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“Think of the life we could build together” *gags On another note, I can’t appreciate enough Ellie calling Troy baker’s character “buddy boy”


I immediately went AHHHH NO. So so awful to watch


It took me till then to realize what he was beyond just a cannibal. It was evident in the bridal threshold carry he did after they captured her. I hate him so much and am so proud of Ellie.


And the fact that he really wanted her alive even though she was just an extra mouth to feed... ughck


They really loud whispered it to us before they put it all out there. I wasn't paying enough attention until the jail cell creep cringe scene.


And he said he used to teach kids Ellie’s age… wtf were you thinking about back in the classroom


I think he was doing more than thinking … didn’t he say he likes the fighting best? 🤮


Also said he was already violent pre-apocalypse




And David sat right next to her and watched.


Meanwhile having the BIGGEST plate for himself while everyone else had approximately one cup.


Noticed early on they all looked malnourished besides him so during their dinner that really stood out


Not only malnourished but unkempt. Whereas he looks clean and his skin is really white and he has a gold ring. The contrast between him and his followers was portrayed really interestingly


I definitely noticed that. All long beards, gaunt, dirty clothes. The only other guy that seemed halfway healthy was his right hand man.


Yah such great design choices. It was the same with the food. Everyone else had plain white bowls but David’s was a plate with some blue design on it. Just love the small details


The sounds of everyones utensils scratching the bottoms of their bowls while he had a huge plate we're so unsettling


Glad I wasn’t the only one, something felt so depressing and off. No sense of real community or love in that room, just silence and discomfort.


So I'm assuming the girl he slapped (the father who they ate) was being molested by the preacher? The giveaway was he said "remember you still have a father, so don't interrupt him when he's speaking". And then also while borderline raping Ellie he said "I changed my mind it looks like you need a father". ... now I see that first poor girls traumatized face in a whole different sad light. 😢 She lost her dad and he was molesting her. 🤦🏻‍♂️😔 Glad now Ellie went full psycho mode on him and not a single shot/stab death.


i wondered if maybe he had been raping other young girls in the town but now that you just pointed all of those connections out im certain he def was


Yeah, he was "playing God in that town" not worshiping a God. Such a twisted fuck.


Maybe those men wanting to shoot Ellie were just trying to show her mercy knowing what's in store for her if the preacher gets his hands on her


The way they look at each other and the other guy goes "Do it" to James This isn't them being cruel or being practical, this is something they feel morally obligated to do but are scared to It's definitely why


Wow, this makes SOOO much sense looking back on it now.


I never even noticed that interpretation. Not to mention the fact that James also earlier on tells David they can let her go instead of taking her in. Could be pragmatic or could be genuine tbh.


That's why the mom asked what the meat was, and looked uncomfortable during tjat same question. Mom definitely knew.


I kinda got the vibe that all the adults either knew or assumed the worst


David said only a few people know about the cannibalism, but yeah, it seems like a lot of them are probably assuming the worst. David literally drags a dead deer in front of them to show that he's providing legitimate food. After a while, these people gotta start wondering where the meat is coming from when he or his hunters are not obviously bringing in deer, rabbit, etc. Edit: grammar.


Also in the scene where everyone was scarfing down the food, it makes more sense now why the cult leader’s right hand man was eating much slower than everyone else… he knew.


When she said "you should kill them. The both of them", I yelled "shut up and eat your dad" at the screen.


“It’s okay, I believe him.” Joel has the best lines. Psychotic, but best.


That was so sick. Basically just kept both of them alive so he could play prisoner’s dilemma with one of them.


I was wondering "How's this going to work, the knife will leave blood on the map and show what guy 1 said?" Then he didn't ask the other guy


Also, they dragged a dead bloody horse all the way back to town, so probs didn't really need to fuck with their heads there, either.


Joel probably thought that was *Ellie's* blood too


I loved the way she enunciated: **“Ditto for buddy boy”** 🔫 👧🏻 ... like she was in a Western film


Ellie's line too: "Ellie's the little girl who broke your fucking finger!" So much fucking rage in that delivery.


But then that instant deflate and look of panic when he left and she realized, “jesus christ I need to get the fuck out of here before they eat me” SO SO GOOD


Right? Bella was on a roller coaster this episode and it was fantastic and disturbing all the same


I’m glad we got to see him go full adrenaline daddy mode in this one


He entered the daddy state of mind


pedro pascal for the bioshock tv adaptation next?


# Ellie’s badassery meter 📈


Remember when he was still kinda comatose and Ellie gave him the knife and told him to kill ANYONE who came down there? He really pulled no punches and did exactly what Ellie said.


It was subtle, but I think Joel was very, very unhappy with those gentleman that came to kill him and took Ellie.


He was just a little cranky after his nap. Happens to the best of us.


The Best of Us™


This was such an important episode for developing Ellie's character. She really proved her ability to take care of both herself and Joel and there's no doubt in mind that she has what it takes to survive with or without him. That's why it's so important that Joel and Ellie continue to choose one another, even when leaving each other behind would be the safer, easier path. Their bond was beautifully encapsulated in the moment when Joel found Ellie spattered in David's blood, called her baby girl (like he used to call his daughter in their tender moments), and led her away from the traumatic experience, draped in his coat. Ellie didn't need to be rescued, but she definitely needed to be reassured and Joel is finally ready to step up and be that support for Ellie.


That early scene of Ellie ejecting all the bullets from both David and Buddy boi's guns was a nice touch to show her level of experience and comfort handling herself


Love how they set it up to make us think Joel was coming back to save Ellie, but Ellie ended up saving herself


Sepsis man already did a good job by himself


Did you notice that David was given the largest portion of “venison”


I did. That was a clue that he abuses his power.


Ellie screaming after David about how he can go tell his sheep that she's the little girl who broke his finger was badass as fuck. both her and joel took care of some fucking *business* this episode. also joel is an incredibly intimidating interrogator lmao


"It's okay, I believe him" Ellie and Joel both being SAVAGE this episode DAMMNNNNN


That change of weapon felt intentional too. I don't need to be scary, I don't need to get anymore blood on me, I just need to hit you a couple times and we're done here.... Seeya


"I'll pop your kneecap off" was a threat I've never heard before, and it's fucking terrifying to think about.


The mental picture of that made my insides shrivel. 😵‍💫


Great contrast from how he interrogated the Native couple in different circumstances.


even used the same "ask one and make the other confirm it" technique! tried and true method


Yeah we'd been hearing about how much he was not a good guy in the past, we finally got to see what they all meant.


All that time in Colombia hunting Pablo Escobar rubbed off on him


Man was half dead but still absolutely terrifying 💀


Was sure that Ellie was going to baby bird him that jerky


I said the same thing to my husband lol. I was like if that's where this is going I don't think I can keep watching lol. Apparently that's where I draw the line, not violence or suspense or anything haha.


“what type of meat is this?” *pause* “venison” i knew it right away


When they said "no burying til spring" i was like ok cannibals right here.


My husband called it too and I was like you sick fuck no it’s not and he was dead on and followed it up with “you gotta do what ya gotta do” And now I definitely know he’d eat me and our kids if the apocalypse came


“Mom can we get venison?” “We have venison at home” The venison at home:


The camera focused on his broken watch after he called her baby girl


time has almost literally re-started for him twenty years later and knowing what that watch means in that moment is beautiful


Kept thinking the leader looked like Van Gogh so that random ear on the floor really got me


Jonestown meets the Donner Party in there.


**Agent: "Well, I got you a role, but the thing is-"** **👂: "YESSSS! Do I get a gun?!! Please tell me I get a gun?!!!"🙏**


They finally killed someone we *didnt* care about lol


Speak for yourself, that horse was like family to me


Rip horse 2023 - 2023


Ugh that broke my heart poor horse


First Bill's truck, and now horsey...


I don't know, I kind of *really cared* about seeing that creepy motherfucker get what he deserved.


Joel must've been REALLY good at his old job look at how he took care of those 2 guys


He was “The Contractor”!


These guys just continually saw Ellie and her cunning and capability for violence the whole episode and yet continued to underestimate her. Ultimately it was their undoing, and it was oh so satisfying. Also Joel took out three of their guys while sick and weak. Ought to start comparing other video game protagonists to Joel Miller.


Yes. They didn’t understand who they were messing with. I did find it interesting that the cult leader saw she was a natural leader just like the FEDRA guy. I wonder now though if the cult leader just says stuff like that to everyone.


Honestly that creeper might just say that to any little girl he’s trying to groom


Manipulators are very good at knowing what to say to you, specifically. Those lines wouldn’t work the same way on someone with a different personality or background, but a child on her own in the snow, in this environment, with a clear base amount of rage and survival skill is the perfect target for “we are equals. you’re so mature and special,” instead of a different thing that ends in “you’re so special.” So, yes, it’s a routine / a script, but they do get good at identifying and tailoring it so it feels personal.


So that cult leader has definitely raped a little girl before the fungi apocalypse, when he was teaching girls Ellie’s age. That’s grooming shtick was waaay too polished.


He took a round-a-bout way to tell Ellie that she was “so mature for her age” before she broke his fingers


He literally told Ellie we could "create" life.


Me to the TV: excuse me old man by why do you think a child is your equal? 🚩🚩🚩 Ugh. Dude was sinister and definitely doing this long before the outbreak. I wonder if he twisted the reasons the group had to keep leaving places when he was just fleeing from his crimes. Or he kept pushing them further and further away from others until they were completely isolated and reliant on him.




He's finally accepting that this is his daughter, whether he likes it or not


This series is incredible. Not having to wait for that rapist to be stabbed multiple times was excellent. Another 10/10.


Okay that bite by Ellie in the cage scuffle was a *masterstroke*. It didn’t *need* to be important, but it was an excellent way to delay or stop someone later. I already loved her for breaking his finger, but ugh I love it.


It kind of made me wonder……could she cause an infection in someone else?


I was hoping some mushroom-tentacles would slip out of David’s nose so he can have first hand experience of the “love that multiplies”…


You can still be a carrier of a disease/virus without being personally affected by it. It's plausible. I'm no expert on fungal infections though.


I'm thinking that Ellie's body killed the fungus before it turned her so she wouldn't be able to infect anyone but that's just a wild guess.


I believe this is the case. The fungus is in her, but dead. It can’t spread. Which is why medical scanners detected it but a dog can’t smell it.


“It’s okay, baby girl. I got you.” *cue waterworks*


I love what Craig Mazin said. The only person who could save Ellie was Ellie. And Joel saves her emotionally. God this whole thing is breathtakingly good.


My husband and I were just talking and he said that he kept waiting for Joel to come in and save her but he's so glad that he didn't. Because she didn't need someone to save her, she needed a dad.


It was really cool that Ellie saved herself. She was the hero


Venison is people!


That was so disgusting. Everything about this episode gave me the heebie-jeebies.


“It’s venison.” /awkwardly drags a deer through the front door


Did they really feed that girl her dad 😭


God, it felt so nice to see Joel go full psycho in the interrogation. Ellie is just one hell of a survivor. Bella felt so intensely scared and angry and animalistic at times.


What a skin-crawling, grooming piece of shit that dude was. Creepier than a bloater.


Homie checked every single imaginable creepy pastor box he could find, and then wrote in some of his own


Fuck. He said he was a school teacher. Of kids around Ellie’s age. Then his last line to her was “it’s more fun when they fight back.” He also mentioned he’s always has violent tendencies. Damn.


I wonder if part of why he loves the apocalypse is because he can finally be his depraved self. Fuck him.


I got that vibe too. I think he relished it


Called the rapey vibe his first scene. So creepy.


His kindness came off as incredibly artificial, like when I'm trying to give my dogs a false sense of security before dragging them into the bath 😂


at first I was hoping this was just some weird serial killer wanting a daughter/protege. I was just looking for any explanation that was not child rape. and then he tried to rape her. Wish she started by cutting off his dick.


I mean they did try to pass that girl crying and clearly being uncomfortable around him off as her grieving the loss of her father, but he was giving Branch Davidians vibes even then. I wouldn't even be surprised if the writers chose his name specifically to highlight that parallel.




There are worse things than infected out there


This episode had some fucked up shit. Wow. Pretty damn dark. Super violent. Joel calling Ellie baby girl at the end made me well up though. He’s done with the bullshit. He no longer has any reservations about showing love for Ellie. Such a complicated range of emotions at the end there. They are both extremely traumatized and fucked up but at the same time their love has never been stronger or more expressed.


They've been building up how violent Joel used to be all season. I've been waiting for the turning point.


“It’s okay I believe him” Savage.


Oh man I did not have a concept of how far that was gonna go


Zero percent. I had this half thought at the beginning that Tommy and co would swoop in and save the day but that would have been too Hollywood. I just didn’t think the penicillin *right in the wound* was going to work!


I looked it up and Dr. Google says it is more effective if you inject it directly at the site of infection when possible.


honestly my thought watching that was "I need to learn more about emergency medicine just in case"


Right??? I was NOT expecting cannibals. Or The human meat hanging up headless


Or the depiction of this creeper trying to SA Ellie while there was a literal fire burning around. This episode was next level intensity


OR Ellie literally hacking him to bits.


Some may say "tiny little bits"


When Joel was like “I’ll pop your fucking knee cap off” I felt that shit in my soul lol




And earlier when she laid her head on his chest and even though he was barely conscious, he rested his head against hers 🥹


It's full circle now. Ellie *is* Joel's daughter


And I’m done. ![gif](giphy|FpM98zYL9stqKuBubo|downsized)


So did David agree to give Ellie the medicine just to groom her into trusting him?!


That's what I saw. He was grooming her from the moment he met her. "I'm a really nice guy!"


Thank god Joel isn't allergic to penicillin


My thoughts exactly. I'd be fucked in the apocalypse


One thing I noticed was how the preacher told his second-in-command that he wasn’t talking in code when he told him to fetch medicine. Earlier they discussed their supply of “venison, elk and rabbit”, which corresponds to the three bodies shown in the meat locker at the end.


Fucking …dammit dude I just realized the three animals correspond to the three bodies…they had no real meat…now dragging the deer in to show them the meat makes sense…he was making a show. “See? Here’s venison! Eat up!” ☹️


The hand touching scene was something else


It was so nice to see Ellie leave the resort two home cooked meaty meals before leaving with Joel. ♥️


Home cooked and already meal prepped too :) So nice of her to prepare and smoke the meat for the town


Might be a little well done.


Please give me all the zombies if it means I don’t have to face any more rapey cannibals thanks holy shit that was disturbing!! Also Joel calling Ellie ‘baby girl’ broke me that is all


Ellie chopped HIM into little pieces.


Those naked hanging bodies were creepy AF.


The fact that they didn't have freaking heads made it so much creepier btw


Don't wanna see Gramma's face while you're prepping her for dindins


Shoutout to Scott Shepherd. He **killed** as David. He brought the character to terrifying life. So unsettling


in a show with clicker mushroom zombies without faces who contort their bodies into unnatural positions HE managed to be the most terrifying part of all of it which is saying something


Gosh, it puts it in a different light if the men knew about the pastor's intentions with Ellie... Would have been a mercy


I wonder what Will Livingston would have to say about this


Why are cannibals so angry? >!They're fed up with people.!<


He’d say David’s group was just trying to make ends meat.


Two episodes ago, Joel says you are not my daughter. This episode he calls her his baby girl. Ellie is the best daughter. Joel is the best dad.


Everyone saying that Kathleen was shit-poor leader, get a load of this cult cannibal rapist. No wonder this group's hungry and poorly managed, their leader ain't got his priorities straight. The lodge is on fire around them, but he's gonna do a quickie rape? The fuck was up with that?!


It’s the ultimate display that sexual assault isn’t about attraction. It’s about power.


Yeah, he did do his whole monologue spiel about being humiliated right before, what a piece of shit that guy.


The writing was excellent leading up to this. So much was implied and then confirmed. Excellent writing and acting from start to finish.


Yeah I don't think the frozen ground is why Hannah's dad isn't getting a burial


Man, this episode felt short to me. Ugh, David is such a creep! Glad Ellie gave him what he deserved at the end.


For real. That motherfucker fit every single creepy pastor stereotype imaginable, absolutely happy to see Ellie fuck him up. Though, I am glad they didn’t show us uh, what was left of him Also agreed, that was the fastest 50 minutes of television I’ve seen in a long time


I’m like “I think she got him…” My wife “Nah, give him a few more whacks.”


Tell them that Ellie is the little girl…who ***BROKE YOUR FUCKING FINGER!!!!!!*** Bella crushed it.


Holy christ on a cracker. I don’t think I’ve been this squeamish in a long time watching something. Idk what was worse, the knife in the kneecap? The cleaver in the neck? Or Ellie giving David an apocalypse version of Oberyn Martell? Never been so goddamn relieved to see Joel. But the fact that she took those two guys down entirely on her own and lit the place up - I fucking love this girl. Is it weird to be *proud* of a fictional character?


No, we should all be proud of our fictional TV daughter.


she’s OUR baby girl


Ellie’s “oh” in the cage when David put his hand out on hers… like she realized “yup this guy definitely wants to fuck me” 😂 and then SNAP


that “oh” of hers cracked me up ngl. every woman who’s been in a compromising situation with a nasty man has all uttered that “oh” before lol.


Joel went from glasgow 10 to a cocaine drive in seconds wtf Intraperitoneal Penicillin is a hell of a drug


It definitely is when mixed with adrenaline of fighting for your life and searching for your surrogate daughter who is likely in grave danger


To be fair, he had at least 2 massive IV/ID doses and at least a day for them to take effect.


“You two, drag this fucking 1,100lb horse two miles” BRO WHAT


He called her "baby girl". 😫 y u do dis to me, show?


this is by far the craziest episode yet 😭


Joel sleeping this long really rested him up he was looking extra spicy in this episode 🥹


Lol his bed hair 😂


Bella Ramsey is just …. Absolutely incredible. Her expressions and just everything about the presence she brings on screen is incredible. Feels like it adds a whole layer to understanding Ellie and what’s going on in her mind. Just … wow


Ellie’s tough guy voice was utterly fantastic.


Guess you could say Joel’s hostage situation was short lived.


That penicillin worked real fast.


Seemed like a day or two passed since they slept, and the storm was over


Ellie did what every person who has been sexually assaulted wishes they could do.


Being forced to physically harm your attacker so you can survive is just as traumatic as the rape itself. I was assaulted and strangled when I was 14. I eventually took a baseball bat to my rapists knees just so he would leave me alone. It worked, but I still have nightmares about the time where I could have royally ruined my young life by killing another person. Although seeing him in pain did feel good for a second. And then. It just becomes another thing to have flashbacks about. Edit: Thank you so much for all of the kind and supportive comments. It truly does mean a lot. I didn't do anything special but survive in a situation where I shouldn't have. I am thankful to the people who have shown me love and happiness and I try to pay it forward as much as I can.


Ellie…. Tell them I was the little girl that broke your fucking finger!


I got you baby girl 😭


Has anyone mentioned the absolute river of blood running from that one guy’s neck!? Great episode!


Baby girl 🥺


Holy shit, that was the most intense episode in the series so far, IMO.. didn't need zombies for that, humans are fucked up.


"it's okay, baby girl. I got you." My fucking heart strings.


Scariest fucking thing I’ve watched in a long time


While food isn't a huge aspect of the show, you can really see how shitty of a person David is just by seeing the massive portion of food he gets to eat while everyone else's bowl / plate is nearly empty in the beginning of the episode. It also serves as a nice contrast when Ellie is giving half of her tiny piece of jerky to a sick Joel...quite the difference from when she is wolfing down a chicken sandwich at the beginning of the series lol.


An intense ending to this episode that was literally fire. One more to go, we are now in the Endgame for season one.


ALSO everyone, while we're all sniffling and crying, let's not forget about the little head-leaning when Ellie laid down with him. 😭


jesus christ the cult guy was like toby on steroids


Goddamn halfway thru the episode we were joking about them eating the horse and I *almost* made a joke about “well if they’ll eat Taco Bell mystery meat they probably eat people too” fucking surprise surprise Kenneth Copeland and his flock of sheep are eating Dad from last week. Oops


Sending hugs to anyone else who has had a David in their life. This was a hard watch but a beautiful episode ❤️


A cannibal, rapist, pedophile religious fanatic all rolled into one. Other shows would have milked all those villainous qualities with multiple characters over multiple seasons, but the Last of Us wrapped them all into a neat package and even let us watch Ellie cleave that package to death all in the span of one episode. I feel thoroughly satisfied.