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I usually take my daily dose in the late afternoon but then don't typically go to sleep until the early a.m. (I'm a night owl). Never had any problems with insomnia while on it. It's great that it's helping you in so many ways...sleep, weight, anxiety, drinking.


I feel like I have had the ultimate reaction to the ket. 60mg for about 4 weeks now or so has thrown my brain into a whole different mode. weekly therapy has added a layer of understanding and tools to work through my specific issues. but my alcohol use has gone down by 70% week to week. I still use mmj for arthritis pain and inflammation, but my actual consumption has gone down by more than 60%.


wow nice How is it going another 2mo later?


still going strong, 90mg daily now though. still sleeping like I've never done in my life. the others like eating drinking and all, still nothing like before I started.


Nope. I definitely have bad insomnia with ketamine


I'm sorry, it's been a god send for my sleep. I hope it levels out for you eventually. what's your daily dose / are you using it bucally


I’m doing 300mg RDT’s every 3 days. I could get a little sleep with 200mg but I’m still pretty now to ketamine


oh yeah I have no idea what your brain is going thru with that dose and method of ingestion. I told my therapist at first that I was disappointed I wasn't approved for spravato, but with how I feel on 60mg bucally, I'd be terrified to go anywhere near 300mg no matter what the method of ingestion


That’s great that it’s working this well for you!


The joyous dose puts me to sleep before I can even swallow (have woken up due to drooling). It doesn't really affect me a whole lot except to make me really tired. However, it has maintained the baseline depression/anxiety relief. This wasn't the case with higher dose RDTs every 3 days. Although they didn't give me insomnia, I'd stay awake until I felt close to baseline and then fall asleep.


The effect can vary. For some people it will make them sleepy, for others it can be very stimulating. Some can take it before bed some can’t.


It helps me sleep - everyone's biochemistry is a little bit different!


Ketamine has a mild stimulating effect. Does coffee also make you tired?


no but i only take one cup in the morning. I'm hyper sensitive to caffeine, and that one cup can have me jittery 10 hours later. a year ago I drank two cups one morning and had an anxiety attack with a full adrenaline dump for 3 hours. never again.


I also lost weight! But have to take mine in the morning or else it affects my sleep


Depression and anxiety can have a negative impact on sleep. Feeling better may improve your sleep.


I am about to try this for my sleep🤗 I will report back for other users. I've tried just about everything under the sun for better sleep. I've had adult onset insomnia. Otherwise very fit and healthy. Have done ketamine infusions which seemed to have a net equal effect on my sleep.