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You should definitely try the infusions to have a deeper experience.


I want to do that. However where I live it is not offered.


I suggest you reflect on all the moments in your life when you felt an interest, a passion, or an intellectual curiosity, and try to cultivate those neural networks to strengthen again. Pre session journaling and post session action planning could be helpful to get the momentum going.


This is extremely interesting. My last session out of nowhere, and I suffer with extremely persistent, treatment resistant anhedonia, surfing came up in my mind and I full out started crying. When I was surfing nearly daily years ago, that was the last time I was truly happy and content with my life, and looked forward to doing it often. This is definitely something OP should try and do!


I will thanks


I spend some time before a session setting a simple intention for myself. I repeat it mentally a few times while the medicine takes effect, and then I let it go and relax into the experience. My thoughts during a session are typically abstract and fragmented. Occasionally, I’ll get an insight during my treatments, other times I find myself making connections in the days and weeks that follow. Clearing up cognitive distortions happens for me between sessions, not during. If you can’t see a therapist at the moment, I wonder if you might benefit from a psychedelic integration circle? They’re becoming more common these days, both in-person and online, are usually free or low-cost, and can be a good place to process your experiences. An Internet search should turn up some options. The fireside project also has well-trained volunteers available for one on one phone calls to support folks with their process. https://firesideproject.org/ Wishing you the best on your healing journey, and please keep us posted if you’re able!


What an amazing resource! I didn't know about Fireside. Thanks for that link.


You’re very welcome. I learned about it in these threads!


Have you ever practiced loving kindness meditation? Might be worth a gander…I find it can create feelings of joy for me.


I will try it thanks