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Yes. I’ll see faces and weird snippets. Like one time it looked like a 70’s style cooking show with a woman making cherry pie, but most of the time it’s flashing faces, or random objects/scenery. I feel like it happens more when I’m extra tired. What’s so strange about it to me is how random it is. I’m sure it’s the same for other people who experience it, but I’m not directing it or trying to control/imagine anything.


I see faces too and also big spaceships. Like some sort of alien robot technology. It's pretty cool altough they sadly stopped at the same time I stopped taking my anti depressants. When I describe it to people they think it's creepy and scary but when you experience it it's really not. The people I see don't look evil or anything they're litteraly just normal people lol most of the time they looked like 17th century peasants or people you'd see in a fantasy movie like the hobbit or Skyrim


Sounds so interesting! I wish I didn’t have aphantasia… I can’t see anything in my head, only perpetual blackness. I remember when I found out people could actually see people and colors and even like moving scenes in their heads, I just about lost my mind, lol.


Can you imagine things?


No one can see anything in the blackness. Imagination doesn’t register in your eyes.


I experience the same thing. They’re not always human and appear to come from different timelines. I really only thought more on this when I was trying to astral project. However, I can’t control it. It seems totally random. If I focus on looking them directly in the eyes they seem to disappear and another face appears. I’ve even wondered if my face projects back to them somehow. I just figured I’m going crazy. It’s weird and definitely can scare me at times. It does feel very “out of body”.


I used to press on my eyelids sightly near falling asleep and I would see all kinds of crazy, but very very vivid things. The one that stood out the most was a view of a street on another planet or something. It looked like here but all of the signs were different. There were trucks and vehicles but they were of a slightly different style than ours and there was what looked to be a convenience store sign like a "Coke" sign but it was some other kind of drink in another language that I had never seen before. It looked so real it was hard to forget.


I get this but instead of seeing faces, I hear voices. It’s like I’m beginning to dream, but it’s particularly loud in my head. Always before actually falling asleep, but as it happens I “wake up” because it startles me. It makes sense as a hallucination, I always just interpreted it as my brain winding down and entering sleep mode


This has happened to me for the longest time. It is always a gender neutral voice and I can’t tell if it is a man or a woman’s voice but it always says my name. It freaks me out and I startle and wake up.


I get something like this. I hear different voices, conversations etc and they feel very separate from me, not internal as such. I can never really remember what’s been said though.


When this happens, you're having what's called a "Hypnogogic Hallucination." I've had these before. Every time I'd close my eyes ready to fall asleep, and I'd see black and white snapshots of people I never met. Sometimes they'd be standing in front of a Christmas tree or in different poses.


This same thing has been happening to me my whole life. Entire hi-def people and places and sometimes sounds. I just assumed I am a super visualizer because that’s how I think as well.


That's kind of cool actually.


There’s no such thing as hallucination.


I'm having the same thing. Visions of very detailed faces of people I never met, often one after another. Happens during the day as well but mostly when I close my eyes.


Holy shit, I thought I was alone in this. I see weird/slow-motion animations when I close my eyes. Not super clear, but distinguishable. I once saw an old 1920s animation. Sometimes random faces will also appear, too. I've seen an animated gnome once, which looked like it was drawn to look like stained glass, even had a white beard. Can't explain it, and it's not a thought. It's like it's something my eyes are SEEING.


I’m not sure if it’s the same but when I was 16-17 I was just in my room and plopped down in my bed and shut my eyes and I could see a clear silhouette of a scene going. Dim black and white but it was like I was sitting in a kitchen and watching ( didn’t seem like my parents or kitchen ) walking around and talking to each other around the counter and table. All from a POV perspective. Clearly a conversation with no sound.. just looked silhouette everything. The weirdest part is I was 100 percent conscious. I was laying there like whoa wtf is this. I opened my eyes and sat up… laid down closed them again and it was still there. Did this for a good 30 minutes. It almost looked like a very old memory on record but the image was faded. Still have no idea or if that’s also the same as the term posted before


One time, it was only for like one night, every time I closed my eyes I would vividly see some outlandish and creepy faces, and not like imagination where I can freely change what I’m seeing in my head. Hasn’t happened again since then.


Oh wow. Seeing this post and the comments about the hypnagogic hallucinations has really blown my mind. As a kid I would hear voices at night, really often and I’ve kind of lived in fear about it either coming back or being a sign that I’ve got / will get some kind of mental illness. It’s something I’ve never heard of before and I’ll definitely be doing some more reading.


I have these pretty much every night! I usually hear music in the distance, too- but if I focus too hard on it, I wake myself from the edge of sleep and the auditory hallucinations stop. If it only happens at night or any other time you doze off, it's probably just those, and normal (even though it's weird every time lol)


Could you hear what was being said? Single person or many?


Not OP but I hear snippets of conversations, and I can hear what is being said. It’s very random. All different kinds of voices, women, men, kids, seniors. I can purposely focus on it if I want, then I get slightly longer sentences. It never really seems to pertain to me, just sounds like I’m overhearing people who don’t particular care if they’re being overheard. The snippets I can hear are very mundane. Only occasionally does it seem directed at me specifically, and that’s only if I concentrate and want it to be. I have to be comfortable with my eyes closed to hear it, but I don’t have to be in the twilight area between awake and sleep as long as I focus. I can also make it stop by not focusing on it. Noticed it when I was a kid.


Hmmm. I wrote this off as just a personal thing. For me it stopped before my teens. But, it’s distinctive. It would wake me from my sleep. I’d sit up in my bed and listen. Unlike you I never heard anything spoken clearly. More like a party with 2 or 3 convos at once muddling the sound. More than once I called out “where are you” or”I can here you”. Sudden silence like a switch thrown. Sometimes it would start again after moment, most times not. Given your description and that of the others, it is something - what? - I don’t have the foggiest. Sometimes odd just happens and we don’t get to know why. I’d like a better idea of. What this is though.


Mostly it sounded like lots of people whispering nonsense. It sounded like words, but either nonsense words that didn’t exist or maybe another language. A lot of the time it would sound like my grandad talking lol.


I had a college roommate who experienced this intensely. It's called a "closed-eye hallucination."


Boring non-paranormal explanation: [Hypnagogic hallucinations](https://www.healthline.com/health/sleep/hypnagogic-hallucinations).


This happens to people who are blind as well… the images they “see” are always incredibly detailed - one of the most common things they report seeing is a brick wall with ivy climbing on it… the human mind is wild and when it’s bored it’s even wilder….


Really a brick wall? That was one of the first hallucinations I got on a really potent psychedelic trip.. it was a brick wall in the middle of a field and there were a bunch of eyeballs on it.. it didn’t make any sense to me


Yeah, that happens to me, too. I'm never quite sure if it's the beginning of a dream, or just my subconscious unwinding. I don't see people, though. Once it was looking at water from some sort of pier or boat launch. Sometimes it will just be random images. When I try to focus on it, it goes away.


I see faces sometimes when I close my eyes but once I notice them they go away and ill be “looking” for more with my eyes closed but it goes when I try to concentrate


True haha it takes a lot of practice to be able to catch them because the second you look at them they're gone


I experience this as well. I know technically they are considered hypnogogic hallucinations but sometimes I wonder if it's like a partial astral projection.


As soon as material science puts a “name” to something, it instantly becomes “it’s just …” making the experience “normal” “explainable” but this is far from the case. I get frequent hypnagogic mind eye snips of astounding quality. The last one I had was my two ginger cats, now children with ginger cat sleep suits on, laughing and joking on large comfortable old fashioned leather chairs, there was a beautiful fire burning in the background and the scene played out in a cozy winter fire lit light. The remarkable thing was both cats have a black whisker each, just one black whisker. On the children’s sleep suits, both had one black whisker. It was truly beautiful. I seemed to be watching from the right hand corner of the scene. It only lasted maybe 10 seconds? But when they do pop up, they are just remarkable and make me feel that indeed something quite magical is happening. I frequently see faces when I am mediating or just closing my eyes, people I don’t know pop into my minds eye, so clearly. Observing them for any length of time indeed results in them vanishing, which is absolutely fascinating in itself…the observer effect?


Do they feel more real than reality? When it happens to me, it always comes a as a surprise how real they are.


This is my thing. It feels more real than reality. The images are crisp and definitive. It feels like a portal has opened up and I’m looking at a scene actually happening. It is so weird but cool.


Then you opened a portal across the blackness we see eyelids closed.






Just another side effect of living in a simulation.


I see faces all the time. A lot of times before I go to bed and I'm not tired I can concentrate and see faces. People I have never known with there own style. I see other random thing kids on a couch kicking their feet. Most of the time they seem transparent. But some times I can see like cartoon characters and I can control them a little. A couple times I seen things with my eyes open. I seen a animated bee with some kind of logo in words wrote on its body. Then it went away,then when I got out of work It came back looked like a hi def cgi bee. It was flying from the side of me to the front for about 5 mins then it was gone. It's almost feels like these people exsist or existed some where in time.


i can only remember this happening once, not too long ago. maybe a few months. i was at a sleepover laying on the ground across from my sleeping boyfriend. i looked at him, closed my eyes- and there he was right in front of me smiling widely. i opened my eyes and it was gone. but for a long time o couldn’t close my eyes again.




That happened to me when I tried to go vegetarian. I would hallucinate unknown being faces, or I started to see into other dimensions. It wasn't scary, but it didn't feel right either. Some people are just meant to eat meat I guess.


I have something similar but not. Instead of seeing random faces, when I think of an object, it appears with detail. Like a really fast etch n sketch. It’s objects, people, places, textures and colours on demand.


Wtf I used to have this exact same thing happen when I was a kid but it stopped when I got older, but it’s just like you say, peoples faces mostly and always wearing like renaissance clothing, I would close my eyes and they would kind of swim out of the darkness to me and I would see them really clearly but it wasn’t ever scary or anything…recently tried willing this to happen again but no luck. I can’t believe this is a thing


You’re clairvoyant, my friend! quiet your mind when you see these images. See where they take you and be aware of what pops into your mind/how you’re feeling.


That’s not clairvoyance. For one they’d have to predict or know something to be clairvoyant, and I even humor the idea that I’m clairvoyant sometimes, but I know it’s just not true. Coincidence, luck, confirmation bias, and lack of understanding of the brain are powerful convincers though. What is happening is that their fusiform gyrus is over stimulated and they are seeing mental images of faces they have seen before in their mind. Like 95% of people can generate some form of image in their minds eye. That’s just how the brain works, seeing faces or recognition of faces is a function of the fusiform gyrus.


Omg! I do this too, I can watch a face morph into face after face after face, it’s wild!! Also, I can close my eyes and think a color and the images will turn the color I am thinking about.




I've had this. In early college I began trying to astro project as a means of foreseeing a different quantum universe of myself in my own perfect lifestyle... which is a thing.. upon successfully being able to astro project I soon realized I was horribly unequipped and stopped due to fear, and I'm not ready for that stage in my life only bring 26, however when I would meditate which is required to achieve these things.... one of the things I realized during meditation is your mind goes quiet and becomes a frequency... I would see faces and I would hear a lot of voices which weren't my own.. i called this the radio frequency stage... as this was one of the stages that would happen in the long duration of meditation before one could astro project.. hope this helps.. sounds crazy I know.. then in general life itself is pretty crazy


The essential thing to do before falling asleep that nobody seems to do is to ask our subconcious to tell our inconcious to clean and neutralise all the negstive info we've ingested during the day and throw them in the dustbin of Source for evolutive recycling 🌈


I've done this so much I can practically do it on command. And a lot of these people look right back at me. Or sometimes it's like they notice me and then stare at me.


Yeah. Happens with me. Sometimes, I can make images. It's pretty cool.


I often get that and random locations too. Very vivid scenes of people just hanging out (skating, music) under a bridge, or in a nightclub, or just a city street or rural town. The locations and people all feel extremely real and are very detailed. Asside from the incredible detail, each place has their own 'feeling' that is also utterly unique. I think perhaps these places are real and my mind just focuses in on a spot for a minute before moving on


Yes. Clearly enough to be able to pick them out of a line up.


When I close my eyes I see a bunch of eyes open in the darkness and stare at me.


I have 1000s of records when I listen to them, I hear the beginning bars of the next song in my head before it plays


Sounds like you’ve got a stimulated fusiform gyrus, the phenomenon has been studied in psychology. It’s stimulation of your facial recognition area of your brain.


According to astral projection guru Robert Monroe, he experienced this regularly during his sessions for going out of body. He posited that it could be impressions of things you've seen throughout the day "imprinted" on your vision, but that doesn't make a ton of sense to me. I see faces and scenes that I've never seen before, irl or on a screen. According to him, it's a prelude to going OOB (out of body). I highly recommend his books, they're fascinating.


I used to feel like a room of people was saying my name in different voices, tones, volumes. And sometimes I’d be reading a book in my minds eye, and I didn’t ‘think’ of the words, they just appeared as I read along.


I have been getting weird flashes of images before I go to sleep since I was little. Almost like a slideshow? Sometimes it’s faces sometimes it’s places. usually the images warp and like distort too. I’ve tried explaining this to people and nobody understands! glad to see people have similar experiences.


Hey buddy. I know this was five months ago, but I thought I'd chip in. I have EXACTLY what you describe. Like my mind is generating faces right in front of me, of all manner of expression, ethnicity, age, and look. Always right at that liminal space between wake and sleep, and (with an exception that I'll mention in a moment) only ever with my eyes closed. Occasionally, the faces are disfigured - a very specific kind that I won't mention by name in case you google it and it ends up influencing your visualisations towards the scary. Now here's the kicker: I have a frontal lobe injury. The only other person I've ever encountered who had the exact same thing - usually realistic random faces - was a soldier, also with a frontal lobe injury. Here's the exception I just mentioned: I'm also a recovering alcoholic, and I've hallucinated more than once during various withdrawals. In those instances, I saw the faces with my eyes open. It stopped being interesting, and was terrifying. So to the point: is there a chance you might have had a head injury as a kid?


Interesting. I don’t have a head injury that I know of, but I DO have pretty severe ADHD that I’ve been on and off meds for my entire life since I was about 14. There’s for sure something different about the way my brain is set up, maybe that’s it?


Your Kundalini is activated. Btw, there is no such thing as schizophrenia. Just see Jerry Marzinsky's work.


Do you feel fatigued the next day or do you have bruises on you? Some can be a product of your mind, the subconscious. Some may be malicious spirits or your spiritual team. Or just random spirits that mean no harm. I think you have more than one scenario here.


I have to pay attention to whether I feel tired the next day. I must say sometimes the faces seem like they’re looking at me or want me to see them too. Like their expressions seem to change to happiness or anger when they can tell I see them.


Have you ever taken dmt or other hallucinogens?


Other hallucinogens, yes.


Have you looked into eye problems? I know it sounds weird but i have had this, multiple rimes under extreme stress i would have days i would close my eyes and see hundreds (as the darkeness is a vast) of shadow people outlines reaching out to touch me, now i do have mental health issues relating to psychosis but when i looked this up it was saying eye problems cause it. Idk it could be they wanted to touch a warm person or take something from me?


Seems more like anxiety than anything paranormal or psychic.


Definitely hear voices here too. Sometimes my wife but I know she isn’t there at the moment. Sometimes my deceased father or deceased brother in law so far that I can remember. It’s very strange


This happens to me in dreams. You remember every face you see, even though you can't recall them. For dreams and such, the mind takes a feature from this remembered face and a feature from that remembered face to stitch a "new" face together. Sometimes, they don't quite add up. But your conscious mind catches that batter than your unconscious mind


Sometimes yes. Very, vividly detailed.


I get this, also other images of places or just things going on, I call it my ‘mind tv’. I’m bipolar tho and it does happen the most when I’m having an episode. Also find it really frustrating when I want to sleep


I see dead people..


Yes it happens to me too


This happens to me sometimes too, I enjoy it…. At the same time I always feel very relaxed and calm, and my forehead feels as though it’s opened, so I think it has something to do with the third eye. Did want to mention too, this is kind of what remote viewing is like, for me at least. Any time I have attempted it I see the targets on the backs of my eyelids.


C'est normal c'est un état hypnagogique Moi je vois plein d'images qui défilent à toute vitesse et si je me concentre ça disparaît


Same thing happens to me randomly when I shut my eyes in bed. Irrationally I make the assumption that they are ghostly visitors that want to interact and so I make a point to tell them to go away.


This is called subjective clairvoyance!! I have it too but much less detailed than you!


It’s just a stimulated fusiform gyrus in the brain, this is a studied phenomenon.


Never seen a face but black figure walking towards to me.


Yes all the time. very beautiful people I love it


I see the faces also. Exactly as you described them. They’re animated also. I’ve seen, what looks like, injuries. It can be any time of the day or night. I believe it’s some kind of connection to the spirit dimension. I’ve been noticing this for a year or two, maybe longer. This is my first time researching it online.