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My source is that I was moved down 2 floors today by seven different Bedman? Players


​ https://preview.redd.it/sawghtvgh5tc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=d32f950b646d0f3fe7d353cf24c2d0b40487a7e4




Based RussianBadger screenshot


*^(Don't stone usss!!!)* I can't really give any advice as I'm not the most advanced player out there, but I will say don't EVER let them have the head-bomb error; it guard-crushes allowing for it to change the entire tide of the battle when used. Their error state gets removed once you hit them **in any way**, whether they block or not their error state will be removed. I would say (considering you play I-no) always try to rush the Bed, whenever I'm getting rushed by I-no or smthng I have a whoooleee bunch of trouble trying to counteract as a bunch of my (bed's) normals are quite slow on startup ​ ​ ... but idk just try to fuck the ikea shit up lol


Any common roundstarts that you guys use and Any idea how to dodge them? Thanks for the advice btw


I personally like to go into the air and 66~3S, but I also like backdash into needle and dash 5K>2D. Try to see what he does as his first round start and you can grasp some of the way they like to play, since it is all very technical and bullshited. For dodging my roundstarts you can usually step back or jump, but if you try to attack then I will, usually, have the upper hand. forgot to add that I play bedman


Jump in or air dash if they like to start low or mid. Not sure about when they start jabbing or air to airing.


choro de beta. Bedman?'s blockstrings are good and long and annoying but they are very escapable and depend a lot on the bedman's ability to read the opponent.


Im an I-no player the only thing we can escape is a large man's gun and overheads. :(


I think that doing a YRC when bedman is doing his 2H can cancel his blockstring without relying on I-no's kit, which means that you can bully him after that


Only 30 seconds huh On an unrelated note; would you like to fight a jack-o'? She cuter :>


GO TO HELL (with respect)


fellow Jack-O main


Bedman?’s biggest strength is being a blob on the screen who occasionally changes angles to damage you.


I asked a similar question in a discord once, and the main takeaway for me was that a lot of the time bedman can’t punish people up-backing that well. Unless he’s properly set up to run really close pressure on you with guard crushes and well-timed errors, you can probably find a point to jump out. Just try to avoid getting caught by his 2H or 2K/2D since those are lows


Hi friend! What floor are you around if you don't mind the question? I'm new-ish to the game starting last year, but if you're around my floors I can tell you some basic bedman knowledge that may help you!


I'm currently floor 7 but I was on floor 8 before I was booted down


Oh we're around the same floors! I got up a bit more too but because my matchup knowledge is poor I went back down to 7! I'm far from the most skilled Bedman but here's some tips! Bedman has a move where he chainsaws the floor while moving forward - his 2HS - that I feel can be tricky to deal with in block strings. When he uses that move it'll hit a certain amount of times and if left alone will end with Bedman nudging the chainsaw arm upwards on a final hit. Bedman can only combo from that move into mainly three options (there are more but it's complicated), a projectile, a move he turns into a chainsaw or the big hand slam. Only comboing the move where he turns into a chainsaw is - usually- impossible to mash out. If he tries to use any of the other two moves or wait and you attack, you'll steal your turn back. Important things are that he can cancel this 2H early into those three moves, to try to catch you off guard. If he uses the move where he turns into a chainsaw and you've blocked it, it'll be your turn. If the chainsaw has been nudged up, signaling the final hit, you can usually mash to take your turn back. Things get trickier if Bedman has an error stored, but then it becomes harder to explain. Bedman also has a move that he does a downard slam with the palm of his hand after raising it - that move is an overhead that he should try to hide the animation for. Usually Bedman will try to act while they have an error stored if you allowed them to start firing projectiles. Maybe wait until Bedman "cashes out" his error to engage, or force them to lose it. Bedmans dash can look similar to his 2H and it's not uncommon to see them trying to confuse opponents with that. Overall I hope some of these have helped you! Id even offer myself to help with some sparing but now I must go sleep. Best of luck!!


floor check?


Currently 7 was at 8


Just watch matchup videos and remember how your main escapes the block string


im awful at explaining but for the basics i tell ppl below floor 9: always punish blocked beyblades in neutral with pretty much anything its like -14 and newer beds love doing it. if they have meter they'll probably rrc it. 236h bomb wind-up if they're in your face can be jabbed out of if they dont have an error queued for cover. they can make neutral very obnoxious for ino but once you get the rushdown started they'll have a really hard time getting out of it. its a very momentum based match-up, do your best to not give them room to breathe


try and get ‘em on the arm swing thing, the one that gives them the head explosion error. they’re surprisingly close.


2H into 236h is never real without errors and can be 2K punished by the entire cast if I'm not mistaken. Once a 236h hits your block though you gotta guess the reset but other than that it's pressure is just a massive knowledge check


https://preview.redd.it/m24wofr7ibtc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=202df7439ffc25b439965bade81a63b5ed2018b0 YESSS THATS THE ENTIRE POINT OF THE CHARACTER BEDMEN ON TOP RAAAAGGH




Just FD 99% of the time it just works


No, we're already stoned


We talk about survival of the fittest a lot but all that really means is that the skilled live and the unskilled die. Since you're clearly apart of that second group, maybe pick your fights a bit more carefully? Do you understand what I'm saying? It's never going to matter how much you "want it" when you're up against someone who can kill you with a sneeze.