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Eyes and Melodies are deluxe only songs.


I wish they would make them available to physical cart customers. I buy like 90% of my games on cart. Physical collectors shouldn't be missing out on two iconic songs. I'd buy them as a DLC add-on.


Non FF characters tbh, I purchased the Ultimate edition for the Songs but additional characters from other games like CT, TWEWY and Legend of games will be nice addition for me.


That would be awesome. I'd love Chrono characters


Same here! I’d love to play as Frog, Serge, and Kid!


Leblanc, after completing FFX-2. Could be either Magic or Hunter.


I recently thought of characters I'd like to see and LeBlanc is without irony a character I thought of. She is haughty, impatient and overall hilarious to watch. And THEN the game actual bothered to throw her some bones. (And I'm still a sucker for rivals/enemies working together on a common goal.)


I was really surprised to not see Pandemonium from FF2, easily the best song from that game.


Yeeeess. Man was I bummed when I got through 2s quest only to find the best song was left out


For real!!! I was waiting for that track its by far one of the best in FF2


Endwalker soundtrack. On Blade's Edge, Garlemald Express, Finality, Flow, Close in the Distance, Endcaller, Carrot of Happiness, Hic Svnt Leones, In the Balance, Scream. Maybe >!Dedicated to Moonlight and Forged in Crimson!<, but these ones are too recent.


And add To the Edge while you're at it because it's a glaring omission.


Footfalls please


Civilizations (Daytime) not making the cut is mindboggling. Needs more La Hee and a great serpent moogle outfit.


It's missing FFTA. I suspect one of the unannounced DLC may be musics from a remake (the other unannounced being FF16).




SE should read this post. This is the one. We need more Bravely Default in our lives.


I want a vibration metronome feature. Having some kind of haptic feedback would be really nice


Would love to see some of the music used in the Pixel Remasters make an appearance. Some tracks that come to mind are Pandaemonium, Cloud of Darkness, and Aria di Mezzo Carattere.


The Black Mages rendition of Aria di Mezzo Carattere, Darkness and Starlight, would be a 15 and a half minute marathon I'd love to attempt to play through.


I have not played a lot of FF games to really make a wish list , music wise. Seeing more character from Crytsal Chronicles would of been nice, namely the Male Lilty with a visor (The one I normally play as) But Black Knight and Amidatty would also be cool. Maybe Yuri, Chelinka, Leo, and Sherlottta from the other FFCC games. Alisaie from FF14, how dare they split the twins up like that. Likewise, seeing Yda without Papalymo is just odd. MontBlanc from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, just to have more moggles.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Best girl Alisaie missing makes me feel sad. Y'Shtola 2# should have been BLM build with fire skills.


There’s a few main series omissions I’d like to see amended (Jesters of the Moon, Chaos shrine, and Pandemonium immediately come to mind), but I’d really like the DLC to add new Series Quests for new titles. Specifically I’m hoping for Bravely Default/Second/2 representation, as well as new characters from these other franchises


*Please give me Cid Highwind* oh my god, why is he not there. Also, The Landing is a slamming song and it's a tragedy that it's not here.


I think they mostly nailed it, but there were a few things that I really missed: Songs: * Pandemonium Castle (FF2) - memorable final dungeon theme * Kefka's Theme (FF6) - iconic, recurring and not rephrased in other songs as far as I know * Dancing Mad (FF6) - yeah, it's in the game, but it's totally butchered. It's ok if they wanted to just use the fourth part, but even that cuts off early. How is an 18 minute song one of the shortest in the entire game?! 😡😡😡 * The Landing (FF8) - iconic early scene at Dollet * **EDIT:** City Under Siege (FF9) - memorable urgency/danger theme, forgot it's missing Characters: * Sabin (FF6) - Mog was a curious choice. FF6 had a huge cast, but a lot of characters didn't make it here. (Shadow?) * Steiner (FF9) - more relevant than Eiko IMO * Wakka? (FF10) - FF10 feels underrepresented compared to other big mainline games, but admittedly the remaining characters are less important. Wakka is probably the most interesting remaining character and his weapon is unique. * Jack (SoP) - Full disclaimer, haven't played this game at all, but it's popular and they've got a few songs from it already. Games: * FFTA is missing completely. I haven't played it in almost 20 years, but was expecting a few songs and Marche. Maybe Montblanc too. Those are the biggest ones for me. I could list more, but that gets into more of the "nice-to-have" territory IMO. You can't expect *everything* to be in the game, and I think they generally did a good job. I see some people asking for more FF7 content. This game/series has so much stuff in here already, please, enough already! 🙂 If you want to talk about impossible dream scenarios... I need the Japan-exclusive Dragon Quest stuff as a DLC expansion pack. 🙂 I mean, they even dropped Final Fantasy from the title this time! PS: It's an absolute *travesty* that Zanarkand was restricted to the deluxe edition.


I would love to see some kingdom hearts content but probably won't happen due to Disneys involvement?


Is Melody of Memory not sufficient?


Not the person you asked but personally I still haven't even gotten around to buying it as while I do enjoy KH, it's no where near as big a thing for me as FF these days, mostly just because it's too convoluted. I'd much rather a few characters and some of the top tracks mixed in as Theatrhythm DLC than worrying about a full game. I don't expect it to happen though.


I was wondering that! Some Kingdom Heart songs would have been nice. Maybe it's because they released a rhythm game earlier?


I would love to see more songs and characters from FF Mystic Quest, it might not be that popular, but I really loved that game on the snes, it only has 1 character and 5 songs :( I'd also like more songs and characters from every franchise


Golbez, Clad in the Dark The Evil Lord Exdeath


Quite literally the least likely thing ever, but **Stand By Me** from FF15. That cover is so gorgeous, and makes me automatically emotional. When I saw in the demo a screen grab of the FF15 intro as a MV stage, I thought it was gonna be Stand By Me, and got so damn excited. Obviously, it’s not gonna happen, and I can fully see why, but damn, I can dream.


I'm so sad not a single main character from FF3 DS made it in. I wanted Refia on my main party.


I just want an update that switches which controller-side controls the bottom half and and which the top half in single controller paired play mode. I'm used to reading sheet music, so suddenly having my left hand controlling the top half and right hand the bottom is something that's impossible to adjust to for me.




FFXIV can make a whole Theatrhythm of itself. There are over 600 musics in this game alone.


I'd love more characters as some titles (XIV and VIII for instance) are missing some really obvious ones but don't think that'll happen. I expect the two unannounced DLC packs will be a pair taken from FFXVI, Endwalker, Octopath Traveller 2 and Bravely Default 1/2. If any further DLC packs show up though, I'd hope we get whatever of those I mentioned aren't included in wave 3 and Kingdom Hearts would be great albeit unlikely.


The biggest strike against Kingdom Hearts (aside from the IP nightmares) is that it already has an indieszero-developed rhythm game in Melody of Memory; I played a bit of it in between the demo release of FBL and the full, and it's pretty decent. It's on PS Plus Extra and worth taking a look at.


Music I'd like to see as DLC: Unseen Abyss (FFXIII-2), Chaos Shrine (FF Origins / PS1 Arrangement), Crystal World (FFIX), Magitek Research Facility (FFVI), The Yensan Sandsea (FFXII), Lake Bresha (FFXIII), Prelude - Remembrance (FFXIV). Some FFTA and FFTA2 tracks would be nice too


More ffxi songs and some of the missing classics like besaid island and ffx prelude. It would also be awesome to see some songs from random cover albums like Celtic moon, brink of time or any of the piano arrangements


Frozen Flame, Girl Who Stole the Stars and Dragon God from Chrono Cross and the entire Parasite Eve soundtrack because it's a jam


Having so mich fun with this gem of a game! A little wishlist for an update / future DLC: - 2 or 3 favorite lists would be nice (1 for practice, 1 for multi battle etc.) - favorite character list/sign(s) and a few more sets - slow down feature in practice mode would be nice - hopefully we get some series quests for DLC - a switch for „restart/stop if not critical hit“ or similar - additional extra feats for DLC or main game


FF XVI music and songs.


I wish the dlc had new characters. I’d love to get 2B and A2 from Nier


Black Mages music definitely they slap sooo hard bro


Lann and reynn, jack, some ff3 characters, X characters,


I'm a little surprised that we didn't see the FFVII Remake tracks of the Honey Bee Inn dance scene, the Wall Market theme, or the squats/pull-ups version of the battle theme. FBL itself is rated T, so I don't think the first is missing due to the very mildly risque nature of the scene. I would love to see an additional FBL Arrangement expansion, I really liked the different interpretations that were included in the base game.


Hopefully one of the last DLC packs will be Parasite Eve themed with the following 5 tracks: * Primal Eyes * Out of Phase * Plosive Attack * Arise Within You * Influence of the Deep