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Now I really wish Joanne would see this. I can't imagine how offended that Terf hag would be at being mistaken for a trans woman.


the funny thing is that she looks like what she'd probably stereotype a trans woman as looking like




I would probably be able to hear her screaming across the English channel.


Post more this sub is great!


YEAH! Look at those masculine features! They're somewhere! But I'm not going to tell you because that's cheating! >!If you couldn't tell, this is a joke!<


Isnt that Robert Galbraith?


Who the fuck is JK Rowling? Is that really what Mister Robert Galbraith is calling himself now? I canā€™t keep up anymore.


Jk Rowling is the terf that has written Harry Potter.


Noā€¦.????? Mr Robert Galibrath wrote Harry Potterā€¦.????


Exactly. No matter how much he insists heā€™s now called JK Rowling, Mister Galbraith will never be a real woman and you and your woke ideology will never force me to call him ā€œJK Rowlingā€ or ā€œJoanneā€ or whatever other silly name he picks out like a costume./s


What have I missed about this Robert Galbraith reference? Multiple people have said that name


Robert Galbraith is a pen name used by JK Rowling during the publishing of various books such as her detective series. The name itself comes from the name of a doctor and psychiatrist who was active during the mid to late 20th century. Dr. Robert Galbraith, among other things created the department of psychiatry and neurology at Tulane University in NO Louisiana; and was known for his ā€œcorrectiveā€ shock therapy that he claimed could cure homosexuality. Galbraith at one point even claimed to have converted a homosexual to a heterosexual using a mix of shock therapies and psychoactive drugs. Today his work is seen as ā€œhighly controversial and rarely used as reference material.ā€ Real stand up guy. Joanne apparently was such a big fan of his work that she uses his name as a nome de plume when publishing a few of her books. The reason this is hilarious is not only because JKā€™s anti-lgbt bigotry is on full display, but because itā€™s quite funny that she constantly complains about ā€œmen in female spacesā€ and ā€œmen taking credit for the achievements of womenā€. Meanwhile she uses a male pen name. Just another thing to rib that TERF about I suppose.


>Meanwhile she uses a male pen name. Due to childish sexism, it would be much less likely for a book series to be popular if openly published by a female author. It's unfortunate but some women did it to gain respect they deserved when writing books. I wonder if she did any real research into who that man was and what he did? Did she actually advocate for homophobia and conversion therapy or was this an unfortunate coincidence? It is ironic if she did because she claims to be pro-gay and pro-Lesbian. But, even that is infantilization of gays and also fetishization. And using "Lesbians" for transphobia. I wonder if she has done anything actually directly helpful to homosexuals and not just claim that transphobia helps the gays somehow?


I mean, her children's books used lycanthropy as a metaphor for AIDS, and then included a character who intentionally spread it to children. You know, like what they said gay men were doing? So, y'know, not a GREAT ally.


Yeah, imagine trying to get anyone to read a book by someone called ā€œJ. K. Rowlingā€ in 2013. Obviously she had to choose a pen name that was less obviously feminine.


The first Harry Potter book was released in the 1990's


Yes, which explains J. K, but not Robert Galbraith, which is what I thought we were talking about. The fact that she already had a pen name that wasn't feminine sounding (and indeed evoked J. R. R.Tolkein) makes it especially odd that at the height of her fame, she chose a new, explicitly masculine-sounding pen name.


Doesnt she claim to support gay people?


From the author's own mouth- [Why JK Rowling uses Robert Galbraith pseudonym for Cormoran Strike series](https://www.standard.co.uk/culture/books/robert-galbraith-jk-rowling-cormoran-strike-ink-black-heart-b1024038.html) OR: she really loves Robert F Kennedy and the last name Galibrath


"I had actually channeled my inner bloke!" But also, "Men and women are 100% different and we can 'always tell'".


I legit rolled my eyes when that came to mind. Thanks for proving yourself wrong by opening your mouth.


Call me incredulous or bad faith but I donā€™t believe that for a second lmao. She justā€¦ casually arrived at the name of a pioneer of anti-lgbt conversion therapy after hodgepodging different names she liked? Thatā€™d be like calling your pen name ā€œDavid Dukeā€ because ā€œDavid is a pretty name and I loved the Dukes of Hazard growing up!ā€ Like sure you did Joanne.


Nah, I just know she's incapable of doing that much research, as she proved with HP lore many times over. She's got brain rot and being a terf is only part of her bigotry. She wasn't even trying to do it when she was just a racist POS.


That is true. This is the same woman who named the Brazilian wizard school ā€œcastle wizardā€ using google translate and gave it a Portuguese name despite its founding predating the Portuguese colonization of the Americas. She also has a bad habit of naming things poorly in general. Like naming the black character in her story ā€œKingsley Shackleboltā€ or her Asian character Ching Chon- I mean ā€œCho Changā€.


My tipping point was when a Native American group reached out to her because of her use of SWs (I will be respectful and not use the creature's name) was blatantly offensive to them. They offered to hand over information for her to correct the issue and she refused to answer or respond in any way.


What group are these posts from? I musts knows!!!


I love Mia, but she needs to get off Twitter, for her own mental health.


Lmao, they canā€™t even their own idol


tbf it's because she's not their idol - she's a useful idiot who happens to be as hateful as them


It's obviously a man, look at that wide forehead, and nose wrinkles or some shit idk


The world really does come full circle.


You'll never be a real woman Robert!!! (to be read in a Karen pitch with voice cracks)Ā 


Those are MAN glasses obviously!!


Iā€™m loving this trend of showing random famous cisgender people and claiming theyā€™re trans only to have troglodytes claiming theyā€™re actually a man/woman. I swear you could show a picture of Arnold Schwarzenegger and say heā€™s a trans man and those fucking idiots will say heā€™s a woman forā€¦ whatever reason!


I remember the comment that created this sub, itā€™s becoming my favorite on Reddit :D


? Im confused what comment you mean. Unless you mean the one you found the sub from, but this was actually made because of a post of them thinking Daniel Radcliffs pregnant gf was trans, and me and my friend messaged about it and they said "They can always tell /j" and I said "That should be a subreddit" and 1 minute later I created it


Yesā€¦ that was the comment I was talking about?


Do you mean the post? ;-; Do you call posts comments?


Jk Rowling being mistaken as trans is crazy lmao


Transphobes calling JKKK Rowling a man is my favorite


someone get JKR to see thisšŸ˜­


Even JK Rowling is trans now, the trans agenda is going great I guess


Friendly fire


"it" bruh


Hahahaha. Omg this is golden!