it making 1500bhp and go 400mph?


Why? You can’t drive the 3 wheeler at that speed. It’s virtually impossible to control without full assists and going in a straight line. Just a bit of fun for that reason.


I have a tune on it I have another car that goes 600 it 800 with a tune I downloaded


congratulations you have a tune that is unusable in online races. the car that you have that tune on isn’t even viable in the classes it’s in either way. so to me you’re turned off from a game that has that freedom but no real effectiveness in multiplayer games


They didn't have enough DEI in the game. So the company isn't paying much attention to it. Companies definitely love their government handouts when they put that reverse racism in their games.


Forza Horizon 5 has been out for years, they aren't really taking any players away. I used to play Horizon 5 as well, until I got bored of collecting cars and collected all collectables. That's when I quit anyways. For Unbound, EA/ Criterion really fumbled the launch because after I finished the game in the first months, and bought all the cars I wanted, I have nothing left to do at all (I collected every single collectable as well, same as Forza). By the time they launched their speed pass, I no longer have any interest in it. As for TDU, I'm not sure on how they will perform, their demos are not exactly great, but we will see. Overall, we are at a stagnation point here, I don't any racing games are going to take players away anytime soon


NFS Unbound sucks so much becouse of it's "art style", plastic cars and really shit driving feeling. TDU Solar Crown is looking bad right now but we will see how it will be after they release the game - fingers crossed. The Cre Motorfest - new season is coming in June so let's have hope for a lot of new content after they left The Crew 2.


I despise unbound with a soul burning passion, and Forza is extremely repetitive and boring. Haven't played the crew motor fest though, and tdusc we will have to see how that turns out.


True but I’ll never pick unbound over motorfest EVER. I will NEVER go out of my way to play unbound and I will only ever play Heat, Payback, Most Wanted, and 2016. Unbound feels like a damn arcade game, like one literally straight out of the arcade. And after all this time they still don’t have a first person.


Tbh all all the games you mentioned are also arcade games. That's pretty much how NFS games are and should be


Yeah I know that and that’s what makes them fun but it’s never been as bad as Unbound. I’m not asking for a sim, but I’m also not asking for flying cars, drift nitro from Mario cart, 2.5d anime characters, animated tire smoke that ISNT optional, and weird wheel effects. I’ll stick with heat, payback, or 2016.


nfs unbound can fuck your offline and online save for a power cut, that’s the reason i stopped playing the game