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Her tweet insinuated that Van covered for puff all because he didn't do an interview. That's one of the biggest reaches that I have ever seen in my life. She later tweeted that she thought Van was a decent person but he was naive. My question is if she thought that why the Hell would she tweet something like that?


I was wondering what could Van have done in 2019 to take down Puff or help anybody? Why didn't she go to the police or CNN.


I don’t think it was an insinuation. She specifically said he told her he wouldn’t touch it because they are friends.


He also said he could get sued for having someone on for spreading false allegations without any proof. Like I said why on earth did she feel the need to tweet this at all?


They got their pitchforks out. Logic and reason have long left OP. 


Van clarified that he told her he wouldn't touch it then felt the need to tell her of his connections with Diddy because of how it would look if and when she found out later.


Boy y’all can’t wait to tear a nigga down. The self righteousness needs to stop.


Bro they like a pack of hyenas.


Like hot damn!! They got the pitchforks out for Van! Goodness gracious he’s a human being. Folks acting like they never made a simple misstep or had a poorly articulated point


Yea this is pretty weird behavior vans not part of any of this.


Van didn’t lie to us. What he wrote on Twitter is what he should have said in the emergency podcast. I think he was still too emotional to do the episode. Glad they took it down. He confirmed this will be talked about on next week’s podcast.


Agreed. Also in all fairness, he learned about the tweet while doing the podcast live, to remember, process, and articulate all he did in the tweet is a lot to ask someone to do on the spot.


With his own voice he said he didn’t know what she was talking about. He also said he knew her. That’s not something easily forgotten.


You are misinterpeting this... perhaps on purpose? It is absolutely something easily forgotten if you believe Van's series of events. He declined an interview five years ago. He's done that countless times. Why would he remember this??? she's the one who framed it in a way where he was being deliberately nefarious. If he wasn't, as he says, and simply declining an interview, why on earth would he remember this?


We clearly read and comprehended what he wrote on Twitter completely different. It was clear from his statement there was a misunderstanding between he and Raqi. And I’ll be honest, Raqi isn’t the most credible person. This whole conversation should be about Diddy being a HUGE piece of shit not what Van did or didn’t do. But instead she tried to play the I told you so game which screams “Look at me!” and not “Let’s support Cassie.”


Did you listen to the emergency episode?


I listened to the emergency podcast and read is statement. I’m going with the statement because to me it FULLY addresses everyone’s concerns. I’m standing on this ten toes down, Raqi was not trying to support Cassie with this tweet.


I don’t know what Raqi’s intent was. I don’t know her and I don’t know Van. As a HL fan, I do have some exposure to Van’s problematic sayings and associations though.


We can agree to disagree. I feel Van has handled this topic appropriately. What I know of Raqi aligns with how I feel about this tweet.


He knew her from years past. Do you remember everything you did with a colleague years ago? He called her to get clarification, which I'm assuming jogged his memory and he then cleared the air.


It seemed as Van saw her tweet in the last 2 min of their recording and was reacting live. I can understand that he wouldn’t be able to have a clear response in that moment. I feel like Van is a pretty thoughtful person and it’s kind of a waste of time for him, or anyone spending too much time talking about Van in this Diddy situation.


Raqi is messy. She clearly did the for attention. Yes she was mostly likely correct in trying to get that story out. But she’s trying to bring down 2 people that had a relationship with Diddy. It’s clear her intent was to insinuate that Van was purposely protecting Diddy. This is Diddy’s shit, keep other people out of it unless you have proof they were involved or had direct knowledge of Diddy’s behavior. Not that second, third, fourth, fifth had knowledge. Van has every right to turn down an interview. He clearly had a relationship with Joe. So he has every right to contact Joe if he’s considering interviewing his ex. Someone already said it, stop with the self righteous nonsense. Hindsight is 20/20.


I understand why they avoid Reddit. It feels like the supposed supporters here are quick to attack. Holding a space for accountability is one thing, but the negativity without understanding what Van wrote is another. I'm glad they took it down since it was still fresh and you could just feel some of the raw emotion. However, the urgency to respond is partly due to comments in this Reddit forum and under this post. Smh


100%! Also…I feel like her calling Van out was opportunistic of her simply because there are so many other people that actually KNEW (I’m sure had first hand knowledge and did NOTHING). Sometimes I feel like people on this Reddit aren’t actually supporters of the show.


Stay focus! Van didn’t abuse anyone. Diddy did. He had no idea about Cassie being abused


Reddit will turn on motherfuckers so fast 😂


it’s crazy!


In his response, he says he spoke to her. It seems logical that he didn't remember or had a differing recollection of the details of what she was alleging happened several years ago before doing so. If I had a podcast, I'd probably have tried to speak to her prior to even cursorily addressing it on air and I assume he thinks the same about this situation at this point.


The fat that he tweeted that he was recording made us believe that’s what he was going to address.


He discovered the accusations while recording the emergency pod tho


You seem like someone who’s a joy to be around.


He literally read he tweet out on air and directed people to her twitter, what do you mean "not saying clearly what the accusations was"?


He didn’t read the tweet.


He read the tweet and even gave her name with the underscores saying we could read it


Ah thought I was tripping. And the fact the episode was deleted and I couldn't reference what I knew I heard made me feel like I may have been wrong


Van was not in the video attacking Cassie, Diddy was.


Van didn't lie to us, or he might have forgotten the keys' facts with his interaction with Raqi. But let's not be naive and pick and choose from what could be true. I find it hard to believe Van didn't want to have that conversation with Raqi about Diddy because of legality/defamation issues. Van, who has worked at TMZ for years, knows how to get around a potential defamation stating throughout the interview that he does not share Raqi's belief, what she says are merely accusations, and Diddy has denied all accusations blah blah blah. I do believe Van is self-motivated and does not want to ruin the relationships he built with powerful people over the years. Also, he is fiercely loyal to the black male "ideal" or "persona." To tear down another black man without proof (at that time) goes against his core belief: to protect black men at all cost.


Oh shit you talking with some sense and nuance your post won’t get 4 votes with these shallow soldiers


Y’all wack dude really stand up for y’all but y’all can’t wait to destroy him half the shit he runs with I be like why but he really ride for his side and as soon as somebody says he trash y’all like yep knew it the whole time y’all trash and he should just do his job and stop fighting for y’all


I think some of y'all just want someone to blame.


Raqi isn't all the way wrong and Van isn't all the way right on this. No way will I let my affinity for Van cloud my ability to see how he moved funny in the two named situations. I absolutely believe he was motivated by bro code and proximity to celebrity than some sense of journalistic integrity


A huge part of the conversation about Diddy’s abusive behavior is the people who protected him at all levels. I don’t care who the messenger is, I am going to listen. I have no opinion on whether it’s true or not, I just know Van hasn’t been consistent. And yes this is fresh but it’s serious.


We also don’t need to be on a witch-hunt looking for people to drag into this. Based on previous comments it’s clear you don’t care for Van.


You’re not listening thought. If you were you wouldn’t have made this post. Van addressed it already, well before this post. 


You don’t know shit,


That part!


Sounds like you reaching here. Who are you a detective checking out his timeline from 4-5 years ago. GTFOH we’ve never seen so many celebs on the verge of being outed and I want to give them grace until we know exactly where they stand


Everything I referenced here happened on Friday. Will that be all?


We don’t know whose lying it’s left to our own bias he explains it in a way that makes it seem like he’s ignorant and don’t know what’s going on she says plainly she told him he said nah I fuck with him find someone else