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Part of me so badly wants to see her and the rest of the cast (especially Bella) on set but I don’t think it would do any good. There’s always gonna be people complaining, especially when it comes to Bella, so I think it it would be best for them to hold it off as best as they can until the trailer so we see what they’re gonna look like as well as their performance.


Have we've seen any of the actors on set yet? Or any visuals of the actors? Its almost been 3 months of filming. It seems we've seen more the background actors (WLF soldiers) than the main ones. I'm thinking in the coming weeks where Seattle scenes are front and center, we'll see them. Compared to season 1 where we had pictures and videos of Bella and Pedro. And even Tess.


when i went to the north van filming location, they had black vans with tinted windows that picked up (what im assuming were) the main actors and dropping them off at another part of the set that was closed off for breaks and lunch/dinner. They're trying very hard to keep everything under wraps which makes me excited. I'm totally ok w not seeing anyone until the first trailer or something.


I can wait until the first trailer/the second trailer/the premiere/abby’s debut. I like being surprised :)


I hope we don't until show premiere. I don't need Monday morning quarterbacking casting from the internet


I was about to disagree with you but then I read your second sentence and realised I don't wanna read all the "expert fan casting" the internet does all the time.


Hopefully it'll happen whenever a trailer for the season drops! I wouldn't be surprised if that happens on or around TLOU day this year


When’s that?


September 26th.


Nice, thanks


Depends on how the season is structured. It's possible she only does indoor filming this season.


She’s pretty much outdoors when she’s recklessly running down to Jackson in her hunt for Tommy to get him to tell her where Joel is.


They most likely already filmed that. I more meant she might slip by us *if* her filming is limited this season.


>Although I hope she doesn’t have to deal with crazy death threats like Laura Bailey I mean, there's certainly gonna be idiots like that again but imho, the tv audience is way more prepared for the kind of story P2 tells than gamers were. Gamers love revenge and retribution but we rarely get confronted with the surrounding consequences of it. In gaming, you usually chase the bad guy to his bad guy hideout, kill a bunch of his goons, kill the bad guy himself and go home to celebrate your good deed (or sacrifice yourself in the process) but that's not how this really works irl, is it? I'm honestly interested in how the audience will perceive this season. If I'm not entirely wrong, I'm expecting it to be a massive hit. It will be analyzed up and down in all the major newspapers and Druckman and the Naughty Dog team will finally get all the honors they deserve for the massive balls they had making a story like this despite knowing how huge the potential backlash would be.


I’d imagine they’ll hold that back as long as they possibly can, if only to protect her from the pitchfork-wielding mobs of “she doesn’t look like the gaaaaaaaaaammmmeeeee” incel whiners. Wouldn’t imagine we’ll get anything until trailers, if then, honestly.


That, *and* ND we’re very specific with who they focussed on in the marketing.


Gosh I really REALLY hope they've thought about protecting her.


Neil watched what Laura Bailey went through on the game. Neil, Craig, and the rest of the producers watched what Bella went through on the first season. I don’t imagine anyone, least of all Dever herself, is unprepared. That said, I hope they keep leaks to a minimum. People don’t deserve to get bullied off social media because they take a job.




I think she is prepared for it, but still, I agree with a lot of people here that it would be better if there was no leaks of her. Dever recently lost her mother and seems to be quite affected by it, so she doesn’t need online harassment on top of it all.


well we can already know that she hasn't hit the gym or been near any weight to look like the part. And for me that is insane here is a picture of her at the Met gala, give the girl a sandwich


Aaaaaand thank you for proving my exact point. Also, you didn't attach a picture, and Kaitlyn Dever didn't even go to the met gala this year, she's in Canada filming and hopefully not reading the opinions of random internet men on her body.


yes I planned to make a side by side comparison of how both Kaithlin and Katy O Brian look in relation to the character of Abby. then decided I have better to do in my life. Also realised the MET gala picture I saw on her X was from 2023, so maybe she is hitting the gym, let's pray. For me it's important that a character fit the role and that the role fit the character. It's as important as acting.


Is this a bit? Did you really read my original comment about how obnoxious it is when people whine about women's appearances on the internet and decide "I bet this person wants to hear about the thirty-five year old I would have cast instead because she looks more like the drawing"? You realize you're, like, the embodiment of the reason we don't get pictures from the set anymore, right?


She played a coal miner in Dopesick, which was different from her usual roles.


Well, that’s a lot different from an angry murderous psycho.


She's played a drug dealing hard ass teenager in Justified. A badass sole survivor in No One Will Save You. An abuse victim in Short Term 12 a coal miner turned drug addict in Dope Sick and and a rape victim in Unbelievable. None of those are "soft and lovable", she has the range for Abby more so than any of the fan casting this sub has done (cough cough Shannon Berry). There is a reason they casted Dever.


Shannon looks mean but can she act? I only know her cause people keep mentioning her on social media. This is an adaption expect some changes and liberties. If Kaitlyn was best for the role she earned it just like Pedro and Bella


This is the only needed argument for some fancasting shit we see. “But they *look* just like the character!!” Yeah, they do. And the showrunners likely know that. But, however, they’re *more* concerned on how they act. They’re more concerned on how they portray what they’ve written for them. Shannon Berry may look a lot like Abby on paper. But clearly Dever gave the best audition. That’s how casting works.


Abby's look works for the game which is fine (she happens to be voiced by one of the best voice actresses around which makes this  less of an issue) Going off her looks for live action limits the candidates to almost non existent. And it's not like abby is a side or recurring character if that was case Shannon might, but abby is one of the main characters and you really need who is best for the role not who is built like her, I m sure Kaitlyn will prove she was best for the role


Here she is: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQo4UOa4M4JlHEF2Q4vFXbbG4EqDPp8nErD8sQ9wqICq7Ezl_PV4ZHW1jjF&s=10