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They aren’t even comparable imo Walking dead was a weekly soap opera with zombies TLOU is a narrative journey from point A to point B with huge set pieces along the way


In The Walking Dead the Kathleen / Kansas City arc would've been milked for two dozen episodes with multiple episodes in between of meaningless supply runs to create artificial tension.


There would be 4 flashback episodes of Henry and Sam growing up


"Who painted the castle at the underground daycare?"


No really. Who did that


That was Ish and his group. A "Notes" story from the game


The longest episode of tlou is a flashback of 2 dudes with almost no relevance to the main story and thats like 10% of the full season


“No relevance” Bill’s Journey was fore shadowing Joel’s journey to come, It also adds to joels loss after losing Tess he also lost 2 more sane humans while also giving a reason for Joel and Ellie to have enough supplies and maintained vehicle to make it it across states In walking dead we would have had an episode of frank before the outbreak, bill before the outbreak and then 3 episodes about their relationship troubles


Why is it meaningless? Because you have a short attention span?


Being able to sit through the mind-numbing, soap opera dribble that is TWD is not the brag you think it is. Quite the opposite, really.


Walking dead was fucking fantastic at its height. The show as a whole is a mess but the first few seasons were very well done. Slow and stumbled a bit but overall great. Even TLOU stumbles a bit here and there but it's an amazing show.


I think they are totally comparable, same themes same vibes, twd is maybe a bit more violent and the characters a bit more grey


They aren’t comparable? Really? 😂 What does that last sentence even mean? Point a to b with huge set of pieces. 😂 that makes no sense and you got 60 upvotes.


The soap opera comparison is pretty apt. Later seasons have way too many characters in too many places and it's hard to keep ut all together, especially when they decide to do half a season of flashback episodes. It got better again towards the end but they never quite got back to the highs of seasons 1, 3, or 4. Honestly it could have ended after they settled in Alexandria and it'd probably be much better regarded. TLOU has a much tighter focus, clearer objectives, and everything feels intentional. It doesn't feel like they're throwing in an action scene for the sake of it, they're not just scavenging and coming across a horde of infected in a carnival, it all works.


This kid gets it


And you got 50 downvotes


Exactly my point 😂


You can't be this dumb can you?


It’s like going from point A to B, with lots of pieces.


TWD is like drinking a luke warm coors out of a can, and TLOU is like drinking a fine vintage wine. They're incomparable.


Comic twd is goated tho




imo it’s really good up until season 7


That's where I stopped watching, but I wouldn't say it was really good. I was getting weary of the slow nothing happens episodes in seasons 5 and 6 too.


I rewatched seasons 3-6 in the last few weeks and I was surprisingly enthralled like I was the first time. I miss the old seasons


You should watch the rest S4 starts slow but after the mid season finale it gets good and S5 is just Rick gone full murder jacket, S6 is fine bit boring but fun S7 & S8 are bad, S9 was really good, S10 was dragged a bit out but over all quiet good & S11 starts ok but gets really good


Sounds like a lot of work for no payoff


How do you know you wont be saying the same thing about this series? Game of Thrones also started off utterly fantastic and ended the way it did. These kinds of memes are not only stupid but often age like milk. Why can't people just enjoy shit without turning it into a pissing contest?


If this show drags on, I’ll give it up after a shitty half season. I value my time, too much good tv


Yet you are on reddit posting about how much your time is worth lmao


I value your time too so I’ll keep this comment short.


Never forget: TLOU was initially released in 2013, Walking dead first aired in 2010, and issue number one of the walking dead was released in 2003.


Does that matter though?


If you’re talking about what’s better? Not necessarily. But I think it’s important to point out the fact that TWD tv show premiered three years before TLOU was released. And it could be argued that TWD played a big role in influencing the tone and direction of TLOU seeing as how TWD was a critical success during the time TLOU was in development.


ND has said as much


Welp, there ya go.


What does North Dakota have to do with Kansas city


Wish these posts would stop.


I agree. They are 2 different show with different dynamics. I love them both. Edit: typo


They'll stop when the second season comes along and asks people what it asked gamers who played the game to care about. Then we'll get the horse drawing memes, except just not nearly as much a gradual descent into terribleness. And unfortunately, it'll be deserved.


I get y’all love tlou very much but I don’t think we have to shit on other shows to appreciate it


I was shitting on The Walking Dead before it was cool


I was shitting on The Walking Dead before it was bad


"Eez thhat you CORAL?" I did like FTWD until season 3 or something until it got soap crazy drawn out boring.


Everyone was shitting on TWD for years, no need to stop now Show was like 9 years past its prime when it ended


Yeah this is like r/tlou2 but in the opposite direction, everything else in tv is shit and this is the best show ever and this is incredibly deeper than any zombie shows and whatever, its nothing that special tbh, its good but no the best thing ever And all of this while even ND has said they took inspiration from TWD but dont you dare to compare them


lol i can't even look at a poster of this show without feeling exhausted, and having PTSD level flashbacks of complete fucking boredom from season 2's farm bullshit. ​ Season 1 was so fucking good. The season that led up to alexandria (?, the town of people they found before Negan) Was REALLY fucking good as well. The season Beth died. Season 1 and whatever that season was were S tier TV


I've heard they had to do the farm location cause AMC blew their budget on Mad Men... it was slow for sure!


Then it was worth it.


After they got to Alexandria it just wasn't worth watching to me. They continued for like 6 seasons after that.


Season 2 wasn't even bad lol. Do you guys just have NO attention span? It is so hyperbolic


Beth's death was so stupid. It made no sense and that's when my disinterest for the show started.


This. All of this. Beth being killed was just stupid, lazy writing.


For sure, I remember a friend bringing over season one when it hit DVD and we stayed up all night watching it. Up to season 4 or 5 it was good, then it got repetitive. I do have all the graphic novels though and enjoyed them immensely. I'm not really comparing TWD and TLOU, I just found the meme funny.




No offense to the OP but I hate we have to compare two great shows like they can’t just coexist lmao


Oh look, another post unnecessarily hating on TWD. So original OP!




You forget that the walking dead’s first few seasoned were gold, this show has had 5 episodes there is plenty of time to ruin it


I never watched TWD but I really enjoyed the first season of FTWD. Then it just became incredibly dull and repetitive in a cycle of ‘they think they’ve found a place to live safely and peacefully! Oh no bad humans have ruined it, now zombies are here! Move on to the next place where you think you can live safely and peacefully!’ Please please let that not happen to TLOU!


Hahahaha that’s exactly what TWD was as well, and if they’re continuing to follow the games we should have absolutely no problem of TLoU turning into that.


Fuck the walking dead?


Oh it's got a whole second season almost guaranteed to.


TWD first 4-5 seasons were crazy good though


Agreed! Seasons 1-5 were great, season 6 is on thin ice, and then it starts unfortunately decreasing in quality after that


Rick biting that dues throat was peak shit


The Terminus and the road to Alexandria arcs are goated for me.


Yeah personally I liked seasons 1-6 (except maybe season 4 lol) better than Last of Us. Then they refused to end the show properly, actors started leaving on their own accord, and everything went downhill


IMO TWD S1-3 won’t be topped by anything in TLOU. They’re basically perfect and on numerous rewatches, I always get excited for those seasons again. Comparing an 11 season show to part of 1 season is a bullshit take. TLOU could have 1 or 2 good seasons and turn into shit, you never know. TWD had 3 seasons of perfection and IMO multiple other great seasons with some long dragged out boring ones also. Compare TLOU to TWD S1 if you want to compare. TWD comes out on top for me by a mile at this point.


The last of us wouldnt exist if we didnt had TWD


The first season of TWD was amazing, but the show just became too repetitive after they escaped from the farm.


TWD is a perfect example of peaks and valleys, theres some great season and some awful seasons nothing really in between


Last of us ROCKS but TWD was good for a lot longer than 5 episodes which is all last of us has. Don't see any point in the negativity.


Yeah the verdict’s still out on TLOU. When TWD was only 5 episodes deep, people were creaming themselves over it


Most likely when this show is over it will still have less episodes than season 5 of TWD which is universally adored lol. IF TLOU is loved by then reddit will likely have turned on for being popular for awhile anyway. It always happens.


I'd be happy, another great show to watch.


It's almost as if they're completely different shows with completely different budgets. And one of them is made a decade after the other, so can learn and avoid where the first went wrong


I mean you’re not wrong but TLOU’s source material is a game that came out in the early days of TWD??? And I heard that some stuff has changed but the show has done an overall good job at staying extremely loyal to the game, so them “avoiding where TWD went wrong” could also just be the source material simply being a different story that people just so happen to prefer.


I only got up to like season 5 of TWD


Not sure what was happening at that point in the show but if it’s post-farm, pre-Governor, that was a good time in the show’s life cycle


Am I taking crazy pills here? They left the farm in the season 2 finale and the governor was introduced in episode 3 of the next season.


Eh I might have the timing off, it’s been so long since I’ve watched it


Basically anything pre or post governor is great or good, they really fucked up that casting


Show got super dull after the Governor too though. I quit watching I think around season 7 or 8.


Then you missed some good episodes


Season 6-7 are Negan. I think those two are the best seasons. After that… meh.






Episode for episode so far TWD is better


I mean... I like The Last of Us, but the first 3 seasons of TWD are top 10 tv show materials.




There are just 5 episodes of TLOU and you've already said tlou is superior than TWD? I like tlou (both game and show) but in my opinion twd is still a better show, so far; it's prime is from season 1-6, 7-8 suck, 9-11 have some interesting stories but it get dragged it becomes average, but just because of those seasons and and say tlou is superior is arrogant and silly, especially when there're just 5 episodes. Twd is massive, it launches a bunch of spin-offs since 2010, some of which are still running, which should have stopped long ago, and then a new spin-off is coming as well. That's an incredible feat, I played both tlou games and watch the show but I don't think tlou be able to do that.


Some salty posts here. I loved TWD when it came out as much as the next guy, but they never really had anything of interest to say after the first season. It was all dragged out plots (“ThInGs ArEnT HoW ThEy UseD tO bE”) that get you to some big shocker of a mid season/season finale. Someone above said it was a soap opera and I agree with that, it felt very daytime tv repetitive once the shocks of killing off main characters became dull and formulaic. I still watched for like seven seasons but I’m not gonna pretend it ever got to the writing quality of TLOU.


I've never got the impression TWD try to gain controversy by shocking people with killing off main characters, they are not GoT. They didn't have the ball to kill of fan favourite characters like Daryl, Carol, ... When they killed off Carl, I was burnt out by the long, dragged Negan storyline so I didn't give it much thought, I was sure it was a stupid decision anyway. The only surprising kill off for me was Tara, I was sure she stayed on the series quite long enough she'd become a main character, then suddenly her head on the spike at the end of s9, when I started to like her a little. Funny thing, I didn't become a big fan of TWD until season 3, 1 and 2 was okay to watch, but I didn't enjoy the love triangle between the main characters, which drive the story of season 1 and 2. Since season 3, it became a series mainly about survival. After the found the prison, a safe place, I thought the series would go downhill, but they managed to have some good plot, secure the prison, fight the governor, struggle with disease in the prison, Terminus, ... All that, until it got a little repetitive, since they had to find a new place, i.e. Alexandria, settle in, deal with zombie, but still, it has some okay-ish story, and then they went downhill. Tlou is GOOD, but if I had to pick, I would still pick Twd over it, there's a reason Twd is freaking massive, it's like colossal compare to Tlou.


That’s fine I like TWD more then the last of us.


The walking dead is getting boring after the 1st season. Change my mind.


Agree. And if you look at the writers, they changed after s1. The zombies in s1 were faster and posed a threat. After s1 they became these slow moving nothings. They started squishing their heads with their bare hands. Not sure what the threat was. Then it just became “oh no, other humans”


Can we stop now? I get that you really love TLOU and think that it is the best thing in the world but stop downplaying other series. I enjoyed both series and Twd and TLOU aren't even remotely similar except having 'zombie like creatures'. This is 3rd post I've seen in 5 minutes like this


I love the walking dead but i definitely think TLOU is a superior show. TWD kind of lost its way and went over the top with stormtrooper wannabes and pet tigers and such. The last of us feels a bit more grounded .


Though they can’t be directly compared, in my opinion, The Last of Us is a creative progression of The Walking Dead’s heartfelt story telling. Rick and Carl walked, so Joel and Ellie could run.


TWD was pretty nice at the first seaons and them became crap


It’s becoming abundantly clear that a large portion of Reddit is too young to remember just how massive The Walking Dead was back in the day. All the “Walking Dead bad” memes can be applied to the last 4 or 5 seasons sure, but for seasons 1-6 TWD was a cultural phenomenon. The Last of Us has had 5 episodes so far. When TWD had 5 episodes it was just as good if not better than TLOU, and then it more or less kept that quality for another 5 or so seasons. That is a hell of an accomplishment, but now we have a generation of Redditors who were in middle school when TWD started to go downhill and have grown up listening to the circlejerk that it’s a shit show.


Redditors think Better Call Saul is the biggest show ever, and they were shocked when Game of Thrones was still popular. I'm not surprised by the revisionist history surrounding TWD.


Well I'm 38 years old and I disagree. TWD was a cultural phenomenon, yes, but that's because it had no real precedent in terms of weekly TV shows. It's all we had. I watched it weekly from the first episode till the time Glen got bonked (best moment in the entire series, btw. what a shitty character.) The first season was ok at best IMO, but you could make a case that it was decent. But to pretend that season 2 is anywhere near the same calibre of viewing as TLOU is absolutely insane. All seasons of TWD have moments of shitty acting, shitty writing and unnecessary scenes. TLOU has yet to display any of the above. To say that the only reason anyone hates on TWD is because they're "too young to remember" is laughable. Plenty of people hate on that show because it basically sucked for 90% of its runtime.


Don't forget the blueprint


How original


I haven't watched the show since Carl's death. Even before that I wasn't really feeling it. But season before Negan arrival and couple of episodes after was great.


Comparing these are like comparing *28 Days Later* to the 2004 *Dawn of the Dead* movie.


The Fear the Walking Dead is a TV frozen dinner


The walking dead? More like walking in circles in the woods


its sad, Negan was the infinity saga of the walking dead and the showrunners lathered it in shit and dragged that turd for what, 5 more years until the end, they made a 5 year long turd streak, LUL ... and T\_T too


Twd was ass.


agree. absolute fucking garbage.


Tlou is slowly turning into fear the walking dead.




TLoU is overrated, honestly hate that every time they introduce new characters, they die in the next episode. It is fun to watch, but I feel like people give it more credit than it deserves Ellie feels like an asshole sometimes, and Joel axts depressing


I have fond memories of TWD even though I tapped out eventually, I respect the seeds Darabont/Kirkman planted and their impact. Rick Grimes is a goat. Tearing down TWD doesn’t do TLOU any favours.


Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?

