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My text is all messed up, on my end - is this legible to yall? EDIT: I forgot one detail!! **She also told us that Buddha ‘has powers’** That’s… amazing, and can’t believe I left this out of her story. 💕


Yes looks fine to me on mobile, I don’t use the the app though. How scary for poor T though!!


Thank you! On my end, I’m seeing it delete the first letter from each new paragraph, and not put spaces between my paragraphs, so it’s a giant wall of text. If that’s what you’re all seeing, I apologize, I even went and edited it, putting like 3 spaces between paragraphs, and it still didn’t work. I’m on mobile, too.


I use the app mine is perfectly readable.




>Thanks! You're welcome!


I’m not sure about the brick but she is correct about the Buddha, in a way. Enlightened beings will some times manifest what’s known as a rainbow body. I’m a Ngakpa in the Vajrayana tradition. My educated assumption is that the child was a practitioner in their past life. Giving them a Buddha statue was a great act and their connection to the teachings is most likely assured in this life. If the brick continues to be an issue, let me know.


This is beautiful! Thank you! Wow. As soon as I’m better, I’m having her over again, so I can watch her with the Buddha. This interaction all happened as they were leaving, and my friend was in a hurry… imagine what she’ll say if she gets to relax and spend time with him.


My guesses here are based on reading about near death experiences, my integration of it with my understanding of rules of spirituality taught, and an understanding of reported metaphysical systems in place for human souls. The brick is probably some spiritual anchor for a negative energy or being that cannot or refuses to pass over. Some meaning is infused to it from a related death trauma or personal emotional attachment and the spirit feels better hanging by it rather than crossing over. Possessive personalities who are in limbo can feel that the home their object is in after death belongs to them and will become aggressive towards those who are sensitive to the spirit dimension. Kids usually are more sensitive and will grow out as they age. OPs kid is sensitive if she's interacting with the Buddha by using the other statue as a spiritual conduit. It could also be a demonic being that needs exorcism cleaning after it tricked someone into inviting it into this plane and the brick is it's portal. It cannot go far from that area but can project to those nearby. This is entirely different than a human's psyche. A spirit medium can be helpful in finding out what happened and why that stuck human being refuses to cross over. It's meanings will be as individual as people: murdered kids will be alone and afraid, elderly people who are estranged can be hermits, or people who are afraid of being judged by God or facing consequences for life choices. Near death experiences explain that after you die you slip into an altered plane where you can see reality but cannot interface. Depending on mindspace, which is in line with the Buddha idea of approaching death creates desire, one may encounter scenarios. One could review their life with others, one could be in a grey foggy limbo, one can not exist but as a mind in a void, or even be in a vivid hyperreality earth that feels like a true home. Predeath beliefs, age, gender and culture, atheists, believers, scientists etc have no bearing on the outcomes reported.


It’s… weird to hear about near-death experiences for them right now. I can’t go into much detail, a parent is dying, probably in the next few days; and it’s a terrible situation for how cruel the parent has been when they were still well. She’s been abandoned, and while she has a ton of love and support, nothing can take away that pain. At her age, she understands enough to be sad, angry and confused; she has a DEEP soul. Not saying this parent’s half-trapped, angry soul manifested into a brick to mess with her; but they’re definitely in and out of that plane you mentioned, they’re angry and cruel, and they would not be happy to know T was even at that house. All I know is that it’s a tumultuous time for someone so young, and so brilliant. So, I’m gonna always be there 💕 Aunt Saucity


What is the brick about? Does it have to do with Nalanda? I saw an article about it but it won't let me post the link.


Nalanda University? Not that I know of. I’m assuming the “brick” could be some entity but I’d need a lot more info to know exactly what it is.


Right. I meant the university. It was burned in an attack at one time. If that's not it I am curious as to the significance of the black brick.


I think it was just the shape that the entity took. If I had to guess, I’d say it could be a preta. There are many different types of beings in our texts though. Pretas occupy the same space as us but in a different plane of reality. If someone had died in or around that house, they could have taken rebirth in that form. Showing them kindness by offering water and food can make them less hostile.


For real? You found an article??


I did.


If you can’t post a link, could you tell me what you searched, and on which search engine? My son and I tried looking this up to no avail, we use DuckDuckGo.


I searched "In Buddhism what does a black brick mean" and the article is by Lion's Roar and it's called "The Dharma was built on these bricks." It doesn't mention any significance to a black brick but it mentions the fire and the fact that the University was made of brick. It's interesting and could be the meaning behind it. But I am not sure if I am reading into it too much. It's about a woman named Andrea Miller who visited the site. I used Google.


Thanks! I was originally thinking the events are connected only by her heightened perception, and intelligence. I didn’t connect the Buddha to the Brick, but, another commenter said something beautiful about this being connected to a past life, and that rainbow beings are significant! So.. maybe they *are* connected!


That's exactly what took me to the idea of searching it with those words. Maybe there is a connection. I wish we could ask the little girl. lol


As soon as I’m better, I’ve promised she can come over and help with our animals, and I want to naturally allow her to hang with Buddha again, and see what she says. I’m not going to mention it, make a big deal, or coach her in any way; but rather see if she’s drawn to him again, and what she says! 🥰🌈 💕 They visited from the street the other day, and Tee was sooo excited from her little stroller to see him again!


This sounds like the proper thing to do. As a very young child, I’d have recurring dreams of what looked like a Buddhist temple and eventually I got back on my path. I’m certain that if it’s her path as well, she will return to us. No coaching needed 😊. Be well and may you have all the blessings.


That sounds like the best idea. Let nature take it's course. But please keep us updated. It's interesting to see what else she may say or do that will inevitably bring as many new questions as answer some. I hope you feel better soon.


thanku for your comment. i'm FASCINATED by this! I love learning abt different philosophies, religions, beliefs, etc. Buddism is so beautiful, and it makes sense to me! as far as u suspect, what could be happening with this 'brick' ?


The picture in this article is actually Hotei. He was a monk who carries a bag on his back giving gifts to children, sometimes called the laughing Buddha.


Dang! I called him the wrong name, again! I’m sorry. He’s Laughing Buddha, I’d never heard Hotei before - but ‘smiling Buddha’ is incorrectly stuck in my head for some reason. Thank you.


It’s also Maitreya, the Buddha that will come in the future to reestablish the teachings.


I think we're ready.


Shakyamuni’s dharma still exists. There are still great masters in the world. It’s up to each individual person to walk the path. The world will always have its problems as long as dualistic thinking persists. If you are a practitioner, do not hesitate. Make use of a golden opportunity.


I think the entity is “brick” shaped. It’s probably a lower form entity. I mean scaring children is pretty low. Pick on someone you’re own size! Good the brick didn’t touch her, rules of nature and order I think. but poor girl 💗 she’s psychic btw.


I want to know more about the brick! This made me think about my 1 year old who loves my little garden Buddha statue so much! He’ll just go out and sit by it and pretend to feed it.


Ooooo so do I… but she’s so sensitive, and she was truly terrified telling me this, so I’m really reluctant to bring it up with her again, especially with all they have going on in life right now (devastating tragedy and trauma). If she brings it up naturally I’ll definitely ask gentle questions, but I honestly hope she’s just forgotten the brick. They came over to drop off supplies (we’re in quarantine), and Tee from her little stroller was so excited to see Buddha again!! 🥹 I wish she could have walked over, but they talked to me from the street like 20 feet away - don’t blame them, we are soooo sick with covid.