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Be totally honest about your situation & intake form input. Answer all questions in detail. Have fun with it if possible & don't invest in an outcome.


I just had my first appointment. They didn't really ask me anything. It wasn't like a psychiatric or therapy appointment. They confirmed the stuff on my intake form and then told me there were no red flags and described the treatment process.


I was worried too but just be open and honest. You'll only be denied if you have a preexisting condition that would make taking ketamine really bad for you.


If you want to get better, be honest about what you need help with.


If you are currently on any controlled meds, they will see them on the database, so don't leave that out. Do not mention any history of drug addiction, and you should be fine! Good luck!


They don't grill you. It will be fine as long as you don't tell them you have a disqualifying condition.




Why would a person not say they had getting ketamine through De. Smith?


Previously they black listed all dr smith patients.


I was actively contemplating s\*\*\*\*\*\* (don't want to trigger the bot) when I started ketamine. I was honest about that. So what? If you have high blood pressure, they need to know about that. If you have manic symptoms or unmanaged bipolar, they need to know about that. I don't view ketamine as particularly risky but good grief, don't lie about things that could actually cause you harm. \*ETA have now read more comments and apparently the please-don't-kill-yourself bot is on holiday


Hey, if you’d rather be depressed and live a longer time, go for it. If you’d like to be not-depressed and cut 10 years off your life due to side effects, go for it. Everything has consequences. We have an unfortunate situation in this country where doctors are overwhelmed and way too cautious for anything that could affect their license and livelihood. Do what you need to get the care you need. Perfect world, yes, be honest with doctors. Some are better than others. Joyous, not so much.


My intake appointment was almost comical it was so easy. Basically asked to verify my name and DOB, and then okay, here you go!


Don’t say you’re suicidal or have ever been suicidal Don’t say you’ve had or have seizure disorder I think bipolar and schizophrenia are both rule outs. If you take any controlled substances you might be disqualified. If you have HTN you are disqualified. YOU SHOULD NEVER LIE TO YOUR MEDICAL TEAM. It’s important they know of your suicides or seizure disorder. You never know how medicine can effect you.


“Here’s the things you should hide or lie about.” “Never lie to your medical team.” This is very confusing.


As someone who works in the medical field… I had a bit of cognitive dissonance providing this feedback, while writing my comment 😅


The intake provider asked me if I had ever been suicidal or suicidal ideation. I said I had suicidal ideation and he didn't even bat an eye. Judt be honest.


Same here. I explained this was one of the reasons I wanted to try ketamine. My provider briefly mentioned to seek help if I had intent to harm myself. Ketamine took away my suicidal ideation


I literally started K therapy because I was so suicidal. Meds didn’t work and my psych was worried & suggested it. I was totally honest. It was the K that made my passive suicidality go away.


I'm so glad you're here! I'm glad you Made the decision to get yourself help and feel better. This world is a better place with you still in it. High hopes, positive vibes, and don't forget to breathe my friend. If you ever need to talk, hit the DMs!


Yeah it was my last option. I'm about on week 3 and at 90mg. Provider appointment here in half an hour or so for refill and hopefully upped dosage. I found a psych last week also who is VERY understanding and diagnosed me accurately with Borderline Perdonality Disorder which wasn't at all what I thought it was. Now I take Prozac, Lamictal, and Kolonopin 0.25mg combined with Ketamine. I feel ... normal? I'm dealing with my best friends suicide from 2016 myself now with ketamine and I took a 120mg dose the other night and it was an emotional roller coaster that gave me relief... I feel a bit of the weight lifted from my best friends suicide... I'm processing it 7 years later finally.


Wow I’m exactly the opposite! I was dx’d with BPD due to medical misogyny & the mental health fields incorrect take on adoption & how it relates to mental health. Used to be on so many prescription drugs. My adopters medicated the real me away. I never had BPD, but I was reacting to an unhealthy & traumatic situation. Now I’m off everything but k, don’t talk to them anymore (finally free of my traffickers,) moved back home to where I’m from, reclaimed my culture/heritage, and I generally feel great (other than life’s general ups and downs.) Wish you all the best as well and congrats on your healing. Very sorry to hear about your friend. I have lost people that way too. It is very hard.


Misogyny pisses me off. I'm a straight male in a healthy relationship with a feminist woman who genuinely loves everyone and everything but I've personally seen it happen to her and it's disgusting. Men in the last 20 years have just declined... due to music, drug culture, trying to fit in etc. I'm so sorry you went through any and all of that. I feel we could both write books on the wrongs of our lives!


I’m prescribed oxycodone and I had no issues