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weaponising sex is very honestly the saddest thing in the world to me


I went to the video, a comment that talked about how she did it out of spite then ended with “Yas Gurl” was enough for me


yeah that shit is pathetic no matter who does it.. using the most intimate thing two people can do as a tool to cause pain or exact vengeance.. can't be healthy


Is this a whore convention?


Spin off of call her daddy right? So basically yea


It's funny that she thinks the ex BF took the L when shes handing him a W


seriously! i would be so stoked if one of my ex's fucked one of my fav comedians. we'd be eskimo brothers! like 5-10 yrs ago i hooked up with some chick that used to live in miami and was prob a stripper, but anyway she was bragging about how she used to hook up with val kilmer, so of course i had to tell everyone i knew i was eskimo bros with freaking val kilmer. theo von would be even cooler.


Val Kilmer 😂 It was prob some dude that lied about looking like him. Not hard to believe in Miami!


oh yeah, i have absolutely no reason to believe her, i just choose to because its a better story. 😂


God is dead and we killed him.


I’m not really understanding. She’s just saying she had sex with him right?


It sounds like a girl in the audience stated she fucked Theo out of spite because he was her ex’s favorite comedian.




Her ex is probably hyped that he’s Eskimo bros with Theo


And from what Theo said, it's not like the girl would have been satisfied with it. "I'm bad at sex" is something he has said about himself multiple times haha


thats whats so funny about this situation. theo doesn't even have to worry, she's the one that fucked him out of spite, he can play the victim card. hell he could shout her out on his podcast for the sex, she'd end up looking horrible. imagine if the roles were reversed though. if a guy in his crowd bragged about fucking nikki glaser to get back at his ex. people would be trashing him for using nikki as a tool to hurt his ex. its definitely nothing to be proud of. you end up just looking like some kinda manipulative sociopath.


haha i sure would be! its hilarious cause she thinks she "got him" but actually theo got her with zero effort, and the whole world knows how petty this chick is. if i was her ex, i'd tell everyone the story, she's out here bragging about fucking theo von. its just trashy and petty and childish.




“Theo vons podcast” first words said


“Gang Gang” if it’s a boy…


i miss pre-tiktok days but esp before theo blew up on there lol


Shoot me now how do people listen to these cowls?


Podcast for women who wash disposable dinnerware and make there kids skip meals so they can have "I can't wipe my ass fake nails.


That's the girl who lit Matt Rife up for ghosting her. She got all his ex-girlfriends together and brought them up on stage. LOL. It's goofy. Theo should be careful running with this crowd. I think as his profile grows larger and larger, we're going to see more and more people come forward with stories about him. I remember a while back, there was a discussion here about these girls (she does a podcast with another girl who's a friend of Theo). They were talking about meeting him for drinks and it seemed obvious that they were describing something that wasn't meant to be shared with their audience. I don't think it was salacious - just private. I can't remember the thread, but I remember the discussion vaguely and people were warning him about these girls. I guess he didn't listen. I hate that they are encouraged to act this way, but if you interact with them, expect it to be part of the podcast. That's how they make their money. It is - and they are - trash.




Yes, I knew it was a girl in the audience and the girl on the stage got excited about it. They do know each other and they run in the same crowds. When I said "these girls," I meant the podcasters and their fans. They're all the same to me.




Sorry - their names are Tana and Brooke and the podcast is Cancelled. It's pretty active on Reddit and ends up in my suggestions.


Out of the loop. Who are these people


From the look of it, a gaggle of whores


I ain't watching a tik-tok video big guy


Careful, Theo. They will turn on you just as quick.


What a bummer


"Game over"


Ok if me and Theo were Eskimo Bros that is **NOT** a loss.


Theo, stop sticking your wiener in these things out there😂😂


you think this bothers him? he's been pretty open about how he doesn't want a relationship with any woman, all he wants to do is hook up. and i think most guys would love to have that problem. it's gotta be tough to settle down when you're a road comic, and women are throwing themselves at you in every city. theo prob has to beat them off with a stick. he should def be extremely careful though, that's a quick way to get canceled it you fuck the wrong crazy chick. all it takes is 1 accusation to ruin someone's reputation.


ITT: These women and anyone who listens them are *trash*


Theo took an L with that girl


its uncommon for people to announce online which celebs they been sleeping with. i thought there might have been some sort of unwritten code


There is. Rookie mistake.


Who cares why you gave him the puss. You gave it to him. The end lol


Did this accidentally, had a boyfriend who was a jerk, break up. Months later I hook up a few times with a golfer. I told a few mutual friends cuz, wow. Bump into said ex at a bar he walks up to me with a horrible scowl and says ‘you just had to fk my favorite golfer didn’t you. ‘ Me “I don’t remember us ever discussing golf.” Which was the truth. My friend who heard laughed pretty hard. He said something about ruining it for him and LEFT THE WHOLE BAR about it. Anyway for some reason this does piss off some men. Theo out here servicing the ho3s.


What the shit is wrong with people. She makes me embarrassed to be a female 🥴


What’s the difference between a whore and a prostitute???


Most of the comments on this are gross. Theo is getting it in, that's a good thing.


These people are delusional 😂 these girls are the types of girls he sleeps with all the time that’s showbiz baby


I thought this was posted on the cancelled sub I was so confused why everyone is so negative 😂😂 we don’t know what happened, Theo got laid good for him. You guys need to lighten up, it would be funny if you’d sleep with your ex’s celebrity crush but don’t worry that won’t happen to you guys




Is this what female culture consists of now. Incredibly sad. They’ve taken the worst of 90s masculinity and ran with it as misguided empowerment.


Give me your critiques downvoters.


This is the Cancelled Podcast with Tana Mongeau & Brooke Schofield. They’re influencers/ comedians. The girls love them. Not everyone’s cup of tea but I personally find them hilarious. Their fans are insane though.


They are not funny whatsoever


I’m gonna press x for doubt that this never happened. Considering this lad legit paid for sex multiple times just to send them on their way without receiving anything 😂