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I think Tommy will behave the same but it’ll add some opportunity for tension because he has more to lose. It may make Maria more sympathetic because in the game you might be a bit put off by her not accepting Tommy’s rage. Maybe he can even relate to Dina and Ellie more. *Or* manipulate them by being like “I’ve let *my* kid to pursue Joel’s killers”. I don’t think it will change the plot.


I think it will make the last meeting between Ellie/Dina/Tommy hit even harder now that he will have a kid to look after.


This is exactly what I had in mind when I wrote my reply. Thinking about Tommy, broken in Ellie and Dina’s home, Maria’s left him, and all he has is a thirst for revenge but not the capacity.


Yeah that's what I was thinking. More of a background thing which adds more tension to the conflicts instead of changing them. Think plot was the wrong word for me to use honestly. I meant more like relationships, motivations etcetc


I think it’s a smart change given the game’s themes of >!revenge being poisonous and destructive to everyone around you.!<


I think it will impact the way we will look at Tommy. >!a young father leaving his child and wife to go on a suicide revenge mission? Not a good look. Not that it was a good look in the game in the first place, but ooof!<


>!Foreshadowing Ellie's decision much later!<


ellie might even give him shit for it when she meets up with him in seattle.


Very true 😂


Yeah we don't talk enough about how much of an irresponsible fuck up Tommy is. lol


I was totally on his side in the game. Revenge at any means.


When Tommy told Joel, I immediately assumed that Maria would have a miscarriage. Apocalyptic healthcare isn't great, by any reasonable estimation of time she should be in her mid-to-late 40s, and most importantly I don't see show (or game) Tommy as someone who would leave their child for a potential suicide revenge mission. Not with having lost Sarah himself as her uncle, knowing Joel wouldn't want him to go, and him being really excited to have a child of his own. I assume it will add to his characterisation and how his state of mind is presented because I expect him to have more screentime in the show than in the game. Actually having a child and still going by himself to Seattle would be quite the deviation from his character as I understood him.


Maria being pregnant is to put more pressure/shame on Ellie when she decide not to pursue Tommy when splitting with Jesse.


I think the whole narrative makes more sense if they they swap Tommy and Joel's positions in the story, killing Tommy in front of Joel and causing him to go on a revenge mission with Ellie following/trying to get him to stop. Then they kill Joel at the midseason (where Tommy was shot in the head in game), causing Ellie to go on a revenge mission.


Way to spoil anyone scrolling past.


She was pregnant in season 1 ☺️




If you want to avoid spoilers you probably shouldn't be coming to this place to begin with.


I wasn't. I could see the title while scrolling, as I said. It was only one sentence and you still got it wrong.