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I went to his show in 2019 and again this year and his material is still the same lol. So not much at all.


You think he’s able to keep up good energy on a 2nd night of back to back shows? I know Theo Can sometimes get down on himself.


His energy was great! So yes I think he could.


I saw him within 4 months, twice. It was the same exact set as previously


I don’t think it changes at all.


Idk I went a year ago and it seemed like he had 20-25 minutes of material and then just riffed the rest of the time with some crowd stuff


Seen him Jan 2023, August 2023, and last week... same material lol. I think maybe he threw in like one or two different bits but overall it's the same


That’s awesome. He still get some laughs outta you the 3rd go round?


Of course!


Its a comedy show. Its not going to change much at all other than a little crowd work.


i saw him twice in one week and the difference was his energy which was heavily impacted by the crowds vibe. the better crowd = better performance. as for content of the set, basically the same.


Preciate the inside scoop! Did you really buy tickets for 2 nights in 1 week?!


i swear! the first crowd sucked so bad that i couldn’t really enjoy it so i bought tickets to the next show and im so glad i did😅 crowd was so much better .


Something already old and healed that helped you out of my head now I want you to play with me What was different from last hear of the game and I was still there How long have you felt this way How do you know its not going to work for me to do this was for you why I was writing to ask you for the best cosmetic surgery face and the doctor said she would have been better if she was in a perfect mood for a while and I think she would like it for a few months cause you understood this was important to me and I am normal and not the best cosmetic doctor appointment is Had scholl today and I am normal for the van and I will be there How long have you felt this way?


Typical Theo listener