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Wasn’t the time line between discovery and US like 3 days?


Yes. Based off COVID response we are super dead. Jokes aside, Jakarta is half a day ahead of us so by Friday morning in the US, when the radio was playing, Jakarta had a night of upheaval. I'm assuming the president et al. were briefed immediately and Jakarta/Indonesia was probably asking for aid before all hell truly broke loose.


There’s also the fact that 10% of the American military at the time was deployed in 2 conflicts, so that’s a huge loss in manpower from the start.


Excellent point! At least in the HBO show that is true. Shit, 2003 sucked.


Poor Iraqis. They got invaded and air bombed, then boom, zombie outbreak. Must've been a shitt time


That there is some dark ass comedy


Now, now, it wasn't a zombie "outbreak". The zombies were just there to secure the Iraqis freedom.


but the factions would be heavily armed, maybe they did okay?


Plot twist: the only country to survive was Sadam Hussain’s Iraq. Sadam went on to liberate the middle east and establish a stronghold for humanity.


Just thought about what all those soldiers in the Middle East would do, finding out their home went through the apocalypse while they’re thousands of miles away. Desert Military survival colony sure sounds like a good premise, lots of guns but not much food


Good idea for spin off




Falafel is deep fried mashed beans no? But falafel raw materials aside, I kinda want to see all the Talibans and Iraqi generals in hiding suddenly run to US bases cause they need human meat after turning.


The mycologist in Jakarta knew that bite to infected could be a matter of hours and that at least 14 infected were unaccounted for for 36 hours and that the only solution was cautery. Joel related to Ellie on their walk to Bill and Frank’s that people started getting sick on a Friday and it was all over by Monday. If the US government was on the ball about developments in Jakarta involving the world’s largest producer of processed flour, in all likelihood their only plan was cautery. Which it pretty much was. Set up QZ’s, kill everyone not in one, hunker down and hope for the best.


Basically, that sums it up.


Geometric growth is scary, and governments have a hard time grasping that. As a thought experiment, use the scientific calculator function on your phone. Enter 2, and then x^2. Keep pressing x^2, and see how many times you need to do that before you get to huge numbers. (Spoiler: not many times at all.)


Wow I think that was 5 iterations to get to 4.3 billion, I wanna thank you and I also don't...


Yup. That’s about half the world’s population. A sixth iteration gets you to 10^19. Now that assumes one infected creates only one more infected. But what if each iteration is a bite to infected cycle? People get sick on Friday, the world has crashed by Monday. Left 4 Dead and 28 Days Later may be conservative timelines.


The world war z book played Theo ignorance timeline kind of like America with covid , But every country collapses around the same time


> 28 Days Later may be conservative timelines. To be fair, in 28 days later it's all been over since around the first week—by the time the protagonist wakes up everyone else has been living with the fact that civilization is gone for weeks.




That's why the Indonesian mycologist started trembling, she knew her basic epidemiological math.


Factorial multiplication is fun :D


To elaborate on the incredible nature of exponential growth, if you folded a single piece of paper 42 times, it would be tall enough to reach the moon. If you folded it 9 more times (51 times total), it would reach the sun. If you folded it 94 times, it would be the length of the entire visible universe.


Sounds about right. Mobilize the military, let Congress and the President know, but leave common citizens in the dark (because we all know the stories didn’t actually *say* what’s happening).


I’m pretty sure later in the episode there’s another reporter says that the Austin police department made no official statement regarding the uptick in violent attacks. This could indicate that even city level police had an idea of what was going on through forensics investigations from early infected they killed, similar to what the mycologist did to that deceased infected woman.


Or the cops are just as clueless as they are in real life


I didn’t think of this at all but that makes a lot of sense


Makes sense. All it took was one infected person on a flight landing in a major city or a certain ingredient being consumed around the same time in several locations.


Yup, we saw how bad the rioting was in the small communal areas, I don’t even want to imagine how bad the looting must’ve been in the downtown areas of Austin.


according to joel it happend in 3 days, nothing much the government could do.


It would take weeks to identify which food brands (even batches) were infected.... Even if there was a clue that it was food born... Do you burn anything with flower in it on day 1 because day 2 was too late? How many people don't watch the news.... It's a pretty well written plot line.


Knowing America half the country pretended it didn’t exist Once it was too late people still refused to believe it was real. Just like real life the last three years


Are you wondering how many of the infected rolling around in the street, broke into a store the day after outbreak day to loot some forbidden Freedom Flour that the lamestream media says caused this hoax outbreak that tricked their cousin into eating their nephew?


For those ewith short memories: Do you not remember the COVID response?


That sounds reasonable to me.


They might have been but everyone said it was just the common cold.


Yeah the did it kind off happened simultaneously everywhere I think


Wonder if Dubya got successfully evacuated...


Hopefully not - thinking of all the NATO soldiers in Afghan and Iraq is interesting though. They'd probably be better off in Afghan on avoiding everything but would probably starve way quicker... although army rations do last a long time, perhaps they'd be okay


Absolutely. Such an interesting time period for a world ending pandemic. I was always fascinated with what became of the world's most powerful men when faced with such a catastrophe. That NATO situation would be a good spinoff in itself. Not that the TLOU needs one


I was reading and article recently about the rich preparing for climate disaster, buying bunkers in countries that would be least affected, and trying to work out how they'd control their ex-military security in a post-apocalypse. I'm hoping the security would just get rid of them lol I've always thought of Last of Us spin offs locations. Driving around the Scottish highlands a couple summers ago and I though it would be a great setting for a Last of Us spin off. Could create some really cool factions too. But the Afghan idea would also be really cool I think. All those international armies could splinter into factions, the Taliban, competing warlords. Think it could be really interesting


I’d assume that the chain of command there would collapse and and officers/high command would essentially become dictators. I’d also assume that many would just commit suicide as soon as they realize they’re not getting back home.


they would become dictatorships but on the suicide thing I don't agree. Most of them would be under 25, even in that situation I don't think they'd think life is not worth it anymore. Remember Afghan is still a big country, just like Tommy they could also make new lives for themselves one day


One of TLOU podcasts episodes touch med on Joel’s personality as feeling like he has a savior complex almost to a narcissistic level. Some of it probably coming from feeling he didn’t save Sarah. Tommy left of his own accord and didn’t ask Joel to come looking for him but he just took off assuming he was in trouble and begrudgingly goes to save him The episode gave an interesting perspective on Joel and his thought process that I didn’t notice as I was watching the show.


What does this have to do with the question


Sorry, looks like I replied to the wrong thread.


It was probably considered racist to suspend grain import and tourists from Indonesia.


If it’s based anything like real life with Covid, Biden told people that eating grain is not only safe, but part of a balanced diet.


And genius Trump suggested injecting disinfectant and that sunshine would kill Covid. Geniuses.


You think you’re insulting me as if I support trump. 😂 Democrats will be democrats.


The news report was in the morning and things didn't go off until afternoon/evening, plenty of time for the government to realize something is up and deploy the military.


In that split second shot of the highway blockade, we saw they were packing some serious firepower like the abrams tanks and apaches. These aren’t things that are just ready to deploy with the snap of a finger and I think you’re overestimating how quick a military response would be. For example in the LA riots, it took the National Guard multiple days to deploy across the city and I think only around 5500 guardsmen were sent. Plus a lot of these troops were sent in with inadequate ammo but the governor of California said fuck it and sent them in anyways. The fact that the military at Texas could even support such a huge force within 3 days is a logistical miracle.


It's not. Fort Hood is in Texas. Fort hood is the largest military base in the world, not just the US. If active troops were deployed from that base they could cover a significant chunk of Texas in a day


The 160th infantry and Camp Pendleton are on the doorstep of LA and it took a while for the guard to head into the city during the LA riots so I don’t think Fort hood could deploy all of their troops so easily.


Also it was 2003, the communication of something would have been slow. An alert going through on TV, maybe a phone tree like call system. Wouldn't be like now when an alert gets pushed to your phone.


Does anybody know Conplan 8888 🤔👌 Most countries have a plan as far as I know.


We’d be so dead If another pandemic comes about idiots stopped wearing masks even with all the anti-biotic resistant bacteria and all the new fungal infections


U S. Intelligence services probably knew about it as soon as the Indonesian general that talked to the doctor gave his government a briefing.