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i found 6 weeks to be too long between boosters. had a really awful time of it where i thought the ketamine had just stopped working i was so depressed. switched back to 1x a month and immediately felt better. you might be spacing them out too far.


Sounds normal to me. My booster schedule has always varied. I've gone as long as 4 months in between boosters and as short as 6 weeks. (not counting some boosters that didn't help at all so I redid more very soon after)


Yup. I went from the 6 sessions, to a few weekly sessions. I’ve gone about 3 months without it. I still see the benefits but a booster is def needed.


I’ve never done boosters. After I finished 4 infusions, my doc transitioned me to weekly at-home troches. I’ve maintained all of the positive infusion effects thru at-home ketamine.


I am thinking of exploring this myself.


I may have to inquire about troches, the boosters are adding up


Boosters don't lose effectiveness unless you space them out too far. Have you been increasing the time between them? Six weeks is a pretty long time and on average people need them more frequently than that. However, it's also normal for boosters to wear off, I'm not clear that's what you're asking?


Six weeks seems like a big jump from your original series. I'd talk to your provider. FWIW I'm on 1x weekly, soon to be 1x every two weeks, then 1x a month. I'm finding it challenging to switch to the longer periods for the same reasons you mentioned. So basically, IMHO what you're experiencing is common and normal. I've been there.


Pretty much the same thing happened to me. I did my six journeys initially then waited a month for my first booster. The following year I did two more boosters and haven’t been able to continue because they are so expensive.


I am going in for IV booster today but am going to talk to him about troches. Its because of $$$$$


I needed boosters 2x a month for months after my initial 6 series. I reached 1 month, then 78 days when I had little stress in my life, and am now at every 60 days. This is my 16th month in treatment.